Author has written 14 stories for Harry Potter, Justice League, Batman, CSI: Miami, NCIS, CSI: New York, and Numb3rs. Hi there! This is Ame, aka Amejisuto from Insane and Live Journal. I write a lot of fanfiction, mostly slash, and mostly in the Buffy fandom. I'm not going to stick any of that stuff up here, at least none of my finished works. For one thing due to violence and sex they're a bit too adult for this forum, and well for another thing I'm lazy. Well! Thrill Me is fifty five chapters! It would take me days to put that up. While I will be putting some stuff up here that's safe for, well, anyone over 13, if you want to read that stuff go to my site. http:/// Let's see, more about me. I'm 34 years old, and I live in West Virgina. I read loads of loads of stuff and thought I'd make sure this account was up and running so I could track some of my favorite stories here. Okay, so I signed up last year and forgot about it until now. Ooops. My favorites are Spike/Xander, Jim/Blair, Duo/Wufei, Harry/Draco and or Harry/Severus, Bruce/Wally, Ares/Joxer and well, quiet a few others. I'll read just about any slash in Buffydom, love long drawn out stories and have found that I'll read just about any pairing if it's got a Manipulative!Dumbledore being taken down. Even though I don't really like Ginny. Go figure. So yeah, that's me. If you want to find out more visit my Insane Journal. http:/// |