A/N: lol, nope! It's not gonna be excatly like saw2. Anyone could die, anyone could live...anyone could be the backstabber. But who...? ohhhhh! :)
Chapter Two
Alice's Point of View
"What do you mean you played before?" a blonde haired man asked asked.
"It was about five months ago..." i said, looking at the ground.
"I woke up with a splitting headache, my back felt like the skin was torn off, and I felt heat everywhere. I was in a dark room, there was only random everyday (small) objects in there. I was sitting in a chair that I was tied to (only my body, not my arms), fear builded itself into my body as I noticed my right foot was tied to the floor by a chain, attached to the chain was a thick lock, around that was one of those traps that hunters use to cut off a animals foot, a large metal mouth with teeth, ready to consume my foot.
My mouth had a piece of duct tape over it. I didn't have anymore time to look around because, suddenly a voice was heard. I looked up and noticed the T.V. Was on, and the person on it was the one talking.
But it wasn't a person, it was a large clown doll with bright red hair that went down to it's shoulders, its eyes were a bright yellowish green, it's face was 100% white, but it looked like it was messily painted on. I couldn't tell if the clown was supposed to be a girl or a boy, but one thing was for sure, it scared the shit out of me when I looked at it.
"Hello Alice. I want to play a game," the voice was strong and eerie, it sent chills down my spine, "Your torso is tied to the chair your sitting on right now. Your arms must reach for something to cut the ropes with. To your left, is the body of your six year old daughter. The key to the locks around your foot is inside your daughters body. If you do not get the key before the timer runs out, the bear trap around your leg will snap closed, the open door behind the chair your in will close, and you will be left in here to rot..." tear were coming out of my eyes in fear, I looked to my left, and sure enough, there was my daughter, Hilary. Her eyes were opened, but they weren't blinking and she wasn't breathing because her stomach wasn't moving. Nothing was moving...she was dead. I was to screech of the emotional pain that was going through me right now. I would do anything if she was alive again.
"You have two minutes, get moving...." the doll said before it chuckled sinisterly, then shut off. Leaving the room quiet. The only light was the dull glow that the lamp gave off that was on the desk along with the T.V.
I swallowed back my fear and quickly looked around the room, I could only reach one table that was to my right. My hands were shaking from the coldness of the room. It was freezing and I was only wearing a tank top and shorts. My head was dizzy, and I could smell blood. My hands soon felt a metal box. I looked at it, it was just a red toolbox, I quickly opened it, inside was a pair of scissors. I quickly brought it to my chest before I even realised that the scissors were clenched in my boney hands. They were rusty and very old looking. I quickly started trying to cut the ropes. There were 5 going around my body. I only manged to get two undone before the scissors literally broke in half.
The other ropes came undone then, and fell onto my lap. I stood up quickly, I could still stand, I just couldn't move my right foot. Suddenly as I stood up I heard a tick noise, as if a rock fell to a cement floor. Then followed by that was low clock noises. Everything snapped then. The timer was now going off. I had two minutes. I looked over and saw my daughter again. Tears still poured out of my eyes, it wetted the duct tape that still covered my mouth and I could now take it off easily, which I did. I then quietly picked up Hilary's body. She was limp in my arms, I cried out loudly. My daughter was my life. And now that she was gone I didn't even feel the need to live myself. I sat back down with her in my arms, I was going to die with my daughter in my arms with me. Suddenly I remembered me and my daughter talking a few weeks ago. "
"Hilary?" I said.
"Yes mommy?" she responded.
"If someone ever says that if you don't do something for them, then they will hurt your mommy, don't do it!" I said. I tried to say it easily as I could. I was talking to a six year old. But appartendly a rapist/murder was going around our town. And everyone was scared, but the police were going around trying to find him. I feared for Hilary and myself. If they kidnapped her and....Ugh, -I didn't even want to think about it!- I wanted to make sure she knew what to do.
"But what if they kill you?" she asked.
"As long as your safe, mommy will be happy!" I said.
"Okay! But you have to do the same thing for me!" she said smiling. I would never do that...but I hugged her anyway and then we watched Zoey 101 together and fell asleep.
I remember that moment, and I smiled between my tears. I promised her! She was already dead though. I kissed her on the forehead and started singing softly:
to sleep, Close your eyes
Tomorrows a new day
Go to sleep
Close your eyes
Tomorrow we...will... play!"
I quickly opened up her stomach with the scissors. The blood poured out and I kept repeating the song. My eyes were sore from the amount of tears I was sheding. I then dug my hands through her stomach. It was disgusting and the thick blood made my stomach churn. The ticking of the clock was still going. I quickly thought that I might only about a minute or a half left. I searched faster then something hard met my fingertips. I pulled it out and it was a small golden key. I bent over and unlocked my foot then yanked it out of the jaws of metal. In excatly 5 seconds, the teeth snapped shut, grabbing nothing but air.
Suddenly the T.V. Came back on.
"Congraulation Alice, you seem to have lived. You must came about your own life enough." the screen then turned off and the doll was gone. I picked up my daughter again and held in my arms, and then left.
* FlashBack Over*
"What did you do after that?" asked a man with large muscles.
"When I walked out of the room, I was in a alley way, I ran all the way to the Police Station, where I told them everything. They went to the room I was in, but there wasn't anything there that could find out who did this" I explained.
I sighed. Then clicked play on the recorder.