I have to say a HUGE thank you to all of you! I was anticipating
a backlash over the vows. You all, with the exception of one
'guest,' seemed to like them. I am so pleased that you did!

I am sorry to say, that this is the last chapter. I will be sad to
leave them for the time being. (more on that at the bottom)

Thank you, Fran. You are such a wonderful woman, having come
to my rescue all those years ago, and for taking the project on
once again.

I don't own the characters, just the plot.


Chapter 30

The reception was absolutely, without a doubt, the most perfect gift that Esme and Carlisle could have given them. Esme took a leap of faith when she booked the venue. Edward had just texted her from the gala, asking for help to plan a Christmas wedding. She knew immediately, from deep inside, that all would work out. So she called her old friend Russ at ten o'clock that night to pull in every favor he ever owed.

'The Barn' was rustic and beautiful, with a fully functional industrial kitchen, and surprisingly classy restroom facilities. It was one of those venues that could be decorated to look sophisticated and upscale, or be kept simple and homey with the use of more spartan décor. Esme, Alice, and Rosalie managed to embellish it with just the right touches to make it into a simplified, almost bucolic, winter-wonderland.

The ceremony had been held at the Sackrider Church, kitty-corner from Bella's house in Hart's Historic District. The simple building had been moved onto the property from five miles outside of town in 1990, when the county decided to pave the old road it once sat beside, changing the route so that the new one would have run straight through the quaint sanctuary. The Hart Historical Society had bought it for a song, and the three largest construction companies in the county banded together and volunteered their time and equipment to relocate and restore the building to its original luster. The small church could comfortably seat eighty people, and was plenty large enough for the small party that actually attended the event. Between Edward's family, and the few friends that were invited, the guest list for the ceremony was only twenty-three people long.

Not so, the reception. They cast the net a bit wider for that part, without informing either the bride or the groom, and Esme and Carlisle had worried that 'the kids' might not appreciate it. They needn't have worried. The expanded guest list didn't detract from the absolute perfection of the location, décor, or the menu. They served an incredible, home-style Christmas dinner, with roasted turkey and duck, and all of the trimmings that would be expected.

The toasts during dinner ranged from the hilarious (Emmett and Rose) to the poignant (Carlisle and Katy), to the most romantic, swoon-worthy…

"It's been said that love is like a friendship caught on fire," Edward said, holding Bella's hand, and gazing into her lovely face with eyes full of adoration. "I can relate to that sentiment. From the moment you walked into my store, I knew my life was forever changed. I really didn't expect you to agree to eat breakfast with me that morning, but I am eternally grateful you did.

"Bella, you became my best friend so quickly that I didn't have time to digest what it meant to have you in my life. By the time I woke up and realized that I couldn't live another day without your friendship, I was afraid I had blown it. But, there you were, telling me you felt as deeply for me. Then that phone call came, and I got a glimpse of what my life would look like without you.

"It's an extraordinary thing to meet someone who you can bare your soul to and accept you for who you are. I had been waiting, for what seemed like a very long time, to get beyond what I allowed myself to become. With you, I was finally able to begin. So I'd like to propose a toast to my beautiful bride. No measure of time with you will be long enough. But let's start with forever."

Bella's eyes glistened with unshed tears as Edward led her to the dance floor immediately after his toast for their first dance as husband and wife. They danced to From This Moment On by Shania Twain and Bryan White. The lyrics were perfectly fitted to their day and their life together.

Bella rested her head against Edward's shoulder, and wrapped her arms around his waist, forgoing the pretense of dancing well in favor of swaying gently and soaking up the intimacy of being held in her husband's arms. Edward didn't think Bella could really surprise him with her talents and abilities any more but he was wrong as Bella began to sing the lyrics to him softly, with an impeccably pitched, melodic voice to rival the recording. She sang the entire song, bringing him to tears with the sincerity she imbued into her voice.

Everything about their wedding day had been perfect, including the framed picture of Uncle Charlie and Aunt Sue on their own wedding day that Edward had copied and blown up to 20x30 and placed in the front row on the 'Bride's side' of the church. That gesture spoke volumes to her about his understanding of who she was, and what she valued.

Alice had outdone herself with their wedding cake. The flavor profile of the ginger-spice confection with real maple frosting and vanilla bean icing was phenomenal. As they fed each other delicious bites, Bella and Edward gazed into each other's eyes, wordlessly communicating their readiness to leave the lovely reception, and return to what was now their home, to begin their life together.

They were showered with birdseed as they ran outside to the waiting limo. All of their friends and family cheered and shouted their congratulations as the bouquet was tossed. The couple then climbed into the car and rode into their future.



Over the next week I plan to write an Epi/futuretake that
will post as a separate story. It will earn its rating with
citrus. I plan to post it aside because I have always meant
for the main body of this story to maintain the purity of
the relationship between them. Now that they are wed,
all bets are off! ;)
So, if you are interested in reading a bit more about their
life together, put me on your author alerts.

Thank you all for reading and sharing your thoughts with
me … I appreciate every review. I hope you all have a
Merry Christmas (if you celebrate) and a happy New Year!