Thank you for the reviews! I just want to get this out, that I haven't really combined characters, or for example; I didn't make Edward Ross, or Rosalie Rachel. I'm going along with the events, mostly, but throwing some of my own in there. I want to keep the twilight characters who they are.

We had walked to several stores before Emmett finally decided to call Bella. I looked around the book store, which is the last store we checked. I reached for a book, at the exact same time a pale hand did. We touched, and I instantly pulled my hand away like it was on fire. The touch sent a weird electric current through my veins. I turned to see who it was.

She had straight brunette hair which went past her shoulders, and framed her heart shaped face. Her cheeks were a delicious red color, a blush. Her eyes were chocolate-y and wide, looking at me, I could even see myself in them. She was wearing a blue v-neck shirt with long sleeves, and a pair of faded jeans and sneakers. The color of her shirt complemented her very pale skin. She was thin, but not as thin as Alice or Rose. She was beautiful.

"Sorry." She mumbled after at least a minute of staring at each other. I wondered briefly what she saw in me. I always received complements on my looks, but I wondered specifically how I looked to her. I gave her a smile, but I had a feeling that it was a meek one. She gave me a gentle smile in return.

"Don't worry about it." I said, my smile getting more pronounced. She was still looking at me. Something about this girl, this woman, screamed vulnerable, or fragile. I couldn't bring myself to look away, until I reluctantly tore my eyes off her face, and looked at the shelf. I pulled the book that we had both reached for off.

"Wuthering Heights?" I asked her. Her blush grew stronger, and her eyes looked at the book in my hands shyly.

"Yeah, it's been a favorite of mine since high school." She admitted, her eyes coming back up to my face. I smiled.

"It's a favorite of mine too." I told her. Another minute of staring passed, and her eyes looked away her blush growing even more stronger, her face was deep red, almost like a tomato. I found it incredibly cute. Her phone began to ring, a simple musical tone. She pulled it out, and put it on silent. Then her eyes came back to mine.

"Um, do you want to get a coffee?" I asked her.

"I'm sorry, I have to go meet up with my friends." She really did look sincere, almost upset that she couldn't go. "I'd love to go another time, if you'd like."

"Yeah, okay." I said, a broad smile on my lips. She pulled a piece of paper out of her purse, and scrawled a number on it. She handed it to me.

"Here's my number. I have to go, it was nice meeting you." She gave me a small smile, and I gave her a happy one back. She went around me, and disappeared down an aisle of books. I watched after her, the piece of paper still in my hand. Jasper came out of the same aisle, and he stared at me, giving me a weird look, before taking the paper out of my frozen hand. He whistled.

"Ooo, Edward's picking up ladies in a bookstore." He tease. It brought me out of my trance, and I snatched the paper away, and tucked it safely into my pocket. I would undoubtedly check to make sure its there over the next few hours.

"Hey, are you two love birds done?" Emmett said coming out of another aisle. Jasper jumped in my arms.

"No!" He cried. I laughed, dropped him and walked away. I had totally forgotten why we came, but seeing Emmett come around made me remember.

"Where's your friend?" I asked. Jasper came up behind me.

"And where'd the girls disappear to?" He asked, rubbing his chin like he was thinking.

"The girls went to get us a seat at the restaurant down the road. Bella as decided to go home." He said. We nodded and followed Emmett to the restaurant, it was close enough to walk. Jasper, Emmett and I had a manly discussion.

"So, Jasper, how serious are you and Alice?" Emmett asked.

"And please, I don't want details of your sex life." I commented.

"Well, we're pretty serious, I mean, we've stayed together for five years through thick and thin. We hardly ever fight, and if we do its over who ate the last something, or who drank the last something." Jasper said. I could see the love in his eyes when he talked about Alice. Just the complete and utter adoration. "I would do anything for her, and follow her to the ends of the earth."

"Wow." Emmett commented. I nodded. What Alice and Jasper shared was pretty special, you could see it in their eyes, in their faces; they held nothing but love for each other. I was happy my sister was happy, and with such a great guy.

"What about you and Rose, Emmett?" I asked, looking at him. A big grin covered his face, and practically stretched ear to ear.

