A/N: I wont know if I should continue this unless you review. So, please please please review and I'll give you an e-cookie. Ya.

"Kate. Kate, wake up." I rolled over and looked into the face that so rudely woke me up. I couldn't help but smile. "Good Morning." Sawyer said, watching me with those loving eyes.

"Morning." I rolled onto my side, and he slid his arm around me, drawing me up against his chest. He lifted his hand and placed it on my cheek. "So, what's on the agenda today?" I said. He looked me over.

" I can think of one thing.." He suggested. I rolled my eyes and sat up. He adjusted himself behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. He began to kiss my neck. I nudged his head away and raised my hands, tieing my hair back. "Come on freckles, don't be like that." I rolled my eyes again and began to stand up. His grip on me tightened pulling me back into his lap. He turned me around, kissing my collarbone. " You still taste like strawberries." he murmered, his breath tickled me, his stubble itching. I moaned.

"You still taste like shit." I laughed. "Let go of me, I need a drink." I pushed at his hands and he reluctantly let go. I stood up, and started to get dressed. Sawyer watched me with a smug grin. I basked in the attention. Sawyer reached out and caressed my ankle with his knuckles. I smiled down at him before walking out of the tent.

The sun hit me and I had to blink a couple of times. I headed towards the water storage, filling a water bottle. I splashed a bit on my face, before drinking as much as I could.

"Thirsty?" Someone asked from behind me. Jack stood there, watching me.

"A bit." I answered. He smiled and walked closer.

"A bunch of us are going for a hike. You want to come?"

"Is Juliet coming?" I turned my head, taking another drink and wiping my lips with the back of my hand.

"Uh. No." He answered after a moment.

"I guess I could come."

"Great. Meet at the edge of the jungle in 15 minutes."

"Alright." I grinned at him. He turned around, stopped for a second, and then walked away. I waited a few seconds before walking back to my tent. Sawyer was standing there, waiting.

"What did Doc want?" He asked.

"Were you spying on me?" I asked. He stared at me for a moment.

"Yes." He said. I laughed, shaking my head. "So what are we doing today?"

"I don't know about you but I'm going for a hike."

"With Bugs over there?"

"Yes. And some others."

"I'll come." He said. I looked at him and my smile vanished.

"I don't know if you were.er. invited."

"I get the hint freckles. You want some alone time." He turned around and walked away.


"Kate. Kate. Kate." The entire cafeteria was cheering me on as I danced. I shook my hips, I raised my hands in the air. I was sexy.

"Kathrine Austin!" The crowd stopped. One voice stood out. Principal Mcallister was standing there in front of me. I was cheering inside. Yes! It worked. "Follow me. Now." I winked at Maria as I followed. When I passed Luke he had this really goofy smile on his face. His eyes burned marks into me. My stomach flopped around inside me.


Detention. Tomorrow at lunch. Right when I wanted it. I went home after school. My mom wasn't there.

"Where's mom?" I asked Wayne. He sat in a pair of boxers, his hand holding them in place. His other hand was holding a can of beer.

"Working late, sweet cheeks." He moaned, looking me over. "You shouldn't dress like that." He said.

"You should dress all together." I said turning around and walking into the kitchen. He came up behind me, pushing me up against the wall.

"Hey, don't be like that." He moaned, pressing up against me. "You know you like me like this."

"Get away from me." I screamed, kneeing him in the groin. He fell to the ground.

"You bitch!" He said, rolling onto his side."Just like your mother." I couldn't help myself, I turned around and kicked him-hard- in the stomach. He groaned.

"I'm going to my room." I went upstairs, locking the door behind me. This is where I cried.


"Dude, we've been walking for like- forever." Hurley moaned from behind me. "We're not going to find anything. Let's turn back." Jack was ahead of us. He stopped.

"Let's take a break." He sat down on a fallen tree trunk.

"I agree with Hugo." Sayid said, standing beside me. He looked up at the sky. It's getting dark.

"I'm hungry." I said, trying to be in the conversation. Jack looked up at me, and smiled slightly.

"Me too, lets go." We walked back to camp. getting there when the moon was almost centred in the sky. After grabbing and eating a mango, I said good night to Jack and headed back to the tents. I looked at Sawyers tent. He was probably asleep. Or lieing there waiting for me. I sighed and walked past, I would sleep in my tent tonight. I lied down, lookin at a spider as it crawled on the roof. There was a large bang, like a gun shot, and I went running out into the moonlight.