Here we go again … the plot bunny just couldn't stay away. Persistent little fucker. Originally, this began as a dream. When I woke up, I wrote down as much as I could, but it's morphed into something different.
This is the FINAL chapter … the epilogue … for Shaky Ground. I can't believe it's done. To be honest, this story was completely different than I'd envisioned. It turned out even better! A few thank yous that I want to dole out. First off, thank you to Clo for the story banner. She read my random ramblings from a dream I'd had and created the banner for me. It was beautiful and I appreciate ALL you do for the fandom, with your writing and your phenomenal banner making skillz. Secondly, thank you to those of you who took the time to read my story plan to make sure it made sense. I appreciate your suggestions and comments. Finally, thank you to everyone who took the time to read, review and being supportive. I'm truly blessed with amazing readers. Thank you for everything.
And on that note … here's the epilogue for Shaky Ground.
Chapter Forty: Epilogue
Ten Months Later …
"I find this combined bachelor and bachelorette party to be distasteful, Rosalie," said the snooty voice of Rosalie's mother. Mrs. Hale, as she insisted to be called, was the epitome of a bitch. She was controlling and condescending, belittling Rose as often as possible, even over a screen since she hated the humid air of Pacific Northwest.
"Well, that's why you're not invited, Mom, nor is Lindsay. You get your over-the-top wedding and I'm getting my bachelorette party. I'm going with my friends, my bridesmaids," Rose snapped as she scowled at her mother on FaceTime. "Look, I'm helping Bella move in with her boyfriend. Then, my phone will be off for the entire week I'm in Cabo."
"So, uncouth," Mrs. Hale growled, flipping her long, overly-styled hair.
"Just how I like it," Rose cackled, hanging up the phone and shutting it off with a flourish. "Fuck me. My mother is going to be the death of me."
"She's in rare form. Pissed off from my little stunt, sis, no doubt, but seeing what you're dealing with? It was fucking wise decision," Jasper chuckled as he put down a heavy box. "Where do you want this, Bells?"
"Right here," Bella answered, gesturing to the counter top. "And at least you're talking to your mom, Rose. My mom only calls me when she wants money. She's been permanently blocked from my phone, email and Facebook. With my dad, too. As far as I know, her lawyer is also done with her, too. She's stuck in Iceland or something, deserted by her latest boy toy."
"Doesn't she learn?" Alice asked.
"Nope," Bella replied, opening up the box that Jasper put on the counters and putting the glasses into the beautiful white cabinets in their new home, that was part of a new subdivision. It was a beautiful craftsman that had been built for some big-wig, but the sale fell through. So, the house was for sale and Edward and Bella fell in love with it. It was a perfect combination of their styles. It was contemporary, but warm and inviting with hard wood floors and rustic accents. Edward had moved in once his lease ended at his apartment in late March. Bella stayed in her apartment for another month and was finally settling into the house, despite working an insane number of hours, working for their week off for Emmett and Rose's party in Cabo San Lucas.
They were very committed to each other, but there was still no ring on Bella's finger, nor did it appear that there would be any time soon. They were happy 'living in sin' and navigating their blissful, loving relationship.
Rose was getting married in a month. The wedding was a three-ring circus, thanks to her mother and maid of honor. Rose was just showing up, wearing the monstrosity of a dress. Though, she probably wanted what her twin brother had done …
He had eloped.
Smart. Man.
Alice and Jasper had just gotten engaged on Halloween, which was Alice's favorite holiday, and subsequently got married in a quickie wedding in Las Vegas a couple of weeks ago over a long weekend. Jasper saw the hell that Rose was dealing with their mother and he didn't want to deal with that bullshit. So, they flew out to Vegas with everyone on a weekend, celebrating their wedding on Valentine's Day and then spending their honeymoon at the blackjack table.
As they worked, the doorbell rang. Edward ran down the stairs, yelling he'd answer it. Bella was grateful since she was sitting on the floor, organizing pots and pans since Edward was still hopeless in kitchen. The man was a wonderful doctor and fantastic administrator, having more responsibilities thrust upon him in the emergency department, for the hospital, but he could burn water.
Listening to the ruckus in their foyer, she heard the happy voices of Carlisle and Esme, along with Jake. Bella got up, clumsily, and with Alice's help and she hugged her friends, smothering Jake with kisses. "You've grown another thirty million inches, Jakey! You're going to be taller than me, soon," she laughed. "You're too young to be taller than me."
"Aunt Bella, stop," he laughed, wiping his face. "You're slobbering on me. Does Uncle Edward like it when you slobber on him?"
"Very much, Jake," Edward snickered, his arm sliding around Bella's waist. He nuzzled her temple and smiled against her skin. "And there will come a time where you want the slobber of the person you love."
"Sure, sure. Not now. Girls are gross," Jake said, rolling his eyes. "You needed help with your wireless router?"
"It's sad that I'm asking an eight-year-old for technological advice," Edward snickered, wrinkling his nose distastefully. "Come on. The router is in the office, brat."
"You love me," Jake said smugly, slugging Edward in the arm.
He rubbed his arm, making a big show of his 'injury.' "Very much, punk," Edward teased, following Jake up to the office with Carlisle in tow.
"Oh, Bella, this place is gorgeous," Esme breathed, handing Bella a large basket, filled with high-end goodies. "I bet you're happy to be settled."
"Oh, yes," Bella laughed. "Audrey's abrupt departure from the PICU really jacked up our schedules. I understand her reason for leaving. A chief position at St. Joe's down in Tampa is a great opportunity, but yeah … living out of boxes for six weeks? I'm about ready to kill someone, namely Edward or Audrey, but Edward's the likely target since he's closer than Tampa."
"It fast-tracked your promotion to be an attending," Esme said. "Congratulations!"
"And you're in line to be the associate chief," Alice chirped. "Or, so I've been told." Alice and Jasper had moved down to Portland when the hospital Alice had been transferred to cut back on nurses and physician's assistants. OHSU was hiring and they'd moved down to a suburb just outside of Portland, living in a tiny rental home for the time being. Alice worked in the PICU with Bella, knowing all of the gossip and loving every minute of it!
"I put my hat in the ring, but it doesn't mean I'm going to get it," Bella shrugged. "I'm still the low man on the totem pole. I'm only above the residents and new fellows who started a few months ago."
"I beg to differ, Bella," Esme shrugged.
"You know something," Bella said, arching a brow. "Spill it, woman!"
"I can't. But, I can tell you that the decision about who's going to be replacing Audrey will be announced in a week, coinciding with our return from Cabo," Esme said. "Whoever is taking Audrey's place as associate chief will be the best man or woman for the job. For now? Let's enjoy tonight and our much-needed vacation!"
