A/N: A random thing I though up of. I'm hoping to make this at least six chapters long! Don't worry, the Cullens and the Pack enter in chapter...er...three I guess. :D NOTE: Written at two o'clock in the morning!
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Percy Jackson and the Olympians or Twilight. They belong to their respectful owners...blah blah blah. Yeah, I don't own it.
Percy POV
Chapter One - Grover Gets His Enchiladas
It's weird. I haven't blown up anything in the first three months I've been here! Yes, I have been attacked by monsters, but, I manage to take to fight outside. It's a pure miracle. I haven't met any other half-bloods, either, so that must have something to do with it.
Sadly, even though I have a new record for not blowing things up, I'm still struggling in school. Dyslexia and ADHD are only good in the world of Greek Mythology, I learned. I only get A's in Mr. Varner's Greek Mythology class (yeah, really surprising, right?). Paul Blofis, my mom's boyfriend, is disappointed that I'm not doing good in his English class. He still supports me, but I know that every teacher is always talking about my disabilities and how I'm doing bad in school. Well, except for Mr. Varner. He's happy, at least.
At Goode High School, I'm not the most popular student. I get teased often and only have a small range of friends. Four to be exact. It's pretty pathetic, but, hey, it's better than before. Before I'd only have up to--what?--two friends? Usually, two friends was my maximum.
I was in Paul's (well, here Mr. Blofis') class. It dragged on. Only Mr. Varner called on me in class now. The teacher's just taught and helped me with my grades as much as possible. Although, it didn't really matter, I never listened to anyone. Occasionally I'd listen to Mr. Varner, but I already knew everything about Greek Mythology so it was completely useless.
The bell rang loudly, signaling the end of my English class and the start of Lunch.
Ironically enough, we were having Enchiladas. Actually today was Mexican day, I missed Grover, he would freak out if he knew what we were eating. I bought one taco and made a bee line to the usual table. Rachel Elizabeth Dare, a mortal that could see through the Mist, was already sitting there. She was one of my four friends. I sat two seats away from her, Mark sat in between me and Rachel everyday, thankfully. Rachel was so annoying sometimes, you should hear the girl talk.
"Hey, Percy." She greeted.
"Hey," I said. She bit into her burrito and stared at the ceiling thoughtfully.
Mark Dabey appeared a minute later he took his seat and started scarfing down his taco. My other friend, Harry Reighner, sat down across from Rachel. He stared at Mark for a second and started snickering. "You're gonna choke on that thing, Mark. And when you do, I'm not giving you Mouth-to-Mouth." I laughed along with Mark and Harry. Rachel giggled, then went back to thinking.
My last friend, Kaylee Year, arrived. "What's so funny?" She asked, giggling herself.
I shook my head. "Just something Harry said."
"What'd you say, Harry.?"
"Well, what happened was--"
"PUSSY CATS ARE CUTE!" Rachel shouted out randomly. The whole lunch room went silent, they all stared at Rachel. She nonchalantly began eating her burrito, as if she hadn't said anything. Then, like a switch was flipped everyone burst out laughing at her random comment.
Everybody continued with their interupted conversations.
"Enchiladas!" A familiar voice squealed. A few people turned to see who had said it. I--being one of the those people--saw my best friend, Grover Underwood, pushing his way through the lunch line. He moved as quick as his fake feet would let him. Soon, he reached the lunch lady, she stared at him, shocked for a moment. "Twenty Enchiladas, please!" Grover exclaimed happily.
"Are you sure you can eat that, hon?" The lunch lady asked worridly, a few people around the room snickered.
"Yes I can!"
"Okay..." The lunch lady quickly piled twenty enchiladas onto a plate. Grover stared at them hungrily. "Thirty-dollars, please."
Grover slapped down a hundred dollar bill than walked off quickly. "Keep the change!" He yelled over his shoulder. I got out of my seat quickly. I wove my way through the crowd. I already heard whispers about "The Great Enchilada Boy"
"G-man!" I yelled as I got closer. Grover spotted me and almost dropped his tray.
"Are you gonna eat all of those?"
He rolled his eyes. "Percy, I'm Grover, these are ENCHILADAS. DON'T RESENT ME!"
I backed up a few steps then laughed quickly. "Why don't you sit down?"
He nodded. I made my way through the crowd with Grover following quickly behind. He had to pull out the chair beside me for him. I quickly sat down in my own chair. Everybody at the table stared at him in disbelief, well, except for Rachel. She already knew about Grover.
"Um..." I looked around uncertainly. "Guys, this is my best fried, erm, Grover Underwood."
Grover looked around his stack of enchiladas and grinned at everybody. "Hey!"
"Uh, Grover, these are my friends, Mark Debey, Rachel Dare--you already met her--Harry Reighner, and Kaylee Year." I pointed to each of them as I said their names. There was a chorus of "Hi"s and "Hey"s from my uncertain friends.
After introductions, Grover quickly ate half his enchiladas in...five minutes. Wow, Goode High is a good place for records!
"So..." I started, looking at Grover questoiningly. "Why are you here, exactly?"
He hesitated, "Chiron said it's a safety precaution."
A/N: Very small cliffy! I'm hoping someone will read this. I'm going to sleep, I would've made this longer, but I'm about to fall asleep, so, g'night. And thanks to any reviewers!