Well, that's it!

I know a lot of you will be disappointed that there was no confrontation with the Volturi, that things seemed to just fizzle out to mundane and normal, but I always thought it was very unlikely that the Volturi would gather their guard, and witnesses and travel all the way to Washington just to turn around and leave!

The BD2 film answered that very nicely in my mind, but more to the point it showed the losses the Cullen's would have had to endure if it had come to a fight. I love them all too much to risk them in a battle that even with my enhanced Bella they could not win.

Now to the personal. When I started posting I attempted to answer every single review, however that soon got away from me and I was only answering the odd ones, and then none at all. I have no excuses that would justify the neglect of all you wonderful people who took the time to encourage me in my story and would wish I had had the time to answer you all!

I just want to say a big thank you to everyone who made the effort to let me know how much they liked/disagreed with, where my story was going. As an author I can only feel grateful that so many took the time to post, and so many of you were complimentary too!

Huge thanks once again