They spent the rest of the afternoon, chatting and eventually sitting down in the living room, talking about their plans in Mexico. Jake was staying with Carmen and Eleazar while his parents were down in Cabo celebrating the bachelor/bachelorette party for Rose and Emmett. Jake wanted to go, but he'd be the only kid and so it was decided that he stay with his caseworker, who was still a close friend of Carlisle and Esme's. Plus, the resort that was booked was for adults-only. No kids were allowed. To make up for leaving Jake behind, Carlisle and Esme would be taking him to Disney World over winter break, which appeased him.
They ate dinner together and Carlisle and Esme got ready to leave shortly after that. They still needed to pack for the trip and drop off Jake and Carmen and Eleazar's.
"Um, we're leaving tomorrow," Rose laughed. "My bags are packed with the tiniest bikinis ever. That's all we need."
"I don't think bikinis will work for me, Rose," Emmett snorted. "Too much junk in my trunk."
"And I do not want to see that," Edward said, side-eying Emmett's crotch.
"None of us do," Jasper deadpanned.
"See what?" Jake asked, his brows furrowed as he looked up from his iPad while Carlisle looked for his keys.
"Nothing, bud," Carlisle laughed nervously, covering his ears. He made a face as they walked out, causing the room to crack up.
Everyone went to bed, staying in the guest rooms of Edward and Bella's new home. They were leaving from Portland early the next morning. Edward and Bella finished packing their bags. "Did you pack some tiny bikinis?" Edward asked as he lay on the bed, watching Bella put in some shoes into their suitcase.
"Maybe," she sang. "And maybe I tossed in a few speedos. You'd totally rock the banana hammock."
"Bella? Really?" he groaned. "No one can make those look good. Gross."
"No, Edward," she snickered. "I barely had enough time to pack what I had. With moving out of the apartment, my crazy schedule, unpacking my shit here and everything else, I'm shocked that I even managed to do this. A lot of what's in here is thanks to Rose and Alice. They thrust some …" Closing the suitcase, she wrinkled her nose and then gave Edward face, begging him to move the bag off the bed. He chuckled, getting up and putting the bag onto the ground, pulling her into the king-sized bed they'd picked out together. She shrieked, laughing as he hovered over her. "It's been too long, baby."
"I know, gorgeous," he said, barely brushing his lips over hers. "I want to christen our new bed. Can we?"
"But, not with our house guests," Bella giggled, a sexy smirk spreading over her face. "We can have some amazing vacation sex. It's been a long time since we fucked against a wall."
"Isabella," he growled, thrusting his hardness against her. "You're poking the bear."
"Um, it's you that's doing the poking," she teased. He rolled his eyes, moving off her and snuggling her to his chest. "I'm sorry, baby. As soon as we're able, we'll have some naked fun time. I really do miss this, miss us."
"One week. One FULL week of being together. No crazy schedules, being on call or anything else to get in our way," he said, smiling seductively. "Love you, gorgeous."
"I love you, too," she said, brushing his hair back and kissing his lips tenderly. "We've got an early wake-up call tomorrow. So, let's make out and snuggle."
"Only make out?" he pouted. She laughed, swiping at him and giving him a playful, but sexy glower. The lights were turned off and they did have a much-needed make out session, leaving them panting and yearning for more. But, Bella's sweet giggle told him it was a sneak-preview of their time in Cabo San Lucas.
"With a side order of blue balls," he grumbled. Bella just smiled against his neck, pressing her body against his and he felt how wet she was through her panties. He wasn't the only one sexually frustrated, but their first vacation as a couple was a perfect option to relieve their pent-up UST.
And it couldn't come soon enough.
xx SG xx
"I can't believe how beautiful this resort is," Alice sang. "How did you pull this off? And without your maid of honor?"
"My mom and my maid of honor are in charge of the wedding. Emmett and I were in charge of the bachelorette party. It was your suggestion, Bella, that made us choose this place," Rose beamed. "Come on, we're staying on the same floor, but not next to each other. I don't want to hear my brother have sex with his wife."
"I've heard you and Emmett," Jasper grumbled, his nose wrinkled. "I've learned things about you, sister, that I should never know and we shared a fucking womb."
"Can't handle the fact that your sister is a screamer?" Emmett snickered.
Jasper smacked his arm, giving him a glare. "Too much information, asshole!"
"Let's go check in before there's bloodshed on the marble flooring," Edward quipped. "I'm pretty certain that Carlisle and I don't want to perform emergency surgery, removing Jasper's fist from Emmett's ass."
"Agreed," Carlisle nodded. "Besides, there's a chunky monkey with my name on it."
"Oh, honey," Esme said, patting his arm adoringly and shaking her head.
"What?" he asked as he followed his wife. "It's my goal to have all those foofy girly drinks. I want a chunky monkey." They all chuckled as Rose checked everyone in. Key cards were distributed and they were all on the fourth floor, facing the Pacific Ocean and overlooking infinity edged pool. Everyone changed into their bathing suits and met up at the pool. Carlisle was already at the swim up bar, his pale skin is a stark contrast to the tanned bodies surrounding him.
Bella and Edward were laying on the chaise lounges, slathering on sunscreen. They were just as pale as Carlisle, but the mere thought of spending the entire trip dealing with sun poisoning made them cover their bodies with SPF 50. Bella was extra careful with her left leg, covering her scars with stronger sunscreen than the rest of her body. Rose came over with an overflowing drink. She handed it to Bella. "For you, my dear."
"What about me?" Edward asked.
"Emmett's coming with some cervesa," she chuckled. "Modelo, I think." She sat back on an adjacent chaise lounge. "What's the plan for today?"
"Pool and dinner at the resort?" Bella shrugged. "It's your bachelorette party, chickie."
"You don't have anything planned?" Rose pouted.
"If I do, it's not for tonight," Bella laughed, sipping her drink. "Oooh, this is way too sweet." Edward plucked from her hand and he took a drink. He wrinkled his nose, nodding in agreement. "What is this?" she asked.
"Carlisle's chunky monkey," Rose answered. She stripped off her cover up and twisted her blonde hair up into a ponytail. "You guys coming in?"
"In a bit," Bella said. "We aren't blessed with naturally tanned skin like you, Rose. I want to wait until the sunscreen is absorbed." Rose giggled, but nodded. She dove into the water and she swam toward Alice and Jasper, who were already in the water, sipping their own drinks. Bella turned to him, her eyes wide. "I suck as a friend. I have nothing planned for a bachelorette party! What am I going to do?"
