Cullen Academy

Chapter 1: Never Underestimate A Girl

A.N: So when I put up my vote, this story won by a long shot. So I decided to write this story. It was a better story to write too, it was fun to write. But I did get this idea from two books that I have read - I'd Tell You I'd Love You, But Then I'd Had to Kill YouStar Wars Jedi Quest The Changing of the Guard and . So I really hope you all enjoy!

Also, this story is dedicated to two of my best friends, Leigh and Lindsay. You two are true Cullen Academy girls.

This chapter is based off the song Never Underestimate A Girl by Vanessa Hudgens. I have used this song a lot, and I feel like I am over using it, but it just fits this chapter perfectly. Every chapter will be based off a song, so you might want to listen to the song before or after you read the chapter.

Also, I just wanted to post this chapter to give you guys a little tease on this story. I have two other chapters written that is just a little bit shorter than this one, so I want to know if I should continue!

"You three know you want me."

Man didn't this guy know who he was dealing with? We are Cullen Academy girls, and we aren't to be messed around with. You think this guy would realize, since he is a Cullen Academy guy. Man, was he an idiot! I really hope he backs away before we mess with him. Cause I don't think he would want to be injured right before the beginning of classes, that wouldn't look good on his health record.

Alice rolled her eyes, and Rosalie scoffed. I just looked at him with a yeah-right look. "No, not really," I informed, fake smiling. This guy had been bothering us for a while now, and we were about to loose it. Alice, Rose and I exchanged a silent glance, and I knew what I had to do.

He went beyond the limits when he placed one of his arms around my waist, and laid his other arm across Alice's and Rose's butt. In one swift second, I jabbed him in the neck, right above his shoulder. Alice poked him on the back of his legs, and Rose poked him right below the rib cage. He was on the floor before he realized what happened.

"That's what happens when you mess with us," Rose intimidated, smirking. Alice and I gave each other a high-five while the guy just looked at us, surprised on the floor.

"Don't bother us again," Alice added, and tapped his hand with her sneaker. We strutted away, heading towards our room on the third floor. "Man, does he know how to take a hint? He was asking for it."

I sat down on my bed, while Alice and Rose took their spots on their beds. I smirked. "Oh well, I think that it was kinda fun getting back at him. He should be able to get back up now, but I bet that he was paralyzed for a second or too and that probably freaked him out."

Pressure points were one thing you needed to know in the Academy. If you did it at the exact time and place, you could paralyze someone for a few seconds and that could help you if you were in a situation. You needed to know almost everything in here.

The Cullen Academy was a spy school. It was top secret- not even the F.B.I knew about it, so we had to be careful. We were the only network that worked everywhere, but there was only one place. None of the top agencies knew about us, and it was rules that we kept ourselves secret at all times.

We learned how to crack top secret codes, and self defense beyond the military learned. Every time we were out of this building in the real world, we laugh at how much someone with boast about how strong or fast they were. If they only knew...

"I agree with that, I hope he got a scare of what we did to him. I hope he knows not to bother anyone else too," Rose said.

The Cullen Academy started letting girls in last year. The three of us came last year, all from our home town of Arizona. We had to travel and live in Forks, Washington to attend this school. Apparently, all of our parents were friends with the people that owned the academy, so we were allowed to enter the school.

Although this was a school, it was also our home. I love everything about this place, and I made so many new friends. I wouldn't leave this place if I was asked, and I know that I will always keep the secret.

Well anyways, since the academy only started letting girls in last year, not many girls attend the academy. Overall there are just over thirty girls compared to the two hundred guys at the academy. There were a total of two hundred and thirty-six students at the academy, and thirteen teachers.

So us to the guys, we were 'goals.' There were very few of us, and there were so many guys, all of the guys went after each and every one of us. Apparently all of us were very pretty and amazing, but I thought opposite. I didn't think I was pretty, I looked pretty average to me.

"So are we going to lunch or what?" Alice asked, after hearing her stomach growl. She was the smallest out of all of us, but she could eat just as much. "I'm hungry, and I'm pretty sure you girls are too.'

I thought for a moment and then hunger overtook my thoughts. "Yeah, I'm hungry too. Let's go." The three of us headed out of our room, and towards the cafeteria.

As we entered the cafeteria, we were replied with a chorus of wolf whistles and howls. Alice gave a dirty glare to a table of guys, and Rose flipped one of them off. These guys were nice and all, but some of them were jerks. Even if we replied with mean things, they would still try at us, and it got really annoying.

"Three, four cheese pasta with a side of roasted chicken please," Rose asked. We had an amazing chef, that cooked whatever we asked him too. The only reason we had amazing food, was because sometimes we were given small packets of food and water, and we had to rationalize the food over a period of time. Sometimes it was a short time, sometimes it isn't. We had to go for eight days with that small packet of food. It helped us on missions when we had lack of food.

