![]() Author has written 4 stories for Twilight. Hey everyone, this is Emma :) been a few years since I stepped back from story writing and I've since come to realise I really miss it. Life is in full-swing, and as much as I'd like to jump back in all guns blazing it's going to be a slow process getting involved again. Thanks for your patience :) Little about me - I'm from England, 20 years old now, and I'm studying Psychology at university :) - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x My Goodbyes: Complete. One-shot of the three goodbye scenes at the end of BD in Renesmee's POV. Just pointless drabble. It honestly isn't my favourite piece of writing of all time. Extract: 'Tears welled up in my eyes and I nodded. I didn’t want to leave her, but she promised I understand, and I did now. There was no choice. I had to, and Daddy didn’t even know. “I love you.” I whispered. I might not get another chance to say it again. “I love you too,” Momma said, and then touched my locket. “More than my own life.” She kissed my forehead. I fought desperately against the tears, trying not to make this any harder.' Devil Incarnate: Complete. A modern day version of Edward's Rebellious Stage taken from the criminal's - Edward's victim's - POV. To by honest, it wasn't intentionally supposed to be modern day - I just made one hell of an idiotic mistake ;) I had so much fun writing this! My friends read it and wanted to send me to a mental hospital. Extract: I suddenly felt a tickle of breath across my neck, and I shivered. I turned my head, and found myself face to face with a pair of scarlet eyes that seemed like they’d come straight from the devil himself. I yelped in fright, and the creature’s lips curled into an amused sneer, baring all of its sharp, white teeth. Lock Down: Complete. Edward, Bella, Alice, Jasper, Emmett and Rosalie all get locked in school over the weekend. Lots of funny situations! None of them are related, but some are friends. Also, its supposed to be funny. According to all my WONDERFUL!! reviewers, I'm succeeding! I'm thoroughly enjoying writing this story - it's giving me a good break from school, which is kinda funny, as the story is set in school ;) Extract, Chapter 1, Emmett's POV: I felt around and amazingly found my towel where it should be – these so-called pranksters needed some lessons. Oh, I know, I bet my clothes aren’t there – not that I’d be able to see them if they were. Maybe they weren’t so dumb. I stumbled out and walked into a wall. Ow. Rubbing my forehead with one hand, I kept my other one on the wall to give me some sort of direction. Eventually, I found the light switch…and it didn’t work. I peeked my head out of the door to find that there were no lights on anywhere. Uh oh. Lock Down can also be seen on (I'm known as Little Miss Twilight) LOCK DOWN HAS BEEN NOMINATED FOR BEST HUMOR AWARD AT EVERLASTING TWILIGHT AWARDS - VOTING STARTS ON 27TH MAY, AND ENDS ON 1ST JULY. PLEASE VOTE FOR ME! :) UPDATE: I'm in the final 3, but the site seems to have given up conducting the awards because we're now past 1st July and no places have been announced. Therefore as I have no proof to say otherwise, I win. ;) Congratulations: Complete. One-shot songfic based off 'Congratulations' by Blue October. Bella and Jacob grew up together, becoming the best friends. After Billy's death in Jake's late teens, Jake decides, at the age of twenty, to travel around America to gain experience and knowledge of the world outside Forks and La Push. In order to do this though, he has to leave Bella behind. Through his journey, he finds that his past isn't as easy to leave behind as he thought, but he also discovers that he can't change his mistakes - Jacob's POV. Extract: "I'm moving away," I said in a rush. I still couldn't bear to glance her way, so I concentrated harder on distinguishing the various pieces of rock from the many sticks and dead leaves. The silence was deafening, and I suddenly felt the need to explain myself further. "I've had enough of Forks and La Push. I'm going to go traveling; I want to see more of the world. I don't have any ties here since Dad died, and now I want to make something of my life. There's so much I have seen; haven't done, and if I want to do anything, then now's the time to do it while I'm still young." I paused, and still Bella said nothing. Before I forget, if you're looking for any good Twilight stories to read, take a look in the C2 that I'm staff of. You can try looking in my favourites, but I have so many it might take a while ;) sorry about that! - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - I'm not currently available for any beta-ing, I've taken a back seat from fanfiction to concentrate on college work :) Sorry for any inconveniences. Stories I've beta-ed: The Way I Loved You by butterfly6. It's a Leah/Sam one-shot songfic. It's Leah's POV on her feelings of Sam leaving her for Emily. She tries to leave town to help heal herself, but Sam gets in her way. I recommend reading it because it's really heartfelt and in-tune with how someone would feel if their first love left them. Go read! Falling Perfection by butterfly6. Another Leah/Sam one-shot. Sam's POV of his and Emily's wedding. His feelings of watching Leah as a bridesmaid and Emily as his bride are mixed and old feelings resurface. She shows a good representation of the turmoil of feelings Sam must be feeling between his first love and his imprint - again, I recommend you read it! - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x I got interviewed by CuttlefishRock! Click Me - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x |