Last Chapter everyone! Enjoy...
"Bella! Wake up!" Alice threw a pillow at me.
"Go away," I buried my face into Edward's chest.
"If you two don't wake up, we are going to miss our flight," she ripped the covers off of Edward and me.
"Alice, leave, we will be ready in twenty minutes," I sighed and she left.
I lifted my head from Edward's chest and layed it on the pillow beside him. I ran my fingers threw his hair and watched his sleep. He was so peaceful and relaxed under my touch.
"Edward…" I whispered in his ear. I kissed down his neck down to the base of his throat and back up to his lips.
"Mmm," he sighed and rolled on top of me.
"Edward, we have to get up now," I giggled as his lips tickled my throat.
"No," he said simply.
"Edward," I moaned. He was going to give me a hickey if he didn't stop.
"No Edward," I rolled out from under him.
"Sorry," he sighed.
"You're forgiven," I said before rolling out of bed to get dressed.
I walked into the bathroom to see that there was a hicky forming at the base of my neck. Great… He thinks he can get away with that? We'll see about that. I walked over to the dresser and set my clothes for the day on top. I picked out a small jean skirt (Alice will be proud), my Roxy Bermuda shirt that Alice bought me, and a black scarf. I left those on the dresser while I grabbed a clean bra and panty set. I went into the bathroom to change and came out wearing just that. Edward's eyes bulged from his head when he saw me. I pulled my jean skirt up my legs and my shirt over my head while looking into his eyes. I tied my scarf around my neck and walked out of the room without saying a word.
I knocked on Jasper and Alice's door. I needed her to cover the hickey. The last thing I needed was Esme or Carlisle seeing it.
"Come in," Alice called.
I opened the door and saw Jasper sitting on one of Alice's many suitcases while she zipped it shut. He grabbed it and another one and made his way downstairs.
"Hey Bella! What can I help you with?"
"I need you to cover… this," I took off my scarf exposing the hickey to her.
Alice burst out laughing, "My brother gave you that?" I nodded my head, "And here I thought he was a prude."
"It's not funny. Help me please. And I really don't like talking about this with you," I pleaded pouting out my bottom lip.
"That may work with Edward but it won't work with me. Sit," she pointed to her bed and grabbed her makeup bag out of a bag.
I sat on the bed and she took out 'Bella's foundation' as she called it. I just called it the palest colour she could find.
Once my hickey was hidden, I wrapped my scarf back around my neck and went back to mine and Edward's room.
"You are one very mean girl," he attacked my lips once I was back in the room.
"I don't know what you're talking about. It's not like you haven't seen me in a bathing suit before," I wrapped my arms around his neck.
"That's not the same," he mumbled.
"Sure it isn't. Come on now, we have to go," I pushed him away gently.
"Okay," he smiled and grabbed my luggage.
He had already brought his suitcases downstairs. Edward grabbed my two large bags while I grabbed my carry on bag.
After our entire luggage was loaded into the two taxis (we had to take to because Alice and Rose's luggage was taking up to much space) we left the house. Edward, Alice, Jasper and I were in one taxi while Rose, Emmett, Carlisle, and Esme were in the other.
"I'm really going to miss this place," Alice sighed.
"Me too," I leaned my head on Edward's shoulder.
It was a quite ride to the airport. None of us wanted to leave but hopefully we would be able to come back someday soon.
"Hello," Carlisle walked up to the desk to check us in at the American Airlines booth.
"Hello there," she smiled back and blushed.
"I was wondering if it was too early to check into our 12:40 flight back to Seattle, Washington."
"That's not a problem," she nodded. Carlisle handed her our tickets and passports. Our luggage was then checked in and on their way to the plane.
"Would you be able to recommend a decent restaurant to us?" Esme smiled sweetly (yet there was still a hint of 'back of biotch! He's mine') and wrapped her arms around Carlisle.
None of us were shocked to see Esme become defensive over Carlisle. She had to deal with enough nurses back home, she was used to it.
"The Swizzle Inn is quite good. It's about ten minutes back towards Hamilton n the main road," she smiled, pretending not to notice Esme's glare.
"Thank you," Esme smiled at her.
There was still two hours left so we headed to the restaurant. We walked out of the small airport and took a taxi to the restaurant. We had a large van taxi so we could all fit in one now that we didn't have everyone's luggage.
When we got inside the restaurant we were amazed. The greeter led us to our seats.
"Wow," I said in amazement as I looked around.
The room's walls were covered in business cards, messages, and signatures.
"This is so cool!" Alice squealed.
"Over the years people have stapled their business cards, written their favorite things about the island, and signed the walls," the server explained to us.
