So sorry about the spacing, I didn't realized it did that and my reviews weren't showing up until recently so I didn't know. This is spaced better.

Thank you for following me on this ride! I hope to finish up my other stories soon, but the muses need to hit me just right.

Another note, this story's rating was changed from T to M due to the content of this last chapter.

THANK YOU again for the support, praise, criticism, and sticking with me to the end.

The pain is searing, scorching through my veins. I want to cry out, and beg someone to put the fire out. I want to scream demanding why I've been set on fire. Who set me on fire?

The fire begins to ebb from my fingertips. I flex them timidly, I couldn't move before the fire, I was broken, my fingers dance over something silky.

Over the roar of my own blood, boiling under the fire I hear a voice. An angel.

"... move them again. Can you hear me love? Flex those beautiful fingers if you can hear me."

My fingers dance, a melody playing from my searing heart and into my fingers. I focus on the movement, imagining a piano.

"That's it love," My angel urges, his tone lighthearted. It's Edward, his voice velvety and relieved. The fire continues, it's path slowly ebbing from my limbs, but concentrating in my chest. I freeze, stilling my movements as the fire increases in intensity in my heart. A shrill scream escapes me when it becomes too hot. Surely I'm going to die now.

The pain stops with a rush. My heart stops beating. It's silent.

"Love?" I open my eyes slowly. The canopy over me is blood red, dust drifts through the shafts of light from a window overhead. I can see dazzling colors with every swirl of air. Slowly, I sit up then gasp. Edward looks much more handsome with the heightened vision. He's sitting beside me, looking anxious. I grin at him. He grins back, it's adorably crooked.

"I'm a vampire aren't I?" He nods and looks down abashed. "I couldn't save you any other way." He says not meeting my eyes. I reach forward with new speed and grab a hold of his hand.

"I would have become a vampire anyway." I remind him. He sighs and smiles his heartbreaking smile.

"That's true, I want an eternity with my mate." He declares. A thrill shoots through me. Mate. I think. Mine. I add. Suddenly I want to press myself against him and kiss him. So I do.

His lips are soft against mine, moving slowly, sensually. He bites down on my lip and draws blood, then takes it into his mouth and moans. I moan against him.

The passion only builds. We're nipping, groping, touching. The sensations are overwhelming. His kisses drift from my mouth, along my jaw, and down the length of my neck. Hot open mouthed kisses attack fervently, I moan and purr in pleasure against the onslaught. Teeth skin my sensitive skin, I cry out as his teeth pierce my neck. Pleasure like I've never felt makes my body limp, Edward pulls away with a roar, I pitch forward and latch onto his neck, biting down with ease.

We lose ourselves to blinding sensations. Biting and suckling, caressing and stimulating. Our clothes are tatters on the floor, our bodies connected in every way possible. Edward roars his love for me as he climaxes the first time. I scream it in return fervently. We make love passionately over and over, we fuck violently for hours on end.

When we finally finish the room is a mess. The bed had been destroyed, a wall torn down and the closet trampled. Every piece of furniture has been christened, nothing survived.

There's a timid knock on the door.

I pull on one of Edward's shirts and crack it open. Alice is standing with a garment bag a sly smile on her face. \

"Congrats one week straight of sex." Alice declares. The blush Edward loved to make appear on my cheeks and breasts only hours ago resurfaces I clear my throat.

"It's nice to see you too Alice." I deadpan. Alice laughs and embraces me.

"Phew, you reek of Edward." Alice says. Behind me Edward growls with pride, smug bastard.

"Go shower, and try to be downstairs in an hour." Alice turns to go then pauses, a mischievous grin on her face. "And take care of that hair!" When I close the door Edward pounces, tossing the garment bag aside.

"You're entirely too tempting in my shirt." He purrs against my neck. "But you look even better with it off." I laugh when he tears the shirt away.

"Edward, we need to be downstairs-"

"In an hour." He growls into my neck, nipping at a spot just behind my ear, my eyes roll back and my legs nearly buckle. We have a few rounds in the shower, and a few afterwards because I'm too sexy to be seen without his scent marking its territory. As if the hickies and bite marks don't do the job already. At least I don't have feathers in my hair now.

