Harry Potter is not owned by me,
That goes the same for the Cullen family.
JK Rowling and Steph Meyer are the masterminds
I just make the character's destinies intertwine.
Please don't sue - there is no money being made,
I'll sick the banshee on you… so be very afraid. :)
I owe an apology to JustAnotherMember for the confusion about Magical Experience. Yes, I gave her (or him) permission over a year ago to publish a story based off Magical Experience and I totally forgot. I thought they were just another person trying to rip off my story and I apologize. I just want to let you know that she (or he) is not continuing Magical Experience, merely writing a spin-off type for her (or his) entertainment. Go read, its very good. Again, I am sorry.
X x X
I am not going to keep you all waiting! Their classes are a tad different then in the book, because I had to rearrange their schedules to fit the new classes.
P.S. HAPPY BIRTHDAY HARRY! (Even if it's a little late, I still love you! XD)
X x X
Magical Experience
Chapter 12: Umbridge
Bella's POV
I stared blankly at the plate of breakfast in front of me, stirring the mound of yellow scrabbled eggs. My mind kept wondering back to the meeting with three specific Gryffindors the night before. The meeting in Carlisle's office had gone as well as I hoped, but I could still see the hesitation on their faces. I mean if someone told me that a family of vampires was sent to protect them and their school, I would have an information overload too. I sighed; maybe we came off too strong.
I felt Edward slip his hand into mine from under the table and give it a light squeeze. "A knut for your thoughts?" he asked quietly, leaning closer to me.
I looked up at Edward and pulled against my elastic band. I was just thinking about last night.
Edward nodded and kissed my temple. He gently placed a finger under my chin and lifted my head up towards him as he planted a deep, passionate kiss on my lips. I pulled away, aware that we were at the breakfast table surrounded by hundreds of students and watched Edward carefully, noticing a very familiar smirk. Not his normal crooked smirk, but that smirk he'd used to give Jacob when I was still human; the one he wore right after he kissed me in front of Jacob. I glared up at Edward and his smirk vanished as quickly as it appeared.
What are you doing?
He nodded his head a fraction of an inch towards the seat directly across from me. I looked over and winced, noticing Neville watching my every move. Awkwardly, I smiled towards him, who sat a little straighter.
"Good morning Neville," I greeted, smiling softly.
He jumped at the sound of my voice and stuttered an incoherent reply. He blushed deeply and turned back to his food in front of him. Seamus Finnigan let out a howling laugh, nudging Dean Thomas, who joined Seamus and smacked an embarrassed Neville on the back.
"Oh, Neville's smitten!"
Neville's head shot up, glaring at Dean. "What? No I'm not!"
"Oh, admit Neville," Seamus exclaimed, winking at Neville. "You like-"
Before Seamus could finish his sentence, Neville threw a jellied roll at Seamus head. Seamus dodged the jellied roll and smacked heads with Dean, who let out a loud yelp.
"What the hell, Seamus?" Dean cried, elbowing Seamus in the gut.
Seamus grunted in pain. "S'not like I meant to do that, Dean!"
The two friends bickered, while the people close enough to see what happened laughed at them. Neville didn't look too happy and lowered his head.
"Neville, don't listen to them," I said, grabbing his hand from across the table.
Neville looked up and smiled at me. Edward suddenly grabbed my thigh under the table and gave it a squeeze. My eyes connected with Edward's golden ones and I saw the love and desire.
"I, uh, better head off to class," Neville whispered, standing up from the table.
"It's a bit early don-" but before I could finish, Neville rush out of the Great Hall. Poor kid.
"He likes you, you know," Edward spoke softly into my ear. "But I don't blame him. Who could resist this?" Edward worked his hand higher and higher up my thigh, until I placed a hand on his.
"Edward!" I hissed through clinched teeth. We don't need to be doing this here! In public!
A chuckle of mirth escaped his perfect lips. The glowered angrily at Edward and crossed my arms over my chest in a pout. He knew I could hardly resist when he teased me like that. I turned my gaze away from Edward and locked eyes with Hermione. She smiled slightly and made her way towards us. She slipped into Neville's vacant seat. Before I could say anything, she spoke.