"I've never loved someone so much, well, other then in a family way, in my entire life. I mean, we've only known each other for a year, but I have nothing but respect for the woman, she's wonderful, everything I could ask for, and even loves me for me. Carefree-ness and all." He said. Emmett had a problem with women, they often told him to grow up, or quit acting childish. They never understood that's who Emmett is. He like a big teddy bear. He is responsible, though, at times. He can be a grown adult just like anyone else.

"That's great." Jasper commented, I nodded, again. They both looked at me.

"What?" I asked, looking at them. I knew what they wanted. They wanted to know if I met anyone.

"Your love life, duh." Emmett said, rolling his eyes.

"Well, I dated Tanya for a year." They both made booing noises and scowled.

"Why would you do that? She's psycho!" Emmett exclaimed, and Jasper nodded in agreement.

"I don't know why I did it, but I regret it. Anyway, I haven't date since then, and that was after I graduated from high school." I told them.

"Aw, you've been without sex for the past four years? You poor baby!" Emmett mocked me, and Jasper laughed. I rolled my eyes as we walked into the restaurant. We found the girls in a corner table, and went to join them.

"Hey, where's Bella?!" Alice demanded as we took our seats.

"She went home." Emmett pouted. We looked at our menus for awhile, until we all just decided to get a pizza to split. The waitress came to our table, and eyeballed Emmett, Jasper and I like a dog with a slab of meat.

"So, baby, what'll you have to eat?" Emmett said, throwing his arm over my shoulder. I smiled.

"I think I'll have a coke." I told the waitress.

"Make that two." Emmett said, then kissed my cheek. I fought so hard not to punch him, or strangle him. Jasper wrapped his arm around Alice as they ordered two cokes, and Rosalie winked at the waitress while she ordered hers. The result; the waitress turned slightly green as she walked away. We burst out laughing when she was out of earshot, and I punched Emmett.

"Ow! What the hell was that for!" He exclaimed, rubbing his arm as if my hit actually hurt him.

"For kissing me! You make swing that way on alternate Thursdays, but I am straight, all the time." I told him. He rolled his eyes dramatically, and everyone laughed again. A male waiter brought us our drinks, and informed us that he would be our new server. He winked at Emmett before leaving. Emmett scowled.

While we mindlessly chattered about nothing. My hand slipped into my pocket to make sure the slip of paper was still there. It was, and I was relieved. If I had lost it, I would go to every bookstore in America to find her. Something about her attracted me in a way I've never been attracted before. It was on the fine line of scary, and exciting. It was scary because I'd never felt this strong about someone I didn't even know. It was exciting because it was new.

"Hey, Edward? Are you okay?" Alice's voice suddenly broke through my thoughts.

"Huh?" I said, wondering what she said.

"Dude, you were in some pretty deep thoughts right there. I called your hair gay and you didn't defend it like you used to." Emmett said. "What were you thinking about?"

"I met someone at the bookstore..." I said.

"Was that the girls number on the paper?" Jasper asked.


"Whoa, was she a babe?" Emmett suddenly asked. I notice Alice and Rose became engrossed in a conversation about the new boutique being built down the road a ways.

"Kind of..." I said. "I wouldn't say a 'babe'; I'd say more beautiful then any other woman I'd ever seen." They just stared at me, even Rose and Alice broke off mid discussion to stare.

"Wow." Emmett said. "What's her name?"

"I...I don't know." I admitted, my head hanging now. Jasper patted me on the back.

"It's okay, you have her number." He said.

"Wow, I think that's the nicest complement you ever given a girl." Alice said. I rolled my eyes. "What's she look like?" The waiter brought our pizza, and as he sat it down, he slid a piece of paper into Emmett's hand, and walked away with a swish of his hips. I looked at Emmett, who was green now.

We had gotten by the meal without them bringing up what the mysterious woman looked like. Honestly, I didn't want to talk about it, because my description wouldn't do her looks justice. She was too beautiful for words, or at least for any words I could come up with. We had decided to part after dessert because Emmett and Rose still had some packing, while Jasper and Alice had some plans for the rest of the night. Emmett and Rose said they'd bring Bella by in the morning, so I could meet her. Alice and Jasper would be coming around noon, and we'd hang out for the rest of the day in my apartment.

Now, I was heading home, and at the same time debating whether or not to call this mysterious girl. I wanted to, every bone in my body, every beat my heart made, told me to pick up the phone and call her. But I couldn't.