Reviews for Dragonfly Dreams
Knit Bit chapter 1 . 8/30
This was such a great read! Thank you so much for sharing! Wow!

Guest chapter 1 . 6/14
Great story idea! This was wonderfully written. I could even see this with several chapters if you ever were so inclined.
Lizzard43 chapter 1 . 3/21/2019
Wow, loved your story. I would love to see more from this couple and maybe a little of what happens if Bella ever runs into her old family.
PLV chapter 1 . 3/20/2019
Hetwaszoietsals chapter 1 . 10/21/2018
Beautiful writing!
it's simply me n you chapter 1 . 6/16/2018
Great story. I read the story behind the story on your blog. Very interesting. You both put a lot of thought into this. It was beautiful watching Bella bloom in her new life
Longing to Write chapter 1 . 5/3/2018
I really enjoyed reading this.
Loveforgreeneyes chapter 1 . 10/13/2017
A truly lovely story. Thank you for sharing.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/13/2017
Interesting story. Thank you for sharing!
nzjojo chapter 1 . 4/27/2017
Wow! What an amazing story. I loved it. You have such a wonderful way of telling a story. Thank you :)
cilie chapter 1 . 1/24/2017
I happened to flip to a channel on tv showing an interview with several of the Duggar daughters and I remembered this story. I found it quickly, but took my time reading it again, and it's as beautiful as the first time I read it. It reads like a poem or a movie in my mind. I love the emotions it gives me, there are parts of it I read over and over because the wording is so amazing.
I'd love to read more about these people, but I know that probably won't ever happen, so I'm thankful for this piece, which may be my favourite piece of fanfiction I've ever come across. Thank you!
Midnight Cougar chapter 1 . 7/28/2016
What a unique and interesting storyline, and beautifully written with so much beautiful imagery. My heart certainly went out to Bella. Loved it...again!
mo kagen chapter 1 . 1/12/2016
Thank you!
SanguineTaurean chapter 1 . 12/10/2015
When I first started reading this story my first thought was of that family on tv (not going to mention the name so no one gets in trouble or flamed). In turn that started me thinking of the Rev. G and how he is so above all that nonsense and a true Christian, a phenomenal man, so kind and wise. I know because I was born and raised in the same city, grew up going to summer retreats in a small mountain town being taught by him and his family, what a true Christian is, not what these fanatics demand. Then I think of another less scrupulous couple who I remember starting in a white tent in the parking lot of an arena whenever there were large crowds going to an event. Somehow that couple grew financially over the years and started a huge religious group and were finally brought down by their greed and blatant tacky opulence. The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away. Or if one doesn't believe in that entity, then Karma reared her head and evened the score or the world righted a wrong. The fact is that the second family I spoke of is still respected, highly regarded, and quite special.

I really like this story and how it all wove together. Bella was able to escape where others may not. She grew emotionally and even spiritually but in a different concept. She found happiness and bloomed with the true meaning of family, respect, and love.
BeneathTheBlackVeil chapter 1 . 11/29/2015
I've been meaning to review this for a very long time. You continue to take my breath away with the way you use words and poetry to craft your stories. Congratulations to you and your husband Max. I just read your blog about this entry...that was really interesting and added to my appreciation of your choice of theme!
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