"I'm sorry," she whispered, looking at a basket of rolls in front of her. "I'm sorry about the way Harry, Ron, and I acted last night. We had guessed what you were, but we did not expect you telling us so causally. Harry has been very paranoid since-" she lowered her voice "-You-Know-Who returned. Harry's had a rough summer, with the Prophet, dementors, and whatnot, and he's just touchier recently. I..." she paused, looking between Edward and me, "I don't know how to explain it, but I have a... feeling like I should be scared of you, but... I don't want to. I thought about it a lot last night. I want to trust you and your family. So... friends?"
Well, that was straightforward.
My face broke out into a huge smile. "Friends."
Hermione let out a relieved sigh. "Well that makes me feel better. So can I see your schedules? I would love to see what classes you have."
"Of course," I replied pulling out my class schedule and handing it to her. "Edward and I have the same classes," I added.
I smiled up at Edward and watched Hermione compare her schedule with ours.
"Oh, brilliant," she said, laying our schedules on the table. She pointed to a few of the time slots and said, "Looks like we have every class together except Divination, Arithmancy, and Ancient Runes."
"Awesome, I guess I have a new study-buddy," I said, grinning at Hermione, who's face lit up like Christmas came early.
"Excellent! Harry and Ron hate to study," she explained rolling her eyes. "Looks like you have the same classes as them, although I'm not surprised with the whole-" she lowered her voice even more "-'protection' thing."
Edward laughed. "Pretty much."
"Where are Harry and Ron?" I asked, glancing around for messy black hair or bright red hair. I caught a glimpse of Fred and George secretly talking to a first year off by themselves and Ginny chatting happily with a few of her friends, but no Ron.
Hermione scoffed. "Slept in, but I woke them up as I was leaving for the Great Hall."
"Typical boys," I responded, shaking my head. Edward cleared his throat. "Oh excuse me, I mean typical human boys."
Hermione grinned, grabbing a piece of toast.
"So, you don't eat?" she asked, her voice low.
"No," Edward replied, playing with the food on his plate. Edward glanced around to see if anyone was listening then continued. "We just pretend to. Sometimes we do eat it, but since our bodies aren't, well, you know, we can't digest it and just 'cough' it up later."
Hermione grimaced. "That just seems like a lot of extra work and discomfort."
"Well, of course, but whatever keeps our human disguise up," I replied, leaning closer to Hermione.
"Totally understandable," she replied, nodding.
We made causal conversation for a few minutes. It felt great that Hermione had accepted us and didn't seem freaked out about it. She seemed more interested and intrigued instead of scared, which made me feel a bit better. Hermione asked very educated questions that Edward and I were happy to answer. After a while, Harry and Ron rushed into the Great Hall, arguing about something.
"…believe that you wouldn't get your arse out of bed!" Harry exclaimed, exasperated.
"Well, I'm sorry that I had like three hours of sleep," Ron retorted.
Harry snorted. "I had the same amount of sleep as you did."
Once Dean and Seamus saw Harry near the Gryffindor table, a scowl appeared on Seamus' face. He quickly stood up and walked passed Harry, bumping shoulders as he did so. Harry glanced at Seamus and Dean's retreating back and sighed angrily.
Harry and Ron glanced at each other and quieted down once they neared Hermione, Edward, and myself; the entire Seamus thing quickly forgotten. They stood behind Hermione and found something extremely interesting on their shoes. Hermione turned around and glared at them. Harry looked up and gave Edward and me a small smile.
"I… um… I'm sorry," Harry muttered, sitting next to Hermione. "I, uh, just have a lot to deal with and I wasn't really expecting this to happen this year."
It was Ron's turn to snort. "Nothing ever goes as planned when it comes to Harry."
"Really, Ron, you just had to say that?" Harry asked, elbowing Ron as he sat down.
