Disclaimer: The original characters and plot of the Twilight Saga are the property of Stephanie Meyer. No copyright infringement is intended. The storyline of A Family like Ours is mine.




Last time:

Alexis stared out of her window as she allowed herself to have a moment of self-pity.

Yes, this pregnancy was going to be difficult and she was going to have to get used to the idea of raising her children alone, but she was not going to be alone. She had her family, she had friends and she was a strong independent woman.

She could do this, she thought to herself. She just needed a plan.

With a resolve that she didn't know she possessed, Alexis turned from the window and gently rubbed her baby bump.

"We are going to be just fine, little ones," she said as she opened a new document on her laptop and began plan out what she would need for the next two years of her life.


Chapter 28

After spending the next few days going over her plan, Alexis felt more relaxed. She was her father's daughter and being a Cullen meant that like her parents, Alexis didn't hide from a complication, but she did need a sounding board before she broke the news to her parents that Mario was not going to be in the picture in the foreseeable future and so she called the one person who had been with her from birth.

As soon as Jackson heard his sister's voice he knew that something was wrong.

"What's going on Sissy?" he asked.

"Can you come Jack? I really need you."

"I need to change some things around, but I will fly out as soon as I can."

Alexis felt a little guilty that she didn't try and talk him out of it, even though she knew that he had papers due. He was her best friend, closer than a brother, more than a best friend – Jackson had always been her other half. He was the calm to her storm, he was always the voice of reason in her chaos.

Josh knocked on her door, "So, is Jack on his way?"

"How did you know?"

He pulled a face, "Please – this is you and Jack! Of course he is on his way! Now come on, I've ordered pizza and there is a new movie on Netflix that I want to see."

Jackson was able to shift some things around and after meeting with a couple of his professors, he was able to hand in the papers that were due early so that he could take off for the following week.

Josh picked him up at LAX early on Saturday morning and the two cousins stopped for lunch before heading to the apartment.

Once they had placed their orders, Jackson ran his hand through his hair and stared at his cousin.

"What's going on Cuz?"

Josh rubbed his hands over his face, "it is a clusterfuck, Bro'. Seriously, how she was with that dushbag in the first place is beyond me and I know that my father cleared him, but fuck! He is a grade 'A' asshole."

Out of habit Josh looked around to make sure that their conversation couldn't bee overheard. He leaned forward, "He broke it off with her, Jack."

"WHAT?" Jackson half rose out of his chair, but at the glare that Joshua gave him, he sat down again.

"What the f?" he asked

"Tell me about it. She has been moping around for weeks, ever since we got back from Napa and I just thought that it was pregnancy blues and school but then on Wednesday she asked me to go with her to her doc appointment but before I listened to a voice note that he left for her. He was being a dick because your old man had called him about the house or some shit and he went off at Lex for being a 'trust fund baby'."

He held up a hand as the waiter brought their food and winked at Jackson before he turned to leave.

Jackson glared at Joshua, "Whatever man, you Hollywood types are soo strange."

They ate in silence before Jack urged Josh to continue.

"Well she told him not to contact her and then she asked me to go to her appointment. When we were on our way home the ass phoned her and asked her to meet him."

Joshua took a moment to sip his drink as he remembered finding Alexis asleep on the sofa, dried tear tracks on her cheeks. It had taken every ounce of resolve for him not to go over to Santorini's house and beat the living shit out of him!

He quickly told Jackson what Alexis had told him, that they had broken up and that Mario would probably not play an active role in his children's lives.

By the time he had finished, Jackson was gripping his hair tightly as his green eyes darkened to almost black.

"Get me out of here, please!"

Joshua threw some bills on the table and the two left quickly.

Jackson was glaring out of the side window blankly.

"Why the fuck didn't she call me? She knows that I would have come! Fuck!"

Josh didn't say anything. He knew how his cousin felt.

They pulled into the parking garage and Joshua put a hand on Jackson's arm as he went to open the door.

"Don't go in there with both guns blazing, okay? She has been through enough and don't forget that she is pregnant with twins and is putting enormous pressure on herself to get as much of her school work done as possible before the twins get here. So, just take it easy on her."

Jackson open his mouth to protest but closed it again. Joshua was one hundred percent right but he was definitely going to pay a visit to the fucker who had hurt his sister.

Alexis had just come home from a yoga class that she had begun taking at the advice of her doctor. She had to admit that she felt so much calmer after each class that she was considering having a yoga room in her home.

When she heard the boys arrive, she raced out of her bedroom and slammed into Jackson's arms.

"Oomf! Damn girl, have you swallowed a basketball or two?" he asked jokingly as he hugged his sister tightly.

Alexis punched his arm as she sniffled and laughed at the same time, "Not funny!"

Josh left the siblings alone and closed his bedroom door quietly.

He felt his phone vibrate with a message and his eyes lit up.

He had only waited a day before he had called Mya and asked her out.

She had accepted but had invited him to go to her house for dinner instead of them going out to eat. She explained that she loved to cook and was always exited to cook for more than just one person.

Josh had accepted on condition that she allow him to bring the ingredients for dessert at least.

He hopped into the shower and knew that he had to rub one out before he saw her or else he was going to be walking around with a boner all night!

The weather was warm as always and so he wore a pair of lightweight chinos and a white button down, which he left over his pants. He gave himself a cursory glance in the mirror as he ran his hands through his blonde hair.

He said goodbye on the way out and rolled his eyes at Lexi's parting comment.

"Don't forget to compliment her and don't forget flowers and don't pressure her into sleeping with you…"

"Yes, yes, yes, bye 'Mom' – don't wait up for me!" he said as he closed the door.

"Where's he going?" Jackson asked as he sat on the sofa with his coffee.

"Oh, I didn't tell you, so while I was at my doctor, lover-boy and she took a really big shine to one another and he asked her out on a date!"

"Your doctor? How old is she?"

Alexis pursed her lips, "I would say that she is in her early to mid-thirties."

"Older woman – I like it!" he quipped which earned him a mock glare from his sister.

He patted the seat next to him, "Okay Sissy, quit stalling and come and talk to me."

Alexis spent the next hour talking, crying, ranting and at the end of that time, she was exhausted and all out of tears and her throat hurt from shouting but inside her heart felt a little better, just as she had known that it would.

Jackson sent her off to have a bathroom break while he made a large pot of tea – he was going to need some reinforcements for his next move… and none of the parents, grandparents or his sister could find out.

When Alexis got back into the sitting room, Jackson was looking over her list as he typed into his phone.

"What are you doing?"

"How is your hunt for a place of your own going?"

She pulled a face.

"That's what I thought. Look, Sissy, I know that this is overwhelming for you but I also know that you want to be involved each step of the way. Let me help you find a place. I know what you like, and I know what you need for two kids as well as a live in au pair."

She pulled another face, and Jackson held out his hand, "I know that you don't really want to live with anyone, and you hate asking for help, but now is not the time to be stubborn. If you don't want Mom and Dad hauling your ass home like a naughty school kid, then you need to get organised before you break this news to them."

Alexis pulled her feet up and stared out the window for a minute. She knew that Jackson was right. That is why she hadn't told her mother anything but had called Jack first.

She adored Bella, but she also knew that Bella would just tell her father and then all hell would break loose!

"Okay, you are right – I need help getting everything together, but the 'rents cannot find out yet" she looked at him with pleading in her eyes and he couldn't resist letting out a sigh.

"Alright, Josh and I are going to look some houses over the next few days. Once we have the short list, you can look at them. Next – and don't take this the wrong way, but you have to go shopping for clothes" he shook his head sternly as she began to protest.

Alexis would rather spend hours looking for one book but hated shopping for clothing.

"Look, if you want Mom and Dad and the rest of our crazy family to descend like a pack of wolves, then by all means carry on wearing sloppy clothes that make you look like a pathetic waif-" he started laughing as she punched his arm.

Once they had quietened down he carried on, "You won't have to leave the apartment to shop, I promise"

She narrowed her eyes at him, "How is that even possible?"

He grinned, "Oh we have a personal shopper that is eager to get you fitted out"

Alexis looked horrified, "you told Aunt Alice?"

