Alrighty, readers! I know that some of you are probably getting annoyed at me right now, but I have another brand new story that I really, really, REALLY want to start!
I've had this story idea on my mind for quite some time, but I was struggling of what to actually do. I mean, I had the main idea all figured out, but then, I was stumped. :(
But, now I have it all figured out! :)
So, I'll just tell you right now what this story is going to be. This story is going to be about...
Baby Edward and Baby Bella!
Here's the summary for you:
OOC, and maybe A/U: Takes place after BD. (They're all still in Forks.) Things have gone back to normal around in Forks - or as normal as you can guess it can get. Anyway, a certain group of vampire teen parents, with their Vampire-Human Hybrid daughter, and their shape-shifting pal alongside them, go out on a normal routine hunting trip together. But, something strange happens when the hunt is over. Just what has happened, you may ask? What will be in store for the Cullens, Jacob's pack and Reneesme, when they are left with a faint and unfamiliar vampire scent, and two little human babies who look just like two of their own? Join in on the adventures of raising a Baby Bella, and a Baby Edward. Will these two ever get back to being how ther were in the beginning? And who did this to Bella and Edward?
So, the story is going to be rated between K+ to T. :)
Now, let's get started...
*Temp Title - This was the best title I could come up with. :(*
**The POV may switch between the Cullen Family members, to Jacob, to Reneesme - to anybody really. We'll just see how the story will play out.**
***DISCLAIMER: I wish that I could own SM's world of vampires, love and such, but sadly I don't. :(***
Momma and Daddy Are What?
Chapter One
~Bella Cullen~
"Alice, how many times do I have to say that I'm not wearing a cocktail dress ever again while I go hunting?" I asked her exasperatedly, while I glared at her and the skimpy dress in her hands. "Bella, I keep telling you over and over again, that you'll look fabulous in a cocktail dress! Come on, please wear it." Alice begged, looking at me with sad golden eyes. "No, Alice. I'm fine going hunting in what I'm wearing right now, so just please put that dress away. I promise to wear it next time." I pleaded with her, and instantly, her pixie face perked right up.
"Okay!" she chirped, and she danced off to put the absurdity of a dress away, while I exited her room, to find Edward outside, Reneesme at his feet, her tiny hand in his. "Ready to go, love?" Edward asked me, coming over to where I was and pecking my cheek. "Yep." I answered, bending down and picking Reneesme up in my arms, and we walked down to the first level.
Today was like any other day for my family and I. After the Volturi have left Forks, things for us were back to normal - or at least more so as normal as a family of vampires, with a shape-shifter in love with your Human-Vampire Hybrid daughter, can get. But, still, it was pretty normal for us. Alice, Rosalie and Esme were going to go shopping - again - while Carlisle, Emmett and Jasper were going to go out with them, since Alice insists that they have someone carry the bags of clothing. That left Edward, Reneesme, Jacob and I to go hunting, before Jacob, Seth and Leah were going to stay at the house to watch over Reneesme while Edward and I would have some alone time back at the cottage.
"Bye guys!" Emmett yelled to us on our way out the back door. We said goodbye to our family, and went outside, where Jacob - in his werewolf form - was waiting for us. "Jakey!" Reneesme squealed, where Edward let her run off to where he was, and our daughter pounced on the giant wolf. I looked over at Edward, to see his usual scowl on his face. "Edward, don't start." I reminded him, rolling my eyes. Every time we see Reneesme with Jacob, he just has to get that scowl on his face.
"I'm not going to argue, love. You just know how I feel about the dog." Edward grumbled to me, shaking his head. "Come on; the sooner we get our hunting all done, the sooner we get to go have our alone time." I said, walking down the steps of the back patio of the Cullen Mansion. That perked him right up - the insatiable vampire, he is - and he reminded the werewolf and our daughter that we needed to get going on our hunt.
As soon as we were in the trees, we caught wind of a pack of deer and elk, and our hunt started. 3 elk later, Edward and I moved over to a more secluded area - well, he dragged me to it. I knew this vampire was getting a tad bit impatient. We kissed and let our hands roam over each other, when I heard a noise of someone moving. "Did you hear that?" I asked him. "Hmm?" Edward hummed, distracted since he was nuzzling my neck with that nose of his.
Again, I heard the noise. "There it was again." I said, where Edward sighed and leaned away. "Love, I think you're hearing noises. I hear nothing at all." Edward said, raising an eyebrow at me. "Uh, you're probably right." I mumbled; maybe I was just hearing things right now. "Come on. Let's go find Jacob and Nessie, so we can get back to the cottage." Edward said, laughing lightly when I groaned at him using that dreaded nickname that he used for Reneesme. What is wrong with just saying her name? Our poor baby would be forever labeled as the Loch Ness Monster.