Ron scoffed. "Mate, you know you have the most exciting and terrifying things happen to you. You are always in trouble."
"I don't go looking for trouble. Trouble usually comes looking for me!" Harry groaned, throwing his hands up.
Harry grabbed a muffin, whilst Ron piled food onto his plate.
Hermione turned to Harry and Ron. "Bella and Edward have the same classes as you two."
"Well I know we have History of Magic, Charms, Care of Magical Creatures, and Magical Theories and Legends together. We had classes with them yesterday," Harry replied taking a bite out of his muffin.
"Fape 's a peef of vork," Ron said with a mouth full of sausage.
"Ronald, please," Hermione groaned, rolling her eyes at her friend.
Ron swallowed. "I said, 'Snape is a piece of work'. We have double potions with the git today."
Harry frowned. "Great, we have Snape and that Umbridge woman in the same day. Sounds like a load of fun."
"So," I said looking down at the schedule. "We have Transfiguration with McGonagall, double Potions with Snape, Divination with Trelawney, and double Defense Against the Dark Arts with Umbridge."
Hermione nodded sharply, taking a swig out of her goblet. "Oh looks like we should get going. McGonagall hates stragglers."
The five of us all stood up and gathered our school bags from under the table. With one graceful scoop, Edward grabbed my bag. I held my hand out for my bag. He merely shook his head 'no' and began to walk towards the Entrance Hall. I sighed, throwing my hands to my side and followed him.
"Now what kind of gentleman would I be if I didn't carry your bag for you?" Edward asked gently. I grumbled but said nothing.
As Edward and I made our way to the doors leading out to the Entrance Hall, where Harry, Hermione, and Ron waited patiently, a blur of pixie black hair collided with me. Alice's squeezed me tightly that I was afraid to be snapped in two.
"Aren't you excited? We have Transfiguration together!" Alice exclaimed, pulling back and giving Edward a stern look. "Now you behave yourself, Edward Anthony Masen!"
Edward rolled his eyes, patting Alice's head. Alice quickly swiped his hand away, glowering acidly. "You know me Alice; I always behave myself."
Alice snorted. "Not what I saw you doing to Bella during breakfast. I could see it all the way from the Ravenclaw table!"
"Alice, Edward," I spoke, stepping between them, not wanting them to start talking about Edward and his grabby hands. "We have to get to class."
Alice sighed dramatically. "Alright, but I am watching you Edward Masen!"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Edward said dismissively.
"See you in class!" Alice called over her shoulder as she made her way back towards the Ravenclaw table and her lover. Edward turned quickly and marched out towards the Entrance Hall, pulling me along. We quickly met up with Hermione, Harry, and Ron at the base of the stairs. A tall Gryffindor girl with long braided hair was talking animatedly with Harry. She told him to be at practice to see if the new 'keeper' would fit in and briskly left.
"Sorry," I apologized. "Alice was just being her normal dramatic self."
"The little one?" Ron asked, tapping his chin with his index finger.
"Yeah," Edward said plainly. "So who was that? The girl talking to you, Harry."
"Oh that was Angelina Johnson, she's the Gryffindor Quidditch captain. She nice, but boy does she have a wicked temper," Harry said, shivering slightly at the thought. "Since Oliver Wood, our old captain and keeper, graduated she took over as captain. We need to find a new keeper."
"I've read about Quidditch, but I'd love to try and play it," Edward said. "Our family loves to play baseball and a few sports."
Harry and Hermione nodded knowingly, but Ron mouthed "Baseball?" in confusion. Hermione said she'd explain the Muggle sport to him later.
The trio led us down a corridor on the first floor towards the Transfiguration classroom. When we turned a corner, Esme was standing by her office door talking to a younger student.
"… don't understand what it does, Professor," the young Hufflepuff said softly, holding up a cell phone.
"My dear," Esme replied kindly, "Muggle electronics do not work in Hogwarts. I merely wanted you to write down what you thought it was and its use to Muggles."
The Hufflepuff looked uncertain, but nodded nonetheless. She quickly thanked Esme and scurried passed us, not even chancing a glance upward. Esme turned our way and her smile grew.
