Cullen Academy
Chapter 18: Miss Independent

A.N: My second story for Twilight is now completed! Awe, and I liked this one too! *Sniffs* I hope you all liked the story as it progressed. I can't promise you a sequel, but maybe in the long run. I'm thinking of a story that could be a companion to this, but who knows. Thank you everyone for all of the reviews and favorites! Mission completed :)

Apparently what I thought was a cast around my chest wasn't really a cast; they were really thick bandages concealing my stitches and scars I had received. If it wasn't for them, I might have fainted from the sight from tender flesh. And it was mine too, which made it even worse. The soreness was going away, but I was still sitting on the benches while we ran the karate exercises and what not. That stunk because I couldn't learn from just watching. I never knew when I would have to defend myself against a surprise attack from Alice or Rose. Or even worse-Emmett.

It was two weeks since I woke up, afraid of what I might have found. Things were starting to get back to normal…Well, normal for us. But things haven't been the same since we got back. There is always the feeling that you're being watched, or someone's going to pop up out of nowhere and try to take you away. Not exactly the greatest feeling in the world. But I guess you could say there is worse.

"You know, you are beautiful," Edward commented, his arm wrapped around the small of my back as we made our way through the halls of our school. "I've never really noticed. Your hair is really pretty; the red highlights show up in the Fountain Room. Hm, I guess the sun really does come through the windows." He flashed me one of his dazzling smiles, my face heating up instantly.

"Is that where we are going?" I asked him. I wasn't really sure where we had been going all along. I thought we would just be walking around the school. Stupid I know, but who knows. There are a bunch of secret hallways and rooms that are so much fun to find.

"Yeah. Let's say that Emmett, Jasper, and I have something planned out for you girls." We turned, coming to the end of the hall. He pulled the book out of the shelf, and the wall turned, the some-what fresh air filling our noses.

"Surprise?" I raised my eyebrow at him, a little skeptical. "You know you guys don't have to do anything for us. We could've just gone to the gym and see who could've kicked the other's butt better. I'm up for it, and I'm sure that Alice and Rose would be too. Or are you three just scared that we can actually beat the Cullen men?" I teased him, a smile creeping onto my face. I thought he would smile along, but instead he frowned.

His eyes bore into mine. "You know you shouldn't do any strenuous activity. You could hurt yourself even more, and none of us want that. How are your stitches by the way?" Oh right, he was overprotective.

I wrinkled my nose, making sure I didn't trip over a rock on the grass. We passed the fountain which was glittering brightly, lightening up everything close to it. We were sprayed by some of the water, the mist feeling good on my skin. "Disgusting. I'm gonna be sick when they take them out, which will be who knows when. And I'm kinda getting annoyed at them. I want to actually participate. Breanna and I were equally matched, and that's not good. I want to learn things that I know will help me win the fight," I explained, avoiding his gaze. I knew he would approve and disapprove at the same time.

"You already know so much. And we are equally matched in a fight. But I would never hurt you. She had a surprise attack, and think about it. You kept up with her. Eventually we will learn more when we need it, but I don't think we're going anywhere anytime soon. My parent's and the rest of the teachers are tracking her, and keeping an eye on Simmons. They aren't going to get close to us again. And if they do, we're not going to be the ones they send. It will be adults this time." Something in his voice told me he was lying, but I wasn't going to comment on that.

He gave me a small smile as we approached the forest area. Okay, we were in the Fountain Room. Now where is this supposed to be? "But just in case. I want to be taught now, not later. Things are going to get even more hectic as we get older, so I don't understand why they don't just teach us now. If they don't, I'll get Rose and Alice and we'll teach each other."

He sighed, taking my hand now. "Let's get away from all of this for a moment then, okay?" He smiled, leading me out into our little spot. But what I saw was the rest of our friends gathered around on a blanket. "Would you like to join me and everyone else for lunch? It's a picnic." His emerald eyes brightened as I tightened my grip on his, running towards everyone else. I didn't even have to answer that question.

"Isn't all of this so sweet?!" Alice squealed, giving Jasper a quick peck on the cheek. His face lit up, his eyes brightening. "Awe, thank you so much! You know you guys didn't have to do anything."

