"Liz honey, wake up it's your birthday!"

"No, Alice ten more minutes!" I said grabbing the covers and wrapping them over my head hoping that Alice would take a hint and let me sleep some more. It was June 1st, and it was my sixteenth birthday. Alice had begged and begged to no end to let her plan it and now I was wishing I had told her no. She had for sure gone overboard and invited the whole sophomore class at Forks High School to the Cullen mansion against my will. There was sure to be streamers and black lights, and circus performers and the hugest cake this town had ever seen. The only thing I had asked for was a car and not a flashy ostentatious in your face car. A normal I-just-turned-sixteen car. I would have loved to have a Mercedes or BMW or something nice, except for the fact already enough people at school hated me for my family's money. Sure I had a nice body, beautiful reddish-brown hair, golden eyes, and a charming personality. My looks wasn't't the only thing that drove girls crazy. I was nice, generous, charming, and smart. Ever since the 1st grade I hadn't pulled any lower than an A-. I was the head cheerleader and student council president; I also held the lead in the school musical. I had every man at my fingertips, but nobody in this town was worthy. I know I sound like a huge brat, but I really sometimes wish I didn't have everything because it all came with a certain burning at the back of my throat. That's right I was a vampire.

"Oh, quit acting like a boob, get up and get dressed, were having a family get together before your friends arrive," she sang.

"You mean the whole freaking town of Forks," I pulled the covers over again.

She pulled them off," You know you could have said no."

"Yeah right and have you moping around like a baby."

"I wouldn't have moped," she implied.

"Sure," sarcasm heavy in my voice. She threw a yellow strapless knee-length dress at my face. I pulled it off my bed head and took a look at it.

"Go get in a shower and get ready, Charlie, Renee, and Phil will be here in an hour," she turned to walk out the door, then turned back around and threw a little lacy yellow thong at me," Oh I almost forgot."

"Alice," I whined, "You have got to be kidding me."

"Fashion Rule #1:Never ever get caught with pantie lines." She sang once more.

"Fine, you are so pushy," I mumbled.

I went to my bathroom and stripped down to my nude. I turned the tub on so that the water was hot enough to relax my rigid muscles, and poured in a heavy helping of my favorite strawberry scented bubble bath. When the water was high enough for my liking I dipped in my feet and slowly lowered myself into the soothing steamy water. I sat in the water and tried to soak up the warmth of the water. When the relaxation I was hoping for didn't come I hopped out and picked out a strapless nude colored bra along with the panties Alice had given me. I was standing in my bathroom applying makeup and drying my hair when I heard someone screaming out in the hall. It was my mom's.

"Emmett, stop!"

I could hear feet running up and down the hall. One loud stomping pair and one little quiet, yet fierce pair. I rolled my eyes and turned back to mirror thinking that it was just another one of my uncle's stupid jokes. When I thought the yelling had stopped I had spoken to soon, the door of my bathroom swung open, and in came my mother dressed in a little red lingerie garter set, with Emmett trailing behind her holding what I thought to be a whip. The best part was I was still in my bra and undies.

"Aaaaaaa, get out, get out right now," they both turned noticing me for the first time. When they saw what I was in they both went bright red and turned to head out the door, both with their hands over their eyes.

"Oh, uh, sorry, Liz, sorry," embarrassment clear in Emmett's voice. While covering his eyes he failed to find the doorway and ran into the wall. "Sorry!"

"Jeez, Bella you and your daughter are both kinky." My mom turned around and punched Emmett in the face; he fell to the ground holding his mouth. "Ouch, quit being such a b…"

"Emmett!" my mom shrieked before he could finish.