"Hello, everyone," she greeted tenderly, pulling me into a hug and kissed Edward's cheeks.
"Oh, Mom," Edward whispered embarrassedly. I giggled; it was a rare occasion to see Edward embarrassed, but if anyone could embarrass him it would be Esme. Even if Esme wasn't Edward real human mother, he still considered her the closest thing to a mother he ever had.
Esme smiled. "So all off to class?"
"Yes, Professor Esme," Hermione responded easily. "Transfiguration."
"Oh, what fun!" Esme said clapping her hands once. Harry and Ron rolled their eyes, they didn't think class was 'fun'. "You all have fun now and don't cause any trouble." Esme made sure to give Edward a small glance.
"Don't worry, I'll make sure Edward stays in line," I replied, poking Edward's side.
Edward grunted. "Shouldn't you be making sure Emmett and the twins don't do anything stupid? I'm the innocent one."
"You are far from innocent, but Emmett does need babysitting," I snickered.
Esme laughed. "Well, you five be good."
"Oh okay. See you later, Esme," I called as she made her way to her classroom to teach a class of third years about blinders.
"Your family seems to be really close," Ron said as we walked into the Transfiguration classroom. He slung his book bag around, almost taking Neville's head as he did so. "Oh, sorry Neville." Neville didn't look up, but blushed furiously.
"We are pretty close," I agreed. "There are literally no secrets in our house."
"That must get annoying," Harry said, pulling out his book and a quill.
"Oh, you don't know the half of it," Edward said taking a seat next to me. "But you learn to live with it."
The rest of the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw fifth years began to file into the classroom while McGonagall entered the room from the side door that led to her office.
"Take your seats now, don't dawdle," she said, passing Terry Boot of Ravenclaw who was sitting on the top of his desk. McGonagall gave him a stern glare and he quickly sat in his seat.
McGonagall started the class like every fifth year teacher did… OWL's.
"You cannot pass an OWL," she said grimly, "without serious application, practice, and study. I see no reason why everybody in this class should not achieve an OWL in Transfiguration as long as they put in the work." (OotP, page 257)
Neville made a little cry, which caught McGonagall's attention. McGonagall assured Neville that he would pass as long as he kept his confidence up. The whole class period was devoted to learning and practicing the Vanishing Spell on snails. Having read about the Vanishing Spell over summer, it was quite easy for Edward, Jasper, Alice, and me, but the rest of the class, besides Hermione, seemed to have trouble with the spell. We were each rewarded ten points to our houses for completing the spell and no homework.
Harry and Ron grumbled about the homework they already had on the second day as we walked out of the Transfiguration classroom.
I turned to the trio. "We'll catch up with you in potions."
The three nodded and left, while Alice, Jasper, Edward, and I were able to talk about the plans for the next hunting trip. Jasper thought it would be a good idea to go on as many hunting trips as possible because with the use of magic, our bodies use more blood and seem to be nourished more often. Jasper said he'd discuss things with Carlisle when he got a chance. Soon after the bell echoed throughout Hogwarts.
"Well, I think we better get to our next class," Jasper said, nodding towards the giant stair case. "Alice and I've got Charms."
"Alright, see you guys later," I said giving both a quick hug before they left.
"I've got my eye on you, Edward Masen!" Alice yelled as her and Jasper disappeared up the stairs. Her giggle echoed throughout the castle and Edward groaned.
"Well, lets get to class, love," Edward said, trying to ignore the weird looks some students were giving him because of Alice's outburst.
The dungeons made me depressed. If there was a place where a stereotypical, coffin-sleeping, bat-turning vampire would live, this would be the place; it was even more suitable then Grimmauld Place. Edward opened the door to the potions classroom for me and I spotted Hermione, Harry, and Ron instantly. They sat in the very back, as far away from Snape's desk as possible. I sat next to Hermione, while Edward sat next to me and greeted the three.