"First off, you've been working insane hours, Bella. This is the most I've seen you in a month and we live together. Secondly, she planned the bachelorette party, made arrangements for this trip. It's her party, really. We've got a couple of days, Bella. We can figure something out," he said. "I brought my laptop and we can find a club or a bar to have some fun. This is vacation, love. We're supposed to have fun and by fun, I mean some good wall fucking." He smiled slowly. "Making love on the beach? Christening the shower?"
"Hmmm, that sounds like fun," Bella purred. She leaned over, kissing him and jumped back when Emmett stood over them, holding a cold can of beer against her arm, making her jump. "Ass."
"Yep," Emmett snickered. "Stop sucking face and come join us in the pool!" With a snort, they all got into the pool and just relaxed for the afternoon, working on their tans. Carlisle got drunk and had to be dragged away by Esme, who was tipsy herself. They both were also turning bright red from not wearing sunscreen. Bella grimaced, knowing the pain that they'd experience when the alcoholic buzz wore off.
That night, they ate dinner at the resort and went off their separate ways. Edward and Bella were completely sober and utterly turned on from seeing all of their friends make out and tease each other flirtatiously. As soon as they were in the room, Edward pinned Bella to the door. His lips were on hers, kissing her feverishly. He picked her up and she latched her legs around his hips. "Wall fucking?" she asked.
"Door fucking," he growled, tugging on her panties from underneath her skirt, ripping them from body. "I need you, Bella. I always need you. Too long. Way too long."
"Yes," she moaned.
He crashed his lips to hers and carried her to the bed. With what he wanted to do, the door would not do. He wanted to worship her. They'd have time for door fucking, but tonight would be all about savoring each other. She whimpered. Edward just smirked, crouching down and pushing her skirt up, revealing her slender hips and dripping core. His mouth was on her pussy, devouring her sex and she gasped, coming almost immediately. His tongue plunged inside, tasting her body and she tugged at his hair, rocking against his mouth. "Fuck, Edward. More …"
He smiled against her skin, his fingers easing inside her and curling up inside as he flicked her clit. She watched him, wanting to come again before she felt him inside her body. With his relentless kissing, and his long fingers, she was quickly coming undone. With a low growl, Edward relished the taste of her sweet arousal coating his tongue and the wetness surrounding his fingers. He couldn't wait to feel that wetness on his cock as he slid inside her. Not until she comes again. He redoubled his efforts, snarling lowly against her sex and she squirmed as her hands fisted his hair, tugging sharply on the strands. Her arousal exploded on his tongue and Bella's thighs clamped around his head. He kept his mouth on her as she rode out her second orgasm of the night.
Collapsing on the bed, Bella panted heavily. Her bones were like Jello with her body on fire. His tongue and fingers had fanned the flames, the burning desire she'd had for him. She looked up and saw that Edward had removed his clothes, revealing his lithe, athletic form. His skin was slightly reddened from the sun, but giving him a healthy glow. "Edward," she whispered, tugging on his hand. He lay down next to her and she straddled his waist, feeling his hardness against her thigh. "Love me."
"Always," he murmured against her lips as he tugged off her tank top and revealing her bare breasts. She moved and rolled her hips over his hardness. He smiled, grasping his arousal and easing inside of her. She moaned, clinging to his body. "Fuck, I've missed your pussy, Bella. So, tight. So, wet."
Their movements were slow and sensual. They reconnected after a long absence, loving and feeling every inch of each other. Kisses were shared, fingers were tangled in hair and bodies were connected in ways only a lover could understand. Together, they came and Edward spilled inside her, claiming her body. They collapsed, panting heavily and clinging to each other. Bella leaned her forehead against Edward's neck. "Wow," she whispered.
"Yeah," he said, his fingers lazily dancing along her back. "I've fucking missed you, baby. I didn't realize how much."
She sat back, brushing his hair back and kissed his lips, tasting her essence on his mouth. "I love you, Edward. As much as I love my job, I've really missed us."
"Me, too, gorgeous," he whispered back. "But, we have a week to remember how much we love each other. This couldn't come at a better time. I love you." He hugged her closely and kissed her neck. His body hardened inside her and he rolled them, looking down at her angelic face. "You ready for round two?"
"Oh, yes," she breathed as he thrust inside her.
xx SG xx
The week flew by in a blur of alcohol, sexual debauchery and an amazing time in Cabo san Lucas. Bella was walking funny by the time they left Cabo. It was a combination of the hard sex she'd had with Edward and a tiny mishap that caused a minor injury with her leg while exploring. Edward held her leg in his lap while she crashed on the flight home. He massaged her calf and stared at her beautiful face. Across the aisle, Emmett poked Edward. "Yo, Mase, you gonna propose soon?"
Edward looked at his friend, blinking at Bella and caressing her cheek. "I …" he whispered. "I'm still gun-shy with all that happened with my deceased ex. I love Bella. She's everything I've ever wanted in a girlfriend, a partner."
"Are you still seeing that therapist?" Emmett asked.
"Yeah. Only as needed," Edward shrugged. "I met up with him the day before we signed the paperwork for the new house. But, I'm happier than I ever been. I … I don't want to repeat the same mistakes, Em."
"Doubtful, Edward. You and Bella are the it couple. You're obnoxiously cute," Emmett snorted. Edward gave him a look. "Whatever, man. Whether you get down on one knee or live together for the rest of your lives, don't let her go, man. I can see that you love her. Those longing looks you give each other? Damn!"
"Okay, enough, jackass," Edward snorted. "It's not like getting your fiancée off on a dance floor. Hell, I think most of the club saw your fingers up in Rose's business."
"My girl is an exhibitionist," Emmett beamed.
"Your girl is my sister. I did not need to see that," Jasper hissed from behind them. "You better not do that at the wedding. My mother's head would spin." He was quiet. "Wait, I'd be happy if that happened. Mom needs to be put in her place."
"By seeing her only daughter get finger fucked at her wedding?" Edward whispered, his brow arched. "Dude, that's just … yeah …"
Emmett barked out a laugh and sat back, picking up his book and put on his headphones. Jasper shook his head with an audible sigh. Edward just looked back over at Bella and imagined a ring on her left hand. Normally, his heart would stammer against in his chest, in fear of the past repeating itself. But now? He wanted to see her finger adorned with a diamond sparkler. He wanted to see her body rounded with his child. He had the fairy tale home with his dream girl. Now, he wanted the fairy tale ending.
The mere idea of that happening didn't send him into panic attack, but brought him calmness, happiness. He wanted it. He wanted it badly. No fears. No feelings of being gun shy. Just a future with his girlfriend, his soul mate.
