Note from the Author:

Elements of Kierra Cass's The Selection are in this story. The world is set up similarly, but some things are different.

The vampires are a combination of Stephanie Meyer's and traditional vampires. Notes will be posted to aid the process in case it becomes confusing.

If it is confusing DON'T send me some kind of rant or flame, just ask and I'll do my best to explain what's going on.

"You should do it baby, wouldn't it be exciting to be a Princess?" I snort into my breakfast and Mom tsks my poor manners. Bree grins ruefully from across the table.

"And it would really help the family." Mom's voice has lost all it's wonder and is now very serious, maybe a little guilty. I'm content with my life. I'm happy just being with my family. I don't need or want to be a Princess.

But I do want to help my family, and if it will help… I'd do anything.

I glance at Dad who's being stoic. He's not much for emotion anyway, but every time the Selection comes up he becomes even more quiet. He meets my eyes, I inherited his eyes, and I see the deep unhappiness in them.

He doesn't want to push me into something I don't want, but the family really needs this. He'll miss me, but he knows this is a good opportunity for me I'll be able to eat, be introduced to a lot of wealthy people. I could possibly become a Princess, a future Queen.

Then I look to Bree, who's still young and innocent. She's grinning up at me with excitement, if she were my age she'd do it in a heartbeat. She's got Mom's blue eyes, and Mom's wide smile, she always smiles. Her cheeks are a little too sunken in, and she's so small and skinny for her age.

Glancing at her my heart swells with guilt, because I can help her, and it would be selfish not to act.

Filling out the application is more tedious than I had thought. First is a painful blood extraction. Most countries these days are ran by vampiric families because they're stronger, smarter, and immortal. After all the World Wars they came forward to run the world because we mere humans were doing a poor job of it. Mating is interesting, there are cases of instant and complete mating. One sniff, one glance, that's all it takes with some vampires. Other's it's much like a human relationship, built on trust, love, respect. But there's always some essence of instant recognition, their scent calls to them on some level.

I'm not the only human interested in being Selected, but that's not all. There will be vampires involved, beautiful, immortal vampires who I don't stand a chance against.

After taking a sample of my blood, they take a picture of me. I muster my best smile, but I'm sure my cheeks are blazoned with a blush in embarrassment.

Then I fill out a questionnaire with my horrid handwriting, I hope my answers count for something.

The beginning is pretty basic. Full name. Isabella Marie Swan. Caste: Five. That makes me an artisan. The caste system was put in place to discriminate between the sectors of humanity. Ones are royalty, consisting mostly of vampires. Twos are celebrities, politicians, and all the royal guards. Threes are the great minds, the educators, and the scientists. Fours are farmers, and business owners. Fives are performers, singers, dancers. The rest get lower and worse off until you hit Eight which is essentially homeless, jobless, nameless.

I don't think the vampires know what it means to be human, because this system doesn't work very well, at least not for those of us past Four.

The application begins to get more personal. Do you speak any languages besides English? I'm proud to say three, I've learned them for the sake of some of the music we perform. Italian, French, Spanish. Some songs just sound so much beautiful in their own language, especially when you can understand it and pour the emotion into the lyrics.

At the bottom of the exhaustive questionnaire is a blank portion for special skills or additional information. I don't hesitate in writing. I play multiple instruments including the piano, the violin, and the cello. I'm also an acrobat and dancer.

Feeling slightly lighter that the whole process is done I hand my application to the vampiric official who oversaw the entire thing. She's stunningly beautiful, like them all, with scarlet eyes, pale skin that glows in the low light, and tight red curls. When I asked for her name she said it was Maggie in her slightly accented voice.

"I can sense lies, so it would be wise to answer everything honestly." Vampires often have special abilities, but hers sounds fascinating.

"How does it work?" I ask, she grins, proud of her gift.

"Tell me the truth and tell me a lie, it's a sense I have." I try to think of a lie, I'm not much of a liar.

"I was born in March, I have a brother." Maggie purses her lips as she gazes at me, and for a moment I think I've done something wrong.

"I can tell that you were not born in March, simply because your an awful liar. But I can't seem to actually sense the lie." I fidget under her gaze and she shakes her head and writes something on the folder she brought with her that's labeled with my name. I cringe when I think of what it must say and how it will affect my chances.

"Some humans have innate abilities, we'll send an expert out to assess your gifts." She said simply then launched into the interview.

Once she's gone I find myself at the piano my fingers tumbling over the keys, I play with closed eyes, feeling the emotion of the day, the fear, the anxiety, the confusion. I am doing this for my family, but I want to someday be able to find love. This is just one sacrifice I'll make in order to make sure my family is safe and healthy.

Bree deserves to eat, full servings, and not have to work long hours in order to do so. She deserves to be a child, carefree and having fun.

Mom deserves new dresses, she's resewn and restyled her old ones dozens of times with a smile on her face, but she deserves the very best.

Dad needs a break. He's been working hard for years, ever since Ben came into the world and they had to support him.

My song comes to a close when a knock at the door sounds. Mom, Dad, and Bree are out working. Mom has a lesson, Dad is performing in the circus, and Bree is dancing in the street for passing change. I'm home to do the application process. I rise and open the door, I'm not all that surprised to find a vampire waiting for me. He's really tall, dark hair, maroon colored eyes.

"I'm Eleazar." He says offering a cool hand. I shake it tentatively.

"Bella." He smiles, and I can see the flash of fangs, something in me recognizes the danger and my heart starts to beat a little too fast. He can hear my reaction and drops the smile with a chagrined expression.

"I forget you Fives don't see many vampires in person." Vampires are Twos, above us lowly humans.

"It's fine, come in," I envy the grace even the males seem to possess. If I'm not performing, I'm the clumsiest person on the Earth.

Mom hates it because it damages my 'pretty face' and I lose money during the shows.

Eleazar doesn't sit, he simply stands slightly too far in my personal space and assesses me. Humming thoughtfully to himself.

"What an interesting choice for Edward." He muses. He doesn't address him as Prince Edward, he's either close to the family or disrespectful.

"You my dear are quite the mental shield. You nullify many abilities." I don't know how to respond to this, my jaw drops, I'm utterly speechless. I don't consider myself gifted, I'm just me. Bella Swan, sister, performer, Five.

"Fascinating, that's all that is required of me, lovely to meet you dear." He presses a kiss to my hand and takes the time to politely walk out the door. Before I can even shut it, he's gone in a flash of speed.

First chapter down what do you think?