I pull on the sleek black dress, fighting off Edward's wandering hands. I ignore the accompanying heels and opt to go barefoot, my hair wild down my back.

"Let's do this." I say. Edward's hand rests possessively on my waist as we make our way downstairs to the dining room. Every head turns when we enter.

"Way to go Edward!" Emmett yells. I growl at him, that only makes him laugh. The minute I get the chance I'm going to use my newfound strength to put him on his ass.

"Bella dear, you look absolutely radiant." The Queen says pulling me into a hug. Vampire looks good on me. Edward has made sure to let me know just how good, repeatedly.

"Thank you Your Highness." She tsks. "It's Esme or Mom dear, you're my daughter now. " I warm and beam at her. The King greets me next wishing me well, asking me to call him Carlisle. And so the parade continues.

"We had to vacate that wing of the palace because you were so loud." Emmett jeers waggling his eyebrows. "Between the screams and the roars-" I punch him in the face which sends him crumbling a few feet away. I'm immediately surrounded by roars of laughter.

"She has remarkable control. It's been a week and her bloodlust is almost nonexistence, her lust however…" When I glare at Jasper he quiets. Edward chuckles and pulls me close pressing a kiss into my hair. I make my way around spending ages telling Kate that I'm fine and that she has nothing to be sorry for. Stefan flirtily tells me that immortality is very becoming on me, Edward appears in an instant a growl in his chest. Zafrina wishes me well, and tells me she's sorry for my loss. I still and look down at my black dress. This is a funeral service.

"Bree." I gasp Edward holds me tightly into his side as I sob.

"I'm so sorry love, I wish we could have prevented their deaths." Edward croons sadly into my ear.

"Their?" I croak looking up at him through my tears, his eyes hold sadness, his face downturned.

"Your parents…" Edward ushers me to a nearby table and holds me on his lap shushing and swaying me.

"Did they suffer?" I ask. He shakes his head. I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

"I apologize." I say my voice cracking. "I'm new to the powerful emotions of being a vampire, and I've suffered a great loss." There's a communal mumble of 'don't worry' 'it's alright' 'we understand'. I avoid any discussion about my family and smile and laugh about my new life. There are a lot of jokes about my sex life that prompt smug looks from Edward, men.

My decent mood plummets when black robe clad vampires enter the room. Aro. He assess me, his eyes lingering too long to be comfortable. Edward growls and shrugs off his jacket placing it around my shoulders and drowning my figure. I snuggle into it relishing in his woodsy, manly scent.

"I cannot help it, surely you must understand, you're mate is… stunning." I glare at him. "So nice to finally see you, a merry coupling I assume?" Edward is vibrating with rage beside me.

"I've brought a gift." He gestures to one of his guard who steps forward with a box, it's a ring, a bloodstone set in silver. I close the box and hand it back.

"Thank you, but I have one of my own." I reach into my dress and pull the delicate chain from between my breasts, a glittering bloodstone hangs at the end. Edward hums in approval against my hair. I discovered the trinket sometime into the second day, not even realizing Edward had put it on me while I was transforming. It's made from his blood, Edward asked me adorably if I'd wear one made of his blood. he explained that I could have one made with my own, but he wants it to be his that protects my life. My sweet mate. I agree, but only if he'll wear one made of mine. Edward very passionately told me how much he liked that idea.

Jasper clears his throat sharply and I flush, clearing my head of our passionate moments. Aro does not look very pleased at my rejection. When I see the same ring on the hands of his members, I'm even happier at my refusal. Edward guides me to the table with his family. I glance warily down at the assortment of bloody delicacies. My throat burns, with the same fire I felt while changing. The goblet of blood smells delicious, making my throat burn even hotter. I gulp and take a deep breath. The blood smells amazing.

But I know where it came from.

A nameless Eight, who didn't want to die, who didn't deserve to die. There are dozens of pairs of eyes on me, waiting for my newborn bloodlust to unleash.

I stand quickly.

"I won't participate in murder." I say leaving the room swiftly. When I round the corner I run into a warm body.


Her nose scrunches up like she's smelled something awful, mine does too. She reeks like wet dog.

"Blech you reek." She snarls.

"You don't smell much better either sunshine." It's tense for a moment and then we both laugh. Edward comes up behind me.

