Author has written 5 stories for Artemis Fowl, Naruto, Hetalia - Axis Powers, and Bleach. I write very slowly unless inspiration strikes, and nitpick a lot, so updates will most likely be slow. Hoping to really work on some fanfics I left on the backburner a looonng time ago. I have an embarrassingly huge Favorites list... feel free to sift through it. The primary fandoms in my list include Naruto (LeeGaa, NaruHina), Bleach (HitsuHina, IchiRuki), Hetalia (GerIta), Shingeki no Kyoujin (AruAni), Adventure Time (FioLee), Harry Potter (Snily) and Yu Yu Hakusho, though occasionally other pairings/fandoms pop up too. Currently sucked into the Yuri!!! On Ice fandom on AO3; alas, The Cad and the Kaiser and my HitsuHina plot bunnies are on hiatus. If I ever write another PWP, I'll probably put it on my livejournal. Icon from here. Tumblr here. AO3 account here. Comments are always appreciated! It's great to hear from and talk to other fans, and it's always encouraging to know that I'm not writing into a void. |
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