Summary: Bella defied the arrogant Edward. He will not forget her. He will make her his prisoner, and he will make her his, after all, he is the most feared. He is known as The Black Dragon. All Human. Dark.

A/N:I hope you enjoy! It will be most fun writing this story. This chapter is only when Bella is little.

Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight, and the idea of the story is influenced by the book "The Bride and the Beast"

Chapter One

Medieval, England

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The tree branches swayed as a warm breeze carried through the ancient woods. The sunlight shone through the leaves like a shattered mirror on the shaded forest floor.

A young girl with brunette hair was hastily climbing up one of the numerous trees in the woods. The particular tree was gnarled and had perfect limbs most appropriate for climbing.

Her small hands grasped at the branches, and she hauled herself up. Her breaths came in quick huffs as she attempted to climb further up in the tree.

She finally perched herself on a suitable thick branch that supported her weight. Her small legs dangled over the branch and she hugged the trunk of the tree tightly, in fear she might lose her balance.

She glanced down to the ground and saw a few other town children running through the woods calling for her, "Come out, come out, Bella! Don't you want to play?"

The children laughed and snickered as they ran in the woods, searching all around for Bella.

The young girl closed her eyes tightly, praying they wouldn't look up into the tree and she her hiding. Her hands dug into the harsh tree bark, hoping she would keep still. She was constantly teased by the other children in town. Their favorite game to play was finding Bella and seeing how they could make her cry. She didn't know why exactly they teased her, but she knew it was probably because she was an easy target for their folly.

She let out a sigh of relief hearing their voices drift further away in their search. She was about to make her way back down the tree when she heard another sound come through the woods. It was the sound of a horse's hooves pounding the ground.

The young girl stared below and saw a magnificent black stallion gaiting pass. What intrigued the girl was the person on the brilliant creature. It was a young man, who wore a dark black long sleeve tunic with a black leather vambrace over it. He wore black leather plate legs and had dark leather boots that came up to his knee. He wore a thick ebony cloak that draped behind him.

The girl couldn't tear her eyes away from his face. His face appeared as if a sculptor chiseled out the face of an archangel. His jaw was firmly set, and his eyes looked a most brilliant hue of the sea. His bronze hair appeared as it was blown back by the wind. The air around him seemed to have a luring, dark appeal.

She moved a little to catch a better view of this mysterious dark knight. To her misfortune, one of the branches she was holding snapped, giving away her position.

The man on the stallion stopped. He reclined his head up to the trees, scanning where he heard the noise.

The girl's heart stopped for a moment as his eyes glanced up to hers. She felt like a thousand swords of ice pierced her soul.

"Ah, is there an elf or a wood nymph here in these trees?" spoke the young man with a wry grin, looking up to the tree where the young girl hid. He slid off of his horse and landed on the ground, "No need to be frightened; I know you are up there, please come down."

The young girl's heart raced furiously. "I won't climb down, good sir," said the girl, directing her voice down the tree, where the man stood. She was unsure of this mysterious young man, but knew better than to trust some stranger.

She wanted to disappear that moment, and she attempted to climb higher up in the tree. But to her dismay, the branch snapped underneath her, and she was sent sprawling down the tree.

She let out a small scream as the branches bruised her and cut her as she fell. Countless branches broke beneath her fall and she landed right where the man stood, bringing him down with her.

The young girl's eyes shot open, and stared where she lay. Her heart began to beat frantically, seeing the young man's handsome face just a few inches from hers. Her eyes noticed something flickering in the light on the young man's chest. She noticed a little ornate onyx dragon pinned to his cloak. It was an interesting looking beast, but she stared back up to his face, curious if he noticed her at all. His eyes were closed and he did not stir.

"Oh no! I've killed him!" thought the girl, staring wide eyed at the still body.

She quickly sprung up to her feet and was about to run with all her might when suddenly something grabbed her ankle in a death grip

"You're not about to run away, little maiden, when you haven't said your apology," spoke the young man in his deep baritone voice. His hand was firmly clasped on the girl's ankle, preventing her from leaving. His voice sounded displeased and slightly upset for his current disposition.

"I won't apologize, because it's you that made me fall," replied the girl stubbornly and with pride, trying to tug her foot away so she can run away.

"Do you even know who I am, little tree elf?" questioned the young man, with a mocking and annoyed voice. The girl certainly struck a nerve.

The girl shook her head, "I wouldn't care anyway. No person has any power over me except God."

The man laughed in his deep rich voice, "You are fortunate I won't scold you for such a sharp tongue." His voice became very dark and sinister as he continued. "God is it? I beg to differ that God isn't the only one with power over you. Take now for instance, I have you standing right here, unable to run away, because I have power over you. See? Look your ankle is in my grasp; hence, I have power over you not to move."

The girl became angry and increased her fury of tugging her leg to break free. The young man just laughed at her failed attempts. His eyes were staring vehemently at the girl; he seemed to enjoy her plight.

"May I know the name of this elf that had fallen from the sky and struck me down?" inquired the young man, lifting an eyebrow.

The girl was still attempting to break free from the grasp, ignored his question. She than grew impatient and began to yell out for help.

"I'll will only release you, little miss, until I am given a name," said the young man, growing aggravated, yet a devilish smirk tugged at his mouth.

"I will not give my name to such a strange man," replied the young girl in a defiant voice.

The man gave an annoyed sigh and menacing grin, "fine, let you stand there until you tell me your name."

"My name is Isabella," replied the young girl angrily, "Now, may I pleased be released?"

"Aye, that you may," answered the man, letting go his tight grip on Isabella's ankle.

In that moment, Bella broke out in a quick run, not bothering to look back at the man. The young man watched Isabella dash swiftly through the woods. He saw her disappear into the thick dark woods.

"I believe that was the first time anyone dared defied me, and to think, it was just a little girl," The young man spoke to himself and stood back up.

"I will never forget you, Isabella," he whispered to himself and put his fingers to his mouth to whistle his stallion back to him.

The fine horse galloped back to his master and stomped at the ground with its hooves.

The young man mounted his horse in one swift motion and stared back to where the girl ran. "No, I shall not forget you. In a few years perhaps, when you are older, I think we shall meet again."

He clucked his tongue and motioned for the horse to hurtle off down the path. His black cape billowed behind him as he disappeared into the darkness.

A/N: thanks for reading! Reviews always welcomed and appreciated! :D