"Bella love, you need to eat, you've already gone a week-" I snarl and round on him.

"I won't be a murderer." Edward's eyes widen and he turns to Leah.

"That works?" Leah nods. Edward closes his eyes and hangs his head.

"I never knew there was another way." He grumbles mournfully. I raise my eyebrows and gesture wildly.

"Hello, non mind reader here." I deadpan. Edward's eyes fly open.

"There's another diet, one consisting of animal blood, you wouldn't have to take a life."

"I'll do it." Leah reveals that an animal diet makes our eyes gold, which reminds me of Rosalie. She doesn't kill humans! And neither will I.

That night Edward and I get gussied up for our first television appearance after the mating and transformation. I just want to be naked with Edward. Edward and I sit snuggled up on a loveseat, Peter across from us.

"Our fiery little Bella all grown up." I blush and roll my eyes.

"Not grown up just undead." I tease. Peter laughs.

"Edward, congratulations, she's stunning, you must be the happiest vampire in existence." Edward's hand clenches on my waist and he grins down at me.

"Absolutely." He says.

The interview is fairly harmless. Condolences for my family. Congratulations on the rumors of our passionate love making. Concern over the attack and the attempt at my life. Then my diet comes up.

"Bella, a very interesting video surfaced not too long ago that has many citizens concerned. Are you refusing to eat?" I stiffen under Peter's gaze. Then take a huge breath.

"The caste system is an elaborate circus that keeps the citizens too busy to realize how many are being murdered under their noses. Eights are looked down on, then take from the street and made into a meal. I won't be a murderer, I've discovered that our kind can sustain themselves on the blood of animals, and I intend to follow through." Edward rubs my waist smiling proudly down at me.

"Had I known I would have already been doing so years ago." Edward says looking tormented. "I plan to join my marvelous little mate in this new diet."

Peter looks stunned. He bids us farewell in a daze. Edward races us to our room, stripping me immediately.

"Too long." He groans. "So beautiful." He snarls. "So tight." He moans as he enters me. I cry out below him as he enters me over and over. "You are amazing." He murmurs into the breast he's sucking on. "You're…" He tweaks a nipple and I moan instead of finishing my sentence. Our lovemaking is halted by a rapid knocking at the door. Edward growls and presses harder into me.

"Ignore her, she'll go away."

"Bella, it's urgent!" Edward stills inside of me, groans in defeat and pulls out. I clutch a sheet to my body and open the door. Alice's eyes are dancing with tears.

"It's Rosalie, she was trying to see you and Aro managed to touch her. He knows. He knows everything, about everyone." My stomach drops. The black dress Alice gifted me so many years ago is thrust into my arms. I put it on, tugging the short lace. The dress itself is almost two different parts down my middle is lace that ends high on my thighs. The lace meets solid satin. The rest of the dress is like an overcoat. Long sleeves that come to meet the tantalizing lace, it billows from my hips showcasing my legs. My black bra shows through the material, I'm thankful the lace around my panty line is too thick to see through. Edward's eyes bulge when he sees the dress.

"You must be joking." He says with a groan, I smile and take his hand.

"Come on Edward, it's time." I opt to go barefoot, leaving my hair wild and sexed up. We march into the ballroom where all of my allies are kneeling, their sense gone, the wolves, even the King and Queen!

"Glad you could join us." Aro says menacingly. Energy hums inside me, powerful, waiting to be released.

"Release them." I snarl. Aro chuckles, and gestures around. His guard have us surrounded.

"You are hardly in a position to make demands little Bella." My hands twitch to hit him. Edward flinches.

"Jane." Alice and Edward collapse, screaming and thrashing violently. "Stop!" My voice is hysterical.

"Stop it please, stop!" Aro laughs, delighted.

"The others too." He adds. Suddenly I'm surrounded my friends and loved ones, all screaming and thrashing violently.

"Stop!" My voice is hoarse from screaming.

"STOP!" Something snaps inside of me, energy literally pours from inside. Edward and Alice stop screaming first, then Emmett. Jasper. The King the Queen. Rosalie. The Egyptians. The Russians. The Amazonians. The nomads- Alistair, Liam. The Alaskans- Kate, Garrett, Carmen, Eleazar. Each wolf and imprint: Jake, Sam, Paul, Quil, Jared, Embry, Seth, Brady, Colin. Their children. Two dozen wolves in total. They all stop screaming and stand looking around in confusion.

