Epilogue—Part 2

AN: I didn't realize that there were folks out there who didn't see the Tony/Gibbs father/son connection. But, for me, it comes from the fact Tony didn't have the best father. The difference in age between the two men, Gibbs would have been about 17 when Tony was born. (If you go with Mark Harmon's age.) And the special privileges Tony gets that the rest of the team does not. (Tony being able to stay at Gibbs' whenever he needs to.) Also, thanks to all the people who have alerted, followed and favorite. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Agents David and McGee were put on suspension. There cases were to be 'reviewed.' . Meanwhile, Gibbs was watching Tony get into his car and drive away. Gibbs wanted to go with Tony. He had even considered making Tony wait while he packed his own bag. They could both set off for 'parts unknown.' But, ultimately, Gibbs had to let Tony go. Tony really needed to time think, and he was needed back at NCIS for damage control. He sighed, got back into his car and headed for the office.

When Gibbs got back to the office, Ziva and Tim were nowhere in sight. He breathed a sigh of relief, unsure he was ready, willing, or able to go another round with the two of them. But what he had to do next was going to be just as difficult. He had to tell Abby, Ducky, and Jimmy the news before they found out through the NCIS rumor mill. He sighed and headed downstairs. Gibbs called them all into the lab. He told them all he knew, every detail. By the time he was finished he could see the disappointment and the hurt on each of their faces.

"How is the dear boy? How is Anthony doing?" Ducky asked.

Gibbs sighed. "He's…he's hurt, Duck. He's hurt, and he's angry."

Gibbs admission surprised them all. Gibbs was not one who discussed or admitted feelings. So, that meant, to them all, that Tony was in a lot of pain.

"Where is he?" Abby asked.

"He's gone. He needed some time away." Gibbs replied.

"And you let him go?" Jimmy asked. He was suddenly embarrassed and quiet when he realized what he had said and who he had said it to.

Gibbs nodded. "He needed it, Jimmy. And it's okay."

"But, he's gonna blame himself for all this." Abby stated. "He doesn't need to be alone when he gets like that."

Gibbs nodded. He knew what Abby was saying was true. But he also knew how important it was to give Tony his space. And besides, Gibbs was only going to give him so much space and so much time. If Tony was not back when Gibbs thought he should be Gibbs would just go looking for him.


Tony was gone for two days. He went to Virginia Beach and spent most of his day on the beach. He saw the sun rise and the sun set. He, for once, was not blaming himself for what went on. He knew he and both Tim and Ziva had had rough patches in their relationships in the past. But there was nothing he could have done that would have warranted this. Feeling better, he packed up and headed back home.

A knock came to his door two hours after he returned, fully expecting it to be Gibbs he hurried to the door and opened it. He and Tim stood staring at one another. There was a moment of awkward silence.

"You are the last person I expected to see." Tony admitted.

Tim nodded. He shifted the pizza and beer he had in his hands. "Can I came in?"

"No, Agent McGee, you wouldn't be staying that long." Tony said, blocking his doorway and Tim's view into his apartment.

"Tony, I…." Tim started.

"You know…when you first came to NCIS you were timid, scared of everybody. You were terrified of Gibbs. I joked with you, to give you confidence, to help you…deal with things. You couldn't have survived Gibbs' style of teaching, so we agreed I would take over. I would teach you to do the job and he would make sure I was doing it right. I kept teasing, because you were…an easy target, and because you didn't seem 'bothered' by it. But you hid your real feelings very well, McGee." Tony sighed. "I just had no idea you would resent me and hate me so much for it."

"I don't hate you, Tony." Tim didn't know a lot of what Tony had just said. He had a little better understanding of Tony now.

"Okay," Tony conceded. "…maybe not 'hate.' But you do resent me. You don't understand why I don't have my own team. You don't understand how I could be content where I am in my job."

Tim nodded. That was absolutely true.