Upon their return to Portland, that night was spent doing laundry. Edward went back to work that evening, working the overnight shift. Bella was heading back the day following with the announcement of who was replacing Audrey as the associate chief of the PICU. Edward was there as she arrived, holding a cup of coffee and a grin on his face. "You know something, Dr. Masen," she chided, slipping on her lab coat.
"I don't know anything. I just want to be here, supporting my girl," he replied, kissing her nose.
"Thank you," Bella said, snuggling in his arms. "Now, we're getting ready for shift change. Ollie is making the announcement at the top of the shift."
"Come on, gorgeous," he said, twining his fingers with hers. They walked to the nurse's station.
Shortly before seven, Ollie, Dr. Daniels arrived. He blinked up and held his tablet close to his chest. "Good morning, everyone. I know that a number of you are anxious to hear the board's decision regarding who's going to be my number two. Plus, we have a great deal of sick kids on the floor. I'll just go ahead and announce their choice. My associate chief will be Dr. Marcus. He's been here nearly as long as I have and knows the expectations of the floor. It was a tough decision to make with a number of fantastic candidates, including one of our newest attendings, Dr. Isabella Swan. For our Dr. Swan, she is also going to be acting as the pediatric liaison with emergency department. We work in such close conjunction with the ED, we felt it necessary to have a stronger relationship with them. She will be scheduling pediatric fellows and residents in the ED, working closely with Dr. Masen."
Bella was in shock, torn at looking at her boss and her boyfriend. However, she looked at Edward. "You knew?"
"I did. Esme told me before left for the day yesterday," he said. "You're going to be working on establishing a pediatric emergency department, Bella. Like you did at Harborview."
"But, how will I work up in the PICU and down in the emergency room?" Bella asked.
"You'll get a staff, Dr. Swan," Ollie smirked. "Come, let's chat in my office. Dr. Masen, I'm glad you're here, too." They walked to Ollie's office. "I know I blindsided you, Bella. But, while you were on vacation, I spoke with Dr. Volturi and he said what you'd done in Harborview. He spoke highly of you. Bella, this position does come with a raise and you will be an administrator, working closely with the ED and the staff you choose for the rotations down in the emergency department. You will still be working in the PICU, but coordinating with Esme and Edward."
"Okay," Bella blushed. "When will this start?"
"Once we get some rooms set up in the ED. They're creating a pediatric emergency department and trauma room. It will be ready to go in a couple of months. For now, you work on creating your team, setting up schedules and finalizing procedures, all while working up here," Ollie smiled, hugging her. "Congratulations, Dr. Swan. Now, I'm going to check on Dr. Marcus. Take a few minutes to digest."
"Wow," Bella breathed when Ollie left. "We're working together again."
"Hmmm, we are," Edward smiled, sliding his arms around her waist. "I'm so proud of you, baby."
"Did you have a say in this?"
"No, Bella. I couldn't because of our relationship. Esme went to bat for this development, wanting to establish a kid's ED for a long time. With your history at Harborview, it was doable. She fought for this change. However, it was Ollie that suggested you for the position," Edward said, kissing her lips.
"Will you be my boss?" Bella asked, licking her lips and squeezing his ass.
"Hmmm, tempting," he purred. "But, no. We're equals, love. In everything." He brushed his lips against hers, sliding her tongue into her mouth. "I'm so proud of you, Bella. We have to celebrate tonight."
"What's the plan?" She smiled.
"You. Me. Naked. Christening our bed," he laughed, stepping back and winking at her. "See you tonight, Bella. I love you."
"Love you more, Edward," she breathed.
That night, they celebrated Bella's promotion. Though, they didn't make it to the bed. They christened the counter, the couch, the stairs and the shower before crashing, never making love in their bed.
Time went by quickly and almost two months after their trip to Cabo, everyone was flying out to Rochester, New York for Emmett and Rosalie's wedding. Bella was not feeling well, but she chocked it up to adjusting to her new position and recovering from the stomach flu. In the lavish hotel, Bella was brushing her teeth and Edward was pacing in the bedroom. She opened the door and she was pale. "You should be over this flu, Bella," Edward chided. "Do you want some anti-nausea meds?"
"I'll survive," she said, popping in a piece of gum. "Suffice it to say, I won't be drinking this weekend." She checked her watch. "Come on. We're on a strict schedule. Mrs. Hale is adamant that we make it to the church for the rehearsal a half hour before it starts. She wants some pictures or something."
"Bella, I'm really worried," he said, taking her hand. "You're pale, throwing up all the time and you've lost weight."
"I'm fine," she said, kissing his lips. "Come on, Dr. Masen. The limo is leaving in five minutes."
Edward scowled at her, still worried, but allowed her to tug him out of the hotel room. They met up with Alice, Jasper and a few other members of the bridal party in the lobby. They clambered into the waiting limo and drove to the cathedral. Inside, Rose was standing with Emmett, glaring at Mrs. Hale and Lindsay. Alice and Bella shared a look.
"Mom, I told you that Emmett is allergic to lilies," Rose snapped.
"It's your middle name!" Mrs. Hale argued back. "The whole wedding is based on that."
"Do you not want me to get married? If Emmett is around lilies, his face will puff up and he'll be unable to breathe," Rose said, her hands in fists. "Mom, you are trying to sabotage everything."
"No, I'm not," Mrs. Hale said, crossing her arms. "I just want the best for my only daughter. My ungrateful son decided to elope with a harlot."
"Mother!" Jasper growled. "I can't believe you."
"Well, it's the truth," Mrs. Hale sneered at Alice. "My children are marrying far beneath their station."
"Married. Emmett and I are already married," Rose said, her eyes shimmering with tears. "We got married in Cabo."
"What?!" Mrs. Hale screamed.
"It's true," Emmett answered, sliding on his wedding band as Rose did the same. "This wedding is supposed to be about us. Not you. Not your family. Not your need to put your daughter in her place. You don't see Rose when she falls apart, crying that her mother hates her. You belittle everything she does. And it's bullshit."
"Come on, Emmett," Rose sniffled. "We're going with plan B. Bella, are you okay with this?"
"What's this?" Edward asked, whispering in her ear.
"Them having their wedding on my Dad's estate," Bella whispered back. "I'll let my dad know."
Rose looked at her mother and Lindsay, her face composed but the pain clear in her eyes. "Don't even think about trying to talk me out of it. I'm done, Mother. Done. We're all done. We were never your children, just accessories. Don't call. Don't … just don't." Taking Emmett's hand, she strode out of the cathedral. They went back to the hotel, packed their belongings and went to the Rochester airport. A few hours later, they were landing in Florida. Charlie was waiting for them with Sue. A handful of their friends, who were not in the wedding, arrived as well. People who Rose and Emmett loved and respected, who couldn't stand Mr. and Mrs. Hale came with them.
