Okay, I'm not going to demand that i get Reviews, but i really want to reach 400...your Reviews don't have to be long, just a short one will do :) Merry Christmas and a Happy New Years Everyone! And for you people who doesn't have a good Cristmas, cuz your perants are drunk or hitting you or something, just think about it when your old enough to leave, that should make you a little Happy:)



It was three years after the day that I got turned into a Vampire. And I loved it. I loved everything about being a Vampire, even the blood drinking and the hunt. And its not like it hurt on my appearance or anything like that. I was way more beautiful now than before. How Edward even bothered to look at me before would forever be a mystery to me, but he insisted that I was gorgeous before to.

I was delighted when I noticed my Tattoos staid in there respective places. Carlisle told me that they would leave my body, but he was wrong. And I have never been more relieved.

The first thing I did when I woke up was beat the crap out of Emmett and Edward. They couldn't feel that much of it anyway, so I didn't feel guilty. Not that I would if it hurt ether. They have never mentioned my Prostitute status after that. My ankles actually do look normal now, so in you eye granny, in your freaking eye!

I didn't have to go to school because of my resistance problem. I only slipped up once, and I'm not sad to say that I slipped up on Jessica Stanly. We had to kill Lauren Mallory, because she saw the whole thing. I later found out that Jessica was pregnant, so really, I did the world a favor. I saved them from another snotty little brat. At least that was how I liked to look at it.

I have one power that's not all that cool, but useful. No-one could use there powers on me. Well, Jasper and Alice could, but Edward still couldn't read my mind, which I was very grateful for.

Two years after, Edward proposed to me. And I turned him down. Then he proposed to me a few weeks later, and I turned him down again. Third times always a charm, because the third time, I did say yes. So that leads us till today, my Wedding day, to be more precise.

My dress was corset on the top, with a big ball kind of dress down. It looked a lot like the one in 'Corps Bride', the one that Emily is wearing, only with living flowers and no dirt on it. I wasn't allowed to put the dirt on it by Alice. She actually cried until she got her way.

"Ready Bella?" Carlisle asked me. I nodded silently and followed him out the door. Carlisle was the best father I could ask for, so we decided that he would give me away to Edward.

Our wedding was private, with only family and the Denali clan coming. But I didn't mind, I loved my wedding. And by the look on Edwards face, he loved it too.

We spent the rest of our existence in pure bliss. Aro kept his word, and we never got close to Italy. We actually lived in Forks a few hundred years later.

I, Isabella Marie Swan Cullen, was 3875 years old the day I died. I died happily with my family.

The humans broke out with Atom bomb-war and ruined everything on earth. That was how we died. Stupid humans. One minuet we were all talking in the sitting room and the next we were dead. I'm Happy to say that I maid it to heaven, well, vampire heaven anyway. And yes, they still had the chocolate flowers.

If you have any questions, just ask!

Well, that was that. And now I'm done. I hope you liked the story. I'm sorry for all the hold ups with it. I'll consentrate more on the other storys now. I actually used most of my own personality in Bella, only I'm not as brave as she is. But i used most of my Personality in her anyway, just wanted to see how she would turn out. Thanks again to everyone!

Love, Diddly.