A New Beginning
The Wedding
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
Authors Note: I know it's been awhile guys but im sorry im trying to edit this so I can put it up on Twilighted, im working on the next chapter and I promise it will be up soon. This I thought needed to go into the story because it was just to bam so I hope you enjoy. Review and let me know what you think. Also, I wanted to make this the first chapter but its not letting me :[ and thank you to my beta sweetishb!
My stomach was in knots as I stood in front of the full-length mirror while Alice added the final touches to my dress and me. "Alice, can I take this stupid thing off yet?" I groaned, crossing my arms in front of my chest. Only Alice could get away with getting what she wanted on my wedding day. "A few more minutes, you look so beautiful Bella,"
A different voice answered.
"Mom?" I exclaimed turning towards the sound.
"Yes baby I'm here,"
She replied as her soft arms wrapping around me. "This is amazing,"
I exclaimed. The last few weeks I had been worried over whether or not she would come. Like always, Phil was in the middle of a contract with another team.
"Well do you honestly think I'd miss my baby's wedding?" she scolded.
"I hoped you wouldn't." I replied my voice just above a whisper.
"All done," Alice exclaimed. With a final fluff of my dress, she placed her icy hands on my face removing the blind fold she had placed over my eyes at the start of my fitting. When I finally saw myself in the mirror, it was hard to believe the person staring back at me was actually… Me. I looked beautiful.
My hair was curled in loose waves that hung over my shoulders while the front was pinned into a slight bump supporting my veil. My dress was simple white and strapless, while the back had a single line of buttons up the spine.
"Well, what do you think?" Esme asked.
"I love it, thank you Alice," I exclaimed throwing my arms around her.
"You're welcome," she replied with a smile.
"Wait, she's missing something," Rosalie said bitterly, causing the whole room to turn towards her.
"Hear, I thought you maybe could wear this." said Rosalie, holding out a fat black box. Taking it from her pale hand, I opened it amazed at what was inside. Lying in the velvet was a magnificent tiny silver bracelet.
"Emmett gave it to me on our anniversary. I thought you could wear it… It could be your something borrowed," she announced shrugging her shoulders.
"Thanks Rosalie." I said with a smile.
"All right my work hear is done, I need to get ready," Alice said before excusing herself from the room.
Standing in front of the large glass window, I gazed at the scene in front of me. The sun was just beginning to set as the guests began to arrive, taking their seats in the rows leading to the gazebo. Letting out a long sigh I pulled the black box out of my pocket and took another look for the millionth time that hour. It was simple but it was Bella.
"Getting nervous?" Chief Swan asked. "A bit," I admitted looking down at my feet.
"I felt the same way on my big day," He replied with a weak laugh as he patted me on the back. "Take care of her for me all right kid?" He announced breaking the silence.
"Always… I love your daughter more than anything. She's smart, funny, klutzy and absolutely beautiful. Why she picked me I'll never understand, but I'm grateful that she did. I know I made mistakes in the past but I refuse to do the same again and from this day forward I'll spend eternity proving to her just how much I love her."
"That's a long time kid," He replied with a chuckle.
"Sir, it would never be long enough," I replied with a smile.
"Enough with the 'sir' bull shit. "you're marrying my daughter. Today it's Charlie."
"You ready Bells?" My dad asked turning to me. "Yes dad," I replied as he wiped a tear from my cheek. "You sure you want this? It's not too late." He asked. "I'm sure," I replied my voice cracking in the process. "Then go get him. I'm happy for you. Just promise me one thing," He replied.
"Of course, what?" I asked.
"Just don't be a stranger. I love you and I'm so proud of you," he replied opening the doors and on cue Pachelbel's Cannon in D Major began to play.
Clutching my father's hand, I carefully took my first step onto the candle lit isle making my way to Edward, who stood at the gazebo steps looking more beautiful than ever if that was even possible. He was dressed to the nines in a classic black tuxedo and like always his bronze hair was an absolute mess.
When we finally reached the gazebo, Charlie took one final look at me and placed a kiss on my cheek. "I love you Bells," He whispered. "I love you to Daddy." I replied as I broke away. "Take care of her," He said as a tear trickled down my cheek. "I promise, Sir," Edward replied taking my hand.
We were married Edward. After all this time he was finally my husband. I could not believe it nor could I contain the smile plastered across my face as the photographer snapped photos of us. The ceremony was perfect, not to long but not too short. When it was time for us to kiss we earned plenty of hoots and hollers from our family especially from Emmett causing me to blush a deep red.
"I'll have these uploaded on the website for you both to see by tomorrow night," The photographer said with a smile. "Thank you," Edward replied.
"Come on love, our family's waiting," He announced lacing his fingers in mine while we made our way to the reception.
"All right, how the Bride and Groom will share their first dance," Emmett announced to the party.
"I couldn't contain the excitement coursing through my dead veins as Emmett announced that. She was my wife." With her favorite crooked smile, I took her hand and we made our way to the dance floor as our song began to play.
"Are you enjoying yourself Mrs. Cullen?" I asked as we moved in time with the music. "Very much so," she replied with my favorite blush. "Are you?" she asked, biting her lip. "Very much so," I replied kissing the top of her head.
Too soon the song came to a end, and as much as I didn't want to, I knew it was time to go. Although the plane belonged to our family and I could leave at any time, we had a schedule to fallow. "We need to leave now love if we're going to catch our plane." I said softly kissing her for head once more. "Can I say good bye?" she asked, her big brown eyes sparkling. "Everyone's waiting in the house, I replied with a smile.
Taking her hand, I lead her inside were Alice already had our luggage waiting for us.
Come on Bella, we got to get you changed," Alice said no sooner did we get into the door. "Again?", She groaned.
"Unless you want to wear that on the plane." Looking down at her attire, she blushed a deep red. "I guess you're right, but can I wear my pj's?" she asked. "Bella, honestly what am I going to do with you? how about a sweat suit instead." said the pixie as she lead her up the stairs. "We won't be long. Go change you have a plane to catch!" yelled my sister before slamming the bedroom door.