I own, but I don't own twilight, wish I did. If I get reviews and if u guys like it I'll probably add another chapter.

Emmett bounded down the stair to Edward and I who were comfortably sitting on the couch, "Hey are you guys bored?"

I rolled my eyes about to scold Emmett for not just letting us be when Alice skipped into the room.

"Oh my God Emmett, count me in!" Alice yelled for upstairs and us to hear she must have just had a vision of what Emmett was planning.

"So are you guys bored?" he repeated.

I sighed, "Not really."

Emmett glared, he hated when I ruined his plans finally he said, "Well too bad because I am and I think we should have some fun."

Edward studied Emmett carefully before turning to me, "It dose look fun Bella."

"What looks fun?" I questioned.

Emmett smiled pleased that I'd asked, "We're going to pull a prank at the local gym."

"Please enlighten me," I ordered not sold at all. Ever sense I became a vampire 16 years ago Emmett would drag everyone into crazy schemes.

"Don't worry Bells you're immortal, you'll find out," Emmett answered, "I'm going to ask everyone else if they want to join us.

It was Friday afternoon one of the busiest days at Forks local gym. The treadmills were all filled up and the weight racks had huge lines of big strong guys that look liked gangsters or something dangerous. Of course none of us Cullens were scared, we were vampires and a bunch of humans couldn't put a shiver through us. Every one of the Cullens had decided to go to the gym despite Esme and Carisle.

Emmett whispered something that I couldn't detect with my vampire hearing in Rose's ear and she nodded. I studied him closely trying to figure what was up as Rosallie walked to the front of the line at the bench press. She looked down at the guy who was about Emmetts size and glared. The man had probably never seen anyone so beautiful was stunned. He dropped the bar that was holding an impressive amount of weight.

Rosallie smiled and caught it with one hand right before it would of crashed into the mans chest. "I thought to get a good work out you had to do the work and not let gravity do it." Rose effortlessly put the bar back in the metal holders

The line behind the guy laughed and he colored red, "Why you littleā€¦"

He didn't get a chance to finish before Alice jumped in between them and said, "I wouldn't mess with her or I'll have to get involved."

This time the guy laughed, "I think I can take you shorty."

In perfect timing Jasper appeared flexing his huge muscles he asked, "Did you just call my wife short?!"

The guy backed up, "No."

Emmett was strategically standing behind him, "Yes you did. You were also going to beat up my wife, but worst of all you were undressing her in your head."

The guy stood there shocked and suddenly Barbie Girl came blasting through the gyms sound system. Emmett immediately ruined the intense moment by dancing and screaming, "YES MY FAVORITE SONG!!"

I didn't actually start laughing until Jasper began singing with him. Much to my disbelief Edward was over there with them singing too. I stood there stunned. I couldn't actually believe they were singing and dancing to Barbie Girl in front of a whole bunch of tuff guys laughing.

Then the biggest guys yelled, "You little fags!"

Rossalie went straight up to him and looked him in the eyes, "Did you just call my husband a fag?"

"Yes," he replied coolly.

She glared, "Why don't you arm wrestle me. You win he's gay and I divorce him, I win you sing Barbie Girl solo."

He met her gaze, "Deal." Nobody really thought Rose would win (except us Cullens we knew her secret, venom), but she did. She let him shove her arm down till it was a mere millimeter to the ground before she snatched her arm up and slammed his to the ground.

She smiled wickedly, "Guess you have to do a solo."

They guy pitifully stood up and did a solo. I was laughing hard now. I was glad Emmett made me come this was enjoyable.