"Can we add something?" Emmett grinned.
"If you can find room," she giggled at Emmett's big smile, "What can I get you all to drink?" We gave her our drink orders and she left to get them for us. We were the only ones in the restaurant.
"Let's sign the walls!" Emmett jumped up from his seat and found a spot to write on. We followed his lead and found our own places while Esme and Carlisle sat there watching us.
"What did you write Jasper?" Alice asked.
"Trip of a lifetime. I love Alice Cullen," Jasper smiled.
"Oh Jazz!" she exclaimed and jumped into his arms.
"What did you write Alice?"
"Lots of awesome shopping! Thanks," she grinned. She ran back over to where she had written, "And that I love Jasper Hale."
"What did you write Bella?" Jasper asked me.
"You made me realize who I love most in my life. PS. you're still in trouble about the hickey," I giggled. Edward kissed my temple.
"What did you write Edward?" Emmett asked.
"Edward Anthony Cullen and Isabella Marie Swan. Forever and Always. Sorry about the hickey. I love you."
"I love you," I kissed him.
"What did you write Rose?"
"The guys here are really hot. But nothing compares to my monkey man," she blushed. Wow. Rosalie Hale blushed. That never happens.
"What did you write Em?" she asked.
"The girls are hot. So is the sun. The water is warm. So is the sand. Rosalie Hale is GOREGEOUS!" he grinned.
"You're such a loser," she grinned but kissed him anyway.
We went back to the table and sat down. The waiter soon came back out and took our meal orders. She had brought our drinks while we were writing on the wall. Before long, our lunch was finished and we had to get to the airport. We called a taxi and made our way to the airport.
Edward had an arm tight around my waist as we walked through the airport. As we walked passed the little café and got into line for security we saw two girls hugging each other, crying, they must have been about a year younger than us.
"I'm going to miss you," the girl wearing a blue sweater said to the other girl.
"I'm going to miss you too," she hugged the other girl back.
"Wow we are pathetic," blue sweater girl giggled.
"Yeah haha," they laughed together.
"Alyssa! You still haven't gone! Break it up boyfriend girlfriend," the mom laughed.
The two girls broke apart laughing and one of the airport people brought her inside.
"See you in November!" she yelled to the girl with the mom.
"Defiantly!" she yelled back. It was cute. I had to guess that the girl with her mom was living here and the other girl was going back to Seattle or Toronto, we had to connect again.
We made our way through security and walked down a hallway to the waiting area. Since they were already boarding and we were first class, we walked ahead and handed them our tickets.
Once we climbed onto the plane we saw the Alyssa girl arguing with a guy.
"Edward go help her," I pushed his shoulder. I had to make sure she was ok. She was flying alone after all.
"Ok," he kissed the top of my head.
"Is there a problem here?" I heard him ask the guy. Alyssa was looking up at him in awe of his appearance. I laughed and turned back around.
I sat down in my seat as Alyssa walked up to the front with Edward.
"Excuse me, but you have seemed to have double booked a seat," I heard him speaking to a flight attendant. They went back to where her seat was in coach and looked at the guy's ticket.
"We are very sorry about this miss, but you may sit in First Class," the flight attendant smiled and showed her to a seat.
"Really? Thank you," Alyssa smiled and sat down. She thanked Edward though she didn't know his name. She pulled out her iPod touch and began listening to music.
"Thank you for doing that," I smiled and lay my head on his chest.
Once the plane took off I fell asleep quickly. Two hours later I was woken up by Edward saying that we had to transfer. Alyssa headed to the 'returning to Canada' direction, which confirmed my earlier guesses about her being from here. She wished us a safe trip home and whipped out her cell phone.
"Oh My Gosh! You'll never guess what happened! This really hot guy who looked like Robert Pattinson helped me on the plane because they double booked my seat," she squealed to whoever was on the phone.
I laughed and we continued on to board our next plane.
Four hours later we were home. And I was glad that we were.
There we are! All done! Stay tuned for new stories coming your way. If you havent checked out Technically In Love yet, please do! A lot of people seem to be enjoying it alot! Thank you so much to everyone who has reviewed on this story over the past 6 months! You are all so awesome!
I just had to add in that I was on the plane ahahha. No, I didn't get to sit in first what better then to have Bella tell Edward to help me. The part with the two girls crying was me and amy friend :P I know I rushed the ending... alot. But I am tired, and bored with this story. I'm going to start writing a new story after m exams are done called 'Tough Little Boys' based on the song and music video by Gary Allen. It's a really cute song.
For everyone's info about the last chapter. My horse did try to drown me and the eel did make me scream in the middle of the aquarium lol.
Stay tuned for new stories,
Love you all,