Jackson grinned as he rubbed his ears, "Damn woman, and stop squealing! No I didn't call Aunt Alice, I called Tiffany and she will send you the list of what she has ordered online and she says that some of the stuff will be here by Monday morning and the other stuff will be here on Tuesday or Wednesday. She also said that she will gladly 'stick that mother-fucker with her pinking shears' if you like."

They laughed.

"She also said to call her and to stop holding things in – she said that she would personally get on a plane, tell our family and then watch as they made that miscreant disappear."

Alex sighed as she fought sudden tears, "I know that I have been distant, but I had to make peace with this decision for myself and not get advice from everyone. You know how they are."

Jackson frowned slightly as he brushed the faint blue smudges under her eyes, "Yeah, we both know how impossible they can be, but Lex, there is no one in the world that will fight for you harder, longer and meaner than our family. We are all for one – remember?"

That is when the tears fell.

"I remember, oh Jack, what am I going to do?" she wailed as she threw herself into his arms and sobbed as if her world had ended.

Jackson pulled her close and rocked her gently, humming quietly to her. This was what he had been waiting for ever since he had arrived.

At that moment he knew that he hated Mario with every fibre of his being and he was going to take great delight in causing him pain – figuratively and literally.

After Alexis had cried herself out, Jackson insisted that she go and relax in a bath while he organised dinner from one of her favourite Italian restaurants. While he waited he called Bonnie.

"Hey baby,"

He could hear her grin through the phone, "Jack! How was the flight? How is Alexis? Are you okay?"

He chuckled, "Breathe sweetheart. Fine, she's not fine, but she will be, and I'm pissed as hell, plotting this asshole's demise which is going to give me great pleasure –"

"Jack, don't do anything that you are going to regret, please."

"I won't regret anything, but he will regret fucking with my sister for the rest of his life!"

"I know that you want to protect her, but don't you think that she should handle this her way?"

He sighed, "Yeah, I suppose that you are right, but-"

"I know that I'm right, baby – as hard as this is for you to do, please let this go. Don't give him any cause to take her to court later on because you have roughed him up or something."

"Okay! Okay! I won't do anything until he signs away his rights."

"Is he going to do that?" Bonnie was shocked.

"Oh yes, my sister may be heartbroken, but she is a Cullen and there is no way in hell that she won't protect these children."

They were both silent for a while.

"So, baby, can I see you on Monday? I know that Alexis has an appointment with a lawyer and I need to look at a few houses for her, but can I see you in the evening?"

They spoke for a few more moments before they said goodbye.

Jackson couldn't wait to finish his degree at Johns Hopkins before he traversed back to the West Coast to do his PHD at Berkley. He enjoyed being in Baltimore, but he was so far from his family and Bonnie and while he had settled in well, he knew that it would never be home.

The doorbell went and Jack quickly put the takeaways on the counter before he shouted to his sister to get out the bath.

When Alexis appeared in another pair of yoga leggings and anther t-shirt that Jack guessed she had stolen from their cousin, she looked better.

"My mouth is watering at all the food, was there anything left on the menu?" she asked as she took in the various containers and she began to pile her plate.

He shrugged, "You know that I love leftovers – hey don't take all the linguini!"

They spent the night talking about school and generally catching up with each other.

After dinner, they watched a movie and when Alexis fell asleep, Jackson carefully carried her to bed and tucked her in before he checked that the door was locked, and he fell asleep in the guest bedroom.

The next morning, Alexis wasn't surprised to see that Joshua hadn't made it home and she made herself a pot of tea and sat on the balcony going through the email that Tiffany had sent her with links to the clothes that she had selected.

It seemed that Tiffany had thought of everything from day to day casual wear with tees and sandals to short and flirty cotton dresses that would keep her cooler in the warm summer to some more formalwear and she had even thought of an evening dress that could be worn with flats. But it was the accompanying note that brought tears to Alexis' eyes.

"My darling cousin,

I'm so sorry to hear that 'he who shall not be named' has turned into a hero with feet of clay. If I could take your pain away, you know that I would in a heartbeat.

The best, and the most silver of all linings in this is that you are going to bring not one, but two beautiful and blessed children into our lives and I can't wait to be an aunty! You know that I am going to spoil these two cherubs rotten! (Or do my very best to do so!).

I loved shopping for you and can't wait to shop for the twins!

Please don't hesitate to call me – day or night, because I love you so much and I will be there for you – no matter what.

I am just a few buttons away….

All my love and support,


Alexis wiped her cheeks and drew a deep breath, she knew that every member of her family would be the same and she was only just beginning to realise how important that support was going to be.

Joshua finally made it home in the late afternoon and he took the teasing of his cousins with a grin as they jostled for position in the small kitchen as they make tacos with all the trimmings and mojitos and even a virgin mojito for Alexis.

Even though Josh was tight lipped about his sleepover, Alexis could see how happy and enamoured he was with her doctor and when they had a couple of moments alone, she wasted no time in giving him her verbal approval.

"If she makes you happy, Josh, I say go for it. You are may be young but you are not naive and you are good at reading people. Does she make you happy?"

Josh thought about it for a moment, "Look, you know that this is so new, that it could just be infatuation, but I don't think so. Mya is … special. She knows who I am, who our family is and she is overwhelmed or intimidated. She has her own career and isn't in show business, which is awesome. She loves kids and family is really important to her. She gets me." He dipped his head as he blushed slightly.

Alexis felt her eye well up with emotion and she put her arm around his waist, "I'm so happy for you, Joshie. You deserve to be happy." She kissed his cheek and quickly excused herself to her room, and quietly closed the door behind her.

"What's up with her?" Jackson asked as he sat down.

Josh shook his head, "I think that she just wants a little alone time."

Jack nodded, "So, are you up to checking out those listings with me tomorrow?"

Jackson had been in contact with a couple of estate agents and even though it was the weekend, he had found a reputable one that had sent him several listings based on his list of priorities.

Alexis had contacted the law firm that her family had used in forever and she was very careful to ask the partner that her parents used, Mr Jenks Junior, for confidentiality before she asked for a referral to a top family law firm in the area.

She was deliberately vague on the phone to Junior as she explained that she was having a baby and wanted all the legalities explained in person as she and the father were not married.

Junior didn't ask any other questions, and he gave her the name of one of the best family law attorneys in the country that worked out of Santa Monica.

Bes Johnson, was in her early fifties, she was married and a grandmother and one of the deadliest opponents that any lawyer had ever faced and Alexis loved her as soon as he spoke to her on the phone the previous week and Bes had immediately agreed to see her.

She explained that she only work one or two cases at one time as she was devoting more time to her husband, five children and her new grandson.

Alexis arrived early on Monday morning to the Santa Monica office.

A small Asian woman greeted her with a smile and offered her refreshments before the door opened and Bes arrived.

She was a shortish, plump woman with bright red hair and she looked like a suburban housewife in her linen pants and cream blouse.

She grinned as soon as she saw Alexis and she held out her hands, "You must be Lexie! Come into my office, this damn traffic is going to be the death of me, Vi, I need a double expresso and bring our young client one of your pregnant specials! Come, come!"

Alexis' mouth hung open in shock as she was swept along down the hall, she could hear 'Vi' cackling as she was pulled into an office to looked like a living room at the back of the converted house.

"There now, come and sit down and tell me about yourself." Bess said as she kicked off her shoes and opened the double doors that opened up on to a balcony that overlooked the sea.

"Now that is much better." She said as she sat down and looked at Alexis.

Alexis blinked as she tried to gather her thoughts.

"You are not what I expected!" she blurted out and then looked totally embarrassed.

Bess laughed, "I know! Craven, my husband, tells me that I am like a one woman wrecking ball!" she said proudly.

"But I will tell you a secret, young Alexis, I am just who you need on your side." She said quietly, a soft smile around her mouth.

"I will be on your side and in your corner as long as you are totally honest with me, understood?"

Alexis nodded, "I promise".

Just then Vi came in and handed Alexis a cup of tea and a large mug of coffee for Bess. She also brought in a plate of pastries that made Alexis' mouth water, a bowl of sliced up fruit and a jug of yogurt, along with a few small plates.

"Let's eat and you can tell me about what has brought you to my door."

Alexis left Bess's office two hours later with a final draft of her custody agreement, a copy of the waver of parental rights that had been sent to Mario's attorney and a provisional court date.

