A/N thanks to Nacole for going through this and I had so much fun writing it.


Tony turned and stared at his two teammates. "The director would do what is best for the agents at NCIS. I don't think he'll appreciate anyone disobeying orders. If it's done once the next time it could mean someone's life. I'm going to write the two of you up. Go and do what I've ordered, don't make things worse." With that, he started to type.

Ziva looked at McGee and nodded at the elevator. He followed close behind. "Let's see if Gibbs is still down with Abby. We can make it seem as if Tony is unreasonable."

"That's a great idea; Gibbs will understand and agree with us."


Gibbs stood there and nearly groaned as soon as the elevator door opened there stood Ziva and McGee.

"Gibbs, we're glad we caught you." She smiled at him. "We have a problem."

"And that is?" He knew what name was going to come out of their mouths.

"It's Tony, he's being unreasonable," McGee added.

"How exactly is that?"

"He's afraid we'll solve the case, so he's sent us out on a wild..." She couldn't even remember the stupid American phrase.

"Goose chase," McGee whispered.

"Yes that, he is sending us out on something that makes no sense."

"If DiNozzo sent you out why are you still here?"

"Well, we thought–."

"You thought what McGee." Gibbs looked at the two of them. "Well?" When no answer came.

"We didn't want to waste time?" She pouted.

"Like talking to me when you've been ordered by my Second in command to do something?"

"We'll get going," McGee muttered and dragged Ziva away.


Once they were back in the director's office, Nathan turned to Vance. "Don't let anyone know we heard that."

"When you get Tony's report you can deal with it. You will also be able to see how it plays out. It's best not to give too much away."

"I agree. What I will do is put a separate report in their files with everything we witnessed. Could you please write up what you saw? If they push this, I want to make sure there is no way out."

"Of course I will. I'm disgusted with how they treated him." Vance knew that there would be problems. He'd already received messages from Admiral McGee and Director David, about how their children were being held back. There was no doubt in his mind that they would contact him after this. It was Gibbs job to keep an eye on his team, how had it gotten this bad?


Gibbs walked to his desk and sat down. He looked over at Tony who was concentrating on the file in front of him. He loaded up his computer and checked his email. There was one with two files. It had the subject of agents written up. He knew it was something like this when McGee and Ziva ambushed him. He read through the paperwork. He then started to type up his own on what had just happened. Once he was happy he sent them all onto Vance those two had a chance, they'd be warned and instead of listening they decided to not try and change. It was now past what he could do. Vance would deal with them more severe by than he could.

"Where do you think they got this attitude from?"

Tony looked up. "Where do you think they go it from? It was you." He then went back to work.

Gibbs just stared at him there wasn't anything he could say. Had he really been that bad? Why had Tony spent so long with him He wanted to ask, but the words wouldn't come.


Fargo picked up his cell and pressed speed dial 1. "Dr Stark, I found out the information you required. Yes, of course. We received an application from a Timothy McGee. He never passed through the initial look through, for a lot of places he would be good enough to get a job. He didn't have the requirements that you requested. Yes, sir, I'll email it straight away to you."


Nathan smiled as he opened his hotel room door. He could see the frustration on the other man's face. "Come in and let me get you a drink."

"I should've just called and cancelled. I'm not great company, and I'm not in the mood to pretend."

"Tony, I don't want you to pretend or feel the need to entertain me we're... friends, and I'm happy just to be here. I would like to help though."

"Thank you, Nathan, I appreciate it. I don't know what to say."

"'The director and I saw what happened when they ignored your order."

"You did?"

"Yes, he's writing his own report. I wrote my statement. There is no way they'd be able to talk themselves out of it."

"I should be glad, but I'm just tired of it."

"I was a bit wary of bringing this up. I always thought you were so happy here."

"I have my moments I think I've been lying to myself for so long I've started to believe it. Then something like this would happen, and this vicious circle just keeps repeating."

"I need a head of security where I work. I can't give you any more information until you sign a lot of paperwork and as much as I hate the fact, but you and Carter would get on well."

"You don't get on?"

"We clash; our jobs put us at opposite ends at times. When we first met, I wanted my ex-wife back, and he was attracted to her."

"And now?"

"I thought I was meant to still be in love with her. I acted the way I thought I should. It didn't take long to realise that I loved her like a friend. We should never have got together in the first place. Now, I think Carter and I enjoy these arguments. He's not book smart, but just like he has an investigative intelligence. l won't lie to you; I think we could have something special. If there is nothing but friendship, I still believe you would be perfect for the job."

Tony took his drink and looked outside, they view from this window was terrific. He thought about starting somewhere new, a possible relationship with Nathan. "I'll sign them. I'd love to hear about this job offer." He turned and smiled, he felt as if he could breathe a little easier.