"It's Bella, she's projecting!" Eleazar announces.

Aro no longer looks smug, in fact he looks troubled, scared.

All hell breaks loose. Under the touch of my shield we're untouchable. I find that it's flexible, staying on those I will it to protect. The wolves tear into the guard. Emmett is grappling with another humongous vampire. I duck when Caius lunges for me. Edward snarls and pulls him into a headlock. I jump and tear his head off his shoulders. Blood spurts violently and his body is thrown to the side. I toss the head away in disgust. Edward's dark eyes appraise me, bloody, on display in this dramatic dress, just as turned on as he is. He pulls me to him kissing me so violently I'm sure my lips will be bruised, I'm just as enthusiastic. We're lost in our own world as the Volturi are torn apart.

5 Years Later

Emily has the beginning of crows feet. She shows them off with pride. The wolves and imprints settled back in their homeland in Washington and immediately began retiring and aging. Leah's on kid number three, and pregnant with another, making up for lost time. They flourish, and I keep my promise, no vampires harass them.

In fact most avoid the area entirely because the pack has a permission to use deadly force against encroaching vampires. Carlisle and Esme abdicate the throne, never wanting it in the first place.

For a year Edward and I rule, but that sort of power and publicity is not my thing and Edward wholeheartedly agrees. We break down the caste system and abolish many laws before turning over the reigns to Angela, who serves as the first, human, elected leader. She's taken to the role well advocating rights for every creature making laws that are fair.

The animal diet is not forced, but it is encouraged. If a vampire chooses human blood it must be voluntarily offered. Many humans line up, strangely honored to give their blood.

After the Volturi our forces tear through the Southern boundary and neutralize further targets. Then we disband. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. None of us want to become the next Volturi.

Immediately after the battle Emmett marched up to Rosalie lifted her off the ground and kissed her. When he pulled away he answered her stunned look with a dimpled grin.

"You're my mate babe, no doubt about it." Edward and I found out just a few weeks after that I was pregnant. He was so smug as he boasted that I was carrying his child.


Emmett and Jasper weren't much better when Alice and Rose announced their pregnancies.

Again, MEN.

Esme was over the moon to find out she'd be having grandchildren. Our little Anthony and Masen came first. That's right, twin boys. Edward bragged about superior sperm when Rose had Emmett's little girl, Lily a few months later. I smacked him on the back of the head. Alice's daughter already had a huge wardrobe when she came into the world, there's no doubt Amberly will always look adorable.

"What are you thinking about love?" Edward asks coming up behind me and rubbing his hands over my swollen belly. He's obsessed with it. He keeps growling that he'll keep me pregnant for an eternity.

Not happening.

Vampire women only manage a few pregnancies, if at all.

I lift the shield on my mind and allow him to see my journey as human Five, to vampire mother. Edward kisses me passionately.

"I love it when you let me in." He groans against my mouth, I gasp and stiffen when I feel a kick from inside me.
"Edward the baby just kicked." I say against his mouth. His hand rubs my belly tenderly. Our baby kicks in response.

"It better be a boy, I can't handle another girl." Carlie came one year after the boys and was promptly banned from ever meeting males because she look too much like me and they might try to claim her.

"It feels like it did with the boys." I muse. Edward purses his lips and focuses on my belly. I lift my shield and Edward's eyes widen with wonder.

"Two." He breaths, pressing an ear to my belly. "They adore you." He muses. I laugh and roll my eyes. Anthony and Masen rush to us crouching around my belly.

"Mommy, mommy we can hear you, and them!" They inherited their father's ability to read minds. Only theirs is more focused, Edward is jealous that they can pick and choose. Carlie presses a hand to my head and images flash through, she shows me her day playing with Lilly, Amberly, and Esme, they had a tea party. Anthony and Masen were probably with Ryker and Brandon, Emmett and Jasper's boys.

"What a nice day baby." I tell Carlie. I look down at my family, and smile. Sometimes I find myself closing the doors and rolling into a ball as I remember that along my journey to happiness, I lost my family. I never get to wallow for long before they find me and pin me down in hugs and kisses.

My family.

My life now.