Bess was one of the most amazing women that Alexis had ever met and she could see why she was the best. She was charming and funny and cheeky and she had a dogged determination about her that made the judicial fraternity quiver.

When the court clerk had tried to tell her that there wasn't a date open on the court calendar for six months, Bess had quietly asked to speak to the Court supervisor and within ten minutes they had a date for a fortnight's time.

Alexis was pleased to be alone when she got home, as Jackson was spending time with Bonnie and Josh was with Mya again.

Jackson had called earlier in the day and he had sent her links to two of the many houses that he had looked at that day.

She had a quiet dinner of left overs, before she read through the legal documents that Bess had reworked a few times until it was just what Alexis wanted.

She had waivered in asking Mario to surrender his parental rights, but Bes had been firm on that, she argued that if he wanted to challenge for visitation later on in the kids' lives, he would need to fight for that right.

She would have sole custody and sole legal parental rights and all decisions would be hers alone to make.

In addition to Mario surrendering his parental rights, Alexis had included a clause that he was not financially responsible for the children, but if he wanted to contribute, he could.

Alexis and Bess had another meeting scheduled for later in the week to finalise the paperwork and to go over the strategy for their meeting the following week where they were scheduled to meet with an arbitrator, as well as Mario and his attorney before the court hearing.

When Jackson got home, he was excited to go over the houses that he had seen and after looking at the short list, Alexis sat back with a smile, "Wow, you really have chosen some great houses. I'm not sure what I should choose. Which one made the best impression on you?"

Jack pointed at two. One was in the Venice Beach area and the other was in Pasadena.

Alexis frowned, "Pasadena? Really?"

"Yeah, I mean so you will have about a thirty minute commute depending on when you travel but you said yourself that you don't really need to travel in too often. It's got the space – four bedrooms, four baths, with a separate suite for the nanny so there is plenty of room for everyone."

Alexis shook her head, "I don't think so, and as much as I love Venice Beach, it is no place to raise kids."

Jackson nodded, "Okay, then you need to look at this one. Joshua and I drove out to see it and we think that it's great,"

As soon as Alexis saw the stunning white Cape Cod traditional double storey with dark grey shutters she was in love.

"It's about a fifteen minute commute to UCLA, it's in the best part of Santa Monica. It has four bedrooms, all with bathrooms, and it's enough space for you, the kiddos, the nanny and a housekeeper if you want a live in one."

Alexis frowned and looked up, "Wait, what? A housekeeper, where the hell did that come from? What must I do with a housekeeper?"

Jackson let out an exasperated sigh, "Look sis, who is going to clean this place? And cook and do the laundry? You, the nanny? Who is going to run things when you need to study and later on, when you work?"

Alexis nodded, "I suppose you are right, but I don't want to live with a whole bunch of people. I like my privacy and I like my own company. I'm not going to have random people in and out the house!"

Jackson didn't say anything else, he just showed her the photos of the house. He knew that Alexis needed to settle things in her own mind before she made a decision.

"When can we go and see it?"

"Is tomorrow soon enough?"

She squealed and for the first time since her breakup with Mario, Alexis felt a sliver of hope.

Alexis loved the house and as soon as she had seen the stunning bleached oak floors, and contemporary style of the home that flowed from the entrance, to the family room, dining room, eat in kitchen and formal living room, she was sold. There were two double sized bedrooms on the first floor that would be perfect for a live in au pair and the babies and the master suite was perfect for Alexis. It was bright, open and it even had its own small private balcony. A walk in closet, small study nook, with enough space for books, and a perfect bathroom attached was all it took for her to finally begin to think that this could be her new home.

There was a full laundry on the first floor, which was very convenient and the basement was a complete bonus. It was fully finished, with a large rec room, and a full guest suite, complete with bedroom, bathroom and a small kitchen. There was tons of storage and the rec room reminded Alexis of the rumpus room in her grandparents' home, where she and her cousins had spent many days and nights of fun.

The back garden was lush and there was a small but modern enclosed swimming pool, lush lawn and an outdoor dining and lounge with a built in kitchen.

"Well, what do you think?" Jackson asked even though he didn't need to know the answer. They had just looked at the double garage that was attached and led straight into a mud room where there was a bench for taking off shoes, a closet for hanging up coats and cubbies for storing bags, this led straight into the kitchen.

Alexis looked around as she pursed her lips, "What is the asking price?" she asked the estate agent.

"The owners are quite keen to sell as he has been transferred to his New York office and his wife and children have already made the move. He is asking two point five million. Dollars. US. With the furnishings that you see here."

Alexis liked the way the house was furnished. All the furniture was cream, white and shades of grey with blue accents. Everything was very tasteful with understated elegance and yet it was comfortable as well. And the only room that would need to be decorated was the nursery.

Alexis huffed her impatience. The sales agent had been getting on her nerves ever since she had met him. He looked at Alexis and Jackson and she could see that he assumed that they were a young, student couple that was in the 'family way' as he had put it. He had shown them the property almost reluctantly, as if he didn't believe that he could ever afford it and Alexis had had enough of his attitude.

She twisted her hair up into a makeshift bun and turned around to face 'Trusty Mike Howser' – what a stupid name!

"Okay Mr Howser, I would like to put in a serious offer on a couple of conditions – first of all loose the attitude and drop the crap! I am a serious buyer and I know what this house is worth, but I'm having a hard time negotiating with you having this attitude. I can afford to buy this house. Now are you prepared to take my offer to the seller?"

Mike Howser felt sweat on the back of his thick neck and he could feel his embarrassed blush through his thinning grey hair. He needed this sale to go through, so he should just play along.

"Of course, my apologies. What is the offer that you would like to make?"

"I would be willing to buy the house as is with the rooms partly furnished if the seller wanted. I would like to make a counter offer: cash two point three mil. Please get in contact me once you have an answer." Alexis handed him her card and without waiting for Jackson she swept out of the room and out to where their car was parked in the driveway.

Jackson cleared his throat and gave the agent a hard glare. "My parents will be very interested in how this sale goes through. Our family value our privacy and we expect confidentiality from everyone that we do business as well as a little respect."

Mike looked down at the card and swallowed when he saw her name 'Alexis Cullen'

"C-Cullen? As in Edward and Isabella Cullen – that Cullen?" he asked as he shook his head slightly. Of course that is why this young man looked so familiar! He was the splitting image of his father when he was younger. Jackson Cullen could have been Edward only twenty or so years younger, down to the emerald green eyes and copper penny hair.

Jackson nodded, "Yes, but I expect you to keep that information to yourself, yeah?"

"Of-of course Mister... un, Jackson, Sir."

"God! Please don't get weird about this now. Just do your job and stop treating my sister as if she was a pariah!"

Jackson made it outside just in time to see the owner arrive home and watched as he introduced himself to Alexis and watched her charm him. By the time they left, Alexis had an acceptance to her offer and she had made arrangements for their conveyancing attornies to look over the contract and offer to purchase.

That night Alexis phoned her parents and told them about the house that she had put an offer in for. She sent them photos and she and her mom chatted about décor ideas.

After she put the phone down, Bella looked up at Edward,

"She never once mentioned Mario, did you notice?"

Edward's face darkened, "Yes, I did. I think that Em, Jazz and I should take a little trip to LA to visit our kids…."

Bella shook her head vigorously, "Not a chance, Pal! None of us, and that includes your siblings, their offspring, any of our parents are going to Los Angeles for a 'little trip'."

She held up her hand as she saw the wheels turning in his head, "And, and none of you are going to contact anyone – and I mean anyone to pay a little visit to anyone in Los Angeles either!"

Edward narrowed his eyes at his wife, "What do you think I'm going to do?"

Bella crossed her arms over her chest and stepped forward until they stood toe to toe, "I know you, Edward Anthony Masen Cullen and I know exactly what you want to do, but I'm telling you to let Alexis handle this. She is our daughter and I know that she has enough brains and balls to sort this out on her own! If you push her, you will regret it! And I'm not just talking about you finding another place to sleep either! She will lose faith in her own ability to take care of herself and her children. Is that what you want? Do you want our child to come running home all insecure and afraid?"

Bella stepped back and leaned against the kitchen counter. She could see the wheels turning in Edward's head, she could almost heart internal argument that he was having with himself. She knew just how protective he was and she also knew that while it was a wonderful quality to have, sometimes that protectiveness could be stifling.

