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Joined 10-19-08, id: 1720376, Profile Updated: 12-03-10
Author has written 1 story for Twilight.

"Procrastination: Don't put it off."

For starters, I am BlushingBlondie, aka. Abbey

About me: I have blond hair, and blush a lot, hence my pen name. :) I blush at everything, and I hate it. I have blue eyes, and am really tiny. I am about 5'1 and Im 17 years old. I am a twin and she doesn't look a thing like me. We are compete opposites its sometimes scary. and I love to make people laugh. It's my thing. :)


Bella's Bridesmaid dress for Alice's wedding: http:///photo/11527677/Long_Bridesmaid_Dress.jpg

10 Facts You Don't Know About Me:

1. I hate Robert Pattinson. Not Edward. Who hates Edward? :)

2. I hate Jello. It's jiggly.

3. I play soccer.

3. I am not blond anymore. :( It turned into a bronze color for some reason. I didn't die it.

4. I can break dance.

5. I am in love with Taylor Lautner. ;) Hes my fiancee :D

6. I play video games. Pretty much because of my four brothers.

7. I am obsessed with Orange Juice! (I am also obsessed with saying, "I'm about to go O.j. Ya'll know what I mean!" before I drink it)

8. I am always really happy, and I use a lot of smiley faces. :)

9. I am so lazy it's not even funny.

10. I'm a little crazy... :)

Twilight Oath

I promise to remember Bella
Each time I carelessly fall down
I promise to remember Edward
Each time I'm out of town
I promise to obey traffic laws
For Charlie's sake of course
And I promise to remember Jacob
When my heart fills with remorse
I promise to remember Carlisle
Whenever I am in the emergency room
And I promise to remember Emmett
Everytime there is a big boom
I promise to remember Rosalie
Whenever I see something that holds pure beauty
And I promise to remember Alice
Everytime I'm at the mall and a cute outfit spots me
I promise to remember Nessie
Whenever I see beautiful bronze hair
And I promise to remember Esme
When someone tells me that they care
I promise to remember Jasper
Whenever my stomach isn't curled
And I promise to remember the Volturi
When someone speaks of dominating the world
Yes, I promise to love Twilight
Wherever I may go
So that all may see my true obsession
Because I know what Twilighters know

A Diamond in the Rough: Part 3 by Moonchild707 reviews
Under Construction.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Family/Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 25 - Reviews: 1719 - Favs: 680 - Follows: 368 - Updated: 10/13/2016 - Published: 9/29/2009 - Bella - Complete
What Happens in Vegas reviews
It's beautiful." I whispered, as I lifted my hand to look at the diamond ring closer. Then, reality set in. "We're MARRIED?" ExB!
Twilight - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 20 - Words: 23,408 - Reviews: 532 - Favs: 333 - Follows: 326 - Updated: 12/3/2010 - Published: 3/30/2009 - Bella, Edward
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Community: Sexy Can, I?
Focus: Books Twilight