"Kind of gloomy in here," I said, noticing a whole bunch of creepy things in large jars placed randomly round the room. Edward and I noticed the cold shoulder Harry was giving Ron. I turned to Hermione. "Uh, did we miss something?"
Hermione rolled her eyes. "Cho Chang came to talk to Harry and Ron made a rude comment about her preference in professional Quidditch teams."
"That Ravenclaw girl from the train?" I asked, remembering the mess that was.
"Yeah," Harry mumbled, just as Snape walked into the classroom.
Of course, we got a lecture about OWLs again. Once Snape finished his ranting, he set the class lose to make the Draught of Peace potion, which is supposed to 'calm anxiety and sooth agitation' (OotP, page 232). The potion was pretty complex, but I just compared potion-making to cooking and it came pretty easily. Edward was the best at everything, so when Snape said that the potion should be emanating a silver vapor, his did; mine was a kind of grey vapor. I soon found out that Snape loved to pick on Harry, for some unknown reason, and made his potion vanish when he forgot a step. After Snape assigned his homework (twelve inches of parchment on the properties of moonstone and its uses in potion-making – OotP, page 234), everyone filled vials full of their potion and handed it in to be grade. Harry angrily left the dungeons, seething.
After lunch, we made our way to Divination, Alice's least favorite class. Professor Trelawney was definitely a character. She wore huge glasses that made her eyes look three times as big and a shawl with crazy designs and beads. Her room smelt like nasty incents that nearly overpowered our sensitive noses. Harry and Ron sat at a table next to Edward and me, while Trelawney started the lesson… about dreams. Edward and I glanced at one another; what the hell were we supposed to do if we didn't dream. Trelawney went around handing out books called The Dream Oracle where we were supposed to interpret our dreams to find the message our subconscious wants to really tell us. Load. Of. Bull.
The class went by very slowly. None of the students had any interest in The Dream Oracle or Trelawney's constant predictions of death or pain. Ron talked about a Quidditch dream he had, and Harry, uninterested, replied that it might mean Ron would get eaten by a giant marshmallow. Neville asked Dean what a dream involving a giant pair of scissors wearing his grandmother's hat meant; Dean shrugged indifferent about the entire subject. I laughed about the lunacy of the class.
"So," Edward said, pulling me away from eavesdropping on other's conversations. "Looks like my dream means I will be attacked by a purple gorilla."
"What?" I asked, giving in a weird look. "What dream is that, Mr. Masen?"
"I always dream of you, my love," Edward said nonchalantly, leaning across the table.
"So when you 'dream' of me, that means you will get attacked by a purple gorilla?"
"Seems so."
"I understand why Hermione dropped this class," I sighed, closing my book.
X x X
"Good afternoon!"
A few mumbled 'Good afternoon's echoed around the room, but Umbridge did not seem to accept that as a proper greeting.
"Tut, tut," she said in her sickly sweet voice. "That won't do, now, will it? I should like you, please, to reply 'Good afternoon, Professor Umbridge.' One more time, please. Good afternoon, class!" (OotP, page 239)
Everyone chanted the reply half-heartedly; this women already got under my skin and she hadn't said thirty words to us. She commanded the whole class to put wands away and take out parchment and a quill. The class exchanged gloomy looks and reluctantly pulled out parchment and quills. I glanced at Edward to my right, who was glaring intently at Umbridge. Edward grabbed my hand underneath the desk and gave it a tight squeeze.
Umbridge pulled out her own wand and tapped a blackboard, where the words: Defense Against the Dark Arts, A Return to Basic Principles (OotP, page 239) were written.
Umbridge explained how the former teachers did not teach "Ministry-approved" curriculum and that the entire class would have to start with the basic principles of the subject, because the class when performing below the standards the Ministry set. She tapped the board again and the course aims appeared.
Umbridge's next step in the insanely boring class was to have the entire class silently read chapter one (Basics for Beginners) of Defensive Magical Theory by Wilbert Slinkhart. She left the front of the class and settled her fat rear behind her desk. I felt anger boil as the toad of a women treated the entire class like three year olds.