"I'll get them delivered here as soon as possible." Nathan smiled.


"Jethro, this is a surprise please come in." Ducky opened his front door more and let his old friend in. "Let's go and sit down, and you can tell me why you're here."

Gibbs walked in, headed to the lounge and set down. "I... can you give me an honest answer."

"Of course, what is it you wish to ask?"

"The way McGee and Ziva treat Tony, is it my fault?"

Ducky took a deep breath, "yes and no."

"What do you mean by that?"

"You never intentionally set out to do this. If you were aware, it was happening you would've stopped it, just like you've done now. However, you did give Tony a harder time than everyone else. You never stopped them when they started, and it looked like you agreed with them."

"Why didn't Tony say anything?"

"It was the same from his point of view. You respected him to a point, but at times laughed along. He could see that saying anything would cause more problems for him."

"What am I going to do?"

"You could try talking to Tony."

"And say what Ducky that I was too blind to see what was going on in my own team?"

"Honesty would be the best and only way to deal with Tony." Ducky paused. "I wouldn't go with your brutal honesty, which may backfire. Do take responsibility and ask him what he needs you, but only ask him if you want to change. Anthony has been through enough with this team and doesn't deserve to be lied too."

"Thanks, Ducky, I have a lot to think about."

"He has a brilliant mind, trustworthy and utterly reliable, make sure he knows that."

"I know that he's all of those things and so much more. I thought he knew and believed it."

"His confidence takes a lot of hits. I'm not sure what he believes anymore Jethro."

"Goodnight Ducky." He had a lot to think about and no idea what to say. Gibbs didn't want to make things worse.


Vance looked up as McGee and Ziva walked in smirks on their faces. When he'd come in there had been messages from Admiral McGee and Director David. It sickened him that they thought they were better and more important than anyone else. Their fathers' believed he could be threatened or blackmailed into helping their child. It made them more determined to go through with things. It had been good for them that disobeyed a direct order like, that, and with the other complaints, there wasn't anything else he could do.

"You wanted to see us, Director Vance." McGee smiled at him.

"Yes, I did. I received a report from Agent DiNozzo informing me that you disobeyed a direct order from him."

"It was not like that–."

"Do I look like I want excuses?"

"No, sir." They both replied.

"Agent Gibbs also sent a report of what happened when you went to see him."

"There's also_."

"Tony has lied there he is jealous and made things up." Ziva cockily added.

"There is also a report from myself and a statement from Dr Stark, we both saw you disobey the order. Which means there were two witnesses."

"Dr Stark was there?" McGee squeaked.

"Yes, and he wasn't impressed. You are both on report, and it has been entered into your file. There have been other complaints, so it already adds up. If you treat another agent with disrespect, if you disobey orders, you will be no longer be NCIS agents. The fact your fathers both called has made things worse for you. You may of course appeal, but I should let you know SecNav has already seen everything and not only knows but agrees with the outcome. You're dismissed." Vance continued to write and looked up when neither of them moved "that means you both leave now."

"Yes, sir." They both turned and left his office.

Vance knew this wouldn't be the last he'd heard about this


Nathan frowned as someone knocked at his door. He wasn't expecting anyone. He walked over and looked through the peephole and sighed. Finally, he opened the door. "What can I do for you Agent David?"

'May I come in? I wish to speak to you, privately."

"I'm expecting an urgent call."

"What I have to say to you is very important Nathan" She smiled flirtatiously.

He walked away, turned and stared at her coldly. "It's Dr Stark and I–."

"I think you should contact my father." Ziva blurted out. This was not going as planned. He should've invited her in, been easily seduced. He was a scientist, boring; a man like him must not get out much. He became friends with Tony it's clear that Nathan Stark was in desperate need of companionship, no matter how good looking he was.

"Who is your father? Why would I need to contact him?" There was something strange going on. "Wait. I'm sorry for being so rude. Let me just grab my cell so I have it at hand for my call and we can talk."

Ziva's smile grew this was much better. If she had her way, he'd miss that call because they would be in the bedroom. She looked forward to telling McGee that she'd had sex with his idol. "Of course, I wouldn't want you to miss it."

Nathan walked to his bedroom. He was so glad he had a suite. He picked up his cell and opened the dictation program he used, pressed record and walked back into the other room. He set down his cell where Ziva couldn't see it. This particular program wasn't available and was able to pick up voices clearly from a distance. He tended to walk around when he dictated and had no problems. "So, you wish me to contact your father?"

"Yes, he's the director of Mossad and very powerful. He has operatives all over the world and would be able to get any kind of information you need. It would be a productive partnership."

