Author has written 23 stories for Harry Potter, Twilight, Lost, Just Listen, and Maximum Ride. April 27 2012: The last time I updated this profile (or anything fanfiction for that matter) was probably back in 2008. A lot has happened since then. I got half way through university and couldn't afford to go anymore, I read about three hundred more books, Twilight moved from the top of my shelf to the middle, and Harry Potter released their final movie on Blue-Ray. Oh, and October of 2011, I gave birth to my son, Hamish. I know, I know.. It should have been something Harry Potter related, but it wasn't up to me. But I love my little boy. Anyways, I probably still won't be updating any stories. I know you are all pretty much upset with me, but I have moved on to writing stories not based on other people's books. Although '50 Shades of Grey' got away with it. I want to thank you all for reading my stories. I didn't think I would become so popular.. I still get so many favorite storie alerts etc. Thank you so much! It's you guys who gave me the motivation to keep writing and not giving up! Here is the rest of my profile that I wasn't embarrassed by when I showed up. haha I want to apologize to those who sent me pm's asking for a beta. I didn't even get an alert for it. Next time, send me a message at my direct email and I will be so happy to help you guys out! it's jedi_gurl2005_naboo for hotmail. Kim. P.S.. the sites you can find me on below are old. I do write on Tumbler ever so often. Look me up there perhaps? Username: MustBeRain I love to write poetry and books.. I have had a lot of poetry published but no books just yet.. Well.. I hope you like my fanfiction and give me a lot of reviews... find me on MySpace at /sparrowshands Find me on FictionPress at : Favorite pairings: Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione, Lupin/Tonks, Kate/Sawyer, Buffy/Spike,Buffy/Angel... No wierd homosexual ones unless it was like that in the show or book, no wierd pairings that would never happen. Such as Harry/Mrs.Weasley or Buffy/Giles...nothing gross like that.. And leave the Twilight couples together! thats how it's supposed to be! Woman: (after Spike saves her) Thank you! Thank you! That thing was gonna kill me! Hurley (to Sawyer about his new glasses) - Dude! It looks like someone steamrolled Harry Potter! "I have to step out for a second...Don't do anything funny while I'm gone." -Emmett "Did you seriously just stamp your foot? I thought girls only did that on tv." - Jacob |
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