"Edward, Darling, please listen to me. I'm right about this," she said softly as she put her hand on his chest.

"Okay. But if she calls…" he said as he covered her hand with his own.

"When she is ready, she will come home and she will talk to us, and if she calls, I will charter the plane myself." Bella promised as she leaned up and kissed his chin.

"I love you Isabella."

"As I love you, Sparky, as I love you."


When Alexis met with Bess later that week, she was looking and feeling more confident and upbeat and Bess wasted no time in commenting on that fact.

Alexis explained that she had just signed the papers on the house and Bess grinned at her and told her that she lived only two roads away from Alexis' new house.

Alexis set the envelope with the papers that she had gone over on the desk between them.

"Do you want to make any changes to the documents?" Bess asked.

Alexis shook her head with a sad sigh, "No, you have been very thorough and you have thought of everything. I know that this is the right thing to do."

Bess smiled warmly at her, "You are one of the most mature young women that I have ever encountered, Alexis. Your children will be very blessed to have a mom like you. I know that this won't be easy, but with the right support system in place you will be just fine."

Bess told Alexis what the next step in the process would be. They would be meeting up with Mario, his attorney and a mediator the following week and then just a few days later, they would file the papers in court. Unfortunately both Alexis and Mario would have to appear before the family court judge, but the hearing would be held in his chambers and he would give his judgement immediately after hearing from both parties.

Alexis was sad to say goodbye to her brother the following morning. Although he would only fly home at the end of the weekend, he and Bonnie were spending his remaining time together and Alexis wouldn't see him before he left.

"Thank you J. You have been a godsend and I know that you had to juggle a lot of things to do this for me. I thank you and your future nieces, or nephews or one of each thanks you as well." She said as she walked him to the door of their apartment.

Jackson hugged her to his side and shifted his bag to accommodate them.

"Well, at least you don't look like a hobo anymore!" Alexis rolled her eyes.

She had received the numerous boxes from Tiffany's buying spree. Even though she had bitched about it, she was thrilled with all of her cousin's choices.

Tiffany had even ordered her a special fitting with a boutique in Beverly Hills that made to order maternity under wear for her changing body.

There were a few black dresses that were comfortable (and cool) but could be glammed up for evening wear in a pinch. Along with that there were maternity jeans, a couple of pretty summer dresses, one with an umpire waist and the other was a wrap dress. A handful of the softest cotton t-shirts, both long and short sleeve were added along with a couple of flattering long skirts; a few pairs of trousers with over bump support bandeaus that were paired with tunics in various colours. Some of her favourite items were the built in bra support maternity vests that she had bought in various colours. There were various pairs of flats, ballet slippers, sandals and even a pair of Birkenstocks!

Lastly there were scarves, a couple of purses and some pretty costume jewellery, sportswear a couple of swimming costumes.

Along with the last box she had included a binder which held photographed instructions on how the 'capsule' closet would see her through her pregnancy, and after.

"She really spoilt me, Joshua is going to curse when he has to move all of my things into the new house!" she said with a grin.

The purchase of the house was set to be completed within a month but Alexis had decided that she would move in when she got back from spending some time with her parents over the summer break.

She would be travelling back to Napa at the end of May to spend time at the 'beach house' before the entire family would head back to Cullen Crest for a couple of weeks and so she decided to move in when she got back after the Fourth of July celebrations but her parents and Joshua had vetoed that idea and Josh had insisted that she live with him until she gave birth in August.

Jackson and Bonnie had also done some research and they had given her the contacts of a few Nanny and Au Pair agencies that were highly recommended.

Alexis wasn't sure if she was looking for an au pair or a nanny but she knew that she would need a live in, especially once she started her final year.

Jackson brought her back from her musings with a loud sloppy kiss to her cheek. "Take care of yourself, Sissy. I love you."

Alexis blinked her sudden tears back as she hugged him tightly, "I will see you back home, I love you, Jack."

Once he had left Alexis got ready for her first prenatal gym class. She wasn't really paying attention when the class was over and so she didn't notice Mario standing to the side of her car until she was almost at it. She stopped and her mouth opened in a round 'o' of shock a she stared at him for a minute before she unlocked her car and stowed her bag and yoga mat in the boot. She crossed one hand defensively across her stomach as she looked at him.

"What are you doing here?"

Mario looked tired and uncomfortable as he shifted from one foot to the other.

"I wanted to see you, to see how you are doing?" his eyes flicked to her little bump and he looked away.

Alexis shook her head with a sigh, "Well, you can see that we are fine, thanks for asking. Now if there is nothing else…"

"I got the papers"

She frowned, "Is there a problem?"

He shook his head quickly, "no! Nothing's wrong, I just, I need…" he trailed off as he swallowed thickly, "I won't fight this. I know you expected more from me, hell, my parents won't even talk to me, but… I am doing the right thing for all of us here."

Suddenly it was too much and tears flooded Alexis' eyes, "I can't talk about this now, not here. Call me in a few weeks and we can have this discussion but I'm not ready to talk to you right now."

He nodded unhappily. "I am sorry…"

Alexis shook her head as she quickly climbed into her car, locked the doors and pulled away quickly.

Once she was out of sight, she pulled over into a side road and stopped the car. She cried and banged on her steering wheel until there was a knock on her window. She looked up to see a couple of LAPD's finest staring at her. She wound down the window.

"Miss, do you need help?"

She wiped her face quickly as she felt heat flood her cheeks, "No thank you Officer, I will be fine. I just had a bad day and needed a good cry." She said quickly.

The policeman noticed her baby bump and nodded with understanding, "My wife was like that during both of her pregnancies, but you had best be headed home now, it's getting dark and you shouldn't be alone in your car like this."

She nodded, 'Yes, thank you, I will be fine from here."

The other police officer looked at hi partner before he smiled at her, "Well, if you don't mind, we will just follow behind you to make sure that you get there without another incident."

Alexis sighed as she gave them her address. This time she made sure that she drove carefully back to the apartment and she gave them a little wave as she pulled into the secure underground parking of the complex.

For once Joshua was home and he got concerned as soon as he saw her.

"Why have you been crying?" he asked.

Alex allowed him to steer her to the sofa where he sat beside her.

"Mario was waiting for me after gym."

"What the fuck did he want?"

"He wanted to apologise, I guess and he wanted to 'explain' himself. I told him that I couldn't do that – not now and not in a public parking lot!"

"What an ass!"

Josh put his arm around her and pulled her to his side, "Are you sure that you are okay?"

Alexis took a deep breath before she nodded, "Yes, I think it was just the shock of seeing him and I was pissed off that he would bring that stuff up in public like that. I'll be glad when this is over and he is out of our lives."


Alexis met Joshua at the doctor's offices for her check-up. This was the big one, the one where they would tell her what she was having and she was excited.

She was now twenty weeks and both babies were growing rapidly and she was excited. Joshua hurried to her side when she got off the elevator, "Christ woman, you can't leave me alone with all of these pregnant women!" he sounded almost panicked as he pulled her to his side and glared at the women around them.

Alexis giggled, "Well you wanted to meet with Mya for lunch! Serves you right."

Alexis went to check in with the receptionist with Joshua not leaving her side.

"Hello Alexis, how are you?"

Sherry who was Mya's assistant smiled at her.

"I'm fine thanks, these two are just getting heavy! I feel like I'm carrying a sack of potatoes around my belly!" Alexis said with a laugh.

Sherry noticed how the looks of envy that she was getting from some of the other patients.

Alexis was glowing. Her hair was thick and shone in the high pony tail that she had. She was wearing a flowing printed maxi skirt with a plain white vest that stretched over her stomach with pretty flat sandals and she looked adorable and fresh in spite of her growing belly.

"You can come with me so that we can do the scan"

After helping Alexis onto the bed, Joshua moved to one side while Sherry worked on a laptop connected to a screen. She moved Alexis vest up and pulled her skirt down.

Just then Mya came into the small room. "Hello Alexis, how are you today?"

They chatted for a few minutes while Shelly got everything ready and opened the tube of gel.

"I've tried to heat this up a little," she said as she poured some on her stomach.

Alexis gripped Josh's hand as they stared at the blank screen.

After clicking a few buttons, the screen came to life and Sherry smiled, "Well you are fortunate today, these two are cooperating beautifully. Look, there is baby A and here is baby B. Let me just take some measurements."

