A/N: Hey people heres the next chapter! (Finally) It might sound a little ooc but I think it fits the story. Enjoy

Bella's POV

Edward carried me over to the other side of the island and set me down on a wall of rocks by the shore. The air was warm and I felt the cool mist of salt water in the air. The sun was setting on the horizon and there was still small sparkles radiating off off my angel's skin. He looked more beautiful than ever with his hair even more disheveled than usual from the salt water. Everything was perfect. The only problem was that I had something I needed to get off my chest.

Edward ran into the forest and came back literally a few seconds later with a bunch of coconuts. He attempted to break one in half but used a little too much force and it crumpled like wet sand in his hands. He made a few more attempts muttering curses under his breath. I choked back a laugh and he looked up at me grinning, as he broke one perfectly down the middle.

He handed me half of the coconut and I drank from it. The juice was sweet-a little too sweet- with a slight almond flavor. I made a face as I finished it and he handed me the other half. I raised my eyebrows at him.

"Bella, you're going to have to get used to them," he said.

I sighed. He was so pushy sometimes. He seemed satisfied when I finished and sat next to me on the ledge. I climbed onto his lap and wrapped my arms around him resting my head on his shoulder. His body was pleasantly cool compared to the island heat.

He kissed my hair and then whispered in my ear, " So what was it that you wanted to speak to me about."

I sighed. I had momentarily forgotten what I had been feeling so guilty about. He waited patiently as I thought about how to say it.

"Well. . .its just that I don't think you should be so hard on Emmet. It's not entirely his fault we're stuck on this island," I said hesitantly.

He was silent and I pulled back to see his expression. To my surprise, there was a small smile playing around the edges of his lips. He quickly repressed it.

"Do you care to explain that," he asked sounding slightly amused.

"Try not to be mad ok?"

"I'll do my best," he said, smirking now. I preceded to tell him the story- editing of course.

"Well. . .see it all started. . ."


Emmet: "Hey Bella!"

Bella: Looking up from Wuthering Heights, "Oh hey Emmet."

Emmet: "Are you excited to go to Hawaii? I know I am. I'm proposing to Rosalie on the cruise."

Bella: "Oh Emmet thats great, she'll love it!"

Emmet: "I know, and I want to make it extra special. It is going to be my 25th proposal. You got any ideas?"

Bella: "Wow. . .Well. . .have you ever done fireworks?"

Emmet: Hmm. . . fireworks. Do you think she'll like that?"

Bella: "You definitely should. It would be really romantic."

Emmet: "Ok but this has to stay between you and me."

Bella: "Don't worry I won't tell anyone, but how are you supposed to keep it from Alice and Edward."

Emmet: "I'll speak to Alice, and try and keep my distance from Edward. You could tell him if you really want to but you know how he gets, and if you really want this to happen. . ."

Bella: (thinking) Oh man Edward is not going to like fireworks on the boat. But its just so romantic and Rosalie will love it and he is seriously overprotective. . .

Bella: "Ok I'm in, but where are we supposed to get them without getting caught?

xxThey are both unable to get any fireworks.xx

The day before the cruise. . .

The Cullens are out hunting. Bella lying on her bed reading.

She hears a tap on her window and goes to open it.

Bella: "Jake? What are you doing here?"


I felt Edward stiffen under me.

"Edward, relax I haven't even finished the story yet and you know Jake is perfectly safe," I said. I knew he was going to have a problem with this part.

"I still don't like that dog in your room," he muttered. "Especially when I'm not there."

"Shall I continue?" I asked a little annoyed.

He nodded his head.


Jake: "I just wanted to say goodbye before you left. I never really know what to expect when you go away with them."

Bella: "Don't worry I'll still be Bella when I get back."

Jake: "But will you be human?"

Bella: "Yes Jake!"

Jake: "Good. So wheres your leech? Doesn't he like tuck you in or something?"

Bella: "He's. . .out taking care of some things before we leave."

Jake: "Sure, sure. So then I guess I have you all to myself tonight."

Bella: (rolls eyes) "Goodbye Jake."

