I'm back! An idea just shot out at me from out of the blue and I thought it might make a good series. Here's a little pilot for it, and let me know if I should do this one or do "The Unknown" instead. It's Edward's POV right now, but it might alternate between him and Bella in later chapters.

Here's a brief summary: Edward wishes he could be human for Bella, so he wouldn't have to risk hurting her anymore. He wishes he could be human so he could live a long and happy life with her. But what happens when that wish comes true? Will he stay a human for Bella, or will he return to immortality?

This takes place between Twilight and New Moon. Remember, if Edward is human, then there's no need for him to leave. =)

This is called "Change".

Bella and I lay strewn across her bed, staring into each others eyes. It was 12:30 at night, and I had just entered her room through the window after hearing Charlies awaited snores. We hadn't really spoken yet, but there was no need. Sometimes, it felt good to just sit in silence with Bella, staring into her chocolate brown eyes and knowing how much she loved me. And how much I loved her.

She leaned closer to me and kissed my collarbone softly. I pressed my face into her hair and sighed. It was so easy to be with her now.

She moved her lips to my neck and I kissed her head lightly, wrapping my arms tightly around her.

"I love you." I whispered into her hair.

Her cheeks warmed and the blood rushed to her face. My throat burned at the scent and I cursed at myself in my head. I still wasn't getting any better at this.

How I wished I could be a human for this girl. How I wished I could kiss her passionately without having to worry about my teeth getting too close to her face. If I were human, everything would be easier.

She pulled away from my neck and looked up at my sad expression. She placed her fingers on my cheek and smiled.

"I love you too." she whispered.

And then she was leaning up. I braced myself, holding my breath as I always did when she kissed me. I leaned down as well and lightly touched my lips to hers, creating a loving, sweet kiss. I pulled away after a few seconds, not wanting to push my restraint too far.

She looked up at me hungrily, wanting more. I sighed internally. So much I wanted to give her, but couldn't.

"You should sleep." I whispered.

"Tomorrow is Saturday." she replied, leaning back up. "I can sleep late."

I sighed out loud this time and carefully pushed her away with both my hands. She scowled at me in the darkness.

"You know I want to kiss you." I whispered. "But I don't know how much self-control I have, Bella."

"You have plenty." she argued quietly.

I chuckled and kissed her forehead. "I love you more than anything, my Isabella. That's why I can't be physically passionate with you. I wouldn't be able to stand it if I ever hurt you."

She sighed but leaned back onto her pillow in defeat. I combed my fingers through her hair, curling one hand around the left side of her face. I knew what to do to get her to go to sleep.

"Do I have to dazzle you?" I murmured, leaning down slightly.

"I really wish you wouldn't." she mumbled.

I smiled and blew my breath lightly into her face. I kissed both her cheeks, her forehead, the tip of her nose, and then one tiny peck on her lips before I breathed lightly into her ear. "Goodnight, my Bella."

She was temporarily dazzled for a few moments. That was enough time for her to realize she was tired. I was right. In a few moments she was sleeping like a baby.

I quietly hummed her lullaby, still combing my fingers through her hair. This beautiful girl lying beside me knew that I loved her, but she didn't realize how much.

I yearned to feel the feelings that a normal man should feel when staring at the woman he loved. I wanted to feel taken aback, breathless, scared...

The only thing I felt was that I had to be careful. That was it. Vampires couldn't feel human emotions.

And that brought me back to my wish. To be a human for my Bella and love her like a normal man should. To kiss her, hold her, and make love to her. I wanted it all, and I couldn't have it.

"Edward.." she mumbled in her sleep.

I smiled and kissed her cheek lightly. It had become a habit of mine to kiss her whenever she said my name in her sleep. Which was often.

"Edward... I love you so much..." she continued.

I kissed her again and pressed my nose to her hair, breathing in the scent of the most amazing smell of freesia mixed with the smell of mouthwatering food. I held her tightly to me.

"I love you Isabella Marie Swan..." I whispered. "I wish I could be by your side until the day you die.. that I could die with you... and meet you again in heaven..."

That gave me a sudden idea.

I carefully pulled my hands away from her and swung my legs over the bed. I quietly walked to the end of her bed and got down on my knees.

I hadn't prayed since my human life. As a vampire, believing that I had no soul meant that I wasn't a firm believer that God would give our kind an afterlife. It felt weird, pressing my hands together and closing my eyes. The last time I'd prayed was in the hospital the day my mother died...

"She's passed." I heard a doctor whisper beside me to a nurse. "Elizabeth Masen died this morning."

I shut my eyes tight, feeling the tears brimming to the surface. My mother. My beautiful, loving mother was dead. I'd known she would die. My father had died weeks ago and I knew that we would follow after.

It was just a shock. To feel the love and compassion given to me by my mother leaving my body. To feel the heartbreak in my chest as the doctor discussed what had happened with the nurse. She was already in the morgue.

