Ta-DA, here it is guys, the epilogue at last. I really had a tough time with this one and honestly its not my best work. But I hate unfinished stories and wanted this wrapped up before my story became one of those. I have tried my best though so I do hope you like it. Please review.

One year later

Jackie entered her apartment and threw herself onto the couch. She was exhausted, college was never ending and she desperately needed a break. Shutting her eyes she arranged herself in a comfortable position. Before she could drift off though she felt her head being gently lifted as the person proceeded to sit where her head had been, then gently placed her head in their lap. Pretending to be asleep, Jackie continued to keep her eyes closed as the persons fingers rubbed soothing circles on her scalp.

"Give it up doll, I know you just got in, nobody falls asleep so soon."

"I wasn't pretending Puddin Pop, is it too much for me to expect my boyfriend to show me some love after the draining day I've had."

"Is that what you want babe, why didn't you say anything then, I've been dying to show you some love" saying that he placed her hand on his crotch to feel his arousal.

Pulling her hand away, she smacked his arm "That is not what I meant you pervert, God, you don't have one romantic bone in your body" saying so she pretended to get up.

Pulling her head back to his lap, Hyde said "Oh come on babe, you know I was just kidding with you. I'm sorry, you just take a nap. I promise I'll be quiet."

"It's kind of difficult for me to do that when you are trying to have sex with my face" she giggled, referring to his rock hard erection that was poking her in the ear.

Smirking slightly, Hyde replied "That's the effect you have on me woman." Then he gently got up and let Jackie lay down peacefully on the couch while he went into the kitchen to get started on dinner.

Jackie and Hyde had been doing great the past year. Sure they still fought over everything from Zeppelin to Abba and sometimes Chicago was also brought in. The only difference this time was that Hyde had learnt his lesson, he no longer ran out to bang the first slut he could find. He'd usually retreat back to his room at the Forman's and Jackie would stay cooped up in her apartment till they were ready to face each other and rehash their fight. Jackie now no longer had a problem trusting him; she had been okay with him going to the strip club for Kelso's bachelor party. She hadn't even taken all the one dollar bills out of his wallet. Of course, Hyde had spent the whole time drinking beer and burning his friends, not paying any attention whatsoever to the strippers, one of whom was constantly giving him the eye.

Hyde had recently decided that things were going well enough for them to take the next step in their relationship. Which is why, he had been roaming with a 2 carat princess cut solitaire in his pocket for the past few weeks. He just couldn't figure out how to pop the question. He knew just opening the box and getting down on his knees wouldn't be enough for his romantic minded girl. After all the shit he had pulled on her over the years, he knew he had to do something very special for who he now knew was the only girl he would ever love.

He needed to have a great plan, he would have normally roped in Donna to help him, but after that incident a year ago things had been very strained between Donna and Jackie. Hyde and Donna had somewhat made their peace though they both knew things would never be the same. But Jackie had not shared more than a few polite words with Donna, instead preferring to spend her energy clinging fiercely to Hyde every time the once again redhead was around, though Eric had long ago returned from Africa and was back with Donna. Hyde had tried convincing her that Donna had just made a drunken mistake and that she was not interested in him but he couldn't help but think it was cute the way Jackie got possessive over him. He had always been the possessive one in the relationship and Jackie had always loved that about him, he was now beginning to understand its appeal and he didn't hate it.

The next morning, Hyde woke up to find he was alone in Jackie's huge bed. While he still technically lived with the Forman's he spent all his weekends with his girl. He looked at the clock on the bedside and groaned when he realized it was already 10, he had wanted to wake up before Jackie so he could get her breakfast in bed, he was worried about the tiny brunette, she had been spending long hours either at the college or on her projects and hadn't been taking care of herself.

Pulling on his robe which Jackie had practically torn off his body the previous night, he had a quick shower. He was greeted with the smell of fresh pancakes and bacon and was suddenly nervous. While his girl had recently learned to fry bacon without setting the house on fire, pancakes were not something she had mastered. He remembered her last attempt had resulted in pancakes that were somehow both half raw and half burnt. He had eaten them nevertheless, but when Jackie had taken his fork to taste her creation she had cried and dumped all the pancakes in the trash. Of course, half raw half burnt pancakes aside, Hyde had good memories of the day. His minx had rewarded him for trying to spare her feelings by being his love slave for the day. Boy, he still couldn't think about that without getting a boner.

He entered the kitchen and was surprised to see a plate of plump pancakes next to a plate of bacon, a pitcher of orange juice and another of syrup. Looking around for his girlfriend, he saw a note stuck to her fridge and grabbed it. Jackie was out with Mrs. Forman and said she would return by lunch, she also said that she had learned to make pancakes from her and so the ones she had made were safe for him to eat.

Sighing to himself, Hyde sat at the coffee table and started to eat his breakfast, he had hoped they could have eaten together; Jackie was always so busy that he felt like they didn't have much time for just the two of them. He cut into the pancake and true to what Jackie had said; the pancakes were just like the ones Mrs. Forman made. He was only on his second bite when he found himself biting into something lumpy. Fearing something had fallen into the batter, he pulled out the thing from his mouth only to realize it was a piece of paper but it was all mashed up and there was something written on it. He soon realized Jackie had written him a Haiku which read

'Hey, are you married?

No, I'm just wearing an eyeball ring.

Can I marry you?'

Turning around, he had to take in a sharp breath when he saw Jackie down on her knees. Jackie took the paper from his hands and tossed it aside and took his hands in hers.

Hyde was too shocked to say anything which made her smile.

"Steven, you should know by now that you can't hide anything from me. I know you got me a ring Puddin Pop and I know you've not given it yet because you want to make it special for me. But baby, every day I wake up in your arms is special for me. So instead of waiting for you to propose I thought I'd turn the tables on you babe. So what do you think Steven Hyde, will you marry me?"

Still standing with his mouth hanging open, the only thing Steven Hyde could do was kneel down in front of Jackie and say "That's cool" before claiming her lips in a fiery kiss.
