Bella's POV

Another school year beginning at Forks High. I can't believe I still have to come here every single day, except weekends, for the next two years. I wish I were already a senior just about to graduate, so I wouldn't have to worry about high school anymore.

I had just parked my truck when I saw a silver Volvo parking in a spot right behind me. The Cullens. I had nothing against Emmett and Alice, we've never spoken before, but they seem to be really nice. The only one I couldn't stand was Edward Cullen. He's captain and best player of our basketball team. All the school was fond of him, specially the female population that, for some strange reason, seemed enchanted by his stupid green eyes. He's also known by the huge number of girls who claimed to have already kissed him.

Just as he steped out of the car, Lauren Mallory came out of nowhere and threw herself at him. I know it sounds unbelievable, but they started to make out right there, in the middle of the parking lot. Alice and Emmett just rolled their eyes and, quickly, got away from him. Yeah, Edward Cullen was definitely NOT my type.

I headed towards one of the buildings, just to see Jessica Stanley, my best friend, waiting for me beside the main entrance.

"Bella, aren't you excited that summer is finally over? I couldn't wait to come back. Life is so boring when we don't have school." Oh sure, Jessica is indeed my best friend but there's one thing about her that really annoys me: gossip. Jessica is this kind of girl that talk about everything and everybody, all the school was always willing to listen the news that she always had, that was the only reason she missed school. We've known each other since kindergarten and I'm not wrong to say that we remained friends only because she promised to keep all the gossip stuff away from me.

"Actually, Jess, I'm not. I'd rather stay anywhere but school. But it's not like we have a choice right?! So let's go to our first class and get this over with." I never mentioned this to Jessica, but today I had this curious feeling that something different was going to happen. I just hope it's something good!

All the classes in the morning passed with nothing new. The same teachers, the same students, the same questions about the first day...in a different choice of words: everything was boring as usual.

I'd just left Calculus with Jessica. We were heading to the cafeteria when she pointed at something on my right, I turned just to see Edward Cullen getting inside one of the broom's cupboard with a girl that I couldn't recognize, but, I was completely sure, she wasn't Lauren. It seemed like she was pushing him to get in there.

"My gosh, there goes Edward Cullen again." Jessica whispered while we were back to our normal pace.

"I really don't know what's wrong with these girls, I mean, everybody knows he's just using them. Don't they care about it?"

"Well, dear friend, even you have to admit that a guy, like Edward, has a lot of ways to attract a girl."

"No, I don't find anything attractive about him. In fact, I think the school would be better off of him."

"Oh Bella, you're definitely blind!" She said as we opened the cafeteria door. I looked around trying to find everybody but Jessica was faster. "There they are, and your lovely boyfriend is waving at you." She was right, in a big table right in the center, sat together all of my friends: Angela, Ben, Eric, Mike, Tyler and Lauren. Well, Lauren wasn't my friend, but still, she used to sit with us since she was best friends with Tyler. He always tried to be something else, but, after being turned down at least four times, he'd decided to give up and accept only friendship.

I just waved back at him, trying to be discreet. The truth was that I didn't love Mike Newton, we started going out during the summer and he always treated me so good that I decided to give him a chance. I thought that maybe with time I'd learn to love him, but I was wrong. I tried hard but I couldn't feel nothing but friendship towards him. We'd have to talk soon!

We walked until the table, I sat by Mike and when he turned to kiss me, we were distracted by a big general laugh that coming from the table beside ours. The Cullens and the Hales. Alice was dating Jasper and Emmett was with Rosalie. It was normal to see the four of them always laughing together. However, the reason for all that today was apparently, Edward, who had just come back and was sitting with a strange look. Just like in the morning, I ignored it. I turned my head back to our own table and started to talk about how everybody liked their classes until now.

Lunch was over and I headed alone to my next class, Gym. I was glad that none of my friends had Gym with me. I didn't want to be more embarrassed than I already was every single time. Somehow, I always managed to hit myself or someone else.

When I got there, Mr. Reynolds, who's also the coach of our basketball team, announced that we were playing tennis today. We were supposed play in pairs, so it was me and Brad Downey against Edward Cullen and Amanda Summers. Of course that Edward, knowing how bad I was at all sports, managed to send the ball in my direction all the time. I felt sorry for Brad, who was playing basically alone and had to run twice as fast to cover his position and mine. Not necessary to say that we lost.

"Maybe in another life you get a chance to win, Swan?!" Edward teased me.

"Oh, just shut up!" I answered furiously, before go to change.

Well, except for what Edward Cullen said, I guess it was a good first day of gym. Fortunately, for my classmates, I didn't hit anybody this time and everybody could make it to their next period. Mine was Literature.

When I got to the classroom, Mr. Barns was already there. I'm glad we'll have him this year again because I really enjoy the discussions we usually have about all my favorite books. I sat beside Jessica and waited for him to start.

"Okay class, let's get started! I hope you all have had a great summer and are ready to start a new year. Today we're going to discuss Romeo and Juliet from William Shakespeare. I want to hear your opinions about the decision that Romeo made of killing himself after he thought that Juliet was dead. I need two volunteers, one that agree and one that don't agree with him. Let's see, who wants to give us a opinion on why Romeo was right doing that?"

I raised my hand, of course. No one would win this discussion today. I definitely had a thing for Romeo and I'm sure I understand him better than I understand myself.

