Chapter 17: Amusement park and a Water Part

Part 3

P.S last chapter I put chapter 15.. It was suppose to say chapter 17. My bad :p

Bella POV

"Emmy goo!" Edward cheered, clapping his hands as he rooted for Emmett to throw the 3 balls into the bin.

Emmett growled in frustration, as the balls bounced back out the bin and onto the floor.

I chuckled along with Alice and Rosalie. "gently Emmett" I said as Emmett slammed another 5 dollar bill on the table.

" The stupid thing is rigged!" Emmett defended, " I can't win!" he said as the balls once again fell to the ground.

The Guy behind the booth gave him an encouraging smile " you can do it son. You almost had it"

Emmett scowled at him; " if I had it, I wouldn't still be trying would I?" he said as he gently threw in another ball.

This time both of the balls stayed in the bin. " come on Em!" Rose clapped along with Edward.

"yeah Emmy!" Edward clapped, looking up at the big stuffed piano.

Emmett stared at the ball in his hand as if it were made of gold. He looked at the blue bin, and backed up from the booth some. Aiming his hand so the ball was being thrown underhand. Carefully, very carefully he threw the ball.

Edward covered his eyes with one of his hands, and the other on mine. Well, his tiny hand only covered part of my eye. " Bewa it works?" Edward asked his eyes still covering his eyes.

I chuckled, " I hope so" I said and kissed his forehead.


"We have a winner!" The guy behind the booth said as he gave Emmett a high five and walked over to the prizes.

" here ya go" The guy said and handed Emmett a miniature little Blue Zebra.

He raised an eyebrow at him and gave him a 'what the heck is this' look. Along with Rose and Jasper.

Alice shrugged giving us a ' told you already' smile.

" I thought I was going to win the piano" Emmett said confused.

The guy at the booth shook his head, " you have to get the balls into the bin 2 more times to get the big prizes"

Emmett shrugged his shoulders; " bring it on"






"Thanks wu!" Edward smiled at Emmett, as he hugged his huge stuffed piano close to him.

Emmett ruffled his hair " your welcome buddy"

Edward giggled again and sighed into the pillow. I smoothed his hair as we walked over to where everyone else was. It was a cotton candy booth.

Oh god...

I don't think anything would happen though. Edward looked at all the different colors on the stand in awe. Their was literally every color cotton candy you could ask for. Pink, blue, green, you name it. They even had black. Lickerish, I'm guessing. The cotton candy stand was also painted in different colors.

"ohhh" Edward pointed at the stand. I chuckled, and ruffled his hair causing him to giggle.

" okay guys, which color would you like?" Alice asked us.

I raised an eye-brow at Alice. " can babies even eat cotton candy?" I asked her.

She shrugged, " it can't hurt him. As long as he doesn't eat the whole thing or give him to much in his mouth he should be fine. Besides, if I remember doesn't that stuff melt as soon as your saliva touches it?"

I nodded, " yeahh.." I trailed off and looked over at Edward who was still looking at the stand in awe.

Edward scrunched his nose up deciding. He looked at a little girl about 6 getting all the colors for her cotton candy. His mouth fell into a o shape and he turned to me and Alice.

" prettyful! I get difwent colo?" he asked pouting his lip out at Alice.

Alice kissed his cheek, " of course you can" causing Edward to giggle.

"Bella, what color do you want?" Alice asked.

I sighed, " you know I hate cotton candy. Ever since that incident" I told her.

She nodded, " oh yeah... So original?"

I stared at her.

She shrugged, " original it is" she said and danced over to the stand.

"Alice!" I said, but she was already waving me off, telling the man her order.

I sighed.

Edward looked at me in a giggle fit, I couldn't help but smile. " your such a happy baby aren't you Edward?" I said blowing bubbles on his tummy.

He squealed, squirming around in my arms. I walked over to sit on the bench, to where Rose and Emmett was waiting.

" hey Bells. Since I can't eat that disgusting candy stuff. Ya mind eating enough for me as well?" he grinned.

I rolled my eyes.

"... that is if you can. Without, ya know breaking anything" he snickered, to which Rose responded with a thump on the back of his head.