After a few minutes she looked up and smiled at Mya.

Mya looked at Alexis, "Would you like to know what you are having?"

Alexis grinned as she nodded, "of course! It's all I can think about."

"Well then, here is baby A, twenty weeks old, and is a little over twenty six centimetres or ten inches and that is the head, torso, legs and … yes, that is your son, Mommy!"

Alexis couldn't help the tears that poured down her cheeks.

Shelly handed Joshua a box of tissues as Mya continued, "This is baby B. A bit smaller, about twenty three centimetres or just under ten inches, there are the eyes, mouth, and she is sucking her thumb! This is your baby girl, Mommy, congratulations."

Josh leaned down and hugged her tightly, "Wow, I'm going to be an uncle! Congratulations, Lexi".

Alexis wiped her tears away with a little laugh, "Oh God, the family is going to go nuts!"

After she was cleaned up and Mya had done a quick check up, they sat in her office.

"I'm glad that your weight is up a little but I would like to see you weigh a bit more. Are you eating like I asked you to?"

Alexis resisted rolling her eyes, "Yes! Ask Josh! I eat everything in sight, I have even started having a bowl of real ice-cream after dinner – almost every night."

Mya looked over at Josh who shrugged and nodded. She knew that he only saw Alexis about three times a week because he spent the other four days and nights when he wasn't in class or working with her, especially now that the academic year had ended and Josh's show had just ended its season.

Mya gave herself a mental shake and concentrated back on Alexis.

"When are you planning to go to your family?"

"I will leave in about a month's time. I have finals coming up, and then I thought that I should be back after the Fourth of July weekend."

Mya picked up the calendar on her desk, "Hmm, as long as you take things easy and rest," she eyed the young woman across her desk, "and I mean rest, not swimming a few laps or taking a yoga class or shopping, rest. If you rest for at least a couple of hours during the day – every day, then you should be fine."

Alexis nodded, "okay, I will rest. God knows my mother, aunts and grandmothers will make sure of that!"

"Good, and I want you to see Doctor Evans while you are there – every week please. He will send me the reports. Alexis you are a very healthy young woman and your babies are developing at a great rate, but you still need to take care and realise that you are caring twins so your pregnancy is a higher risk than a singleton pregnancy. I want you to fly home no later than thirty three weeks and you have to be back on terra firma by July fifth. No travelling after that please. We have a provisional full term delivery date of August thirteenth but remember that they can arrive up to two weeks on either side of that date, so absolutely no stress, very limited exercise, and by that I mean a walk around the garden and make sure that you have your bags packed before then."

Mya sat back and took a breath, while Alexis grinned, "Is that all or are you taking a break before you start back onto chapter two?"

Mya waved her hand at her, "God, I don't know why I agreed to keep you on after Josh and I started seeing each other. You are getting cheeky!"

Joshua rolled his eyes and he pushed up off the chair, "I think that this appointment is over, ladies, because it usually disintegrates from here into a mudslinging fest and I am not getting in the middle of one of those. Come on Cuz, if you are a good girl, I will take you out for ice cream and one of those huge chicken and watermelon salads."

Mya looked at Alexis with a hint of disgust, "Roast chicken and watermelon?"

"Hey, don't knock it till you have tried it, sister – it is delicious! You can join us if you like?"

"I still have a few patients and I'm on standby for the Jones Quads."

Alexis said goodbye, and made her way to the front desk to make her next appointment while Josh closed the door and quickly pulled Mya into his arms.

"I'm going to miss you tonight, Cara" he murmured as he placed soft kisses over her throat.

Mya felt her panties flood and she swallowed loudly, "Ooo, um, me too, oh god Joshua, we can't do this here!" she complained half-heartedly but still she wound her hands around his neck and lifted her lips for his kiss.

All too soon, Joshua was stepping out of her embrace. He kissed her nose gently and winked at her as he opened the door, "Call me later, sweet cheeks."

With a wink of his sky blue eyes and his cheeky grin he was gone.

Mya sank down onto sofa with a sigh as she gently rubbed her lip where just moments before Josh's lips had been.

She had been utterly swept off her feet by the tall, blonde and devilishly handsome man. Mya didn't care that he was ten years younger than her, or that he was an actor, or that he was a natural flirt with far too much charm and charisma.

He was amazing. Funny, charming, sweet, protective, loving. He was a demanding lover, with a ferocious appetite but he was tender and caring and so considerate for one so young.

The few friends that she had were shocked by the suddenness of their relationship and more than once they had tried to tell her that this was the most foolish thing that she had done, but she didn't care.

All her life Mya had strived to do what others expected of her. At first her parents, then her teachers, her professors and later her mentors but ever since Joshua McCarthy had walked into her life, all she wanted to do was to please herself.

Joshua was like a breath of fresh air. He knew what he wanted, and he let her know it from the very first date. When she had suggested dinner at her house, it was more because she was concerned that if they went out together, people would wonder what he was doing with her. He was almost twenty three and she had just celebrated her thirty second birthday.

Nine years felt like a hundred and yet when they were together, Joshua didn't ever act too young. He was sophisticated and worldly and they shared many interests, including their love of travel and discovering exotic dishes. That first night, they had talked for almost nine hours straight until they fell asleep on her sectional with legs entwined and arms wrapped around each other. And when she woke it was to the sight of the breath-taking man propped on one arm as he watched her sleeping. His cornflower blue eyes and thick dark lashes were warm and tender as he stroked her cheek.

He had no concern for how his hair looked, or the stubble on his chin as he tilted his head and kissed her softly.

"You snore like a kitten, but I still think that I'm crazy for you." Was his opening greeting.

Mya blushed, snorted and then she pushed him onto the floor. Josh let out a bark of laughter and with his lightning fast reflexes he managed to grab hold of her, bringing her tumbling on top of him.

The laughter died and his eyes darkened to a stormy blue, "Tell me to stop and I will" he whispered.

Mya tightened her grip on his shoulders, "Please don't stop, Joshua." She was not ashamed to beg.

With a groan, Joshua flipped them over, "Cara mia," he whispered as his lips touched hers.

With a shiver and a smile and a slight shake of her head, Mya opened the door and welcomed her next patient inside.


Bella had been busy for most of the morning, preparing for her eldest daughter's arrival. She was equal parts excited and anxious to see Alexis. It had been a very long five months and despite regular phone calls and updates regarding her pregnancy, Bella knew that she was hiding a lot from her and Edward.

Bella was happy that Nicholas had come to fetch the minis for their vacation time in Napa so that Edward and she could spend some quality alone time with Alexis before they left for Cullen Crest.

She and Edward were also thrilled to receive a report from their project manager that their home in Napa was almost complete and they would be able to move in as soon as Edward was finished with his film project.

After weeks of pouring over plans for their new home, family meetings, emails and heated debate, they had finally decided on what their architect (Esme) called a contemporary modern ranch style house that the entire family loved. It was a single-storey U shaped building with a porch that wrapped around all three sides. It had with high ceilings and the outside was covered in dark wood and black steel beams and Bella loved it.

It was nothing like their old home as the ground main living area, which comprised of the family room, dining room and kitchen was all open. Huge ceiling to floor windows flooded the area with light. All of the minis bedrooms were on one side of the long 'arm' of the U, with the master suite at the end of the U, while all of the 'guest' or family suites, Edward's office and Bella's studio were in the other wing. In the centre courtyard, was going to be a beautifully landscaped garden, with pathways, lawn, benches and a whimsical, child-friendly fountain.

The biggest dispute that they had was about the swimming pool. The kids and Edward argued for a 'waterpark themed' pool with sides, tiki torches, meandering tube chutes and a tiki bar on an island in the centre of the pool – thankfully Esme was able to nix that idea when she argued that the pool area would have to be very far back from the house and she suggested that it was a project that perhaps Edward and Jasper should do as community project rather than a private pool.

Thankfully Edward thought that it would be a great idea and so Bella was able to convince him that a 'natural' swimming pool would be just as fabulous. She contacted one of the best pool designers that Esme knew and they came up with a plan to make it look as if it was a pond or pool that had always been there. For a bit of fun, a 'jetty' was added that could be used as a diving board. It had lower levels for the little kids as well. There were submerged seats and a bar area that looked as if it was carved out of the ground. The 'pool house' would be designed as a 'fishing shack' with an outdoor shower area, an indoor wet room, full laundry and kitchen.