"Excuse me, Professor," I said, looking straight at Umbridge and catching the attention of the whole class.
"When we want to address the instructor, Miss-"
"Miss Swan, we raise our hands," she finished, standing up from her desk.
"Well, I would you see," I said as my anger threatened to bubble over, "but I find being address like an idiot, who does not knowing anything about the subject, is quite disrespectful. And I have a motto: you give respect to earn respect. You have not earned my respect yet, Professor." I could not understand my anger towards the women, deep down I just hated her.
Umbridge's look of pure disgust and anger was almost comical if I wasn't so angry with her. "What?" she spat.
"Yes. Now as I was saying-"
"Detention, Miss Swan," Umbridge said, putting a disgusting smile on her toad-like face. "Tomorrow evening in my office at five o'clock."
"For what?" Edward asked, standing up from his seat.
Umbridge cleared her throat. "For disrespecting and talking back to a teacher. Now sit down, Mr. Masen."
Sit down, Edward, I whispered in my mind as I stretched against the elastic.
He glanced at me and silently sat down. Umbridge gave me a satisfied smile and strode back to her desk, just as Hermione's hand shot up. The toad-women ignored Hermione's hand for a few minutes, but once the entire class's attention was on Hermione, Umbridge couldn't ignore her anymore.
"Do you have a question, dear?" Umbridge asked, walking over to Hermione's desk.
"Well yes," Hermione responded, folding her hand on her closed defense book.
"About the chapter?"
"No," Hermione said, watching Umbridge closely.
"Well we are reading now," Umbridge said slowly, tapping the book on Hermione's desk with a short stubby finger. "If you have any questions, see me after class." Oh lord, who would want to stay after class with that women? I thought to myself.
"What about the lesson?" Hermione asked, before Umbridge could ignore her again.
"What about it?"
"There is nothing about using defensive spell in any of your course aims," Hermione said, pointing to the blackboard.
Umbridge let out a croak-like giggle. "Using defensive spell? Why on earth would you need to use defensive spells?"
"Because if we get attacked-" Harry exclaimed, as Umbridge cut him off.
"Attacked, Mr. Potter? That is not going to happen in my classroom."
"Not in the classroom! In the real world where Voldemort-"
The entire class broke out into shouts and yells. Students were standing up and screaming insults at other students about their thoughts of the return of Voldemort. Harry was glaring at Umbridge, who had finally lost her cool.
"ENOUGH!" she cried over everyone. Students settled down and sat back in their seats, staring at a purple-faced Umbridge. "Now let me make myself clear. The Dark Lord has not returned and there is not reason to-"
"That's a lie! Voldemort is back!"
"Detention, Mr. Potter," Umbridge said calmly, taking a few soothing breaths. "Same as Miss Swan's. Now the Ministry of Magic assures everyone that there are no dangerous dark wizards that will cause harm to anyone. If you have any reason to still of doubts, come to my office. I will help, that's what I'm here for. To be your friend. Now turned to page five of 'Basic for Beginners'."
Harry stood up, causing Hermione to beg him to stop. "So what about Cedric Diggory? He just randomly dropped dead for no apparent reason?" Anger burned in Harry's eyes as he spoke to her.
Edward stood up as well. "Dumbledore believes that Voldemort is back and the Ministry would be wise to listen to him. He is a hell of a lot smarter than your idiot Minister!"
The entire class gasped as Cedric Diggory was mention and Edward's insult towards the Minister. Umbridge looked livid, like she was going to stick out her tongue and eat Harry whole.
"Cedric Diggory's death was a tragic accident," she said coldly (OotP, page 245). "As for you, Mr. Masen, I believe that would be detention for you as well. You have no right to insult the Minister when you have hardly been in this country. The States may have a different laws and regulations, but that gives you no right to insult the best Minister the Ministry has ever seen."
I grabbed Edward sleeve and pulled him down to his seat. That's enough Edward, I thought, grabbing his hand. Before we both attack her.
