After months of writers block with this story, I decided to go back and basically rewrite it since I knew where I wanted it to go but it wasn't going that way, if that makes sense? lol Anyway, this chapter hasn't changed much, just fixed a few mistakes (if you noticed anymore please tell me) and made the story start a few months later than the original. Chapter two is where storyline changes occur. Hope you enjoy :)


January 2009

He was nearing the end of his shift when it happened.

"Dr Cullen," a young red haired nurse called, as she approached where he stood at the desk. He had just handed over his notes so that one of his current patients could be discharged. She was out of breath when she reached him.

"There's another overdose patient," she panted, "Sorry, but we need you."

He knew why she was apologizing, his shift was supposed to end very soon. Most doctors would have been irritated and tired this late into their shift, but he wasn't most doctors. He could work indefinitely, and if he didn't have a wife at home, he probably would have. He nodded to the nurse, and followed her direction to where the patient was being worked on. As they walked, the nurse explained the situation.

"A car just pulled up outside and dumped her here," she told him, "she's got no ID and we don't know what she's taken. Looks to be a mixture of drugs and alcohol though."

He knew what would have to be done, he'd known almost as soon as the nurse had mentioned that the patient had overdosed. They reached the patient then and he almost froze at the scent of the woman in front of him. She had lost weight, had partially dyed hair and a piercing through her nose and more than one in her ears. In the two years since they had moved from Forks, leaving her behind, she had changed herself almost beyond recognition. He would never forget her scent though, despite what his son had decided to do, she would always be a part of their family. It hurt him to see what she had reduced herself too, but his hurt fueled his actions. He had to save her.

She was partially aware of her surroundings, but unable to answer any questions that were put to her. He knew what he needed to do, but it wouldn't be pleasant.

"Gastric suction," he informed the nurse, knowing that she had probably already reached that conclusion. She nodded knowingly and directed his attention towards the equipment that had been gathered for the procedure. He got to work and was surprised when she didn't gag or react to the tub being inserted into her nose and down into her stomach. She's had this done before, he thought, completely horrified at the idea of the sweet innocent girl they'd left behind inflicting this kind of misery on herself more than once.

She cringed at the sensation of her stomach contents being forcibly removed, and an almost unnoticeable tear escaped her closed lids at the pain she must have felt. He didn't like to witness it, and especially didn't like that he was the one causing her that pain, but it was in her best interest. If he didn't do this, she would likely die. He told himself this repeatedly throughout the procedure. A blond male nurse on his left set up a cannula in her hand, took bloods and administered vital pain relief. The nurse who had drawn his attention to the patient was on his right. She assisted throughout and patted his arm lightly in comfort when it was over. He must have appeared more distressed by the situation than he would have normally. There had been three overdose patients in the last fortnight, however, and he would simply claim that this was the reason for his distress, if anyone should ask.

By the time it was over, he was more than an hour over his shift. He cared very little about it, and stood beside her now sleeping form whilst he filled in the relevant paperwork required. It was past his time to leave the hospital, but it was only when another doctor pointed this out that he knew he couldn't stay any longer. If he hovered or showed too much interest in his patient, people would ask questions. It was only the knowledge that he would return before she was discharged that forced him to do what was necessary.

Once he reached the staff quarters, he was able to check his cell. What he found there was exactly what he had expected after seeing her this evening. 5 missed called with accompanying voice mail messages and 10 text messages. All of them were from his daughter, Alice. Of course, she'd been trying to warn him of what was going to happen. He was surprised that she hadn't simply called the desk. He sighed before playing the messages, balancing his phone between his shoulder and ear whilst removing the lab coat.

"Ok, you definitely already know now," His daughters most recent recorded voice told him, this tone of voice was almost calm, "but I'll just tell you she's going to be fine, and she'll still be there tomorrow morning."

"I tried calling the desk, but they said I'd just missed you. I'm guessing you probably know now."

As the messages grew older, Alice's voice grew more panicked and desperate to reach him.

"Honestly, why do you even have a phone?!"

"Carlisle, I really need you to call me please!"

"I just saw something, Carlisle," the first message stated, her panicked state obvious through the speaker, "please call me as soon as!"

Alice had definitely seen the events that had transpired during his shift and she had clearly tried to prepare him for the task he'd had to carry out. It didn't really matter that she hadn't succeeded, he had done his job and she was stable now. He thought over the events that had occurred as he changed and readied himself to leave. The sooner he got home, the sooner he would be able to discuss what had happened with his family, assuming Alice hadn't already told them, and see what else she knew regarding the situation.

As he headed towards the exit, he made sure to stop by her bed. She lay relatively peacefully after the trauma. All he could think as he looked down at her was that this was their fault. They had left her and had allowed this to happen by doing so. He should never have allowed his son to convince him that this was for the best, since clearly, the outcome had been far from good. He checked her chart and vitals once, before accepting that he couldn't linger any longer. She'll still be there tomorrow, Alice's word ran through his mind then and allowed him to leave.

Before he knew it, he was inside his Mercedes and heading towards home at an acceptable speed. The family, minus one, were gathered inside the lounge awaiting his return. He pulled into the garage and then swiftly made his way to join them.

"I tried calling you," Alice said before he could speak.

He smiled and replied, "I know, and I am sorry I couldn't answer. Have you informed everybody of what you saw?"

She nodded briskly, "I figured we'd all need to talk about this. We can't let her do this to herself anymore."

"That is certainly true," he told her, "have you contacted him?"

"Not yet," she admitted, "I figured we'd need a plan first."

Carlisle nodded, understanding her reasoning. His son was sure to breakdown when he found out so it would be necessary to keep the truth from him until they had decided what was best for her.

"Is she ok, Carlisle?" His wife's concerned voice reached him then. She was distressed and he went to her then. He hated to see her so sullen and upset. She gladly accepted when he offered her his comfort.

"She will be fine, Esme." He told her simply, he would do everything in his power to make sure that Bella would get through this. He had too, for his family and especially for his son. Edward had made many mistakes concerning Bella, but Carlisle would do all he could to help them both now.

"What did you have in mind, Alice?" he asked his daughter whilst still hugging his wife close to him. Something had to be done and they had to think fast since Bella was likely to be discharge in the morning, though thankfully not before his next shift started.

Alice closed her eyes and looked into the future. It was easier to search for the outcome as opposed to actually going through the motions of making up a plan of action. She saw it then, Emmett lying to the receptionist. Producing a fake ID for Bella, his sister, and explaining that he had come to collect her after being told by a friend where to find her. At first, Alice didn't understand why Emmett was the one intervening until she looked over at him and she realized.

"You're the only one they haven't met," she spoke directing her words to him.

"Come again," he asked, confused by Alice's statement.

She explained what she had seen and Emmett began to understand. They would have to wait until morning to carry out their plan, but they would not be idle and when the morning came, they would be ready. After two years, Bella Swan was going to re-join their family, whether she wanted too or not.