"I'll miss working with you, Coop," Tim said, as his trainer of the last few months began packing a bag with the personal items he'd collected since he joined Gibbs' team. He had finally been assigned to a team, one which would begin working together the next week. Mel would be leaving the MCRT later in the month to join her new team as well. Both of the new teams would be stationed at the Navy Yard, in a newly renovated office down the hall.

"I'm glad you decided to stick it out, Tim."

He sighed and sat on the edge of his desk. "It was difficult at first, I'll admit. I had formed an image of Tony and kind of got it stuck in my head. I've seen a different side of him since I got back to the team."

"He's a damn good agent," Darius replied. "I've learned a lot from him."

"Yes...yes he is," Tim said, surprising himself in that he truly believed that. "Sometimes I miss the...other Tony...but this one...I see now why Gibbs keeps him on his team. And I'm thankful I'm still a part of it."

"Just make sure you don't forget," Cooper said, holding out his hand. The two men shook.

"I won't, believe me. I'm not going to blow my second chance."

"Darius! Glad I caught you," Tony said as he joined the two men. "Do either of you have plans tonight?"

"Nothing I can't change with a quick call to the wife," Cooper said. Tim shook his head no.

"Good, good. Everyone is meeting at Venegoni's in an hour. My treat. Darius, when you call your wife, invite her along."

"What's the occasion?" Cooper asked.

"Just a last meal together as an expanded team," Tony said, shrugging.

"Sounds good to me."

Tim nodded. "It has been a long time since we've been to Venegoni's as a team," he commented.

"It's been a long time since it felt like we've been a team," Tony remarked.

"And now?" Tim asked.

"Now, I know that I have teammates who will have my six. And they know that I'll have their's."

"I've always known that, Tony," Tim admitted. "I'm the one that didn't do my job. And I promise that it will not ever happen again."

"That's all I need to know," Tony told him. "So, Italian food, here we come!" he declared, rubbing his hands together, as the rest of the team, plus Abby, Ducky and Palmer joined them. DiNozzo herded them all into the elevator. Gibbs met them in the garage and the friends all headed off.