Emmett laughed, taking out the basket and placing it in the middle of everyone. "But you know we want to do all of this. It's the least we can do. It's the first time we can get away and try to at least act like we have a normal life. Now wouldn't we all want that?" I sat, pulling Edward down with me. He almost fell on me, but he moved himself just in time. We all laughed as he fell over, almost knocking into Jasper.

"Well…" Rose replied, trailing off. "If we all had normal lives, we may never have met each other? We're all from different states. And think about it, this horrific incident was the thing that brought us together, weirdly enough. Maybe we should visit Simmons in jail and thank him for all of this." She smiled, winking. "I'm sure the boys would love to have a talk with him."

Edward growled, startling me. "Actually, I think we all would love to have a talk with Breanna. Who wants to weed her out?" He sounded serious too, that's the scary part. As much as I wanted to find her and bring her in, it wasn't what I had been thinking of for our future. Maybe in a few years, but I haven't been thinking about that for us to find her, say…next month.

"Yes," Alice agreed. She was small, but from experience I knew she could be really frightening when she needed to be. "But talking about her is exciting me; can we just lay low for a moment and have a nice lunch?" I agree. We all nodded in response.

The difference in my friend's was noticeable. The girls who thought could they could get through any thing by themselves, relying on only each other needed these men to back them up. Things really have changed in the last weeks.

Rose was still her menacing self, but she softened instantly whenever Emmett gave her those cute looks. She was leaning against him, his arms wrapped around her stomach. She nibbled on some strawberries while Emmett ruffled her hair. They obviously belonged together.

Alice and Jasper were exactly the same. Most people, guys mostly, couldn't keep up with her. She was sweet and all, but a handful. Alice knows it herself. Jasper did everything for her, even while we were gone I could tell the way he treated her was different. And she needed someone like that. They were the world to each other.

I'm pretty sure my friend's would say the same things about Edward and I. But I knew it was true. Of course my face would heat up if the topic is ever mentioned, but it was true. Edward was my everything now. In the little time we all had spent with each other brought out our true selves in a life or death situation. I guess things like that did that to us. Even with all of my injuries, it was something that I don't regret. If none of us went, we would have never talked.

"Eat up," Edward stated, handing me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Ah, they're going with the traditional picnic. Alice and Jasper were laying down, staring into the clouds above. I think they were doing that thing where you said what you think the clouds looked like. Rose and Emmett were feeding each other food, holding a conversation about favorite meals. I smiled. Of course Emmett would hold a conversation on food.

I turned to look at Edward, smiling at him. "Thank you. This was a really nice surprise. You guys are really sweet." I could feel his lips kiss my hair, sending sparks down my spine. It was then I noticed something. "Are you guys still going to be all mysterious? Cause last time it was really annoying to have to decipher your statements." He smirked at me, chuckling.

"I don't think so. Now we have you three, so it would be really weird to talk like that in a normal conversation. I guess everyone else will get to find out the real us." The real them was so much better than the mysterious one's. Sure, they always left you thinking when they were like that, but they were really sweet. Caring. Nice. Helpful. Now the list continues, but I don't think I have enough time to name all of them.

He leaned down, our lips meeting. My head instantly went dizzy, my eyes closing. I'm pretty sure the only thing I noticed now was him. Our first kiss. Now I might sound childish for thinking that, but it meant something to me. I didn't want it to end, but he pulled back, breathing heavily. That award-winning smile appeared on his perfect face again. "I love you," he whispered.

"I love you too," I replied, getting a floaty feeling throughout my whole body. We got lost in the moment, staring into each other's eyes as he played with my hair. Right now, things couldn't get any better.

We all jumped as a siren echoed through the school. I almost groaned, realizing which one it was. "What now?" Emmett hissed through gritted teeth. "I swear if Breanna is doing something, her sorry butt will be too sore to sit in the jail she'll soon be enclosed in." I would have laughed at that statement if it wasn't for bell.

"I don't think our lives will ever be the same again," I stated. We all jumped up, leaving the stuff there as we ran for the doors. I locked fingers with Edward's as my friends did the same. We exchanged a look, not knowing how the outcome will be this time. But there was one thing we all could rely on-We all had each other.

A.N: Thank you guy so much again! Hit or Miss?