I slammed the door with all the force in my body. What idiots! Why would they just come bounding in my bathroom of all places? I decided that they were both going to get it one way or another, and I would convince Alice to help me. She was the best at getting people back with pranks. I applied the last bit of mascara, and hurriedly got dressed in my yellow sundress. I looked in the mirror to check if I was decent looking, and decided to thank Alice later for the dress choice. It made my skin look a little less pale then usual. When I was done checking myself out I went to my enormous walk-in closet and chose some braided white ballet flats. Perfect! This outfit was stunning. I heard some laughter and low voices. Grandpa Swan and Grandma and Grandpa Dwyer were here. I closed and locked the door to my room behind me. I knew that if one of my family members wanted to get in bad enough nothing would stop them, but the lock let them know of some kind of boundary. I walked downstairs to find the house decorated in pink streamers and balloons, in the center of the huge dining room table there was pink and yellow seven layer flower cake. It was beautiful and most of all looked delicious. Of course even for a family get together Alice made a big deal. This wasn't even half of the decorations to be set up today. Where was everyone, one moment there was commotion downstairs and now it's dead silent. I knew at once what was going on.

"Surprise!" Everyone jumped out thinking they had me fooled.

I rolled my eyes. "Like I didn't see that one coming," sarcasm coating my voice.

Everyone laughed and complimented my outfit. They all cooed at how cute they thought I was, and trust me cute is not what you want to be called on your sixteenth birthday. Grandma and Grandpa Cullen gave me a pair of really nice white gold 14-karat diamond stud earrings. I hugged and told them thank you, I loved my grandparents Cullen, they treated me like a little princes. Renee and Phil gave me a pink digital camera. Just like the one I wanted. And grandpa Swan gave me some ballet flats,my favorite shoe, obviously with the help of Alice, which he adored. Emmett and Rosalie gave me an outfit. Jasper and Alice gave me a Visa gift card with 5,000 dollars on it. My mom and dad told me they would give me their gift later. I begged.

"Please, Daddy, just one little peek," I pleaded with puppy dog eyes.

"Ah, my little princess, giving the puppy dog eyes how can I resist," he teased giving my forehead a kiss, "it's a surprise so quit trying to convince me." I sat down on the over decorated chair with and oomph, and pouted while my family filled each other in on the latest of their lives. As soon as they were all done gossiping and chatting, my Swan and Dwyer grandparents left. Alice started to buzz around the room and let everyone know exactly what they were supposed to be doing to help decorate. There was alot to be done, and when I mean alot I mean like streamer times ten, balloons times twenty, circus performers, ribbon twirlers dangling from the ceiling, music systems so loud they could make you go deaf, enough food for a third world country, and best of all My Chemical Romance playing their debut album. I think a coven of eight vampires, who can travel at the speed of sound, could get done, right?

"Alice, what would you like me to do?" I questioned innocently.

"Oh honey, nothing it's your the birthday go upstairs to room and just relax," she unbreathlessly waved me off.

While Grandpa got up on a ladder to hang a neon pink ribbon from the ceiling, my dad pulled me to the side of all the commotion. He took me into the kitchen which was about the only room in the house that was empty.

"Hey, I wanted to give you something else, but I think your mom would be mad if she knew," he suggested, then he pulled out a little box out of his front pocket," It was my mother's before she died and she gave me all her valuables, hoping I would live to hand them down," he said through a crooked smile that made my mom's dead heart skip a beat every time she saw it, he was holding in his hand a little ring that had a silver band and a huge ruby in the middle, the ruby was outlined by teeny little diamonds all around it, which made it sparkle like my skin. He grabbed my hand then slowly slid the ring on my right hand ring finger admiring it as he did. I looked up into his eyes and made a promise to myself that whenever I got married it would be to a man that loved me the same way my dad loved my mom and me, and nothing less. I hugged him with all my heart and soul.

"Thank you for trusting me with something so special, I'll keep it forever," I promised.

"I know you will, that's why I saved it for you, I wanted you to have something that is very special to me to show how much I really love you."

After that I went upstairs and turned on my iPod and listened to my favorite song in the world. Clair de Lune by Debussy. I wished I could go to sleep but I was already wired from the day events, so instead I settled for taking pictures with my new pink camera. I went to the huge window at the south side of my room, it was the only room with a good view of the lake, and took pictures of the lake, the trees, summer flowers dancing in the wind, and a beautiful little blue jay with it's nest on the tree nearest to my window. It was rare to have sunny days like this in the green alien town of Forks, and I wanted to go outside and let the sunshine attempt to warm my already cold body, but for fear of being seen I just stayed inside, along with the rest of my family buzzing around the enormous living room putting up decoration.