Alice and Bella worked with Sue and Esme, finalizing flower orders while Edward and Jasper worked with Carlisle and Charlie to set up the backyard in Charlie's home for the small intimate wedding that Rose and Emmett wanted. Yes, they were technically married, but not legally. So, with some pull with the local governmental officials, Rose and Emmett got a marriage license and one of Charlie's friends, Paul Lahote, who was a judge, was going to perform the wedding.
Rose and Jasper's phone went off constantly, from phone calls from their parents, aunts, uncles and cousins. After listening to one of the messages, pretty much Mrs. Hale calling Rose and Jasper ungrateful urchins, Edward turned off the phones and went with Jasper to pick up new cell phones, with new numbers for both of them.
All while this was happening, Bella's stomach was still unsettled. She was throwing up and certain smells set her off. Her father's cologne was probably the most offensive. While Edward was out with Jasper, he stopped at a convenience store. "You picking up condoms, Mase?" Jasper asked, chuckling quietly.
"No, but I think that …" Edward whispered as he walked down the aisle and picked up a box. He held it to his chest and paid for it using cash. "Come on. I want to get back. Your sister is getting married and it's a happy occasion."
"As happy as can be considering our mother is a raging bitch and a half," Jasper snorted, angry at his family. "We're fucking orphans, Edward."
"Blood doesn't make you family," Edward said, hugging him. "I consider you a brother, just like I consider Emmett a brother. We're family. Charlie loves you, as does my family. They're arriving tomorrow."
"Really?" Jasper asked. Edward nodded, hopping into Charlie's Land Rover. "That will make Rose happy. She puts up a brave façade, but this whole thing is getting to her."
"I can imagine," Edward said, backing up and driving back to Charlie's house. Parking the car, he looked over at his friend. "Jas … you saw what I bought, right?"
"Do you really think?" Jasper asked. Edward blushed and nodded. "Why are you freaking out? This is a good thing."
"I … I …" he stuttered. "I'm going to talk to Bella and …"
"Good luck, man," Jasper smiled.
They went inside. Edward spoke briefly to Charlie, discovering that Bella was still feeling under the weather. Edward went up to check on her and found her in the bathroom, throwing up again. "Gorgeous," he whispered, crouching down next to her. "This is more than the flu."
"No, I'm fine," she said, sitting back and wiping her face. Edward sat down next to her, taking out the box from the bag. Her eyes widened. "No. I'm on the shot."
"Which you got a week and half late because of your schedule, a week after we'd returned from Cabo," Edward said. "I think you're pregnant. What's the harm in taking the test?"
"I find out that I'm not pregnant and I break your heart," she choked out. "I know you want to be a dad, but what if …?"
"Just take it, love," he said. "Regardless of the results, my feelings for you haven't changed. I will always love you." He stood up, helping Bella to her feet. He kissed her. "Take the test." He ducked out of the bathroom. He sat down on the bed, idly twisting his watch. A few moments later, Bella came out, holding the test and her phone. He arched a brow.
"Timer," she answered. "In three minutes, we'll know if my crazy schedule made us parents." She sat down next to him, balancing the test on his knee and staring at her cell phone count down. The timer went off and she jumped despite watching the screen. She looked at Edward. He kissed her tenderly, flipping over the test that rested on his knee. Clearly, in the digital window, the word 'pregnant' was there. "Pregnant … We're pregnant." Blinking up at Edward, she feared for his reaction. With his past, would this make him run? Would he stay?
Edward closed his eyes, allowing the happiness he felt settle in his bones. Tears welled behind his lids and he looked down at Bella, seeing her fears. "I'm so … Bella … words cannot describe what I'm feeling right now, love," he said, caressing her cheek. "I'm beyond excited. We're going to have a baby!"
"I'm scared," Bella whispered. "I mean, I'm happy. But, what if I'm like my own mother? Or like Mrs. Hale?"
"Bella, you're not. You show more love to a stranger," he said, kissing her forehead and pulling her onto his lap. "Children adore you. Need I remind you about Jake? The kid worships the ground you walk on! Our baby will be so loved."
"Okay," Bella said. "I'm still scared, but I just needed to hear that I wasn't going to suck as a mom."
"Never, gorgeous," Edward smiled, pressing his hand to her tummy. "I love you, Bella … and our little surprise, too."
"I want to keep it quiet, Edward," she murmured.
"Jasper may already suspect. He was with me when I bought the test," Edward blushed.
"That's fine, but this weekend is about Rose and Emmett. Plus, I want to see a doctor, too. Yes, we're both physicians, but you don't have an ultrasound machine in your back pocket," she quipped. Edward chuckled, shaking his head. "I love you, baby. Our child is going to have an amazing father. He or she is already so blessed."
"I hope I live up to the hype," Edward said, his voice catching.
"You already have," Bella murmured, kissing his lips and crawling into the bed. "Now, lay down with me. All of that puking has made me exhausted. We've got a wedding tomorrow and yeah, I need some sleep." Edward nodded and enfolded her into his arms. Though, as he drifted, he wished that it was their wedding that was happening. He wanted nothing more than to be married to the woman who is the mother to his child.
xx SG xx
One Year Later …
"Come on, Lucas," Bella pleaded with her four-month old. "I've changed you, fed you and sang to you. I understand the singing might make you cry, but I need you to stop crying, little man." She gently rocked her son and he kept wailing, his face angry and red, which matched his hair. Lucas Matthew Masen, named for where he was conceived, was a clone of his father, with red hair and shockingly clear emerald eyes. What he inherited from Bella was her stubbornness and colic.
She adjusted him and patted his back, rubbing it soothingly. He screamed against her recently bobbed hair. With having a newborn, the long hair wasn't cutting it, so she chopped it. She missed her hair and Edward's fingers tangling into it while they kissed, but time was at a premium and spending that time blow drying her hair was not her idea of fun.
"Gorgeous?" Edward called.
"In the nursery," Bella responded. "Listen to the wails."
Edward came in, dressed in his scrubs. Lucas turned and reached for his dad. "Buddy," he cooed, scooping him out of Bella's arms. He gurgled and his crying stopped, which triggered Bella's tears. She got up and got ready for her shift at the hospital, trying to keep her emotions calm. As she was packing her bag, Edward came down, his eyes wary. "Bella?"
"I'm just going to go in early," she said. "I couldn't get anything done. I love Lucas, but he doesn't want me."