Of course, Emmett had ensured that the security systems had been updated so that they were state of the art. A sixteen foot border fence had been put up around the perimeter of the entire property, complete with motion detectors, cameras that were used by the White House security and all of the forest area had been moved back fifty feet from the perimeter so that the flood lights lit up the road that the petrol teams drove as well as the surrounding grounds.

The front door bell sounded, making Bella quickly wipe her hands free of the flour that was spread over the island where she was mixing her special muffin mixture. She hurried to the door, just as Edward opened it.

"Alexis! Oh Baby, you look gorgeous!" Bella exclaimed as she opened her arms to her daughter.

Edward grinned as he waited to gather his eldest daughter into his arms.

"Daddy" Alexis murmured as she was passed from one parent to the other and her father's strong arms pulled her close. The sound of his steady heartbeat beneath her ear, brought tears to Alexis' eyes as she took a shuddering breath and it felt as if she was relaxing for the first time in months.

After a few moments the pulled apart and Alexis quickly wiped her tears away.

"Sorry, hormones you know."

Edward and Bella laughed, "Oh baby, believe me, I have experienced many more displays of 'hormones' than you could imagine. Come in, come in! Are you tired? Hungry? Do you want to rest? Come put your feet up." Bella gushed.

"Darling, why don't we let Lexie get settled and then we can eat some lunch and talk?" Edward said gently.

Alexis was grateful for her father's interference. Now that she was here, she needed a few moments to gather her courage before they had the difficult conversation that was inevitable.

"Of course! Come on, let me show you to the guest room and you can freshen up. Lunch will be just a little bit longer".

The three walked upstairs and Alexis could not stop exclaiming how she loved the beach house feel of the house.

Bella quickly showed her the three occupied bedrooms and then showed her to the last door at the end of the wide hall.

As she pushed open the double doors, Alexis let out a moan of pleasure, "Oh this is beautiful! I love it!"

The room had whitewashed floors, with pale blue walls and a broad window seat that overlooked the bay.

The room was accented with soft mint and turquoise and Alexis knew that she wanted to copy some of the contemporary style and colours in her own house. Suddenly instead of dreading the upcoming conversation, she was excited to share all of her news with her parents.

She turned to grin at them, "I'm really happy to be home, I've missed you guys so much!"

Bella returned her smile, "Oh baby, we have missed you too. Now why don't you freshen up, and take a few minutes to settle in and then come downstairs, we will eat out on the deck."

As soon as they left, Alexis made her way to the adjoining bathroom and once again she loved the muted beach tones. The walk in shower looked too inviting and she decided to take a quick shower.

Downstairs, Bella quickly finished preparing the savoury muffins and she put them into the oven.

Bella pulled the large steak salad with a blue cheese and roasted shallot vinaigrette out of the oven. This was one of her family's favourite recipes and fell into the 'comfort food' category.

Because it was just the three of them, she had added some halved hard boiled quail eggs as well as a few scallops to the sliced steak, lettuce leaves, finely chopped tomatoes, cucumber, capsicum that was all slathered in the most delicious blue cheese dressing that she knew that Alexis loved.

Alexis stepped into the kitchen just as Bella was removing the large loaf of crusty bread that she had baked earlier.

"Can I help you Mom?"

Bella smiled, "if you could open the door to the deck for me and then call your father. His office is down the hall, last door on the left"

Bella arranged everything banquet style on the side table before she went inside to get the muffins out of the oven and take out the pitcher of strawberry-lemonade to accompany the lunch.

Alexis walked down the hallway but she paused when she got to the open doorway. Edward was sitting with his back to the door, staring out of the floor to ceiling windows at the blue water.

She crossed the room silently on her bare feet and slide her arm around his neck as she put her face next to his.

"Lunch is ready" she said quietly.

"Hmm" Edward hummed before he gently tugged on her arms, "Come sit with me for a moment"

"But, lunch –"

"Can wait for a minute" he interrupted her.

She smiled as she stepped around and sat on her father's lap.

"I'm heavy" she giggled as Edward made a show of groaning.

He wrapped his arms around her gently, "Nah, you are fine."

He kissed the side of her head and patted her leg, "How are you doing?"

Alexis sighed, "Honestly, for the first time in ages, I am really doing well. I'm excited to tell you and Mom all of my news, but you have to promise me that you won't freak out like you tend to. Just remember, you cannot kill anyone."

Edward's eyes darkened and he took a deep breath, that little fucker! Bella had been right! He had done something! Just as Edward was planning his next move, Alexis turned on his lap and cupped his cheek with her hand.

She looked so much like Bella in that moment that Edward felt his heart ache.

"Daddy, promise me that you won't fly out of here and go to find him. Promise me please."

Edward closed his eyes for a second. He could never hurt his daughter by hurting that bastard, but he knew that someday, he would settle the score.

He opened his eyes again and stared into Alexis' molten chocolate gaze, "Damn, you are so much like your mother! You know how to play me." He mock grumbled but his gaze was full of love.

Alexis stared at him until she was satisfied that he was telling the truth and then she wiggled of his lap and tugged on his hand, "Good! Take me to the table so that I can eat my weight in food! These two are starving!"

Bella smiled as they walked onto the patio arm in arm.

Once they had dished up their lunch and drinks, Bella asked Alexis how school had gone.

"Well, it was hectic, but it went well in the end. I finished on a 4.0 grade and I only have to get another five credits to graduate, isn't that great?"

Bella and Edward ate quietly as they listened to Alexis prattle on about the semester, her new yoga class and her study group.

Once lunch was over, they settled onto the huge comfy sofa while Alexis put her feet on an ottoman and settled into the arm chair.

"Okay, Alexis, you have stalled enough, don't you think? Perhaps you should tell us what you really need to?" Bella said gently.

Alexis smiled at her parents sadly.

"Now, please don't over react if I start to cry, I'm an emotional mess at this point, but I promise you that I am fine, okay?"

Bella nodded and curled into Edward's side. He brushed his hand over hers in silent comfort.

"Mario broke up with me and he doesn't want to be a part of the babies lives and he has signed away his parental rights" she said in a rush.

In the silence that followed she noticed that neither of her parents looked shocked. They just looked sad for her.

Bella silently passed a box of tissues to her and that's when she realised that she had been crying.

Bella studied her daughter's tear-streaked face as she wiped her own tears away and swallowed the indignant rage that she felt for Mario Santorini.

Alexis needed them to be strong and supportive right now and that's just what they would be. Even if it killed them.

After a few uncomfortable minutes, Bella asked how her last doctor's visit had gone.

Alexis relaxed and she told them all about Mya and how gifted she was. She wasn't sure if Josh had told his parents about his new relationship so she didn't say anything. She showed them the latest scan.

She showed them photos of her new house and agreed to have her mother, aunts and grandmothers down for a visit so that they could do a little decorating.

Edward shook his head with a grin, "I will warn my brothers and father to hide the black cards."

Edward and Bella told her about the film that Edward had signed up for and how it meant them moving out of the state for a while.

Later that afternoon, when Edward left to take a conference all, Bella and Alexis had clean up the kitchen, they sat at the island sipping on cups of tea.

"So, sweetheart, how are you really feeling about all of this?"

Alexis shrugged, "I don't know Ma, I mean, I am so hurt at the way that my prince turned out to be a frog and he was so fucking callus about it, but I would rather know now, than in a year or so's time, you know?"

Bella nodded. "I want to wring his neck!" she said vehemently and Alexis chuckled.

"I think that you will have to get in line."

"Have you thought of names yet?"

"Well, I have a few that I love. I would like to maybe give a nod to their Spanish heritage, but then again, I don't want a constant reminder of him."

"What were you thinking?"

"Well, I love Gabriella for a girl and Alejandro for a boy, but that's a bit of a mouthful."

"Oh! I like Gabriella! What about Alexander for the boy's name?"

"That's an option, but at this stage, they are still baby 'A' and baby 'B'."

"Well you have a little time, you are twenty five weeks now?"

"Twenty four, but who's counting?"

Bella laughed, "Well, I'm not that old that I don't remember what it was like at twenty four weeks, have you started having hot flushes?"