"And what would he need from me in this 'productive partnership'?" Nathan was sure that she was still working for them. He would pass this on to Tony and NCIS.

"He might ask you to create something for him or just to pass on details of certain future projects, nothing much. We could also spend more time together." Ziva leaned forward to kiss him.

It became clear that she believed she had or was about to seduce him into doing anything she wanted. Ziva was really bad at this if she thought that a few simple words and a poor attempt at flirting would have seduced him. There was no finesse it was just a clumsy frontal assault. As he was about to pull back, his cell rang. He might have to be a little nicer to Fargo for being a man who called when he promised: "I need to get that." She didn't move "It's a private conversation. Thank you for coming by and talking to me."

"I hope we can talk again soon." Ziva frowned as she was pushed out of the room.

Nathan locked the door and headed into the bedroom as his cell rang again. He stopped the recording and answered it. "Fargo, I'll call you back I need to make another call." He ended it and dialled. "Tony, Agent David turned up at my door."


Vance sat at his desk and listened to the recording. Agent DiNozzo had called him stating he believed that there could be a problem with security. He'd already had doubts after those phone calls from Eli. Ziva was up to something, and she definitely needed to be investigated. He wasted no time to get it started.


Nathan finally had finished his call with Fargo when there was a knock at her door. "Please don't tell me she's back." He muttered as he walked over to see who it was. When he glanced through the peephole, it was Tim McGee, the agent that seemed to have a crush on him. His ego didn't match his skill. He reluctantly opened the door just in case this was going to be something else he could pass on to Tony. Nathan doubled it, but would see "Agent McGee what can I do for you?"

"Well, I thought we could talk to Dr Stark. We haven't had a chance with Tony always forcing you to be with him."

Nathan didn't remember any forcing going on. Tony was the only person he wanted to spend time with. "I don't have long."

"You're a very busy man I understand that. I thought we might discuss working together. I know how hard it has to be spending time with Tony. It wears me down, he's not on the same level intellectually as me, it must be a lot more difficult for you. He's such an idiot."

"How dare you talk about Tony like that, it's disgusting."

"I don't understand, it's just Tony, but uh, let's move on to working together. I know that you wanted to work with me before but–."

"Wait, how do you know that I wanted to work with you?"

''Well I'd already said yes to NCIS when the letter came saying I hadn't gotten the position. You naturally found out I had agreed to work elsewhere."

"Has this happened before?"

"Yes, I was told by a couple of other places when I asked about it."

Nathan believed they told Tim these things to make him shut up and leave them alone. He was tempted to do so but seeing how that fed into his arrogance he wasn't going to. "I don't know about those other jobs, but you weren't going to be offered one with me."

"I wasn't, I don't understand."

"As soon as your application was received and looked through it went on the rejected pile. You never made it past the initial."


"You are obviously talented, and many companies would love to have you. We look worldwide, and in comparison, you aren't in the same league as those we hire."

"Tony made you say that," Tim argued.

"Are you calling me a liar?"

"No, no of course not, why do you like Tony? He only has a degree in physical education."

"Do you honestly think people are only smart if they think like you?"

"Well, I..." McGee's didn't know what to say.

"Tony's mind is a work of art. The way he reads people, places. I was amazed at a sample crime scene. Then there's the way he thinks outside the box and puts clues together. I like who he is as a person. I enjoy talking with him, just about general things like cooking, movies, nothing important. I also learn from him when he talks about investigation's and how he fools people into revealing things. You might not think it, but you've learned from him. If you had given him more of a chance, I'm sure there would be so much more you could learn. It's a shame you thought you were too good for that."

"Tony turned you against me." He muttered it had to be true.

"He didn't, but your arrogance isn't going to let you believe anything else. I think it's time you left." He also had better warn Tony, he tried to help, but it was a complete failure.


"You wanted to see me DiNozzo?"

"Yes, Gibbs, I did. I've been offered a job, something outside of NCIS."

"I thought you'd want to get your own team."

"I'm not sure that's a good idea. I know Vance sees me differently, but..." He sighed. "The crap McGee and Ziva have been spreading. Agents have seen how you've treated me. Abby acts like I can't do anything if I'm not pretending to be you. Don't get me wrong, there is a whole list of mistakes I've made as well."

Gibbs just stared at him it never occurred to him how others might look at it. "Maybe it's best you go."

"You what?"

"I think its best you go."

"Is it really hard for you to make more than one apology to me? Is it you don't want to change?"

"You know what kind of man I am everyone does." He'd failed Tony too many times there was nothing he could say that would make up for it. He was still the best young agent he'd ever worked with, but all he saw was his own failure, and Gibbs was scared he'd take it out more on his SFA. It was seeing Tony interact with Dr stark that really made things hit home. He'd thought he'd understood all this before Tony left. Gibbs had still been lying to himself, but no more.

