Two Days Later

"Huh?" Where am I?" asked Riven as he opened his eyes and took in his surroundings

"I'm in Alfea, the nurse's office?" wondered Riven looking down at the bed he laid on

"Ya baby, I don't think it's a really good idea for you to moving in your condition" smiled Musa as she walked in the room carrying a tray of food

"Musa!" smiled Riven happily as he watched her lay the tray on the table by the bed

"I'm glad to see you too, baby" smiled Musa as she kissed his forehead

"I don't think so" smirked Riven as he grabbed her wrist and pulled her on top of him and kissed her passionately

"I' much, Muse" smiled Riven as he panted heavily as their foreheads were pressed together when they finally had to breathe

"Ya...I've noticed" smiled Musa as she panting a little lighter

"The guys told me how moody you were without me" giggled Musa lightly

"Well ya, do you think I'd be this nice for just anyone?" smirked Riven

"You? No way" giggled Musa playfully

"Hey baby, remember last time, I was in here?" smiled Musa as she looked around the room

"Ya, why?" asked Riven curiously as he watched Musa pick up a long white box from under the bed

"Well here ya go" smiled Musa as she sat on the bed beside him and handing him the box

"What is it?" asked Riven checking the box out

"You'll have to open it and see" smiled Musa as he opened it

A new saber?" smiled Riven as he looked at Musa

"Your old one, broke the other day" sighed Musa

"Thanks babe" smiled Riven happily

"What happened to Libros anyway?" asked Riven madly

"He died" smiled Musa

"He did, how?" asked Riven happily as he looked at her

"Well..I might have punctured his lungs, when I was breaking his ribs and that might have killed him" smiled Musa as she shrugged her shoulders

"Awesome Muse" smiled Riven as he laid his saber down beside him

"Too bad I didn't see it" smiled Riven evilly

"Ya, you would have been proud" smiled Musa

"I already am" smiled Riven wrapping his arms around her lower back

"Oh ya, I wrote this too" smiled Musa taking a piece of paper out of her back pocket

I'm your girl

You're my man

I'm your princess

You're my Knight

You're always on my mind

Even when I can't remember who I am

You're always by my side

Like I'll always be by yours

Who needs a prince charming

When I have a Knight in shinning armor

You're the man of my dreams

I hope I'm the girl of yours

I love you

With all of my heart


"So how was it? Ya, I know I suck at poetry" blushed Musa

It's perfect, just like you" smiled Riven as he gave her a light squeeze around her waist

"Only for you" whispered Musa sweetly in his ear

Thanks everyone who's read this story, don't worry I would never end a story like this, there is a sequal. So look for it.