Alexis groaned, "Oh God! Josh was ready to murder me these past two weeks! I've turned the central air right down and he walks around in a beanie and a Sherpa coat! I feel like my blood is boiling half the time and I take about four or five showers a day just to keep cool"

"Well, drinking some ice cold water helps as well and I also found that if I ran my hands and feet under cold water it would help to cool me down as well."

"I will remember that. I've also begun to keep a few cold cloths in a cooler bag in my purse and I run them over my neck which also helps to cool me down. That was one of the tips that I got from my prenatal class."

"I'm glad that you took some time out to join a parenting class. Is it a specialised one for twin parents or a mixed class?"

"It's a mixed class that is held right on campus so it's really convenient and we are only about two classes in, but they seem to be nice people."

Bella knew how difficult it was for Alexis to make new friends, especially being from the famous "Cullen Clan" and she was naturally a shy person, like Bella was.

Bella leaned over and took Alexis' hand, "I am so proud of you, Sweetheart. We both are. You are doing an amazing job of staying in school, standing on your own feet, all the while you are carrying twins."

"Thanks Mom," Alexis said as she leaned over and hugged her mother.

"Sometimes I get tired and I wish I could just come running home, you know?"

Bella smiled, "I know baby, but you are such a strong, independent young woman that even though I am only a phone call away, and you know I am, I have no doubt that you can do this. Besides, you are looking positively beautiful! And you are glowing even if I think you are a little too thin. Are you eating enough?"

Alexis rolled her eyes, "you saw me eat lunch – I can't stop eating! I've put on about 25 pounds and I'm right on track for giving birth to two beach balls in the fall."

"That's good to know, Honey. Have you thought about who you want in the birthing room with you?"

"Well, I was hoping that you, Granny Sue and Nanna Essie would be willing to come done when it's time, but I know that my due date is going to coincide with schools opening again and I know that you-"

She stopped talking abruptly as Bella put her hand over Alexis' mouth, "Oh my word, stop talking for a second, so that I can get a word in!" Bella said with a laugh.

Alexis made the motion of zipping her mouth closed and Bella smiled, "Now, I already spoke to Esme and Sue because I had a feeling that you would want your grandmothers' there, and we are all ready to travel down about the middle of July. That will give us more than enough time, but in case the babies come sooner, you are to phone Dad or myself because we have arranged to have a plane on standby and we will be there within a couple of hours so you had better make sure that we are your emergency contacts."

Alexis smile, "of course you are! Although you know that everyone is going to want to see the twins and no one is going to want to go to school!"

Bella laughed, "Yes, well, I already spoke to Dad about that. It's a good thing that we are home schooling the Minis right now, so if we come to LA for a bit, it won't make too much of a difference, but your brothers on the other hand, well, at least we can fly them out for a couple of visits before winter break."

Alexis yawned and Bella patted her hand, "Go on up and take a nap for a couple of hours."

Alexis was about to shake her head, but just then she yawned, which made them both giggle.

Bella stood up and tugged her daughter's hand, "Come on, you go upstairs and I will bring you a glass of cold milk."

When Bella walked into the guest suite a little while later, she wasn't surprised to see Alexis curled on her side, with a large bean shaped pillow supporting her shoulder and back and another pillow between her knees.

Bella quietly put the glass of milk next to the bed as she gently tucked a soft wool blanket over her small frame. She was still so petite in spite of her rounded belly and in sleep she seemed almost impossibly young.

Bella walked out of the room after lowering the cotton blinds and closed the door.

She hated that her daughter was hurting and that she was not able to help her! She hated the fact that Mario had ever entered their lives or that she had actually encouraged their relationship.

She and Edward sat on their private patio.

"I hate that I encouraged him, E. I feel like I'm partly to blame for this" she spat out.

Edward shook his head, "How do you think I feel? I am her father and I should have been able to keep her safe."

Bella shook her head and sighed, "The fact is that we are never going to be able to keep them safe, Sweetheart. We can be there to assist them, we can catch them when they fall and we can be supportive and help to pick up the pieces. Alexis knows what she wants, she takes after you in that way. She doesn't know how to fail."

Edward took his girls out for dinner that night and they purposefully kept the conversation light.

Bella had spoken to Alice, Rose and Esme, who in turn had spoken to Sue and they had decided that they would all fly down to Alexis' new house in the next few weeks to finish it for her.

"Have you begun to interview for an nanny yet, Honey?" Bella asked as they drove home.

"Hmm, not yet. I'm not sure whether I want someone younger who will have the energy to be with twins or if I should get someone older who has more experience? It's tough you know? I know that I need someone who is well trained, experienced and who would be willing to travel, just in case I get the scholarship. And then Jackson suggested that I have a housekeeper as well, because he wanted to know who was going to clean the house, do the laundry and make sure that I eat, because obviously, I not capable to looking after myself…" she ended up grumbling more to herself than her parents.

Edward flashed a grin at his wife as he turned into their driveway, "Now baby girl, your brother means well."

"We can get some referrals while we are up at the Crest. I will also ask the girls if they know of anyone." Bella piped up as they walked into the house.

Edward suggested a nightcap, but Alexis excused herself as she was almost asleep on her feet.

"Night Daddy" she whispered as she reached up and kissed her father's cheek.

"Goodnight, Sweet Girl, sweet dreams." He said as he hugged her gently.

"Love you Mama"

"I love you Darling, and I am so happy that you are home" Bella gently rubbed her belly, "Goodnight my darlings, don't keep your Mama awake."

Alexis covered her mother's hand with her own, "It's so good to be home."

Bella watched Alexis walk up the stairs before she turned to Edward, "Shall we have our nightcap on the balcony?"


Alexis put her book down and started over at the pool. Her siblings and cousins were having a rowdy game of water polo and the sounds of shrieks and laughter floated over to where she was situated, under a shaded gazebo that Uncle Emmett had erected for her that morning, under the instructions of Aunt Rose, of course.

It had heavy canvas over the top to keep the sun out, but gauzy fabric on the sides made makeshift curtains with two day beds, a mini fridge and a snack cabinet made it more than comfortable.

The past month had been amazing as it always was when the entire family were together. Even though it was busy and loud and crowded, Rosalie and Emmett were very relaxed and everything was kept casual.

For a moment Alexis felt as if she was a kid again, hearing her family shout and play in the pool, it was like every summer that she ever remembered. Just then she saw Tiffany and Bonnie getting out of the pool and watched as they made their way towards her.

"Hello Cuz! Mind if we crash your party for one?" Tiffany said as she wrapped her wet hair in a towel and wrapped a sarong around her tiny waste.

Alexis snorted as she put her hand on her rounded belly, "Come on in, Nana just stocked up the mini fridge again although I think that she was just checking that I was taking my two hour 'nap' time! I feel like I'm one of the minis!"

Bonnie fixed her long hair into a makeshift bun and secured it with a couple of pins before she settled back on the remaining day bed. Meanwhile Tiffany poured them all some sparkling water and then she sat cross legged at the bottom of the day bed.

"So, how are you feeling?" she asked.

Alexis smiled, "Fine, really! The babies are active and of course I'm getting more tired now, but it's also really warm this summer. Doc Evans says that I'm doing well and we are now in the home stretch. I'm almost thirty weeks and in my last trimester, so I just need to take things easy."

Tiffany nodded, "That's great news. By the way, I was talking to my Mom last night and she told me that they are flying back out in a couple of days' time, to finalize your house."

Alexis rolled her eyes, "This is their new pet project. They have been to L.A. three times in the past month! I was just going to buy stuff on line and then get someone to put the flat packs together, but they have been over the house with a toothbrush. There isn't a corner or nook that hasn't been worked on by our moms!"

Bonnie nodded, "And when they found out that I knit and crochet, they were jumping over themselves to place their orders!"

"Well, I hope that you didn't undercharge them – don't let them take advantage of you, Bon. If you don't want to do it, please just tell my mom."

"Of course, Lex, but I've managed to make several throws and covers in the past few months. It's very therapeutic to crochet while I'm studying – it keeps my hands busy and keeps me awake!"

Alexis nodded. Bonnie had quite a lucrative side business going with her hand made throws, cushion covers, afghans and baby blankets and she one of the first people to gift Alexis with two pure cotton, baby blankets that would be practical in the mild California climate as well as beautiful to look at. She had received a lot of orders on her online website and she knew that it was all thanks to referrals from Jacksons family who couldn't get enough of her work.

