Author has written 16 stories for Janet Evanovich, Tin Man, and Twilight. So I looked at my profile and realized that I wrote it about seven years ago and thought, "Wow, what I would give to be 28 again", lol. So let me update. I just turned 36 and I still live in the cornfields of Illinois with my husband, 3 cats and a very spoiled, very loved pit bull. I started out in the fanfic world reading and eventually writing for the Stephanie Plum fandom, which I still consider my "home" and I met some very awesome people there. That being said, I have strayed a bit from the Plum series (stopped reading the books and in my heart, they ended at book 12) but I still read the stories on here and I have to say, what's on here is better than what I can find in the bookstore nowadays. I just started my very first Twilight fanfic, "Don't Look Back" and I'm pretty excited about writing with a whole new set of characters. I will never abandon Stephanie and Ranger, but Bella and Edward are pretty awesome in their own right, and boy, some of that Twilight fanfic is out of this world fantastic! I'm still hoping to write and publish my own original works someday, fingers crossed that I can come up with my own characters that I can love more than the ones I've already read about. Jaime* |