Author has written 12 stories for That '70s Show, NCIS, and Gilmore Girls. Hi! My name is Chrissy. :D I typically write original stories, but have recently gotten into writing fanfiction, specifically for That '70s Show and the characters of Jackie and Hyde (OTP!) because I feel like a lot of their relationship needs to be justified and retained in scenes from the show that lost depth in attempt to have comedy. I've also dabbled with NCIS/Tiva fanfic and Gilmore Girls fanfic. April 2019 Note: I am ACTIVE, but on a semi-hiatus due to some tough family stuff. I don't know if that matters to anyone, but there is so much T7S fanfic out there published in like, 2006, and the writers are no longer active which makes me incredibly sad because of all the unfinished stories and lost potential. FYI: I write fluff, not smut. ;) UPDATES: -The epilogue for "Let's Grow Up Together" has been posted! I want to thank everyone who has read this story. It took me a good three years of on and off writing for this story, but it was the "That '70s Show" fanfic I've always wanted to write and it makes me so happy that I got to share it with all of you! -My story "Between the Scenes" is a series of one-shots for That '70s Show. I will post these one-shots on my T7S blog first, so if you want to read them as soon as I finish them, you can find them here:. (*shamelessly self-promotes*) I am 70s-show-diary on tumblr. -Kind of random, but, while browsing around on tumblr it came to my attention a certain 'idea' about fanfiction that honestly made me disappointed to be a part of this community of writers. This idea was that fanfic is only good if written in 3rd person and that any fanfic written in 1st person is 'trash' and not worth even reading. I find this idea repulsive and unfair, and not just because I happen to write in the 1st person POV. I write it 1st person because that was the way I was taught to and learned to write and while yes, much of the fanfic I've read is in the 3rd person, I've read plenty of excellent fic written in the 1st person. I don't know if any of my readers subscribe to that idea (I'm guessing not because you read my fics), but I do ask that, if you're reading this, not to judge a person's work by the POV it's written in. All of us writers work very hard and it is not fair for someone's work to be dismissed over something as trivial as POV. |
Aksannyi (67) HydeLuver (44) | MistyMountainHop (26) nannygirl (127) | zpplnchick (29) |