AN: This chapter dedicated to Colin, because you begged me to write for this one instead of any of my other ones.

Song of the moment: Blue Moon of Kentucky by Elvis Presley.. Because I had this song in my head while writing this entire chapter.

Chapter Six

Tomorrow. Tomorrow is the day of my party. Because it is the final day before my mother comes home. Besides, if she finds out about my party-- well it was all Ella's idea. Or maybe I could blame it on Total. That dog does like his tequila. Perfect.

I found my way to school Friday morning with a smile on my face. I was excited for the next night. But I was even more to see Jake there. He's the guy from the store, in case you forgot. I was beginning to forget what he looked like, so I hoped he would show.

Arriving at school, I was slightly late, so there was a rush of students entering the school. A couple of them patted me on the back and yelled from across the hallway that they couldn't wait until my party. I just waved and smiled back.

Iggy was waiting for me at my locker. He had an impassive look on his face. I tapped his shoulder to let me know I was there, and he slid over to his right to give me room in order to unlock my locker to get my books. He didn't talk, so I went about getting ready for math class. He still didn't talk, or even really move a muscle, until I closed the door and turned to look at him.

"How was your night?" He asked, trying to find a way to start the conversation.

"Alright." I murmured. "I won the game, did--"

"Yeah, Fang told me."

"How was your night?" He asked, trying to find a way to start the conversation.

"Alright." I murmured. "I won the game, did--"

"Yeah, Fang told me."

"Oh. Well that was nice of him. I didn't see you there." He had his face turned facing the hallway; listening.

"It wouldn't have been very entertaining to listen to a hundred people cheer to something I don't know even happened." He smiled. "Besides, all that noise gives me a headache, when I can just get the play by play from the Gasman later on."

"I didn't see him there either." I added as the bell for first class rang above us. He just shook his head, his smile vanishing. Alright, I was just going to have to put it out there.

"Can I ask you what is going on, Igs?" I said as people began pushing past.

"I've got to get to class. I'll talk to you later, Max." He started to walk away, keeping his head down and his fingers trailing the lockers. It was amazing that he hadn't walked into anybody yet. Usually he made it to class before the bell so that he didn't have to get confused like this. I walked after him, grabbing his hand. He didn't stop, but pulled his fingers away from mine.

"Iggy, just let me walk you to class." I said, reaching out for his hand again. He pulled back.

"I can do it, Max. I'm not a child. I know how to walk. Besides, people might take your pity as something else." He began walking again and someone rushed right in front of him. I had to stop him as his head flew back and his legs stiffened. I grabbed his hand again, but this time I held on tight. He took in a deep breath, but he waited. Soon, there were fewer people, and then as if by magic, everything was quiet. We had a couple minutes before the national anthem was due to play. "You can let go now." I murmured.

I did.

"I don't know what you are talking about; pity." I whispered. "Is that why you think I'm friends with you, because I pity you?"

He didn't answer.

"Igs, has your mind clouded or something. All the years we were all together before we even came to this stupid school. And you have the nerve." I was hurt, really I was.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that." He said, his eyebrows coming together. "You should get to class."

"Talk to me, Iggy. Tell me what's wrong."

"Everyone's moved on. Everyone's forgotten. Nobody has even bothered to notice--" He was interrupted by a cell phone ringing. I patted his arm and then started rummaging through my pockets. I pulled out my phone and looked at the caller display. I sighed and then looked up at Iggy. "It's okay.. I've got to get to class. What do you have to do now?"

"Save the world." I murmured as I turned around and headed back to my locker to dump my stuff.

I wasn't as happy anymore as I walked into the white hall and waited for further instruction. This was how it worked. I get "the call", then I go to the base. I had no idea what kind of base this was, but I was pretty sure it had something to do with the fabulous government and those who run it. Then I flash to the funny looking guards my funny looking ID card that was pretty much in another language. I mean, the card is in English, but geek English. I'm getting off topic now. Okay, so once I am on base, I take the long walk to the other side of the base, past all the buildings and closed-blackened windows.

Then I enter the largest building, also made of dark glass. The kind of glass where they can see you, but you can't see them. I would use the glass in interrogation rooms as an example, but usually you can't see through those windows when you press your face against them. I've tried with the glass building, and yeah, I can see inside. But it just looks really dark.

Once I walk into the door, everything is not dark, but actually really really white. And its all you can see is an elevator with no up or down buttons, and a guard standing by waiting to keep his watchful eye on me. And then I wait, like I am doing now. Until the Boss comes downstairs to escort me up.

The elevator dinged a few moments later. I was having a staring contest with the guard when the doors opened and the Boss walked out.

"Whose winning?" He asked in his fatherly tone-- the kind of tone that I didn't trust but had to. It reminded me of a certain other father figure.

"I don't know. It would help if he wasn't wearing reflective shades. For all I know, he could be sleeping."

"Are you, Officer?" He asked. The guard simply smiled.

"I totally won." I said as I stood up from the floor and made my way into the elevator. You always cheat with those darn glasses. The guard was still smiling as the door closed and the Boss and I made our way up. And my was it a long way. "You guys should totally think of getting music put in here." I said. The Boss laughed. I bit the inside of my cheek and bounced my head to the music within it. I started tapping my hand on my thigh.

"What are you listening to?"

"The radio in my head. Right now its playing Elvis." I answered back. The eleavtor stopped and opened then. Mr. Boss Man placed his hand on the small of my back as we walked through a few cubicles to his office at the other end of the room. He held the door open for me after passing his secretary-- the little pretty woman-- who smiled and then looked back down at her computer. Mr. Boss opened another door for me to pass and then he sat down at the desk. It was a pretty big room. All old and mahogany with a big desk and a big book case and a big window behind the Boss. He motioned for me to sit down.

"In a minute." I walked to the window and looked down. Smiling, I stepped up onto the window ledge and spread my arms out against the glass, looking down. "All I need is the wind beneath my wings."

"There may or may not be flying involved with what we need you to do next." I turned around, hoping down and making my way to the uncomfortable chair in front of his desk.


"There's been an attack at-"

"The University, I know."

"So you knew you'd be called today?"

"Well I didn't really know it was an attack. They said it was just a malfunction in one of the labs." I watched his face, the Boss's grey eyebrows stayed still. His eyes watched me carefully. "But that was just what they want us to think." I tapped my forehead and then leaned back in the chair. "Gotcha. So.. You want me to catch these guys then?"

"In a matter of words, yes. But it's more difficult then that."

Intrigued, I sat forward with my palms on my knees. "You've got my full attention now."

"Good." He smiled. "You won't be going back to school today." I shrugged my shoulders. "Here's what I need you to do…"

AN: over 1500 words. Yay! I was intending it to be shorter, but then I got carried away at the end. J Tell me what you think, of course. What will happen next?