Disc: For this and all following chapters: The Stephanie Plum Universe with all Characters belongs to Janet Evanovich. I´m just playing. The idea and all Characters you don´t recognize belong to me.
Author Notes:
I want to say Thank you to Kayly Silverstrom who inspired me with her Masterpiece " When a Lioness Fights" to this Story.
Another Thanks goes to every other Author, may they write Fanfiction or for a living, for wonderful hours of escaping reality.
A big Thanks to David Rio Chai Latte Tea, that kept me going.
And last but not least THANK YOU Margaret Fowler, my beta reader, for boosting up my ego after every chapter and in between.
UPDATE May 16, 2016 To all readers of Almost Lover I have Deleted AL. I´m sorry to say that but after very long consideration I have decided to take AL down. For reasons unknown to myself I´m unable to write any further, so I accepted that. Maybe now after I stopped preasurring myself the muse returns, who knows... Thank you all for your love and support.
The same applys to the Betrayal "Series". It is finished as it is and I´m happy with it.
Now I will go write something new.
All my Love,
This Fan Fiction is called Betrayal for a reason.
The Characters of Ranger, The Merry Man and Stephanie are in for a rough ride.
It is a Drama, a Tragedy, Suspense and even Angst and Hurt/Comfort.
And a little Romance, because I do love HEA´s and I am a BABE!
If you read this keep in mind:
Black is not always Black; but White in disguise.
And vice versa!
And the Author loves her twists and turns and she likes to lead you astray and to surprise you.
Chapter 1
Stephanie's PoV
October 14, 2011 0530 hours
Trenton, NJ
Today is going to be the best day of my life.
Today three years of hard work will finally pay off.
My name is Stephanie Michelle Plum and I´m supposed to be a Bond Enforcement Agent.
I´m sure you heard about my misadventures.
Exploded cars, firebombed apartment, dead bodies on my couch, apprehensions covered in garbage, snakes in my closet, burned down funeral homes, well I´m sure you remember all.
But not all in my life is as bad as it sounds.
I have a crazy and loving family by blood.
I have a scary and loving family by choice.
I have unique friends.
And I have Batman.
Today is going to be the worst day of my life.
Today three years of hard work will bring nothing but despair.
My name is Stephanie Michelle Plum and I´m a FBI Special Agent.
I´m sure you never heard about me.
But not all in my life is as good as it sounds.
Besides my grandma and my nieces I have no family that is worth mentioning.
I have a scary and loving family by choice.
I have unique friends.
I have Batman.
And today I will lose EVERYTHING.