Jake: "Now is that any way to treat company. I just got here."

Jake lays across her bed.

Jake: "So tell me, aren't you scared being alone with all those bloodsuckers?"

Bella: "The Cullens are really great people and I completely trust them."

Jake: "And Charlie's alright with this? Man, if only he knew. . ."

Bella: "What, that there was a werewolf in my bedroom? Yea that definitely wouldn't go over so well."

Jake: "Yea yea I get it." He heads over to the window. "You look like you could use some sleep anyway."

Bella suddenly gets an idea.

Bella: "Hey Jake you wouldn't happen to have any fireworks, would you?"

Jake turns and gives her a questioning look.

Later that night. . . . . . .

tap tap tap

Bella opens the window. Jake comes in carrying a big box.

Bella: "Jake you got them!"

Jake: "Yea and there are all kinds in here- some that can cause some pretty big explosions, but I think this is basically what you need. I threw some safety instructions in here so try not to blow yourself up ok?"

Bella: (rolls eyes) "I'll try my best."


"That mangy dog gave you fireworks!?" Edward growled.

"Jacob," I corrected, "was just doing me a favor."

" Well he obviously isn't too concerned about your safety. Doesn't he know you at all?" he said.

"You do enough worrying for all of us, but if you don't want to hear the rest of the story. . ."

"No continue please," he said and I heard him mumble some profanities about Jacob.

I rolled my eyes realizing that I had been doing that a lot lately.


Day of the cruise

Bella: "Hey Emmet I got them!"

Emmet: "Got what?"

Bella: "The fireworks, but I won't be able to get them on the boat myself."

Emmet: (overly excited) "You did!? How did you manage that?"

Bella: "Calm down, Jacob Black brought me some while all of you were out hunting."

Emmet: "You got fireworks from a dog?"

Bella: "Do you want them or not?"

Emmet: "No no I do! Could we try some out?" (grins mischievously)

Bella: "Not unless you want to get caught."

Emmet: "Can I just look at some of them? I promise I won't light them up, but I think I could make them better."

Bella: "Um Emmet, that seems like a really bad idea."

Emmet gives puppy dog face.

Bella: "No!"

Emmet: "Ok ok. At least now that you got the dog involved, Alice won't see anything for a while, but what are we going to do about Edward? I don't know how long I'll be able to avoid him."

Bella: "Think about your next honeymoon with Rosalie. That should keep him from reading your thoughts for a while."

Emmet: (grinning wickedly) "Nice. You know your pretty crafty for a human."

Bella: (grins proudly) "Finally, somebody notices. Now should we get this plan into action?"

Emmet: "Yea I'll hide the fireworks while you distract Edward."

Bella: "This is going to be easier than I thought."

They both grin mischievously at each each other and then high five.


I looked up at Edward who looked thoughtful.

" I'm really sorry," I said guiltily. "It's all my fault."

"Ill admit that you are quite the little mastermind," he said as I blushed, "but I'm sure its not all your fault. I'm curious to hear the rest of this intriguing story of yours."

"I told you the story," I said a little confused at how calmly he was taking this, but then again Edward never ceased to amaze me.

"You've only told me why you think this is your fault, but you're forgetting that I could hear Emmet's thoughts. There is definitely more to this story."

I scowled, he wasn't going to just let me take the blame for this.

"Fine," I said a little resigned.


Everyone is on the boat preparing to sail away.

Emmet: (whispers) "Ready?"

Bella: (Nods slowly)

Emmet: (Grins and discreetly runs off the boat down the boarding ramp.)

Alice is arranging her wardrobe and Rosalie is setting up for sunbathing. Carlisle and Esme are looking at maps.

Edward is running around Bella-proofing the ship. He stops and rests on the edge of the boat looking out at the water.

Bella takes a deep breath and walks over to him.

Edward: "Are you excited about our little vacation?"

Bella: "Little? The farthest I've ever traveled was from Pheonix to Forks."

Edward: "Your forgetting about Italy."

Bella: "I hardly consider us getting killed by the Volturi a vacation."

