Disclaimer: I own nothing but the story line.

Expect the Unexpected

Chapter 30: The Reception

Previously: "As the violins started playing an unfamiliar song Bella and I walked down the aisle and towards our house with our family and friends trailing behind us. This day and this moment will always and forever be one of my favorites, for my Isabella, became my wife."


Is this real? There's no way my life is this amazing, is there? I have a great group of friends, two amazing children, and now I'm married to my gorgeous, loving, new husband. It's just all so fairytale-like.

After Edward and I said "I do", I went upstairs and put on a white "after-the-ceremony" dress, as Alice put it, in order to move over to what used to be Alice and Jasper's house to conduct the reception. I put back on my beautiful flats and bounded down the stairs, out the door, and over to next yard. I was greeted by my new husband and thought that will never get old.

"Mmmm, you look gorgeous, my love." Edward said, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Be careful, mess it up and Alice will mess you up." I said, not making any movement to get out of his grip.

"I won't do anything to it now, but I can't promise anything for the rest of the night." He said in a seductive manner.

"Oh geez." I said. "You're going to be the death of me." I wriggled out of his hold, grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the house next door.

The two of us walked to the back yard hand in hand, accompanied by people hooting and hollering. The lead singer of the band announced us as the newly wedded Mr. and Mrs. Cullen, and afterward Alice quickly ushered us to our table. We were seated at a round table right smack in the middle of the back yard, Alice said this was so we would be the focal point. Edward was to my right, with Alice and Rosalie on his right, and Emmett and Jasper to my left. It took us time to come to that seating arrangement, but this way everyone got to sit beside their sibling and we felt that was best. Plus, Alice and Jasper were separated, so that helped a little with the awkwardness. I heard taping on the microphone and looked up to see a nervous looking Charlie.

"Well hello there everyone. I was just informed by a spiky haired, bouncy thing that I was supposed to welcome all of you, but I really don't have anything prepared." I had to laugh at the way Charlie referred to Alice, it was very accurate. "So, uh, welcome. Thanks for coming, and I hope you all have a really good time. To Edward and Bella!" He raised his glass, as did everyone else before taking a sip of their drinks. Shortly after Charlie spoke, the first course was served. Edward and I had agreed to keep it simple and serve classic caesar salads. We figured there was no way we could go wrong with that.

We ate with slight banter exchanged back and forth. It was interesting having my brother on one side of me, and my husband on the other. Interesting but fun, and exactly what I wanted. Shortly after everyone finished, it was time for the toasts. Emmett had decided he would toast instead of Jasper who gladly handed the task over. He said he didn't mind, but quite frankly, I was scared.

"Everyone, if I could get your attention I have a few words I would like to say! My name is Emmett, and I'm the best man. This wedding is doubly special for me because not only is the groom my best friend, but the bride is my little sister. Edward's the best friend a guy could ever ask for, and Bella's the greatest little sister a guy could ever ask for, so if you'd all join me in raising my glass to the couple we're here to celebrate." Everyone around us did so. "To the Cullens!" Emmett yelled, as did everyone else. Emmett sat down, and Alice and Rosalie both stood up.

"Hello!" Alice shouted to get everyone's attention off of Emmett and onto the two of them. "We know it's not traditional for a maid of honor to give a toast at a wedding, but we figured since almost nothing else about this night has been traditional we'd go ahead and nix that as well." Everyone laughed.

"For those of you who don't know Rosalie and myself ate both maid of honors tonight, and neither one of us wanted to give up the blessing of giving the speech so instead we wrote a poem." They had me scared now.

"Excuse what you're about to hear. We're not the best writers in the world." Rosalie said and we laughed with her. "Alright, here we go." She said and cleared her throat. "Congratulations on your marriage. Have you a wonderful life!" she stopped and Alice picked up the next line.

"You two are terrific people, now teamed as man and wife."

"A team with blessings like yours, will live a life you'll cherish,"

"You'll find happiness everywhere, for your love will never perish." Alice finished and everyone awwww'ed. They turned to the two of us. "We really do wish you the both a happy marriage, and we have no doubt it will last forever. To Edward and Bella!" Alice said, and everyone sipped their drinks yet again.

"Alright, now let's eat!" Rose yelled as the servers brought out the main course. We had gone with grilled salmon with a sauce of toasted pine nuts, parsley and lemon butter sauce, accompanied by a plate of grilled vegetables. It was quite delicious. Emmett had it scarfed down within ten minutes.

"W'en do we ge' cake?" He asked with his mouth still half full.

"Emmett, this is my wedding." I reprimanded him, "You'd think you would be able to have a little class for one night." He just swallowed and stuck his tongue out at me, to which I smiled and shook my head. You just have to love him.

After everyone finished their meals in a sensible amount of time, we made our way to the dance floor, per the band leader's request, and I heard a vaguely familiar song come on. "You make me smile like the sun, fall out of bed, sing like a bird dizzy in my head..." the speakers sang. I looked up at Edward and he just smiled.

"I didn't know if you'd remember that day or not, but I do. It was the day I truly fell in love with you and knew I wanted you for the rest of my life." Edward explained, and I thought back.


"What are you giggling about there little missy?" He asked me.