Edward began leading me out of the secluded area, when this time, I heard that noise - and it was much louder. "Okay, now I hear what you were hearing." Edward stated, whipping around to the direction of the noise. "See, I'm not crazy." I mumbled to myself, getting ready to fight off whoever was messing with us.
"Bella?" I looked over at Edward when he said my name; the way he said it. It sounded like he was getting tired, or somehow just weak. "What?" I asked him, and then I realized that it now felt as if my energy was being sucked out of me. We collapsed to the ground in the middle of our secluded area, on our backs and holding hands. "I feel... sleepy..." Edward mumbled, his golden eyes slowly closing. "Me... too..." I agreed, and there, my eyes closed, and I fell into darkness.
~Jacob Black~
"Jakey, look at me!" I looked up at Nessie when I heard her squeal, and there I saw her tiny little form jumping from a high branch up in a tree, and flew over to another tree. I released a throaty wolf chuckle, staring up at the little Hybrid I imprinted on when she was just born. Little Nessie was always the one for fun and thrills, and of course, I was much like her leech of a father; always worrying for her safety.
Worrying about your little bloodsucker again, Jakey-poo? Seriously? Jakey-poo? That's the best Leah could come up with for me? So, you have finally resorted to that name, Leah? I asked her sarcastically through my mind. Just ignore Leah, Jake. She's being crabby again. Seth thought towards me. That time of the month, eh, Leah? I thought towards her, where I barked out my wolf chuckle again.
Shut up, Jake. Leah thought bitterly. "Jake, where's Momma and Daddy? We've been hunting for a while now, and I thought they said that they would come find us." Nessie said to me suddenly, where I saw that she was in front of my wolf form, an adorable sad pout. Come to think of it, I don't hear them. Seth commented. Ew; you listen to them? I thought to Seth. Gross; why would he want to hear vampires doing that? Bow-chicka-wow-wow. Leah thought, laughing in our mind connection.
You two are sick. I meant that I would usually hear them running around here. But, I don't hear anything. In fact, I don't smell their scent either. Seth explained. I sniffed the air, with Nessie doing the same, and I also couldn't smell their vampire sickly-sweet scent either. I rose to my feet - er, paws - and motioned for Nessie to hop onto my wolf back. She hopped on, and wrapped her tiny arms around my thick neck, and there, I took off to begin searching for Bella and Edward.
Why am I hearing some babies crying? Leah thought. "Jake, why are there babies in the forest?" Nessie asked me over the winds. I perked my ears, and there, over the winds, I could hear two distinct babies' wails. Let's phase and see if we can find these babies we're hearing. Seth suggested, and there, I heard through my mind Leah and Seth phasing. I set Nessie down, and had her turn around, before I phased back into my human self, and pulled on my shorts.
"I hear the babies over here, Jakey." Nessie said to me, where she skipped off over to my left. I followed after her, and we walked a little path to a secluded little area where it was like a mini meadow or something or other. "Wait; aren't those Momma's and Daddy's clothes?" Nessie whispered to me, where I looked over into the meadow, and saw that there were two piles of clothing - the same clothing that Bella and Edward were wearing earlier.
"Stay here for a second, Nessie. I'll let you know when you can come over." I ordered her, moving through the bushes and over to the piles, just as Seth and Leah appeared from in front of me, in human form and with clothes on. "Are those clothes moving?" Leah asked, pointing down to the piles. I looked down, and saw that there was movement underneath both piles of clothing. I bent over Bella's clothing, while Seth bent over Edward's, and together, we moved the shirts off.
"Oh, my god." Leah gasped, staring wide eyed at the two little babies, just like how Seth and I were.
For me, I was staring down at a tiny pale baby girl, that had ear-length brown curly hair, and a red face because she was crying and wailing like crazy. She wore a diaper, and little pink socks on her tiny feet. When the shirt was removed, the baby girl looked up at me with curious brown eyes, only tears on her face. I knew those brown eyes anywhere.
"Bella?" I asked in shock. The baby girl reached forwards with her tiny arms, as if that was her acknowledgment to her hearing her name. I moved around a bit, and picked the baby up, holding her at arm's length. "Dude, I think this is Edward." Seth muttered, where I looked over at Seth to see him holding up a baby boy that had Edward's messy bronze hair. The baby wasn't as pale as the Vampire Edward that we knew, but he was still pale. And, after Seth turned him around, he stared at me with green eyes.
"Ella?" the baby boy asked, pointing a baby finger over at baby Bella in my arms. "Edar?" Bella asked in her baby voice. "Well, that settles it. This is Edward and Bella." Seth stated, nodding his head from these two's recognitions with each other. I set Bella down, and there, she crawled over to Edward on her hands and knees, to her husband who was in an diaper much like hers, only he had green socks on his feet. Edward and Bella met each other in the middle, and they hugged each other after they sat on their little butts.
