Reviews for Three's a Crowd?
pinkshoes81 chapter 43 . 5/25
Loved it, thanks for sharing x
JojoJinx chapter 43 . 3/28
Wish Edward proposed with his mum's ring when we already know she loved it and how much it meant to him. Giving her that ring would truly be precious. I wonder if they sort of stayed in contact with Tanya and her husband.
JojoJinx chapter 29 . 3/28
I agree with bella... Violence is never the answer... It doesn't make you strong, tough or macho to thump someone. Restraint takes greater strength. I understand why jake was upset and thoroughly concerned and angry... But all i could think when jake punched him was oh no... He's had too much violence in his life already at a young age.
Also i have a horrible feeling about the reason for his visectomy.
I have two ideas as to why he had it and both are very upsetting.
Guest chapter 43 . 2/15
I enjoyed this much more than I thought I would. In general the idea of man-whore Edward makes me cringe and I rarely enjoy reading those fics. BUT, I did enjoy this...perhaps because while his lifestyle was well known to us his actual sex acts with other women weren't often a part of the story. I enjoyed his emotional journey once he started on it. Plus the smut was pretty fucking hot.
Guest chapter 42 . 2/15
An epidural for his vasectomy? Where do they do that I wonder? I was a procedure nurse for a Urologist when I lived in NY and patients just got local anesthesia for that! I'm really happy he loves her enough to go through with a reversal though!
Guest chapter 39 . 2/15
Congrats to Jake and Seth yes...I had a feeling that was about how his epiphany would go...but I do think with their history it is a tad early to move in together.
Guest chapter 37 . 2/15
Man...I hope that doesn't make him panic.
Guest chapter 35 . 2/15
Knew something like that was coming.
Guest chapter 34 . 2/15
I'm guessing he got propositioned...or some guy who knew he used to share Tanya thought he might share Bella too. Hope we find out!
Guest chapter 32 . 2/15
Oh...can't wait to see this conversation.
Guest chapter 31 . 2/15
That chapter was a surprise...a pleasant one though. I thought he was trying to get her tipsy specifically to loosen her up for a threesome or a swap. Or maybe that was his initial intention?
Guest chapter 30 . 2/15
I'm waiting for the 2 steps back. I'd actually love to see more of his therapy appointments, more emotional growth and transition.
Guest chapter 29 . 2/15
I don't know why she downplayed just how much he hurt her. Whether it was his intention or not doesn't really matter. He admits to knowing she wasn't really like him and wanted more, but continued on with her anyways. He should understand the depth of her feelings and the consequences of any choices he makes.
Guest chapter 28 . 2/15
First...him saying "You're the one that I want." when telling her she shouldn't be comparing herself unfavorably with other, well, yeah she's the one he wants...along with every other woman he can get his dick into. You can't try to convince a woman she's worthy and special to you right after you talk to her about wanting to still fuck other women and having no problem with other men being with her.

Second...she didn't even mention kids. If she knows she wants kids and he has a vasectomy then what is the point of even trying to build that relationship? I mean, I think I get the idea more of why he might have had one now, but is she even thinking about if that's something she can live without?
Guest chapter 27 . 2/15
Wow. So...I know from personal experience that kids who grow up in emotionally neglectful situations like that do indeed often have issues connecting and forming attachments to people. But it also seems like his situation might be like...needing to feel wanted in the only way he knows for sure that he can be and then reject before he can be rejected.
BTW, it's nice to read a Tanya that I actually like.
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