Edward: "Well you will definitely enjoy this one. Hawaii is beautiful and warm, just like you."

Bella: "I'll enjoy anything as long as I'm with you."

Bella leans over and stands on the tips of her toes to kiss Edward. He deeply kisses her back, while Emmet runs onto the ship with a box of fireworks unnoticed. He hides the box in the engine room and moments later Bella and the Cullens set sail.


"I must admit, I do feel quite used that your kiss was to manipulate me," Edward said in a slightly teasing tone. "I really should be on my guard next time."

"You know the original plan was for me to just lead you away. The kiss was for my benefit," I said.

I leaned up to kiss him but he pulled back. Then he leaned closer and whispered, "Please continue with the story." I felt his cool sweet breath on my face and became a little dazed.

I shook my head to clear it and then did my best to glare at him. It really was hard to be mad with Edward, and he obviously wasn't convinced because he chuckled softly and lightly kissed my jaw.

He stared at me with wide topaz eyes. "Will you please continue?" he asked seductively.

I blinked a few times before I finally remembered where I was. He was obviously getting back at me for distracting him. I continued my story.


The next morning Bella wakes up feeling a little seasick and Edward is not in her room. She decides to go look for him and walks unsteadily onto the deck.

She notices that the door leading to the engine room is slightly open and she decides to check if anyone is in there.

Emmet is hovering over the box of fireworks deep in concentration and seems to be mixing them around.

Bella: (whispers furiously) "Emmet!"

Emmet: (looks a little startled) "Bella-hey how are you feeling- you look a little woozy there."

Bella: "Emmet what the hell are you doing?"

Emmet: "Calm down, I'm just slightly enhancing the fireworks. I want them to be perfect and with Rose its the bigger the better. . ."

Bella: "Where is everyone?"

Emmet: "Probably trying to figure out where we are. You see I messed up the coordinates a bit to distract everyone."

Bella slaps her hand on her forehead, and he grins sheepishly.

Bella: "Oh God Emmet what are we going to do with you?"

Emmet: "I hear someone coming."

Emmet quickly kicks the box behind the engine. Edward appears in the doorway.

Edward: "Bella, what are you doing down here?"

Emmet: "She was a little seasick so I thought this place would help cool her down."

Edward looks at Bella and then skeptically at Emmet who is staring at the floor and concentrating very hard on something.

Edward focuses on Emmet and grimaces.

Edward: Are you feeling better, Bella?

Bella: Yes.

Edward: (a little disgustedly) Good, lets get you some breakfast and leave Emmet to his thoughts.

Emmet snickers and Bella holds back laughter as they head up the stairs.


"And the rest is history," I said.

I now felt even guiltier. Even though it wasn't entirely my fault, I was still just as guilty as Emmet. What I should have realized was that explosives and an engine do not mix well, which brings us all to where we are now.

Instead of that disapproving look and a lecture, Edward gave me a beautiful crooked smile that took my breath away.

"Bella, Bella, Bella," he said. "What are we going to do with you."

"I know. Its all my fault, just please don't be mad at Emmet."

"Always the martyr," he said a little exasperatedly.

"So you going to forgive Emmet?" I asked.

"Well I was going to forgive him anyway, even though he is much older than you are and should know something as simple as to not play with explosives and then leave them behind a ship engine."

I smiled. No matter what, no one could stay angry with Emmet for long, not even Rosalie.

We sat there in silence for a while watching the waves hit the shore.

"Three days," I said. "Do you think we'll get through it?"

He stiffened and then a worried look appeared on his face.

"I meant without losing our sanity," I said quickly, trying to keep the situation light.

He gave me a small smile but the worry was still in his eyes. "We'll see about that," he said. " A lot can happen in three days, but don't worry, I'll protect you."

It was dark now and the only sounds were of the ocean and of crickets chirping. I leaned back against Edward's cool body and closed my eyes.

"Sleep now, Bella," he whispered softly, and I did.

A/N: Ok so the next chapter will be day 1 on the island- that is if you want me to continue- let me know Oh and i promise ill try and update sooner

Thank you soo much to all my reviewers- keep up the good work!