"It's simple. I want to be the one in the field. I don't want to be the one who has to shuffle papers all day. I don't want to have to deal with the bureaucratic bullshit. I don't want all that. The job I have makes me happy, McGee. The work I do right now, it…I make enough money. I live in a great apartment and I have, well, had a good life, up until a couple of days ago." Tony explained.

Tim nodded. "Vance put Ziva and I on suspension."

Tony shook his head. "I didn't and I won't make any recommendations. And I won't speak on your behalf. What you did…you know it was wrong. You broke protocol, you ignored procedure and it could have cost me my life. I can't forgive you for that. I could never go out in the field again with you. I would always be wondering…. I can't trust you, Agent McGee. I don't ask a lot from my partners, but the first thing, number one on my list, is that I can trust them."

Tim had learned a lot about Tony and, right now, he was at a loss for words.

"I suggest you go home and eat your food before it gets cold." Tony said as he closed his door.


A few hours later there was another knock, Tony was sure this was Gibbs. He again rushed to open the door.

"Oh, Agent David…." Tony said, standing, blocking his doorway the same as he had with Tim.

Ziva just looked at him for a moment. His use of her title jarred her a little. But, he looked tanned, relaxed, and seemed to be willing to talk with her.

"May I…?"

"No." Tony replied quickly. "Whatever you have to say to me can be said out here." Tony replied, speaking of his hallway.

"We should eat before the food gets cold." Ziva replied, talking about the bag of Chinese food she was carrying.

"You'll make it home in plenty of time, Agent David." Tony assured her.

"I may no longer be an agent…."

Tony nodded. "You were suspended. Yes, I heard, your partner-in-crime was here, earlier."

She had no idea Tim had planned a visit also. "You did not get injured, Tony…." Ziva started.

"So…what? It's only a crime if you get caught? That's faulty logic for a criminal, Agent David. For a federal agent, it's deadly." Tony shook his head. "You just don't get it. Daddy-Dearest has been messing with your head for too long." Tony started to close the door.

"I'm sorry."

Tony stopped and looked at her. "Maybe you are, maybe you truly are. But I can't take that chance. I can't trust you, David. I can't trust you and there is nothing you can say or do to change that." Tony paused. "You should go now." Tony said as he closed his door.


Tim put his hand to his face in surprise. He had not expected Abby to slap him. He had delayed coming to see her, knowing how close she and Tony were. He stood in front of her now, staring into her angry and disappointed face.

"Abby?" Tim managed.

"Gibbs told us everything! He…How could you! Does partner not mean anything to you?" Abby asked pacing. "What did Gibbs teach you? What did Tony teach you? You look out for your partner!"

Tim was still too dazed to respond.

"Rule number , Tim, the first one, never screw over your partner." Abby replied, ranting. "It's a really simple sentence, no long words to have to look up." She glared at him. "Do you need me to explain it to you!?" She challenged.

Tim shook his head, almost afraid to speak. "Abby, I…we…."

Abby shook her head. "Don't try to justify what you did! The only reason I am still talking to you right now is that Tony's okay!"

"If Tony…it was a joke." Tim stammered.

"There is no 'if Tony' because he would have never even ENTERTAINED the idea of doing that to you. It would never have even crossed his mind." Abby paused. "And if that was a joke, you and Agent David have a very vicious, distorted sense of humor."

"Abby, I…."

Abby shook her head. "Go, I'm sure you've been away from Cyberville too long already."

Tim turned to leave.

"Timmy..." Abby sighed. "...I am going to try…really hard…to forgive you. But, I'm not making any promises."

Tim didn't turn. He just nodded and left.


"How may I help you, Agent David?" Ducky asked Ziva when she entered Autopsy.

Ziva could tell, but the look on his face that he was aware of what had happened. And the use of her title did not go unnoticed.

"Ducky, I…I do not know what to say." Ziva had wanted to try to explain herself to justify her actions. But looking at the old Scotsman's wizened face, all her arguments fell flat.