"You." I said with a smirk on my face.

"Oh really now?" He picked me up and slung me up over my back. I started fidgeting, trying to get out of his grasp but when that didn't work I had another idea. His butt was right in my reach so I started slapping it and burst into another fit of giggles. I actually think he's enjoying this just a bit too much. But then again so was I. After a few minutes of the butt-slapping he pulled me up to where I was in his arms bridal style, still giggling.

"Now what was that for?" He asked.

"Not letting me go." I said and crossed my arms. He chuckled and opened the door to the Volvo and put me in.

"Can you manage buckling yourself up?" He asked playfully.

"Oh I don't know. I might need a little help." I laughed. He reached in and grabbed the seatbelt and then leaned over me and buckled me in. When he started to get back out I caught him when his head was near mine and kissed him. It wasn't as passionate as earlier but it was still my personal heaven. When we broke apart he chuckled and walked around to his side of the car and drove off. After a few minutes of silence I reached over to turn on the radio. I smiled as one of my favorite songs came on and I started singing along.

"You're better then the best, I'm lucky just to linger in your light..."

~End Flashback~

"...plus, I didn't want anything to cheesy. You know, like some piano arrangement or I Will Always Love You, because I didn't feel like that was us. I mean, it could work just fine for other people, but-" I put my fingers to his lips. I could tell he was nervous that I wouldn't like his choice of song.

"Edward, I love it. It's perfect." I said smiling, and laid my head on his chest as we swayed back and forth. When the song ended after one more "oh, you make me smile", the band started playing another song that I didn't recognize and invited more people to join us on the dance floor.

For the next 30 or 40 minutes I danced with as many people as I could. That included Edward (obviously), my twins (who were so cute), Rose, Alice, Jasper, Emmett (well, danced as best as I could with his interesting rendition of the wobble), and even Jake who had flown in for the wedding. I knew there were other people I wanted to dance with, but I could do that later.

We decided to go ahead and cut the cake and serve it with some coffee. We did so with little issue, even though Edward had decided to smash it on my face. I quickly returned the favor. After we cleaned up, ate our desert, and thanked everyone for coming it was time for the father/daughter dance. I walked with Charlie back out to the dance floor and listened as the opening notes of My Girl by the Temptations started playing.

"How do you feel about your little girl getting married, daddy?" I asked Charlie. Normally, the two of us weren't ones to show our emotions but it felt right on this occasion.

"I think you're not so little anymore." Charlie said with tears pooling in his eyes. I smiled and laid my head on his shoulder as he spun me around. I saw Edward dancing with Jasey standing on his feet, and my heart swelled.

"Do you mind if I cut in?" I heard someone say from behind me when the song was about 3/4 over. I loosened my grip from Charlie in order to turn around and saw Carlisle standing there. I looked at Charlie who smiled and nodded. I reached out to Carlisle who took me in his arms.

"Welcome to the family, Bella." He said.

"Thank you for having me." I responded and smiled at him. He spun me away from him and then back into his arms.

"You have always been like a daughter to me, but I'm really glad it's official now." He said, and then the song ended. I hugged him and he walked over to Esme and took her hand. They stated dancing and I watched them, hoping that Edward and I would be that in love when we were their age.

"What are you thinking about, love?" Edward whispered in my ear from behind, making me jump a little. He snuck his arms around my waist and started swaying to a beat of his own.

"Oh, nothing. Just how this night couldn't be more perfect." I said. And we danced. We danced with each other, and so many others until it was time for me to throw my bouquet. Almost all of the females that were at the reception gathered behind me and waited for the flowers to cascade over my head.

Alice ended up being the one that caught them. Everyone clapped and I wondered who would be the guy to catch my garter that Edward would be throwing momentarily. Alice herself said the two lucky catchers would have to dance together. It was something Carlisle's great-great-grandparents had instated at their wedding and it had been passed down through their family.

Rosalie then brought a chair over to where all the guys were gathered and I sat down in it. Edward seductively pulled the garter off of my leg leaving me with a shudder. I knew tonight was going to be interesting. Edward tossed it over his head and fate stepped in, because Jasper caught it. That meant him and Alice would have to dance together. She had said so herself. I looked to my left to see if I saw her and I did, but the blood seemed to have drained out of her face. I got up and walked over to her; the guys were preoccupied in congratulating Jasper at the moment.

"Alice, you okay? You don't have to dance with him, you know?" I asked her.

"Yes I do." She responded, "Plus, I can't put off talking to him forever. It's one three minute song. I can do it." I think she meant to console me, but it seemed like she was actually trying to convince herself. I watched as the two of them moved to the dance floor, and in order to alleviate some of the awkwardness I grabbed the person closest to me (who happened to be Emmett) in hopes that people would get my hint and join us. They did, and that three minute song was over in no time, but Alice and Jasper seemed to be okay and having a casual conversation. I smiled to myself and went on dancing with the guests until it was time for the final dance. I made my way to Edward and we danced to a beat of our own, yet again. Instead of chatting like we had the whole night, we just enjoyed the moment. That was until Edward asked me what I was thinking.

"I'm just so happy." I said.

"Best night ever?" He asked and I nodded.

"Best night ever." I confirmed.