There was also a small baby boutique in St. Helena that had contacted her regarding her throws and blankets and they were even willing to pay her outright and not work on the usual consignment agreement.

"Well I love the bikini that you have on – it's gorgeous and it's beautifully made!" Tiffany gushed as she looked over at Bonnie.

The black bikini was very well made and the matching short cover up was made in a fishnet pattern that was cool and very beautiful.

"Thanks, I've done needle work my entire life. My Grandma is an amazing woman who still makes her own jam, and she crochets and knits like there is no tomorrow. Plus she bosses my Grandpa around and makes sure that he is tending to her garden just like she told him to!" she said with a laugh.

"My Grandma and Pa used to run the farm where my parents live, but when it became a little too much for them, my dad built them their own homestead at the back of our land and now, Grammy spends her days baking and preserving or knitting and crocheting. When I go home you can usually find me at Grammy's house doing something!"

"Well, I have not inherited any of my parents' artistic talent. I love design but that was many years spent trailing after Aunt Rosie and Nana. But all my photos are out of focus and all my drawings of people look as if they were made by cavemen! And I'm an even worse actor!" Alexis laughed ruefully.

Tiffany chuckled, "Oh yeah, you were always in tears at school when it was time for art because you knew that everyone would make fun of you. But you didn't have to worry, Cuz, not when you have like a million brothers and cousins just waiting to kick someone's butt!"

Alexis ran her hand over her belly again.

"Are you excited?" Bonnie asked.

A slight frown marred Alexis' forehead as she smiled, "Um, yeah, I mean of course I'm excited, but you know.."

Tiffany put her hand over her cousins as it rested on her stomach, "But you are terrified as well, right?"

Alexis nodded hesitantly, "I mean I want them, of course I do. I had a choice when I found out, but it didn't even cross my mind to not have them. I'm just scared. You know, I'm still in school, my kids won't have a father and next year I'm going to be going half way around the world if I get that scholarship."

"You will never be alone, you have us."

Alexis sat up and hugged her two best friends, "I know, thank you."


At that moment Bella, Rosalie and Alice were wrapped in seaweed, whilst sipping Mimosa's in a spa that was tucked away in a corner of the Cullen vineyards.

About ten years before, Rosalie had come up with the idea to open a spa in Cullen Crest.

At first Emmett wasn't sure that it would work, but once he realised that their privacy would not be compromised, he agreed and so Rosalie began to design a day spa retreat centre, with indoor and outdoor pools, a small restaurant that served fresh produce and locally produced meats, as well as a garden to be enjoyed at the clients leisure.

It had taken a lot of hard work, but everyone had helped and so Rosie's Gardens had begun. And it was a huge success. Over time, a large hot house had been added together with a beautiful conservatory. Sue and Esme helped with operations and Rosalie employed oversaw everything.

"Aah Rose, I love coming here, I can't believe that we had to book to get in!"

Rose grinned, "We are fully booked for up to eight weeks at any one time and since I added the biokineticist we've been even busier. We have the health store as well as the deli now and the fact that no one can get onto our private land from here makes Emmett really happy."

Emmett had given Rosalie five acres of land that had its own access, and she had worked closely with Esme to design the property so that the buildings were surrounded by vineyards. The buildings themselves looked as if they had been dropped down from Tuscany, with stone facades, huge windows and bi-fold doors that let the outside in.

"So how is Alexis feeling?" Alice asked.

Bella sighed, "Well, she's excited and very afraid. This isn't how she saw her life panning out. She's twenty one and even though she has all of us to support her, she still fells alone."

Alice and Rosalie nodded, "Of course she is going to feel like that, but I think that we have done a great job in narrowing down a nanny and housekeeper for her. All she has to do is to make the final pick when she gets back."

"What are we doing for the 4th?" Alice asked.

"Well, we had thought that we should all go to the lake house and celebrate there. They have that amazing fireworks display and the kids have a good time wherever they are, but Lex is almost thirty four weeks and I think that the drive may be too much for her right now, so how about we just watch the fireworks in town and have a good old fashioned cook out here?"

Rose smiled, "That's a great idea, it's been so long since we have had everyone together and it's not just Alexis that gets tired easily nowadays – we are all slowing down!"

"Speak for yourself!" Alice said as she stuck her tongue out and sat up, "Let's get this seaweed off and go for that massage and then we have Bella's favourite – waxing! Yay!"

Bella groaned as her sisters-in-law laughed outright.


Jasper and Emmett stood to one side sipping on beers as the younger children ran around the garden, shrieking and laughing.

The young adults had their own space where they sat around talking and listening to music while the older family members sat to one side of the spit roast barbeque that Emmett had arranged. He and the other men had vetoed having the girls cater and they had all chipped in and treated them to a private chef and his crew prepare a pit roast with all the trimmings and dessert. The chef had flown in the day before and instead of disrupting their home, he had set up an outdoor kitchen that was fully equipped with working stove, refrigerators, and an army of sous chefs in attendance.

Edward sat with his father and father-in-law as he kept a watchful eye on the minis.

"Have you heard from Seth's attorney?" Carlisle asked quietly.

The hearing for permanent placement for Casey and Isabelle had been held a couple of months before and everyone was shocked when Seth and Jesse had failed to show up. Their attorney had been there only to present the judge with a sworn affidavit from both of his clients in which they had voluntarily given up their parental rights to both children.

The judge had been outraged and he had consented to the permanent placement of the two children with Bella and Edward but instead of granting them permission to pertain for adoption, he had given Seth an additional four months to 'come to his senses'.

Edward nodded, "yeah, Seth and Jesse have signed the adoption papers. Bella and I need to speak to the kids and then we will make an appointment with family court."

"Fuck! Seriously? I mean, we thought that given the extra time, Seth and Jesse would come to their senses."

Edward shook his head, "That would be funny if it wasn't so sad, no they've liquefied all of their assists, whatever they had left and have gone to some island to teach 'holy teachings' to the locals. We have no idea where they are, we tracked them as far as Mexico and then they just disappeared."

Carlisle shook his head, "I'm sorry for Sue and Charlie, but I'm happy for the kids. At least they know love and security now."


As the family sat together watching the fireworks in the dark, Alexis rubbed her stomach absentmindedly. She hadn't been very hungry for the past couple of days and she had just felt 'off'.

She tried to relax against the mountain of pillows, but her back was sore and she felt a little nauseous.

"Hey Sis, are you okay?" Sam leaned over and looked at her questioningly.

"Um, yeah, I think so, I mean I'm not really sure. I think that I may be coming down with something… Sam, grab that trash bag for me, quick!"

Sam barely had time to grab one of the clean-up bags and shoved it at Alexis before she sat up and threw up.

As soon as she was finished, Sam handed her a wet face wipe and a bottle of water.

"Do you want me to get Mom?"

"No! I'll be fine, I think that I must have eaten something that just didn't agree with me. I'm fine, Sam, don't fuss."

She looked around but thankfully they were sitting some way back from the rest of the family and she saw that no one had noticed.

She took small sips of the cool water and for a while she felt better but then after the fireworks were over and the family was packing up and saying their goodbyes to the other families, Alexis tried to stand up and as she did she felt a terrible cramp around her back, stomach and down her legs


One moment Bella and Edward were talking to their friends from town when Bella heard her daughter scream. In an instant she knew what was happening.

"Edward, phone Doc Evans! EDWARD!"

Bella would have laughed if she wasn't panicking herself. Edward stood frozen to the spot. So she punched his arm. "Edward Cullen, phone Doc Evans now and tell him that Lexie is in labour and we are on our way to the hospital!"

She didn't wait for an answer as she raced across the lawn to where Alexis as surrounded by their family.

"Alice, Rose, can you bring the minis? Jasper, Emmett can you help get Alexis to the car? Dad! Can you get Emmett's Jeep? It has the most space. Quickly Dad!"

Jasper and Em gently helped Alexis to stand and they slowly made their way where Charlie was waiting with the doors open. Carlisle was behind in his car and behind him was a precession of cars.

Edward run up just as Bella had climbed in the back with Alexis.

"Doc will meet us there! Drive Emmett!"


Merry Christmas and a very happy and prosperous New Year!