1I know I know! Long time no update! :( This has been on my computer for ages and I forgot to update! So please enjoy and review! Oh, in case you guys forgot what happened thus far...Jasper and Bella fall in love (naturally) and then Alice and Edward find out. There's a huge scene with the family. Bella decides to kill herself after she lies to Jasper and Edward. She jumps off a cliff but Jasper saves her. They reconnect and realize the truth. This is right after that.

In that moment everything became clear. It was as if for the first time in a long time, or the first time ever I could see everything clearly. Of course it would hurt Edward and Alice to tell them the truth...but honesty was definitely the best policy. Wasn't it? Jasper drew away from me, looking at me the way Edward used to. It was that same look of, 'you're the only person I see right now, the only person I want to see. We are the last people on Earth'. If you've ever been lucky to see that look then you know exactly what I'm talking about.

"Hi." Jasper said, smiling at me. Oh god, I'd never seen a guy look like such perfection. It was Abercrombie model meets Zac Efron or Ashton Cutcher.

"Hey." My response was slightly awkward. Unlike vampires I couldn't exactly think of 100 things at once. He had pulled me out of my thoughts. Neither of us knew what to say. It was as if we couldn't form the words that needed to be said. "We're in quite a mess aren't we?" I asked. Jasper grimaced.

"Yes, yes you are." Alice and Edward came out of the trees their eyes dead black. When was the last time they had hunted? Jasper seemed to be wondering the same thing. He pushed me behind him. "No Jasper, we aren't going to eat her. She doesn't deserve that." Alice glared at me murderously. She advanced slowly, "Jasper move out of my way. I need to speak to her. I won't do anything." Alice snarled. Edward just stood there, watching the scene play out in front of him. It didn't take a genius to see that he looked like he was being burned at stake. A pang of guilt flooded my body. Jasper shook his head and my conscience cleared.

"L-let her speak to me Jasper." I whispered, my voice still raspy from my near death experience.

"Bella." Moving around him I advanced towards Alice. "Yes Alice?" My voice remained calm and collected. How I did it? I have no idea...Jasper probably had something to do with it.

"How could you do this to me? We were best friends." Alice's voice had softened, and her body shook..she was in deep pain. Suddenly only anger filled my heart.

"What about when you left me Alice? How about when you all left me to rot her in Forks, heartbroken and damaged? How does that feel Alice? It doesn't feel good does it?" I paused taking a breath, her eyes flickered as did Edward's.. "I'm sorry that this happened, it wasn't planned. But I don't regret it." I turned my back on the two.

"I knew I never was good enough for you." I spun around, Edward had hardly spoken. His voice was clear however. A pang of sadness hit my stomach..and it hit it hard.

"Please don't say that." A single tear trickled down my cheek. "You know it isn't true."

Hope it was good! Kinda stuck, any ideas?