We grabbed our bowls, and a water bottle and headed towards our table. We sat in the middle of the cafeteria, with the three other tables that seated us girls. Sometimes, a few guys would come over and try and sit next to one of us. We would either let them, or kick their butts.

"Ten bucks Newton is going to approach first," Alice bet, throwing a bill in the center of the table. Rose and I exchanged a glance and raised our eyebrows. Two other girls that sat with us looked at the bill on the table, curiously. The two girls were Kassia and Alicia. They usually sat on the other side of the table with Angela, but today they had to move over since some of the jerks had come over too 'admire' us.

"Nope, I honestly think that Eric is going to come first," Alicia answered, eying the bill on the table, adding her own. "He's the one that has been becoming the stalker. Newton always comes to our table, so Eric will want to beat him out. Honestly, you would have to give him credit for doing that too."

"Nah, Newton is so going to come here first," I stated, taking a sip out of my water bottle.

Kassia jokingly rolled her eyes at me. "Hmm, I think I am probably going to have to bet on Newton. I'm sorry, but he is like the number one stalker out of stalkers." She threw a bill on the table, and chewed on her chicken sandwich happily.

"Well, look who it is," Rose interrupted, glancing at the guy side of the cafeteria. The seven pair of eyes from our table shifted to glance at the other side, and surprise, surprise, we saw Newton get up from our table and slick his hair out of his eyes. Alice and Kassia exchanged a high five and looked at Alicia.

"Looks like you just lost your cash," Alice stated, holding her palm up. "We get fifteen each, you lost."

"Oh well, I think it was a pretty good bet. Look, here comes the other one anyway." I turned to see Eric walking right behind Newton. They both had the calm look on and acted like they were the coolest things in the world. Oh please. Maybe Rose, Alice and I will get to show these two what we did to Tyler earlier.

"Bonjour, dame," Mike greeted in French. Alice, Rose and I rolled our eyes at the exact same moment while we all stared at him with bored looks on our faces. "Ça va?"

I got up too stand right in front of him. "You want to know how we're feeling right?" I retorted, and he put on a smirk and just nodded his head. "We want you to go and screw yourself, but knowing you, you already did." I smirked right back, and I started laughing. The rest of the girls the girls that were sitting at other tables also added their laughter in the chorus.

I sat back down and Rose and Alice gave me thumbs up. Mike just stood there, staring at us dumbly. Even though I just dissed him in front of the entire student body, he still thought that I wanted him. "Awe, you're only saying that to try and hide your true feelings for me. You know you want me...Bad."

He licked his lips as he looked at me hungrily. Ugh, I am starting to think I am going to throw up. "Yeah right, not even in your dreams."

"Why would I need to dream about it when I know it's reality?"

Ugh, that did it. He was really lucky I am feeling calm today. "You know what Newton? Why don't you go over there to your friends, and leave us alone. You know that you wouldn't be able to get either of us even if you were the last girl on the planet," Rose remarked, standing up beside me.

"Excuse me, I am a boy if you haven't noticed. I can even show you if you want," Mike replied, cockily.

"I know what I said." Rose took a step forward and held out her fist. Even if she did punch him, he would be able to block it. Threatening them was a usual thing we did everyday. They usually just walked away after that, and the whole scene would be repeated the next day.

"Is he bothering you girls?" Eric interrupted, after staying quiet the whole time. "Cause you know, I can take care of that and then come back and spend some quality time with you ladies." He tried to sound seductive while staring at Alice. Alice just rolled her eyes and shooed him away with her small hands.

"You go and follow Newton, you're just as bad," Alice said. She took a drink of her water, and looked back at him. "Why are you still here, I thought I told you to leave?"

Eric gave us a smile, showing off his teeth. "No prob, little lady. But I will tell you I will be back." And with that, he walked back to the other side of the cafeteria, taking his seat across from Newton. Man, do any of these guys get a hint?

"Alice, Rose, wanna come to the Fountain with me?" I asked, taking my last bite of pasta, savoring the taste. "I'm gonna see what other evidence I can find out before class."

"Yeah, we're coming," Alice answered. "See you girls later, we gotta go and do something."

"See yeah," Angela said.

"Bye. Remember, we have IL later, hope you're updated," Kassia replied, winking at us. IL stood for International Languages. Yeah, pretty pathetic title, but what could you do? At least they were easy to remember. "Arrivederci."
"Ciao," Alicia added, smiling.