"I have a great deal of respect for honesty, Agent David." Ducky replied. "I do appreciate you coming to me, and not trying to justify something that was unjustifiable. I would not tolerate that from you, or anyone else." Ducky replied. "Yours and Timothy's actions were inexcusable."

Ziva nodded.

"Have you spoken to Anthony?"

Ziva nodded again. "He will not forgive me."

"Do you really think he should?" Ducky asked, not hiding his disappointment.

"I think he should allow me to prove myself."

"This is not a minor incident." Ducky explained. "The two of you left Anthony without backup. He would have died if anything had gone wrong. You would not have heard his distress call or have been able to rush to his aid."

"I am sorry." Ziva said sincerely.

"My forgiveness is easy, my dear. I'm not the one you wronged." Ducky said, he then returned to his work.


Abby was not a women prone to violence, but she had just delivered her second slap of the day. Ziva stood, stunned. She just stared at Abby.

"THAT…is for leaving Tony without backup." Abby explained.

Ziva opened her mouth to speak, after the sting from the slap went away.

"No! There is nothing you can say to justify what you did." Abby said as she paced the room. "You…I don't understand you, Ziva. I don't get it. Why? Why would you do that?"

"It was supposed to be a joke." Ziva stated.

Abby stopped. "A joke…that is what Gibbs said you told him. That's how he said you tried to…justify it all." Abby stopped and glared at Ziva. "Jokes last minutes…not hours. When it gets to hours, Ziva, jokes turn into intentions! Two hours without backup screams 'intention' to me, Ziva. Did you…?"

Ziva shook her head. She had not thought about all of what Abby was saying. She had had no 'intention.' "No, Abby! No!"

"I don't like seeing the people I care about hurt." Abby stated. "I've known Tony for a long time. I consider him my best friend. He's…I'm gonna try and get past this, Ziva. I really am. But you should know it is ONLY because Tony didn't get hurt out there. That is the ONLY reason. I want to make sure you realize that."

Ziva nodded. "I appreciate that. And I am sorry."

"I'm not the one who deserves your apology." Abby replied.


Tim was cautious as he entered Autopsy, he didn't know how Ducky would react. But, at least, he knew Ducky wouldn't slap him.

"Ah, Timothy." Ducky said when he saw Tim. "How is CyberCrime?"

"It's okay." Tim replied. It had only been a few days, but he missed Team Gibbs.

"You have spoken to Anthony?" Ducky tone reflecting his disappointment.

Tim nodded. "Briefly, outside his door."

Ducky waited for him to continue, feeling he had more to say.

"He wouldn't…he doesn't trust me."

"Should he?" Ducky asked.

Tim shook his head, looking miserable. "I've tried to put myself in his place, Ducky. But I can't. Tony would never have done what I did. He wouldn't even have thought about it."

Ducky nodded.

"I want his forgiveness. But I have no right asking for it." Tim shook his head. "I know that, what I did was inexcusable."

"Anthony has a big heart. Maybe he'll…."

Tim nodded. "I can always hope."


Tim had been reassigned to CyberCrime almost immediately. Ziva was going back through the agencies training program. She was going to be re-evaluated in every respect before she is reassigned. And like Gibbs said, he was leaving the whole thing up to Director Vance. He would have sole discretion on her fate.


"Those few days away did you some good." Gibbs observed of Tony.

Tony nodded as he took the bourbon Gibbs had poured for him.

"Did Abby really slap Ziva?" Tony asked as he sipped.

"Tim, too." Gibbs stated.

"Really! I would never…she really likes McGee." Tony said, shaking his head.

"She likes you all. But, she was angry." Gibbs stated. "She'll forgive them, eventually?" Gibbs looked at Tony. "Will you?"

Tony thought before he spoke. "The forgiveness is the easy part. And yes, eventually, I will."