Exsanguinate Me

Summary: Cedric survived the third task, and he and Harry both escaped the graveyard alive. In an attempt to keep them hidden from Voldemort's new obsession, the two are moved from country to country until 3 years later they end up in Forks, Washington. Twilight xover.

Important A/N: Obviously, this is AU. Also, in case you didn't read the summary properly, it is a Twilight cross over. If you haven't read Twilight or at least seen the movie, most of it will not make much sense. In this story Dumbledore told Harry about The scar connection and the prophecy a year earlier – instead of waiting until Sirius died at the end of fifth year, he told him after the Third task. He also told Harry all about the Order. The prologue takes place right after that conversation – assume Dumbledore has just told him everything he tells Harry at the end of book five. The pairings are currently undecided but probably will NOT be Harry/Cedric. Unless enough people want it to be, of course.

Prologue: Moving

Harry's head was spinning out of control. There was just too much happening at one – the third task, Voldemort's return, the Priori Incantatum, Moody being an impostor…and now this.

"What? What do you mean?" Harry asked, his voice wavering a little as his eyes widened.

Dumbledore sighed, glancing from Harry to the older brown haired boy sitting next to him. "Now that Voldemort-" He paused as Cedric flinched slightly, "-has returned, I believe he will try his hardest to get to you now Harry. And Cedric…" Dumbledore trailed off, considering the boy in front of him carefully. "You did something tonight not many others have managed – you survived. Tom has never tolerated survivors. I a afraid you are just as high on his list as Harry is now."

"But…" Cedric began, shaking his head. "You could protect us here. I don't understand! I want to stay with my family!"

"No." Dumbledore said firmly. "It is too easy for him to reach you here. His next move will be to manipulate Harry through his scar – the only way to make that impossible is to get Harry far enough away that the connection is ineffective. "

"But I could stay here couldn't I?" Cedric cried, desperation starting to creep into his tone. "Harry could be hidden because of the scar but I could stay here? You could protect me here."

"Mr. Diggory…I'm afraid that if Harry were to leave and be unreachable by Voldemort, Tom would go for the easier target while he tried to locate Harry. If you chose to stay here he would know exactly where to find you." Dumbledore said gravely, frowning at the two dismayed students.

"So…we have no choice?" Harry asked softly as he stared at the floor.

Dumbledore sighed. "You do, of course, have a choice. If you choose to remain here in Britain then the Order and myself will do our best to protect you. However, I do hope you choose the other option."

"What about my family?" Cedric asked, his gaze burning into Dumbledore's dimmed blue eyes. "Could I see them?"

"You must understand that Fudge will take your disappearance into his own hands. He will want to know where you are and that cannot be allowed to happen. Tom could easily get the information out of anyone who knows through legilimancy. For this reason, it has to look like the two of you vanished with no help from me or anyone else. Your parents cannot know where you are, or even that you are with Harry. No one can. I will be the only one who knows."

"So…we'll be all alone?" Harry asked, eyes widening in fear.

"No one can go with you that will be missed. It has to look like you vanished on your own."

"So we'll be on our own." Harry muttered dejectedly.

"No Harry," Dumbledore said, his eyes sparkling slightly. "No one can go whose absence will be missed. Sirius Black and Remus Lupin, however, will not be missed. Sirius, obviously, is 'missing' already, and Remus hasn't been in Europe since he taught here last year. They will accompany you."

"Sirius Black!" Cedric cried. "As in, the mass-murderer-Azkaban-escapee Sirius Black?"

"This will take some explaining…" Harry muttered, shaking his head, before launching into the tale.

Since then, the foursome had travelled around the world, moving to a new city or country every few months. It had been difficult in the beginning – especially for Cedric, who had left his entire family and life behind in Britain - but it had been just as hard for Harry whose friends were like his surrogate family. But over time the pain lessened as the two boys began to get used to their new life.

It had been three years since the night that had changed their lives, and Harry was now approaching his seventeenth birthday while Cedric had already turned nineteen. They had been living in a small town in New South Whales, Australia for almost half a year now – a record for them so far – when they finally got the news that they had to move. A mobile phone call from Albus and their lives got uprooted once again.

"Where are we going now?" Harry asked as he slowly packed his bags once again.

"America." Sirius answered with a sigh. "To a town called Forks in Washington."

Cedric snorted from across the room. "Forks? Seriously? Next we'll be living in 'Spoons'."

Harry sighed, throwing another T-shirt into his bad. "I just hope that Forks is the last place we have to live. I just want to go home."

"Me too." Cedric sighed, his good humour gone.

"Here's to Forks." Sirius muttered before leaving the room.