We walked out, throwing our trash away. Some of the boys greeted us nicely, and some of them wolf whistled. We greeted the guys that were nice, but flipped the ones that acted like jerks to us. "Ready for new classes this year? I hear we get to learn advanced Field Work and Hot Wiring for the new models of cars that come out this year," Rose informed. She got excited about learning about cars. I don't know what else she could learn about them, she studies them all the time.

The three of us turned down the hall and walked down a hallway. At the very end of the hall was a tall bookcase that held every single book published in the year two-thousand seven that had to do with spying and spy agencies. The fountain room was only built in last year, and it was still secret to a lot of the students that weren't in the higher classes yet.

Rose pulled on the third book on the eighth shelf, and there was a few clicks and the bookcase moved to the left, unveiling a door behind it. Alice punched in the four digit entering code for the fountain room, and we were in. "This place just gets better and better, I think it's my favorite room in the academy," Alice stated, looking around and taking in the fresh air.

Well, the air wasn't exactly fresh. The room was pretty big, and had a bunch of plants and trees. Fresh air was brought in from the woods. There was a fake sun ceiling. It gave you the allusion that you were sitting outside. Trees, bushes and flowers were planted everywhere, and it made the room look like woods. There was an artificial river that flowed through the whole Fountain Room. It was called the Fountain Room, but most of us just called it the Fountain. It was named the Fountain Room because in the middle of the room was a huge, crystallized fountain of the Cullen Crest.

The Cullen Crest was everywhere. It was on the fountain, and on the jackets that we had to wear sometimes during classes. It was a picture of a lion with a hand over it's head. Under it was a V shaped thick line with three, three leaf clovers in it. Above the hand was the name Cullen. Only we knew what the crest was, and it was something not to joke around with. With that crest, you could get anywhere you needed in the academy and anywhere else in the world.

This room was our favorite room in the academy because for once, you could get away from everything. It peaceful, and relaxing, and a nice place to just enjoy time with friends or by yourself. It was also a great place for a picnic with friends- I know, Rose, Alice and I had one last week and there was a food fight involved.

I took a breath of the air that was the closest in the building to being fresh. "Ahh, it feels really really nice in here. Why don't we just skip class and stay here?" Rose questioned, taking a deep breath. Alice copied her and nodded her head.

"I agree, it's not like we need to know any other languages. IL is just going to be review and learning some other language we are probably never going to use again, unless they make us practice it. I don't mind learning the languages, but it's just that our tongues can only know so much," Alice added, giggling. I agree, they can't teach us everything.

"Yeah, I know," I replied. "Sometimes I wish we could be normal, and just walk around like other teens. We can't just take a walk around in the fresh air without someone knowing our every move, or us being super careful." It was all true. It was awesome being a Cullen Academy girl, but we don't we all want something we don't have?

"Exactly. We need to go on a camping trip or something, that would be so much fun! Maybe we should go and have a camping trip in a different continent to spice things up a little!" Alice and her ideas. That would be fun, at least we would get to be outside in the wilderness.

The three of us walked down through the trees, heading towards our area. Since this room was pretty big, there was a lot of space, and everytime we came into here, we had one special place. It was a nice clearing in the 'woods'. There were trees circling the grass, but there was nothing but grass in the circle. The circle wasn't that big, maybe twenty-five feet across, but it was a spot where us three could just lay there and talk.

"So you think anyone has gotten to our spot? I still don't understand how no one else is there when we come," Rose said.

"I know, it's so nice. How could anyone not want to just sit there and close your eyes?" I added. So far no one else has really stayed in our area for too long. We've seen people walk through it and such, but no one ever bothered to stop there.

"Maybe cause they know it's our spot and we would mess with them," Alice answered. "I mean, does anyone really want to mess with us? I think not." Rose and I let out a giggle at Alice's choice of words.

"True," Rose and I said at the same time.

As we rounded a few bushes, the three of us stopped abruptly. It was a domino affect, we all dropped our jaws a millisecond after the other did and our eyes widened.



"Heck." My eyes focused and unfocused on our spot. Our spot. Why did they have to be in our spot? After all that time, they chose now to lay down on the grass that we called our territory.

I don't think we were that mad. It was just that the years that we had been in the school, the spot was always ours. It was a shock seeing three guys-three hot guys, sitting in our spot. They weren't sitting really, they were laying on their backs staring up at the fake sky.

Before the three guys in our spot could say a word to us, or we could say anything else to them, a bell rang off. Not just any bell. It was the bell that my eardrums have ever heard before while being in this building. The safest and most dangerous building throughout the world.

It was the emergency alarm.

Hmm, the Cullen Crest looks familiar doesn't it? I know this chapter didn't have that much in it, but the next one will get better :).


Bonjour, dame-Hello, ladies.

Ça va?- How are you?

Arrivederci- Bye


So...Hit or Miss?