Reviews for One Soldier, Two
mattdombast chapter 21 . 6/6
Love to see them help raise tony stark as well as save logan , vik adopted apeter parker save loki
mattdombast chapter 17 . 6/6
mattdombast chapter 16 . 6/6
Yeah but so still wish she feed they rest of the troops that came
mattdombast chapter 11 . 6/6
Yeah wolverine huge hope she save the brother i hated victor fighting with logan
mattdombast chapter 8 . 6/6
Love that eve shut Philip shit down
gingin1975 chapter 21 . 5/3
I do not know how many times I have read this story, but I fell in love with it the first time I read it and keep coming back to it when I think about it again or am just in the mood to read a completely sweet story(especially with Bucky and a female Harry, they are so rare)! Are you still thinking of doing a sequel? I truly hope in time you will write a sequel because I could use another sweet story with these two. I’m not sure why I never left a comment before even though I’ve read this so many times. Even if you don’t write a sequel I wanted to let you you know this was such a wonderful story and I loved the whole journey. Thank you so much for sharing and I know I probably will read this again in a month or two so thanks again! And if you ever write the sequel I will be waiting!
victoriaperman chapter 21 . 4/30
I think a collection of one shots would be brilliant! Her meeting tony, and the X men (scenes in first class), and other marvel highlights
Oricke chapter 20 . 4/27
Love this story and have read it several times. woukd like to see a sequel that goes over their lives together and the world tour. what steve and Peggy do. what bucky decides to do with his life, does evil age and bucky doesn't or do they realize at some point that neither of them are aging? do theyou ever go help out with shield? etc?
Slippin Dang Son of a Mother chapter 21 . 4/26
I dont remember if Ive reviewed in this story before, its probably the fourth time Ive read this and it still has that magic. Well done. Btw Im eagerly waiting for the sequel. I have this scenario in my head where someway or another they end up temporarily in Evangeline’s timeline and Bucky gets to see the Wizarding World. If nothing else, Id like to see the reactions of the folks when they find she married a muggle. Imagine how they’d react the first time someone calls Bucky a mudblood. Goodluck and stay safe out there!
xXMoonlitSorrowsXx chapter 21 . 4/10
WONDERFUL STORY! I LOVE IT! I hope you still find the opportunity to write a sequel, pretty please! Maybe having Bucky see a glimpse of her dimension?
Romantific chapter 21 . 3/1
Please continue with the sequel for this story. I would love to see it continued.
crimson hearts chapter 21 . 2/25
cant wait for the sequel. loved it.
sami1010220 chapter 20 . 2/18
Great ob! I thought it kind of dragged a bit, but I loved that you explored magical theory.
Spidey-phd chapter 7 . 2/12
Provide Bucky with full super-soldier treatment? Interesting idea but would make Potter an even bigger target...
Loveless Demon chapter 21 . 1/21
This is by far one of the greatest stories I've read on here. It made me laugh, it made me cry and it just made me flipping happy. Sweet baby lilith! Amazing. Well done!
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