"Thanks, Ms. Swan. Now we need someone willing to tell us why Romeo was wrong." I looked around, everybody was quiet and motionless. I guess they knew they didn't get a chance arguing with me about Romeo. I just chuckled, discreetly. Every single face inside the classroom was now trying to hide under the desks. At this point, we all knew that Mr. Barns would choose randomly. He pointed his finger to Jessica but was distracted by someone knocking on the door.

It was coach Reynolds, with Edward Cullen in his shoes. "Excuse me, Mr. Barns. May I speak with you for a minute?"

"Of course." He said politely and then turned to us. "I don't want to hear even a single word, was I clear?" Everybody nodded and Jessica sighed in relief.

I was far from the door but it was clear that coach Reynolds was telling something about Edward, because he seemed very angry and uncomfortable. After some time, Mr. Barns was back and Edward had gone to his seat, on the opposite side of the classroom.

"Now class, where were we? Oh, sure, I needed someone to the discussion...Mr. Cullen, since you just joined us, I guess you're my choice."

The look in Edward's face was priceless. He was absolutely surprised and lost on the subject. "Sorry, sir, but I'm your choice to do what?"

"We're having a discussion about Romeo and Juliet. I want to hear two different opinions about his actions towards Juliet, about killing himself as soon as he learned that she was dead. You're supposed to tell me why you don't agree with his actions, while Ms. Swan will tell us why she does agree with him."

I bit my lip, trying to don't laugh. I doubt that he even read the book, let alone be ready to discuss it. I was hoping to hear his excuse to not be a part of the discussion but what I got, in response, almost made me fall off my chair.

"Well, I don't agree with his actions for a two different reasons. First, they were very young and wouldn't have the maturity to know what they were doing. Second, how could he know that he wouldn't find someone else and forget Juliet? It's not like he wouldn't be able to love again after her."

So he did read the book?! This is going to be interesting. Time to put him down, Bella. "Of course he wouldn't be able to love again. There's just one person we're supposed to truly love in our whole life and he knew Juliet was his soul mate. How could he live knowing that she was dead? He'd never be happy without her!"

"There's no such thing as soul mate. And, like I already said, being so young you'd never be able to affirm that you already found the 'love of your life'." He said the last words in a different tone of voice, almost making fun of it. Oh no, that was it! This stupid guy would never know about true love, he's always dragging a different girl to one of the cupboards around the school.

"Excuse me Mr. Barns, but I have to disagree of your choice today. It's obvious that Mr. Cullen wouldn't be able to discuss a subject so deep as love. Specially when everybody in this school knows that, every single day, he's making out with a different cheerleader."

Before the teacher could announce what I already knew (detention), Edward was fighting back. "Yeah, Mr. Barns maybe next time you shouldn't accept in the discussion someone who wishes to be locked in a cupboard with me." He grinned.

"Not even if you were the last guy on Earth, Cullen!" I shoot.

The bell rang right when he opened his mouth, ready to speak again. I tried to take my books and get out of the classroom as fast as I could. Maybe with luck, I would escape from detention. I'd barely made out of my seat when Mr. Barns called. "Mr. Cullen, Ms. Swan, I want to see both of you in front of my desk, NOW!"

Darn it! Stupid and idiot basketball player. If it weren't for him I'd be heading to the parking lot by now. I started to move but felt a small hand on my shoulder, I turned to see the owner of it and got surprised when I saw that it was none other than Alice Cullen.

"Great job with brother. I'm glad someone finally told him that he's not the center of the whole universe. Hope you don't get in big trouble, though. Good luck." I can't believe I was being complimented by Edward's sister. So he's worse than I though, not even his sister can stand him.

I stopped in front of the damn desk, as far from Edward Cullen as it was possible to be.

"First of all, I have to say that what we heard today was lamentable. I was expecting much more from you, Ms. Swan. And you, Mr. Cullen...How am I supposed to help someone that doesn't want to be helped?"

Did I hear it right? He was supposed to help Cullen?! Help with what?

The surprised look on my face probably gave me away because Mr.Barns, suddenly turned to me. "Actually, Ms. Swan, you'll be even more surprised to know that you will be the one helping him."

"WHAT?!" Edward and I screamed together.

"Exactly what you heard. You're going to tutor Mr. Cullen. You're my best student and I can't see a better way to solve two problems at once. You teach him and the two of you get to know each other, so we don't have to watch again something so horrible like we've watched today. I bet you're going to be surprised with what you'll find beyond the mask that both of you always wear."

I thought that Edward was going to explode with anger. In fact, I was trying to figure which one of us was angrier with this situation.

"No way!" Edward finally said.

"I don't think you're in a position to make choices here, Mr. Cullen." Edward mumbled something and I could swear that he was cursing.

"But I am. And I refuse to tutor him!" I had to try something, say something. He couldn't just obligate me. It's true that I had volunteered to tutor, but not him.

"Actually, you'll discover that you can't refuse it unless you're ready to fail this class."

"What?" No this couldn't be.

"This is your assignment for the semester. You can call it as a special project. Mr. Cullen has to be approved if you intend to pass on this class. And I already had enough of complaints, I won't change my mind. Mr. Cullen, Ms. Swan have a good day!" And with that, he pointed the door behind us.

"FINE!" Again Edward and I screamed together, growling at each other.

Without saying one more word, I headed to the door. Oh gosh, I knew something was going to happen today, but this is definitely too much for a first day of school. This is going to be a long semester!

A/N: So, what did you think??? Please review and let me know. Chapter 2 is almost ready and I'll be posting it soon : )