This is the last author note that I will ever post on any of Stephanie's (Daddy's Little Cannibal) stories. After this note, her account will officially be unactive.
We have found a copy of Cigarette Burns and instead of posting it on Stephanie's account, I have asked Bronzehairedgirl620 to post it on her account. So if you would like to read it, it would be a good idea to head over to Bronzehairedgirl620's account and click on the story titled "Cigarette Burns." You can find her account in Daddy's Little Cannibal's favorite author list.
As of now, this account will no longer be updated or accessed.
Thank you for the support. It has been greatly appreciated, not just by me, but my family as well.
I hope that you enjoy Daddy's Little Cannibal's "lost" story and don't be afraid to review, because I can almost promise that Stephanie is looking down at us and reading them. :)