Edward turned to me and whispered for only my ears to hear, "You don't know what that toad is thinking. Utterly disgusting."
"Cedric was murdered!" Harry exclaimed, slamming his hands down on his desk. "Voldemort killed him!"
Umbridge's face went blank and she called Harry up. She sent Harry off to see Professor McGonagall and I knew Harry was in a heap of trouble.
"Now, please finish reading chapter one," Umbridge said, sitting back at her desk. I wanted to throw my book at that ugly women, but how would I explain to Carlisle that I decapitated her with a book?
X x X
Dinner was full of murmurs and whispers. The details of the shouting match in Umbridge's class traveled around Hogwarts quickly. Harry, looking even more depressed than usual, was having a loud conversation with Ron and Hermione about people believing Harry when he told people what happened to Cedric two months ago. Edward and I were sitting quietly by ourselves, still fuming over Umbridge. Edward told me about the things Umbridge was thinking: the different ways she could torture us in detention to a naked Minister. Uh, ew.
The entire family was giving us sympathetic looks, well except Emmett. Edward said he had a plan to cheer us up, but I was slightly worried that Emmett's plan was not exactly safe.
Suddenly there was a loud BOOM and a high pitch girly scream. The entire Great Hall fell silent, staring at the Slytherin table. Laughter rang throughout the Hall, even the teachers joined in, but Emmett's booming laughter was heard above the rest.
Sitting at the middle of the Slytherin table was Draco Malfoy.
With bright pink hair.
And a neon green face.
"CULLEN!" Malfoy screamed, standing up and pointing at Emmett. Something was wrong with Malfoy's voice; it was high pitch, like he was breathing in helium or something. That only made the students laugh harder.
"What makes you think I did it?" Emmett said, giving an innocent pout.
Malfoy growled and stomped out of the Great Hall, Crabbe, Goyle, and Parkinson hot on his heels.
Emmett gave a thumbs-up to the Weasley twins, who were trying to hide a box under the table.
I guess that did make me feel better.
End chapter. Phew! That was one long chapter! Fifteen pages on Microsoft Word and over 5,000 words! :) Hope you guys liked it and the quicker update! Since I am not doing a lot over the summer, I hope to get new chapters up more often, just depends if I go on vacation or not. I have a really good prank Trelawney in my mind. I'll give you a hint: Trelawney (plus) the grim (equals) gleeful Alice. I'm thinking about adding another Malfoy prank too! Snape and Umbridge are going to be harder, and Filch, oh lord, he getting it good (I'm thinking about recruiting Peeves to help with that one! LOL!) Well hope you enjoyed this chapter!
"Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" by J.K. Rowling
Blonde Joke of the Day (courtesy of Jacob Black):
Jacob: JASPER! Jazzy-per!
Jasper: What?
Jacob: Here (-hands Jasper a banana-)
Jasper: Uh, I don't eat bananas.
Jacob: (-sighs-) Just open it!
Jasper: Um, okay. (-examines banana closely for ten minutes-)
Jacob: Just open the damn thing already!
Jasper: I can't.
Jacob: And why not?
Jasper: Because it doesn't have a zipper, duh.
Jacob: (-yanks banana out of Jasper's hand-) Wow, just, wow. Well since your stupid moment is over, Jasper. How about a joke.
Jasper: Eh, why not.
Jacob: Great! How do you get a blonde to climb on the roof?
Jasper: Uh, I don't know.
Jacob: Tell her the drinks are on the house! (-laughs-)
Jasper: (-thinks about it-) I don't get it.
Jacob: Of course you don't. (-rolls eyes-)
Jasper: Can I have the banana back?
Jacob: No.
Jasper: Pretty please? With a cherry on top?
Jacob: Oh, fine! Here! (-hands the banana back to Jasper-)
Jasper: (-giggles and dances the happy dance-) Yay! I gotta banana! I gotta banana! I gotta banana! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
Jacob: And he was a major in the Confederate army. No wonder they lost.
Well, thanks for reading!
Edward demands your vote for the sexiest vampire