A/N : AH! DONT YELL AT ME ! WAIT LET ME EXPLAIN. okay see i'm going on vacation, and i dont know when i will update, or if it will be soon, plus this chapter was suppose to be in the last chapter. so here you are. KEEP REVEIWEING FOR MORE. THANKS GUYS. :]

disclaimer: I own nothing of twilight.

Carlisle, sat across from me, his hands playing with his pen, and I sat there, playing with my hands. Edward stayed outside. I didn't mind being alone with Carlisle, he was a good person.

"So as you know your on suicide watch, and Edward has agreed to 'watch' you." Carlisle smile slightly and I nodded.

"Do you feel comfortable enough to speak to me ?" He asked some hope in his voice.

"Yes." I nodded.

"Thank you." He said satisfied.

"Anything new?" He asked shifting in his seat.

"Edward, is my boyfriend, Alice, is in the process of making me her best friend and I just became friends with Jasper." I smiled slightly at my accomplishment.

"That's nice. Are you finding it easier to communicate?" He put a hand through his hair.

"Yes, I would say." I rubbed my arm.

"Does Edward make it easier?" He tilted his head.

"Yeah." I smiled.

"How?" Carlisle asked truly curious.

"I… I .. I don't know. I just know I love him." I tried to explain but I seemed to fail. I couldn't explain why things seemed so different with him around, why I felt like the sun was coming out for the first time, or why I wanted to say so much to him. I could only guess the reason was that I love him.

"He's such a great person.. Er vampire. Or whatever. He like to listen to me, I never thought someone would enjoy knowing what I was thinking but, he listens to me. I like it. I love it actually and I could say absolutely anything and he still loves me. Its.. Its… its , well, amazing. I feel better, things feel like they are becoming clear, like things are starting to make sense, like they should be. I cant forget the past Carlisle, and I'll always think about it. But I have him. I know he isn't going anywhere." I smiled looking behind Carlisle.

"Well that would be the most I think I have ever heard you speak.." Carlisle smiled satisfied, he seemed really happy about this. I was on a roll.

"And of course thank you Carlisle, for helping me. You could have gave up on me, but your still around and .. Just thank you. It means so much to me. If it wasn't for you and your family I would have been a wreck.." I thanked him, with the most sincerity. He looked touched.

"Thank you Bella, I already see you as my daughter, and I'm so glad you are getting better." Carlisle reached out and put his hand on mine. And I took in the moment, the feeling. The feeling of being accepted no matter how messed up my pat is, or how many people I have hurt. I felt like some part of the old me was coming back and maybe it was already back. Things felt better.

"How's school?" He asked sounding like my father. I smiled at that.

"Good. I don't like a lot of the people. But they don't give me trouble." I smiled.

"Good." He nodded.

"And any thoughts of suicide lately?" Carlisle was going back into doctor mode.

"Nope." I grinned satisfied.

"Fantastic." He scribbled something down on the paper in front of him then looked back at me.

"Well, I don't think there is anything else, you can cut your visits down to once a week. I can see you don't need me daily." He smiled and we both stood from our seats. I walked over to him, and he held out his hand for me to shake, but I ignored it and hugged him. He was a bit hesitant but then put his arms around me and gave me a squeeze.

"Thank you, Thank you. For everything." I murmured and he released me from the hug. I walked over to the door.

"Bye." I said and closed the door behind me.

"Hi!" Alice squealed appearing out of thin air. I put my hand to my chest.

"Alice you scared the crap out of me." I breathed.

"Oh sorry." She smiled apologetically.

"Its okay." I smiled regaining my composure.

"I'm so glad your feeling better." She pulled me into a hug and I hugged her back satisfied.

"Even better, you and Jasper are friends." She smiled wider if possible.

"Yep" I laughed.

A/N: You promised not to yell at me, i know its really short, but its just you know its goes along with the lat chapter. I'm sorry. PYT by Michael Jackson is on though!:] REVIEW PLEASE.