"Okay, as much as I hated these two before, I have to admit - this looks so cute." Leah admitted to us, walking over to where we were. "That's Momma and Daddy?" Nessie asked above us, standing beside Seth. "Nessie." I groaned; why doesn't she listen? "Nessay!" Bella and Edward squealed to their daughter. "They know me!" Nessie squealed, and plopped herself in front of her parents, kissing their foreheads.
"So, what are we going to do with these two?" Seth asked me. "Well, first, we got to gather their old clothes up, with their rings and phones, and we go back to the cottage so we can get them some baby clothes to wear. No way are they going to stay warm in diapers and socks." I explained, standing up. "I'll gather their things. You and Seth take Edward, Bella and Nessie back to the cottage. I'll meet you there." Leah explained, walking over to the piles of clothing and began gathering them up.
I picked Bella up while Seth picked Edward up. There was whimpering from being separated, on both of their parts, but with us walking side-by-side and with Bella's head resting on my left side of my torso, she and Edward held hands together while leaning away from our chests. "Why are they doing that?" Seth asked me when he noticed that they wouldn't lean back, and that they kept kissing each other on their cheeks. "First of all, we're 108 degrees, Seth. They're human babies. And second of all, since they are married, and that they love each other, I'm sure that while they're babies, they'll be doing this non-stop." I explained to him, chuckling.
"So, Momma and Daddy are babies?" Nessie asked from my right side, skipping alongside with me and keeping up with our pace. "Yep. We're not sure why they're babies, but we'll figure it out once your other family members get home." Seth explained to Nessie. "Oh, man." I groaned out, causing everyone to look at me funny. "How the heck are they going to deal with human babies Bella and Edward, Seth? What if one of them freak out, or what if they attack them?" I asked him, and he sighed.
"I don't think they would hurt these two, Jacob. They'll probably freak out when they see them as babies, but hopefully we'll be able to figure out what we're going to do with them." Seth said, shrugging.
We reached their cottage, and walked inside, heading towards Nessie's bedroom. We sat them down on her toddler bed, and immediately they sat up and kind of cuddled with each other - but seeing babies cuddle? Now that's somewhat of a freaky sight if you ask me. "I find some baby clothes!" Seth yelled to me after he was done sifting through Nessie's closet. "You don't have to yell, dumbass." I hissed at him after I was beside him.
Seth straightened up, and held up two little baby outfits. One was a dress, while the other was some pants and a plain green shirt. "Weird; thought that the Pixie would have Nessie only in dresses." I mumbled, shrugging my shoulders. We walked back over to Baby Bella and Baby Edward on the bed, who was being entertained by Nessie at the moment. We easily got Edward dressed in his pants and shirt. Bella was more of a challenge, because she wouldn't stop squirming, but we eventually got her in the dress.
"I put their clothes away in their closet, and I have their rings stowed away in one of the bedside tables." Leah suddenly said from behind us, making Bella and Edward jump. "Okay, now that they're dressed, and every little personal item is stowed away for now, we need to try calling the others." I instructed. "I've tried calling either of the leeches, but I get only their voicemail immediately." Leah explained.
"They must've turned their phones off because they knew that Edward and Bella probably didn't want to be disturbed during their quality time here, so they probably knew that they shouldn't call them." Seth offered. "And since we're wolves, the Psychic hasn't seen these two being turned into babies." I added, groaning and smacking my forehead. "So now what?" Leah asked.
Abruptly we heard little rumbles coming from the bed, and we all looked over to see Bella and Edward staring down at their stomachs with red cheeks. "Uh, tell me that they're not going to break wind." Seth hissed. More grumbling came from them, while they poked their own stomachs. "Sillies. Momma and Daddy are hungry." Nessie informed us, and kissed her parents' foreheads.
"As in hungry for food, right?" Leah asked. As if she heard her, Bella looked up and with her little mouth opened, she pointed to it, whimpering. "That's a yes to being hungry for food." Seth stated, nodding.
"Alright, let's get back to the Cullen Mansion, and two of us should go out and get some food for these two, while one of us stay behind and watch over the kids." I ordered, moving over to the bed and picked Bella up, while Seth picked Edward up. All together in our group, we left the cottage, locking it up for now, and headed down the pathway, towards the direction of the Cullen Mansion.
Ta-Da! So, what'cha think of this new story?
I'm so into baby stories at this moment - mainly any Baby Bella, and Baby Edward stories. I find them the most adorable. XD
So, what do you really think of it? Good? Bad?
Please let me know in a review! Show little Baby Bella and Baby Edward some love!
Bye for now,
~*Lady Lily of Darkness*~