"That's a bullshit excuse for just getting out of talking." With that Tony left Gibbs place. A new job sounded absolutely perfect right about now.


Tony stared at Nathan in amazement. Eureka sounded a crazy place to live. To him, it was like the scientific version of Willy Wonka's chocolate factory and he'd just been given a golden ticket. It was the fresh start he needed and could also find out where this thing between him and Nathan could go. There were no doubts he could do the job.

"Just think about it, don't make any decisions yet."

"I promise, it does sound amazing though."

Nathan could see that Tony was tired and stressed out. He knew the perfect thing to help him. He patted the place next to him. "Let's watch a movie and order room service."

Tony smiled as he sat down and snuggled into Nathan's side as they decided what to watch. A brief interview with Tony Stark flashed up before the channel was changed

"Are you related to Tony Stark?" There was a similarity in looks, and both were extremely intelligent.

"Yes, he's my half-brother."

Tony could hear it wasn't a conversation that Nathan wanted to carry on. "Have you seen 'All About Eve?"

"No, I haven't."

"Bette Davis, Anne Baxter, George Sanders, Marilyn Monroe. It's a classic."

"Well, I'll have to watch it then."

The two settled in together as the film started.


Tony walked to his desk and ignored the glares that were being sent his way by Ziva and McGee. Abby had already seen him and pouted as she complained he was changing things and they didn't mean to disobey. He just misunderstood. He turned to look at Gibbs who just stared at his monitor. This was never going to change, was it?


Tony stood in Vance's office as he held out his hand, which had his resignation.

"I know that you believed I could be more at NCIS, but too much has happened. I know part of the problems I caused myself. How some people see me because of how I acted, I need to move on, be someplace where people can see the real me. I've been offered a job it's an amazing opportunity."

"I am sorry to lose you. If we had stopped things earlier maybe you would've stayed." Vance took the letter and then shook his hand. "Where are you going to be working?"

"I can't tell you if you don't have the correct security clearance or have signed a lot of paperwork."

"I'll know you'll do great DiNozzo," Gibbs whispered he stood silently the whole time, until now.

"Thank you and remember no matter what has happened recently I did learn a lot from you."

"I learnt a lot from you as well." Gibbs wanted to say so much more, but the words wouldn't come.

"Is McGee going to be your Senior Field Agent?"

"No, he's lucky he still has a job." Gibbs sighed: "I have a woman coming; I hope that you'll be able to give her some idea of how to deal with me."

"I'll do everything I can to make sure she has all the tools at her disposal. How does McGee feel about this?"

"He seems to think that she's temporary and that he will eventually be my SFA."

"Agent McGee currently will never be a Senior Field Agent unless he makes some drastic changes," Vance added.

Gibbs looked at Tony and smiled. "I'll miss you, Tony."

"I'll miss you too Gibbs."

"Jethro, call me Jethro."

Tony smiled brightly. "Very well Jethro it is. We'll keep in touch if I can help with any team problems let me know. I'm hoping to have most things sorted out by the time I leave."

"I know you'll do your best you always do." Gibbs may have lost a brilliant agent, but maybe he gained a friend, only time would tell.


McGee pouted as Rebecca Lourdes laughed with Gibbs, Ellie and Ned. Ziva had been fired and arrested. She'd been sending information to Mossad. Why didn't he know that? He still wasn't SFA, Rebecca was. This was all wrong. He knew that she and Gibbs were still in touch with DiNozzo. He would listen as they talked about him. It seemed he was doing well, but Tim couldn't find out where he worked. It wasn't fair. Tony should have been demoted, and he should be SFA.

"McGee, have you got those records yet?" Rebecca called out.

"No, not yet." He muttered.

"Get on with i.t"

"Yes, Ma'am." He turned to his monitor and keyboard and started to type. McGee hated feeling like he was on a very short leash.


"Why couldn't you have played baseball?" Carter moaned as he collapsed on the grass, a large orange ball next to him.

"You're getting better at basketball, and I promised after this we're playing baseball."

"You're going to be good at it I can tell." He muttered.

"You're glad I'm here because I like sports."

"I suppose so." The two men looked at each other and started to laugh.

"Nathan it looks like we're missing all the fun." Allison bent down and kissed Jack.

Nathan kissed Tony before he replied. "It looks like it. I definitely made an error in judgement when I introduced these two."

''You lie," Tony whispered as he brought the man he loved for another kiss. He'd always thought that NCIS was where he was meant to be. He was wrong. Eureka was home, and Nathan was his future. Tony was glad that he and Jethro had become friends and Rebecca was an excellent agent. Who knew what else life would throw at him, no matter what he was ready.

The End