"Stop, Bella," he said, taking her hand and pulling her into his arms. "Our son adores you."
"But, why can't I get him to stop crying? You walk in and he stops. You're like the fucking baby-whisperer," she sniffled, grasping his scrub top. He cradled her and wanted to make it better. Ever since Lucas's birth, Bella was struggling. She was dealing with post-partum depression and questioning everything about being a mother. Lucas' adoration of his father made her feel even worse, which made Bella jump back into work after her maternity leave. She was on a modified schedule, but she struggled a great deal, balancing work, Lucas and her feelings of inadequacy. "I love you. I'll see you when I get home." She gave him a kiss and ran out of the house.
Edward scrubbed his face, feeling Bella pulling away. He understood her frustrations. He was dealing with them, as well, but Lucas wanted him and pushed away from her. Picking up the phone, he dialed Esme. She'd become a great help during the birth of their son. She came over, along with food. "You look miserable, Edward. Is Lucas okay?"
"Oh, he's fine. Asleep and quiet," he grumbled. "For me." He pinched his nose and tried to keep his own emotions away. "Bella's pushing away from me, Es. I don't know what to do. I love her so much. She gave me everything I ever wanted … a relationship, our son and a deep-connected love. I … can't lose her."
"When was the last time you went out? Just the two of you?" Esme asked.
"The night Lucas was born. I was taking her out to celebrate her article published in the New England Journal of Medicine," Edward said. "As we were eating dessert, her water broke and …" He reached into his pocket and pulled out a box. "I was going to propose to her that night, Esme."
"Shit," Esme said, taking the box and opening it. It was a gorgeous ring in rose gold with a beautiful cushion-cut diamond in the middle. "This is so perfectly Bella."
"I know," he said. "Lucas was born and he had to deal with his respiratory issues and being jaundiced, things … they became all about the baby and this was pushed to the wayside. I don't know if Bella even wants to be with me anymore."
"She does, Edward," Esme said, squeezing his hand. "I can tell you that she's dealing with some pretty significant issues. I can't break a confidence, but I can tell you that you're the only thing she's sure of right now. Her love for you is steadfast, as is her love for Lucas. But, you need to take for each other."
"How? We're working opposite shifts and when we're home together, we're taking care of the baby," he said.
"This is when you call on grandparents, OR godparents," she smirked. "I'm giving you the weekend off, Edward. You need to make this right with your girl. We'll take Lucas and he can spend the weekend with his favorite godparents and cousin. Jake loves the little guy."
"Thank you, Esme," Edward said. "I hope that we can get over this. Our lives have changed so much in such a short amount of time. I love her so much and I want … I want forever with her." Esme smiled, taking his hand and jumping when Lucas began crying again. Edward got up. "I have to …"
"No, I'll take care of him. There's a bed and breakfast nearby. Carlisle and I went there when we reconciled," Esme said, getting up from the couch. "Book a room there. Someplace away from here, away from the stress." She went upstairs and Edward picked up his laptop, opening up a web browser. He found the bed and breakfast, which turned out to be a cluster of chic cabins, that Esme suggested and booked their nicest cabin for the weekend. He also called Rose and Alice, asking for the help. They eagerly agreed and said they'd help with Edward's plan for pampering Bella.
Esme left an hour later, after feeding Lucas and hugging Edward. Edward gave Lucas a bath and lay down with his little man on the bed. "Lucas, we need to have a man-to-man talk. We both love Mommy." Lucas gurgled, giving him a droolly grin. "You love her because she feeds you with your boobies. But, she's not just your food source, Lucas. She gave you life, little man. Mommy is the most important person in our lives. You got to cut her some slack." Lucas giggled, reaching for Edward's face. "I love you, buddy. You and Mommy … you're my world." He kissed his son's hands and cuddled him on his chest. "Sleep, baby boy." He hummed quietly as Lucas fell asleep against Edward's chest. He put Lucas into his crib and finished planning the weekend that would hopefully solidify their happily ever after.
At the hospital, Bella was surprised by Rose and Alice and they drove her to the salon where Bella had chopped off her hair. She was treated to a massage, pedicure and facial. She'd fallen asleep while getting her massage and she'd slept hard. When she was done with her surprise pampering by her friends, they drove her home and Bella steeled herself for dealing with a crying, hysterical child. Opening the door, she was shocked to hear nothing but quiet. Looking near the stairs, she saw a suitcase. Her eyes welled with tears.
Edward was leaving. He's taking Lucas and leaving …
Edward walked in from the garage and saw Bella staring at the bag, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Bella?" he whispered.
"You're leaving me?" she sobbed, looking at him. "I know I'm a mess, but I'll do better."
"What? No!" he said, pulling her into his arms. "I couldn't leave you if I tried." He sank to the ground as she gripped his shirt. "Bella, I'm sorry if you thought that. I know things have been tough with all of the changes."
"I'm trying. I really am," she sniffled. "The meds I'm taking are helping."
"Baby, just breathe," he murmured, pressing his lips to forehead. He cradled her and for the first time since the quake, he felt fear. She was so fragile and the fact she thought he was leaving her definitely made him worried. Her sniffles slowed. "Bella, I think we need to get away."
"But, what about Lucas?" she asked.
"Staying with Aunt Esme and Uncle Carlisle," he said. "We're going away. Just you and me. The last time we did something for the two of us was when you went into labor. You're overwhelmed. So am I. I want to take some time and reconnect as a couple."
"I have to pack," she said, her brow furrowed.
"You're already packed. Come on, love," he smiled, kissing her gently and standing up. "The B&B we're staying at is about two hours away. You can sleep in the car."
"That's all I want to do is sleep," she grumbled.
"I get that. And we'll get rest. As new parents, we knew that our sleep would be at a premium, but with everything else? It's just not enough. I miss girlfriend," he whispered. "I miss holding you. I miss loving you."
"With my stretch marks, saggy boobs and C-section scar?" she snorted.
"All badges of honor for carrying our child, Bella. You're the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen. That has and will never change. You understand?" he quipped. Bella scowled. "Come on, love. We have a weekend away from real life. You, me and the wilderness."
And hopefully, an engagement.
She allowed him to walk her to his SUV. As soon as they were on the highway, Bella was down for the count. He arrived at the B&B, checking them in. He got the keys and drove the cabin, which was small but perfect for what he'd had planned. He carried Bella and placed her on the king-sized bed. She barely stirred and he brought in their luggage. While she slept, he spoke with the owner of the B&B, asking for privacy, only to deliver dinner in the evening and a picnic lunch for the following day. The weather was supposed to be sunny and warm. There was a nearby meadow that Edward wanted to bring Bella, per Esme's suggestion. It was just a mile's hike away from the B&B.
