Reviews for The Angels of Power
Beckett chapter 10 . 7/29
Thought hannah and Susan were Hufflepuffs
DaveC chapter 19 . 4/20
This story really got to me, I sit here with tears in my eye but i guess i shouldn’t have drunk a whole bottle of wine, well done doos tale looking forward to more.

Thank you
aries12345251 chapter 1 . 1/23
yack its slash so dropped
gginsc chapter 19 . 1/22
Rather nice for an over powered Harry Potter story.
mumphie chapter 19 . 11/4/2019
This was a good story. Some things/parts might have been a tad rough, but a good story nonetheless.
mumphie chapter 17 . 11/4/2019
Okay - I wondered about your hint and Cedric was his love...Nope, can't see it. You didn't have any build up, nor angst about his death - and that he'd never have anyone else.
What Harry wants most in this world is a family of his own, and he cannot do that alone. And then he chooses a loveless marriage with someone with whom he barely knows. Somehow at 17, I think he has some time to find the right person.
mumphie chapter 11 . 11/4/2019
Why didn't Draco strike his father off the Malfoy family tree? Then HIS magic would have been lessened.
Percy STILL should be arrested for his part in Sirius' death, magic or not.
And they should poo-poo the magical-less Weasleys. They know what damage muggles can do.
mumphie chapter 10 . 11/4/2019
I was wondering when someone would say something about Harry not being a half blood. Why no one say something to the Weasleys?
Why didn't the teachers check all the students for the dark mark? Death eaters come from all houses.
mumphie chapter 9 . 11/4/2019
Harry's former love died? Who was it?
mumphie chapter 1 . 11/3/2019
You JUST had to kill of Sirius...sigh.
HarryPotterFangirl85 chapter 19 . 9/11/2019
Okay. I enjoyed the story overall. I feel like Harry forgave the Weasleys a tad too easily, but I understand him not wallowing in it. You call Draco, Draco Malfoy, more than once in this last chapter/epilogue, when he was adopted into the Potter family. I don’t recall seeing mention of Dudley in the epilogue, but he did only appear sporadically in the story. I found it strange to have Harry’s lost love to be Cedric, that just seemed to be thrown in there completely out of the blue, there wasn’t even a flashback to allude to a prior romantic relationship. His relation to Morgan Le Fey seemed to come out of nowhere too.

I know this review seems like it’s full of complaints, but I just had to get all that out of my system. I did like your overall story and I have yet to stumble on another one with this same type of concept.
HarryPotterFangirl85 chapter 11 . 9/10/2019
So far no more mention of Dudley...
HarryPotterFangirl85 chapter 8 . 9/10/2019
The Weasleys keep harping about Harry being a halfblood and his mother’s will told him he was a pureblood. Are they trying to keep that a secret? Why aren’t they being corrected?
HarryPotterFangirl85 chapter 7 . 9/10/2019
You know, I thought your notes said at the beginning that all the Weasleys were bad in this, so imagine my surprise when Charlie claims to be apart from his family, but I guess we will see. I certainly hope he doesn’t intend to screw them over later in some subplot that’s going on.
AtlanteanPhoenix chapter 2 . 7/29/2019
great story!
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