The tears spilled and I let out a quiet sob. A nurse ran over to me and put her hand in mine.

"I'm so sorry, Edward." she whispered. "There was nothing we could do."

That was the first time I'd really ever... cried. Being in the war... it had toughened me up... made me a man. Crying felt good in a weird way, finally letting my emotions out.

The nurse held my hand for a very long time as I sobbed. I felt so weak... so tired. I knew that my time would soon be up. I would soon be in heaven. Would my parents be there? Would God bring me to them?

The nurse left me alone a couple hours later, having to help another patient. There was only one person I could turn to now.

I pressed my hands together and closed my eyes.

"Dear God, please let me find my parents again in heaven." I prayed, my voice barely audible. "Please let them know that I'm coming. Tell them I love them. I don't want to die, God. But I know I will. I will see you in heaven soon. Thank you, dear Lord."

And then my bed was being wheeled away by a doctor with blond hair and pale skin... maybe he would be able to save me...

I shook away the memory and focused on my new prayer. My new plea to God. Sometime entirely different compared to what I had prayed for over a century ago.

"Dear God" I whispered, trying not to wake Bella up. "If you can hear this prayer, please listen. I am in love with a girl named Isabella Swan. She is my whole world, what keeps me here. I ask you... no... I beg you, to give me mortality. For I am a vampire, who has fallen hard for a beautiful human girl. I know that I don't deserve it, that I don't have a soul... but please, dear Lord. Please let me be a human for this woman. I love her so much and I want to be able to give her everything I can. I want to be human for her. I know that 'want' is a strong word, but... I don't just want humanity. I need it. I need it if I will ever have a chance at fully grasping the love I have for this girl. Please, God. Please... amen."

I slowly opened my eyes and sighed. It was worth a try at least. Maybe my prayers would be answered... or maybe they wouldn't.

I got up from the floor and laid back on the bed beside my Bella, watching her chest move up and down with her breathing. I twisted strands of her hair between my fingers, braiding and unbraiding it until it was a wavy mess of brown. She'd probably be a bit mad at me in the morning... but it didn't matter. A moment later she would be kissing me like she always did. So stubborn.. but so forgiving. Perfect.

I watched her sleep until dawn. That's when I heard Charlie grunt in the other room and get up from his bed. I placed a sweet kiss on her forehead and left through her window.

"Hey, Edward." Alice greeted me when I arrived home. "Have a nice night?"

I nodded. "Bella mumbled a few things. She mentioned something about wanting 'girl time'. You should probably start planning something."

Alice's face lit up. "Right away!" she exclaimed, darting up the stairs.

I chuckled and ran at vampire speed up to my bedroom. I heard Emmett and Rose talking in their bedroom... Carlisle and Esme were in the backyard doing gardening. It never ceased to amaze me, the things my father did for my mother. He hated gardening.

Once inside my room, I sat down on the leather couch and picked up a book from the floor, turning the pages quickly to find where I had left off. It was a book of poems. The one I was looking at now was a classic, one of the finest love poems every written.

"How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.

I love thee to the depth and breadth and height

My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight

For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.

I love thee to the level of everyday's

Most quiet need, by sun and candlelight.

I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;

I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.

I love thee with passion put to use

In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.

I love thee with a love I seemed to lose

With my lost saints, - I love thee with the breath,

Smiles, tears, of all my life! - and, if God choose,

I shall but thee better after death."

"Elizabeth Barrett Browning"

I almost laughed aloud at the irony. "My soul can reach", "smiles, tears, of all my life" and "I shall but thee better after death"... everything that could never happen for me. If this was love, then I sure wasn't doing it right.

I slammed the book shut and flung it across the room. It hit the wall, leaving a large crack. Oops.

If I was a human, the book would have merely bounced off the wall. If I was a human, that poem would have made sense!

"ARRGHH!" I exclaimed, almost pulling my hair out in frustration.

The whole family was in the room in less than a second. Esme ran over to me, her arms held wide.

"What's the matter, Edward?" she asked, worried.

I flinched away from her hug and shook my head. "Nothing... I'm just.. frazzled."

"Idiot. If he wasn't with the human then he'd be fine." Rosalie's thoughts yelled at me.

I rolled my eyes and turned to the rest.

"Just... leave me alone." I sighed. "I need peace."

"Of course, son." Carlisle said, turning to the others. "Come, let's leave Edward to his thoughts."

Alice gave me on confused look but followed everyone out. I stayed standing, letting my thoughts take over.

Please! Please God just let me be human! For her! For my Bella!

So that was a pilot for this series called "Change". Should I continue it instead of doing "The Unknown"? Please tell me! And please review! I'd love to hear what you think about this story!

I'll be posting more of "Death In Biology" soon. =)