Actors Hooked on Fan Fiction

(Fictional Story not intended to be represent the actual lives of the Actors portrayed)

Chapter 26: Premier

I always hated getting ready for these things… all the fuss and the effort. Then putting on the show, walking down the red carpet, saying the same thing over and over to different reporters, having my sound bites ready… I sighed. The one thing I was really looking forward to was seeing how New Moon turned out in the final cut, especially the story that Kim and I had written.

I was able to convince my agent, who has said something about being 'seen' with other stars, to allow me to bring Kim as my escort. I didn't have anyone else to bring other then my mum, and she would be coming anyway. The press attention surrounding Kim had died down, so she didn't have to be there for the studio, but I thought she would want to see what she had been a part of for herself. I smiled as I remembered the phone call.

"Hey Kim, this is Edward_pays_the_Rent" I said as I called her on the phone.

She laughed, "Hi Rob – do you have any more fan fiction you need help on?"

"Actually, I have a press event I need your help with."

I heard a groan on the other end of the line, "You've got to be kidding – are you serious? Why isn't Chris or one of the studio execs calling then?"

"Well, this isn't for the studio. This is for me. I was wondering if you would come to the premier with me?"

"What, are you serious? Wait a minute – do I have to dress up?"

"Wearing clothes is typical…but do whatever you want." I teased back.

"What will you be wearing?"

"A tux"

I heard another groan. "Okay, Rob… I'll figure it out. When and where?"

We were picking her up in my limo, but had arranged for her to meet me inside the theatre. She didn't really want to be a part of the red carpet scene, and she didn't have to be, so I spared her that much.

After surviving the walk down the red carpet, I met up with her inside.

"So are you ready?"

"I am totally pumped… I get to see this before any of my friends… It will be interesting to see how the story we wrote turns out." She said, her eye's shining with excitement.

"Well, let's find our seats."

It is always a little strange watching yourself on screen, seeing your own performance. I find myself picking out flaws, parts where I could have been more in character, or where I messed up a line. But what I found most interesting was watching the scenes where we had written Edward's story. There was something much more satisfying watching the end result of something I had been a part of from the beginning. I really felt that I had done a better job acting during those scenes as a result of the process Kim and I had gone through.

I looked over at her as we watched Edward slump into depression, week by week, day by day, hour by hour, as she had suggested. It was very moving. I could see her eyes tear up and run down her cheeks.

"Oh… Wow!" she whispered, amazed. "You really brought that to life, Rob"

As the final credits rolled, I knew it was good – even better then Twilight. I knew our fans would be happy with the results, but more then that, I was proud of what we had accomplished.

At the after party, we got to reconnect with the rest of the Cullen cast. However, it seemed that most of us had kept in contact over the months. I chucked to myself realizing that, for the most part, it was through emails and comments left on the fan fiction site.

"Hello Ashley, what have you been up to?" I greeted her.

"Aside from movie premieres and interviews? Well, I've finished up the fan fiction I was working on – Bella and Alice ended up as haute couture fashion designers."

I laughed, "Yes, I read that. Good job, by the way."

"Thanks – so what did you think of the film?" she asked.

"I thought it was brilliant. It was very satisfying to watch." I replied.

"I think so too! You know, I think I connected even better with Alice. I am so glad you guys wrote those extra scenes. It really made the movie come together."

"Ya, Rob," Kellan said as we walked up, "So, did I see Kim around here?"

"Yes, I think she got caught up in a conversation with Chris." I looked around, spotting her across the room. "I'll go rescue her." I laughed.

As I approached, I heard the tail end of their conversation.

"Kim, the studio is really pleased with how the additional storyline turned out. You have a real talent, and you seem to bring out the best in others. Do you mind if I pass your name on?"

"Well" I could see she was embarrassed as she shuffled her feet slightly, "I guess. I think this worked out just because I love the story so much, but it was a lot of fun. I really enjoyed working with Rob – he's the real talent. I just kept him organized."

She was humble, but she didn't need to be, "Kim, you don't give yourself enough credit." I butted in, "You have a real talent – not just writing, but the ability to pull it all together. Chris, did you know she sings as well?" I pushed her further into self-conscious embarrassment, "She picked out some amazing harmonies for some of my songs." We had collaborated on a few more since our music night, and initial response was that they were much better then what I had written on my own.

"Really?" Chris commented, mentally making a note.

"She just seems to have a knack for finding what is missing and filling it in." I commented. "Speaking of which, our little group over there was thinking that you are missing and you need to fill in" I chuckled.

"We'll talk later," Chris said to her as we departed, handing her his business card.

"KIM!" Kellan bounded up, wrapping his arms around her and swinging her around once.

"Whoa! You'll put your back out…" She laughed back, "I'm not like these Hollywood starlets you're used to throwing around."

"Kim, I am so glad you came" Ashley attacked her after Kellan let her down.

"Thanks, it has been a couple weeks, hasn't it?" She responded.

"A couple weeks?" I asked.

"Ashley came up and visited back in October. We had a girl's weekend." Kim smiled.

I shook my head. It seemed like she had filled in some gaps in more then just my music. To think, none of us would have met her if not for the fan fiction site, I marvelled.

"So where's everyone else" Kim asked looking around.

"Right here," Kristen announced, with Nikki and Elizabeth on tow. "I've got to say, Rob, the movie is really good. It just seems so much more connected then Twilight. I think it is because of what you and Kim did…" she glowed with excitement.

"Thank you, Kristen. It was really a lot of fun." I really meant it.

Jackson and Peter walked up then. We were all back together – a group of friends. I thought back to why we had come together… It was that day when we found our common love for fan fiction. Hmmm, interesting.

"So, we'll all be back together in a month or so – getting ready for Eclipse." Peter noted as he basked in the shared warmth of our friendship.

"Ya," Nikki agreed, "I am really looking forward to it. So, Rob, what are you going to do this time?" she teased.

"I think I'll just act. That should be enough… but I've already started doing some 'research'" I chuckled.

Jackson smiled, "Well, did you catch my contribution to the body of imagination?"

"Body of imagination – that is an interesting phrase…" I commented.

"Well, I thought of that one day…It is like Stephenie created this imaginary world, and we just get to add to it, in some small way, when we write." He explained… that was actually very perceptive.

"I suppose that is why we do it… to become a part of it…" I mused.

Then it struck me… the intimacy of our friendship, the greatness of the movie, the connection we all felt to Stephenie's world, and not just us, but all the other fans… the addition of Kim to our lives… it all started with a little fan fiction… Who would have thought?

The End


By Erica K. Bailey.