Bella woke up a few hours later, disoriented and confused. Edward assuaged her fears and concerns about Lucas. They'd FaceTimed with Esme and Carlisle, waving at their son. He was happy as a clam, hanging out with Jake and his parents, but he did reach for Bella, which pulled at her heartstrings. After their call, Edward reheated the meal that was brought by the owner. They ate dinner in front of the fireplace, cuddled up with each other.
"Feel better, love?" Edward asked as she finished her coffee.
"Rested, yes," she snorted. "But, I feel pretty foolish about my emotional outburst. I'm usually pretty good about keeping things like that under wraps."
"As much as you hate it when I say it, it's the hormones," Edward snickered. "Your body is still adjusting from giving birth. Plus, going back to work."
"I hate being this disconnected from my emotions," she shrugged. "I hate having to take medications to make me happy. This post-partum depression bullshit sucks. Things have normalized once I got back on the shot, but I … I feel lost, Edward."
"I feel lost, too. I can't help you," he frowned. "And when I do try to help, it makes you more upset, like last night."
"I'm sorry. I was just overwhelmed. You're amazing with Lucas. It's obvious he loves his daddy," Bella said, snuggling closer to Edward.
"He loves you, too," Edward said. "Lucas is an amazing little boy. He's happy and loved. Now? I'm worried about his mom. Is she happy and loved?"
"Happy, no. Loved, yes," she answered. "But, I'm working on the happy. Being here with you, away from the stressors of life is definitely helping with the happy."
"What can I do to help you be happier?" he asked.
She bit her lip, hating that she was feeling selfish. "I need help. With Lucas. A big part of my depression is lack of sleep. Yes, we're working on opposite shifts so we can spend as much time with him and not have a nanny, but when I'm off, it's during the day and he's up."
"We'll get a nanny," he said. "Bella, I know you're against it, but I can see how much this bringing you down."
"I want to raise my own child, but I can barely function," she whispered. "And I want more time with you. I feel like we're two ships, passing in the ocean, Edward. I miss you. I miss us."
"I agree about that. I knew things would change after Lucas' birth, but I never get to see you, hold you, love you," he murmured, leaning his head against her. "I feel so much better just holding you right now. Feeling your body pressed against me." Bella nodded, moving closer. "So, we'll look into getting a nanny for Lucas and consciously make time for each other. No more random ships passing nonsense."
"Agreed," she said. "And time with our friends, too. It was nice to go out with Alice and Rose today, even though I spent most of the morning drooling on a massage table. My muscles are like jelly."
"I can imagine," he chuckled. "Do you think your jelly muscle will be up for a short hike tomorrow?"
"After a good night's sleep, yes," she said, yawning. "I slept all day but I'm still bushed."
"I am, too. I'm looking forward to just sleeping with you," he said, tucking an errant curl behind her ear. "Not sex, just sleep. Though, I miss sex, too."
"I don't feel particularly sexy, Edward. I'm a mom and I've got the mom body to match," she snorted.
"You're still beautiful," Edward murmured. "You'll always will be beautiful." She yawned again and tears leaked out of her eyes. "Come on, gorgeous. You're still tired and I want us to enjoy this hike tomorrow."
"Where are we going?" she asked as she stood up, shaking as she yawned.
"A beautiful meadow, about a mile away," Edward smiled, scooping her up in his arms. "You, me, nature, sun, food, a strategically placed blanket?" He waggled his brows, snickering quietly. Bella blushed, her body yearning for his. "Now? Let's just enjoy the quiet and not being woken up by a screaming, hungry son."
"Or a poopy diaper," Bella giggled. Edward wrinkled his nose, remembering the stink bombs that their child had dropped. "Hey, at least you didn't get pee in your mouth. Lucas has great aim."
"I'm also a guy and I was warned by my dad. I did the same to him," Edward chuckled. "Always keep the penis covered."
"Learned that the hard way," Bella sighed. Edward put her on the bed and she got up, picking up the toiletry bag. "I'm going to change."
"I'll lock up, gorgeous," he smiled. She blushed and ducked into the bathroom. She washed her face and picked up a lacy nightie. She grimaced, but slid the silky fabric over her body and put on some perfume. When she was done, she went into the bedroom. Edward was on the bed, gloriously shirtless. Over his heart, she stared at the new tattoo he'd gotten done. It was a perfect heart, with Lucas's feet, along with his birthday underneath. His body was still toned and it made her feel even dowdier. "Hey, no frowning. You are a vision. You're tempting me to no end."
"Says the man who has a six pack," Bella snorted, poking his flat tummy. "I'm still trying to lose that last twenty pounds of baby weight." Edward growled and pinned her to the bed, his body flush to hers. "Edward …"
"Do not put yourself down, Bella. You're gorgeous. You'll always be gorgeous," he said, staring into her eyes. "I love you." He maneuvered his body and she felt his erection. "I wouldn't be constantly like this if I wasn't attracted to you, Bella. I love you, no matter what. Do you love me?"
"Always," she breathed. "I'm sorry."
"No apologies, love," he said, rolling off her and climbing between the sheets. "I am lucky to have you and Lucas in my life. Nothing will ever change that. I'm yours, Bella. Always and forever." He kissed her, flipping off the lights. Bella snuggled close to him, idly tracing the baby feet over his heart and feeling slightly jealous that Lucas was permanently etched on his skin. Why not her?
xx SG xx
The next morning, Edward woke up completely rested and very happy. Bella was still in his arms. Her head was on his chest, with her hand on his new tattoo. However, that wasn't his only new ink. He'd also gotten a swan on his hip, hiding his old tattoo and marking himself to be hers, forever. He'd planned on showing it to her the night their son was born. Obviously, that didn't happen and with her body image issues and depression, they'd hadn't made love in a long time. He wanted to show her that he was hers, forever.
After she was marked as his … with his ring.
He stayed in bed for a few more minutes, relishing the quiet moments with his girl in his arms. He pressed a kiss to her forehead, getting out of bed and taking a quick shower. He made some coffee and dressed in a pair of jeans, hiking boots and a button-down shirt. While he was checking his email, there was quiet knock at the door. The owner handed Edward the picnic basket he'd requested, along with a blanket and a map to the meadow. He also promised to keep everyone off that path for the day, knowing Edward's plans.
When Bella woke up, they called Carlisle, who was off for the day. They chatted with him and also cooed over their son. He reached for both of his parents on Carlisle's iPad and was a giggly, happy little boy. Bella disappeared into the bathroom and Edward's cell phone went off again.
