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![]() Author has written 13 stories for Twilight, and Modern Faerie Tales. http:///pandoras1secret/ CHECK THIS OUT!! The awesome Community: Fics that NO fan should live without reading! Created by mi amiga No.Emmett.I.Punched.A.Werewolf. We are adding all the BEST stories on Fanfic so instead of scanning ALL those fanfics on the homepage for a decent one go there! And subscribe or read or whatever. Thanks!! So, I know I haven't updated in...yeah, a long time and I probably won't be for some time. I've just been really concentrating on school lately. Also, I kind of fell out of love with Twilight a little (As of 5/2010- still alive. :) ) Hello people who don't know me! My name is Pandora K. (Pan-door-AH) but most people just call me Pan. pandorasnotebook - Pandora was the first woman in ancient Greek mythology. She was beautiful but dangerous and ended up letting out all the evils into the world. In my mythology classes everyone got a Greek name. They chose Pandora for me. So this is my notebook. Open it's pages at your own risk. About me- I have brown hair that sometimes turns blonder when it's being stupid and blue eyes. I have a random blue streak in my hair which is very ironic because I usually don't like to draw attention to myself. I'm short for my age which is...not old and not young. I am the same height as Huedini. I fall...a lot and have limited dept perception. I have freckles and I blush alot...too much and all my friends make fun of me for it. I live- under your bed. (please PM me if you actually go check under your bed) Age-I'm in high school and old enough to drive...and drive fast... Gender- DUDE! Me llamo Pandora! Do you need me to spell it out for you? F-E-M-A-L-E! I'm an indie music freak. ;) WARNING! - I make up my own words alot. (usually not in stories..but sometimes.. and sometimes i will randomly repeat a word (i.e. Fun fun!) or switch to basic spanish in the middle of a sentance (i.e. Hiya Chicos!) Just don't be alarmed. Also, my spanish sucks minorly. It's used out of context and sometimes may just be english with an -o at the end. I am severely optimistic. I have only ever been depressed once in my life and that was for about a week after my friend died. I can find the bright side of nearly anything. I can be contacted through reviews, PMs, my s/n - Pandoraz1secret, my site (above), or I'm on the forums alot. I try to review on all the stories I read and I love recieving reviews. I try to respond but its hard if it's only like 'update soon'. So put something fun or fill your review with randomness. Most likely I will respond something equally random... Sorry to anyone who has been scarred by it...Also, um, most of the reviews I leave are reallllllllly long and sometimes get off subject...which is probably why some of you are here- to find out who the weirdo who left the long review is. Hi, I'm Pan. Nice to meet you! I am first and foremost an artist. I only write because I had all of these stories in my head to go with my art so I started writing them down and then I realized "Hey I have a whole book here!" Then I accedently stumbled on this site and I thought I would see if complete strangers thought I was any good...and here I am. Tah-dah! I am here because no one has read anything i have ever written. My friends don't even know I like to write and my parents don't know I'm on here...-nervous glance- I don't know when I'm planning on telling them. Hmm... Anyway, i have no way of knowing if I'm good. Thats why I'm counting on you to review and tell me if I am good or bad and give me ways to improve. Uh, I don't have mant stories on my fave list and I have absolutely no authors on my fave author list. It's not because I don't like any of you (I love you all!) but it's just because of my extreme laziness. If I like your stories than I'll leave you a review. Wow, you actually made it through all of that? You must be really bored. AWARDS AND OTHER FUN STUFF A lot of totally fun stuff has been happening lately with my stories! A whole boat load of people have been asking to use some of my ideas in their stories which is awesome! Like Twilight Commercial ideas. So I'll be posting those here as soon as they get back to me. Also, Based on True Events is being traslated into Vietnamese by Vanessa Evans. Based On True Events also got chosen as 'Fanfic of the week' on Cullen Boys Anonymous and they had a whole forum to talk about it. Awkward Day won 2nd place in the Best Use Of An Unlikely Senerio in the Twilighter Choice Awards. http://www.fanfiction.ws/s/5032335/1/Dia_Embarazoso http://www.fanfiction.ws/s/4644354/1/ www(dot)quizilla(dot)com/polls/8805246/do-you-celebrate-awkward-day-httpwwwfanfictionnets46802331awkwardday-all-rights-to-the-writer RIP- Daddy's Little Cannibal 5/8/09 (One of my fave fanfic writers. She'll be missed.) RIP- Laurent (He who tried to be good) RIP- R.C. - 5/16/07 RIP- M.S. - 1/13/09 |