I couldn't help but laugh along with Edward.

"ow Rosie" Emmett rubbed the back of his head, " I can get brain damage like" he stated.

I outright laughed along with Rose and Edward. I even saw Alice and Jasper shaking with laughter and chuckles.

Emmett pouted. " what! I can to get damage. Carlisle told me so" he defended.

I fell into another fit of laughter, with Edward.

Rose chuckled shaking her head, " of course you can honey" she rubbed his head and kissed his cheek.

Alice and Jasper came back over with two things of cotton candy. We all walked over to a near by table that was over by the food court with an umbrella. Before Alice could give Edward his cotton candy, he stuck both hand in it, and pulled out some with his fists.

"mmm" Edward nodded in satisfaction, sucking on his right hand.

I chuckled, and gently took his hand out his mouth. " Don't put your entire hand in you mouth"

Edward nodded and started to suck on his fingers. I chuckled shaking my head.







I groaned as I looked at my hands that was now sticky with cotton candy. If I wipe my hands on my shirt, I risk getting stuck to other things. Bee's and fly's flying around me, which causes me to stumble and fall... and break things...


That is not going to happen again. Between my self ramblings, I didn't notice Alice holding up some wet wipes a knowing look on her face. I stuck my tongue out taking the wipes from her and cleaning my hands.

"ooohh!" I heard Edward say, along with some giggling.

I looked over and saw he was playing bubbles with Rosalie. Rose would blow the bubbles and Edward would laugh as he popped the bubble. Emmett and Jasper said something about going to go ride some ride. The Terminator or something, I think it was called.

So it was just us girls and Edward right now.

"Bewa! Bewa come play!" Edward called, as Rose held the thing to his lips so he could make a bubble.

It was cute, how he just ended up spitting.

I walked over to them and popped one of the bubbles. Edward giggled and clapped his hands. " oh noo!" he giggled again. " gots to blow more more now!" Edward smiled and did a little dance.

You couldn't help but smile, he was to cute for words.

" look Edward, this one's a big one" I heard Alice say as she lightly blew thru the blow thing. A big bubble emerged and Edward laughed as he smashed it between his hands.

"Edward!" Alice laughed as she wiped some of the soap that had gotten on her face.

"oopsie!" Edward shrugged and began to pop the bubbles again.

About another hour later we met up with Emmett and Jasper. Edward had tired himself out was passed out in my arms. We looked over and saw them waiting in line to ride the bumper cars. I shook my head, as they waved us over.

" Ride with us!" Emmett yelled, as we walked over.

" Sorry" Emmett whispered, as he noticed Edward was fast asleep.

I shook my head; " I don't really wanna ride. I'll go sit over their, I said motioning to the tables across from where they were.

Emmett and Jasper shrugged " okay. What about you two?"

Alice shook her head, while Rose nodded. " I'll go wait with Bella" I heard Alice say as she walked over to where I was.

We sat together in a comfortable silence, Alice on her phone typing away. I'm pretty sure she was ordering some new clothes.

"Hey Alice, hold Edward for me. I really have to go use the bathroom" I told her.

She chuckled, " sure Bella. Want me to come with you?" she asked.

I shook my head, " I won't be long" I said, and sorta walked/ran to the nearest bathroom.

After finishing my business, I walked over to the sink washing my hands and splashing a little water on my face. I grabbed a paper towel and exited the restroom.

"okay.. now where the heck am I?" I muttered to myself, as I noticed the restroom door had said EMPLOYE'S ONLY in big bold letters.

Oops. I shrugged my shoulders and continued to try to find my way back to Everyone. I passed a fun house, a pretzel cart, and a bunch of game stations.

Oh great, I was lost.

Racking a hand through my hair, I looked around and walked over to where the huge map of the amusement park was.

I looked over the map, and sighed, when I realized I was on the complete opposite side of the park. Now how do I get back...

" Excuse me miss, but do you need any help?" I looked up expecting to see anyone but the person I saw.

You guessed, it. I was staring at the one and only.


A/N: Lol, silly silly Bella.