"Dude, are you popping the question?" Carlisle asked.
"I'm popping the question. Your wife gave me the suggestion to come here and, let's just say, it's been a godsend to be away from real life," Edward chuckled. "Bella and I are really talking."
"Good. That's really good," Carlisle breathed.
"We're getting a nanny for Lucas. Bella is feeling overwhelmed and I don't blame her," Edward said. "We're also going to consciously make time for the two of us."
"I'm happy for you, man. Remember that when you get hitched. Me and my wife helped your male ass," Carlisle snickered. "Blue is our signature color."
"Carlisle, man, when Bella and I get married, it'll be something small, akin to what Rose and Emmett had. Or we're going to elope, like Jasper and Alice," Edward explained. "Now, the shower just stopped. I'm going to spoil my girl this weekend. Hopefully, we'll be engaged by the end of it."
"And the dry spell is over, right?" Carlisle quipped.
"You're an asshole," Edward growled.
"And proud of it! Later!" Carlisle sang.
The call ended and Edward looked in the basket. It was filled with finger foods, a bottle of wine and some water. As he was nosing around in the basket, Bella padded out of the bathroom. She was wearing a pair of jeans, some boots and a long-sleeved Henley shirt. Her chin-length hair was still damp, showing its natural curl. Edward poured some coffee for her, which she happily accepted. "Hmmm, this is good. Cinnamon?"
"I think so," Edward shrugged. "It was in the cupboards. Some specialty house blend."
Bella hummed, sipping the coffee and leaning in his arms. "When are we going on our hike?"
"As soon as you're done with your coffee?" he suggested.
"I need to take my meds," she answered. "With that, I need food."
"I think there's some leftovers from last night," Edward blushed.
"Yum, leftover lasagna for breakfast," she giggled, rooting around in the fridge, but finding some bagels and cream cheese. They ate a quick breakfast and Bella took her medications before they loaded up for their hike. Edward carried the basket and Bella balanced the blanket. Their hike was leisurely, taking most of the morning. They made it to the meadow just before noon. There was a babbling brook along the northern ridge of the meadow, with the Cascade Mountains surrounding them. Bella lay down the blanket while Edward set up the picnic. "This has to be the most idyllic location I've ever seen," Bella breathed, sinking down onto the blanket.
"I was told it was pretty, but that doesn't even begin to describe it," Edward smiled. "Do you want some wine?"
"Meh, not really," she shrugged. "Water sounds really good." He reached into the basket, handing her a bottle of water. "I'm really going to hate going back to reality tomorrow. I've been spoiled by you, Edward."
"That was the whole point for this weekend, love," Edward chuckled. "You needed it. We needed it."
"I agree," she nodded, sipping her water.
"Bella, are you happy? With us? With our relationship?" he asked.
"If you'd asked me a couple of days ago, I would have said no. But, now that we've talked, I'm happier," she answered honestly. "Are you happy?"
"I'm happy, but we're missing something," he whispered. He reached into the basket and palmed the box that held her engagement ring. Tucking it next to his thigh, he guided her over his lap. "I love you, Bella. I've loved you from the moment I held you in my arms during that earth quake."
"I love you, too, Edward," she said, her brows pulled together in confusion. "Though, I don't know what we're missing, other than not enough time for the two of us."
"That's part of it," he murmured. "Bella, I felt how you traced the ink on my chest, Lucas's tattoo. Does that upset you?"
"I guess. A little? Lucas is etched on you, but I'm not," she shrugged.
"But, you are, love," Edward pressed. "I was going to … move please." She frowned, but got off his lap. Edward unbuttoned his jeans and eased them down, along with his boxer briefs to reveal a black tribal swan tattoo that wrapped around his hip. "I got this after we had the gender reveal for Lucas. I knew that I wanted forever with you. The night that Lucas was born? I was going to …" He reached over and held the box in his hand, sliding his pants back up and holding Bella in his lap. "Bella, my Isabella, my love, my life, my everything … I love you more and more each day. You're my best friend, my anchor, my gorgeous swan, mother to my child and the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with. I know our lives have been chaotic, but you make everything worth it." He looked at her, opening up the box and presenting it to her. "I want to share my life with you, in every way. I want the mother of my child to share same last name as us. Isabella Marie Swan, will you marry me?"
Bella was crying, her hands covering her mouth as tears streamed down her face. "Edward …" She blinked down, looking at the massive ring inside the satin box. "I thought … with everything that happened with you … that you … you want to get married?"
"I do," he smirked. "Marry me, Bella. We had a shaky start, but I know my path, our path. It's destined to be together. I want us to walk that path, shaky and rocky as it may be, together."
"Were you going to propose the day I went into labor?" she asked. He blushed and nodded. "Oh, Edward …" She kissed him, pushing him onto the ground. "Yes, baby. Yes, I'll marry you." He smiled against her lips and slid the ring onto her finger. Looking at it together, it sparkled beautifully under the sun. "The ring is gorgeous."
"It pales in comparison to you, love," he said, nuzzling her hair. "Bella, I'd really like to make love to my fiancée." She looked at him, her face turning eighty different shades of red. But, his hooded eyes and heaving chest made it clear that he still desired her.
With a sexy smile, she tossed her shirt off her body. Clothes were hastily removed and strewn all around the meadow. Edward revered her, kissing every inch of her body, practically worshiping the scar where their son had been removed from her. She didn't feel ashamed of herself with Edward's languid, sensual kisses. Her body was on fire, desperate for release. It came when Edward pushed his hardness into her, making her gasp with pleasure. Their bodies moving as one and joining in the most intimate of ways. With pants and whispers, they climaxed together and they shook in ecstasy, Bella breathing, "Edward …"
As they lay in the sun, their bodies covered in sweat and remnants of their lovemaking, Edward kissed her gently. "Thank you for saying yes, Bella," he said.
"Thank you for being patient," she whispered back. The ground rumbled beneath them, making Bella stiffen. "What was that?" Edward eased out of her and they got dressed. The ground shook again and Bella clung to him. "Edward, is that what I think it was?"
"Bella, you agreeing to be my wife was an earth shatteringly amazing moment that the ground wanted to celebrate with us," he said, smirking.
"Really, Edward?" she deadpanned.
"Or, the orgasm we had … it moved mountains," he quipped.
"Don't make me regret saying yes to you," she sighed, shaking her head.
"You love me," he said, cupping her chin and staring into her espresso-colored eyes.
"Yeah, I do," she breathed. "Even despite your really bad puns, Masen. Though, you really did rock my world."
"Shake, rattle and roll, baby. Shake, rattle and roll," he laughed, kissing her again.